Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1333 Mission Completed

There are less than five days left before the Wulong City underground volcano erupts.

The prodigy who was persuaded by Zhuo Bufan traveled around and began to spread the word about natural disasters in the streets.

Many people who believed in the prodigy fled Wulong City.

It can be seen that the status of prodigies in people's hearts is still quite high.

However, after all, there are only a few people who believe in supernatural powers, and it is impossible for the vast majority of people to believe this absurd statement.

"What now? Most people don't believe me."

In the room, the prodigy looked at the little bird in his palm and said.

Xiaoniao was possessed by Zhuo Bufan, so when faced with Zhou You's inquiry, Xiaoniao immediately dipped his beak into ink, and then wrote on the white paper in front of Zhou You.

"Ask the city lord for help! Time is short. Whether you can save the people of Wulong City depends on your own luck."

The child prodigy Zhou You saw this and said quickly.

"I want to save everyone, just everyone."

"I want, too!"

Zhou You is now an important bridge between Zhuo Bufan and the human world, so whether he can save the world now depends on Zhou You.

After hearing this, Zhou You said with confusion, "Then I'll go find the city lord now!"

After Zhou Yu finished speaking, he immediately went to the city lord's mansion.

After arriving at the city lord's mansion, as soon as the city lord saw Zhou You, he asked his servants to tie up Zhou You.

"Boy, I respect you as a child prodigy, and the people trust you. I didn't expect you to spread rumors and confuse the public with your evil words, which has made people panic and make their lives miserable."

"Do you know your guilt?"

The city lord questioned Zhou You.

After hearing this, Zhou You shook his head.

"I don't know what crime you are guilty of?"

"I have measured that the fire dragon will emerge from under Wulong City. Haven't you noticed recently that the drinking water in Wulong City has become hotter, the well water has begun to boil, and even all the fish in the lake in the city have begun to die. "

"There are various signs that our Five-Dragon City is on the verge of destruction. If nothing is done, the only outcome for Five-Dragon City will be destruction."

"Great city lord, do you want to see all your people die?"

Zhou You was an eloquent speaker, and one of his words left the city lord speechless.

"Apocalypse has come, but the city lord remains unmoved. Unfortunately, Apocalypse found me, so I can't just watch all my people die tragically for no apparent reason."

"I want to save everyone, I want to save everyone in Wulong City."

Zhou You's firm attitude made the city lord hate him. .

"Boy, do you want to be the savior?"

"Do you think I'm not worthy of being the Lord of Five Dragons City?"

"Don't think that just because you have obtained some bullshit apocalypse, you can show off your power before the city lord buys it. It's not your turn to be the savior of Five Dragons City yet!"

The city lord was obviously unhappy seeing the child prodigy traveling around.

Of course, when Zhou You looked at him, he also had a displeased look on his face.

"You are so stupid, you will only lead Wulong City to destruction!"

Zhou You didn't have anything good to say to the city lord.

The other party relied on his old age and couldn't listen to Zhou You's words at all.

No matter how Zhou You explains it, he will only think that it is Zhou You who is trying to confuse people with his lies.

Therefore, the only ones who can save the people in the city are themselves.

At the end of the tour, he was kicked out of the city lord's mansion.

Zhou You, who was kicked out of the City Lord's Mansion, looked at the bird on his shoulder and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Lord Apocalypse, what should we do now?"

Zhou You calls Zhuo Bufan Master Tianqi, because in his opinion, Zhuo Bufan is the one who brought down Tianqi.

Because of the apocalypse sent by Zhuo Bufan, Zhou You only knew about the coming catastrophe.

Zhou You obviously believed in Zhuo Bufan, which was why Zhuo Bufan chose him.

Zhuo Bufan also didn't expect that this city lord would be so stubborn.

It seems that it is basically impossible to ask this city lord for help.

"It seems that we can only use some tough measures."

"Strong tactics?"

Zhou You frowned.

"That's right! Use some tough measures, such as creating a beast wave or turmoil to let people escape from the city on their own."

Zhuo Bufan had several plans, one of which was to use this tough method to let the people of Wulong City escape from the city.

"Lord Apocalypse, there won't be any problem!"

Zhou You was worried about causing unrest, so he couldn't help but ask.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"It won't be a big problem! Let's do this. I'll ignite the beast tide first, and you can tell the people that this is a precursor to a volcanic eruption."

"The people should respond."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he possessed the bird and flew into the jungle.

When Zhou You saw Zhuo Bufan leaving, he knew that things needed to be done urgently.

So he hurried to the center of Wulong City, and then began to gather the people to prepare to escape.

After arriving at the square, a large group of people gathered around playing gongs and drums.

People came to the center of the square to watch the child prodigy's actions.

"Everyone, it's too late to explain! Please believe me, the catastrophe is coming, and the fire dragon will wake up!"

"Soon the surrounding beasts will become restless, for this is a sign of impending disaster."

"If you believe me, please leave Wulong City as soon as possible."

"This is not alarmist, please believe me."

Zhou You looked at the group of people in front of him and spoke with difficulty.

At this time, suddenly the guards of the City Lord's Mansion came to the square.

When the city lord saw Zhou You, he immediately asked the guards to arrest him.

"Hmph, you kid, you still dare to confuse people's hearts, and now the whole city is in panic!"

"The city lord is now sending you to prison for disturbing public order. Do you know your crime?"

The city lord received the report and came to arrest Zhou You.

Zhou You was once again captured by this dim-sighted city lord.

"You dim-sighted old thing, you're going to hurt everyone, you're going to hurt all of us."

Zhou You shouted towards the city lord.

After hearing this, the city lord became furious.

"You damn brat, you still dare to say such arrogant words. Give me a slap."

After hearing the city lord's order, the guards on the side were about to slap him.

But at this moment, suddenly a flock of birds flew in the sky, and the trees in the jungle swayed.

The entire sky showed a strange blue-purple color.

There are various signs that a catastrophe is really coming.

"Did you see it? I'm right! The animals were already alarmed. They sensed the disaster was coming, so they started to run away."

"What are you waiting for? If you don't want to die, just run away!"

After listening to Zhou You's words, the crowd of people watching did start to get excited.

"There seems to be something wrong!"

"Looking at it like this, it really seems like something big is about to happen."

"Do you think what this child prodigy said is true? Is there really a fire dragon below our Five Dragons City?"

"He is a child prodigy! He can see things that we ordinary people cannot. I think we should believe in him."

"Yeah, it's just a few days anyway. If nothing happens, I'll just come back."

"Just in time, I'll take this opportunity to go to my sister's house for a few days."

"I'm also going to stay at my parents' house for a few days."

"In that case, I will go out for a tour and come back after a while."

The common people spoke to each other and began to make arrangements to leave.

Zhou You laughed when he saw this scene.

"It worked, that's it!"

"Everyone, just think of it as a trip. After five days, you will naturally know whether a fire dragon is really born."

"So everyone, pack your bags and leave as soon as possible!"

"Everyone in the house, old or young, as well as domestic animals, must be taken away!"

"Believe me, I won't harm anyone."

Even though Zhou You was driven away by the city lord's guards, he still didn't forget to warn everyone.

At this time, Zhou You looked at the guards of the City Lord's Mansion and said.

"Aren't you going to run away?"

"Is it possible that you also want to die here with this stupid city lord?"

If you travel around, you will hit the souls of these guards.

These guards were not fools. After listening to Zhou You's words, they began to put down their weapons.

Some people even ran away on the spot.

"Hey, who told you to run away? Come back to me."

"Damn it, come back here."

The city lord, who had been showing off his power just now, suddenly found that his guards began to run away, and he became anxious.

"Why, aren't you running away yet?"

Zhou You looked at the city lord.

The current city lord has completely lost his power.

"Just take care of yourself, I'm leaving."

After Zhou You finished speaking, he left the square swaggeringly.

Soon, the wild beasts outside the city rushed into the city. The livestock in the city began to riot.

The people were obviously frightened by the turmoil and began to flee Wulong City one after another.

Facts have proved that Zhuo Bufan's idea is still very effective.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan met Zhou You again.

Zhou You said excitedly after seeing the bird possessed by Zhuo Bufan.

"Lord Apocalypse, we succeeded."

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he began to write on the paper.

"We haven't succeeded yet. We must let everyone in the city leave."

Zhuo Bufan's mission is to allow all the people in the city to escape without any accident.

Therefore, for Zhuo Bufan, this task has not yet been completed.

But now, most of the task has been completed.

Now all the people in the city are leaving the city one after another.

Even the city lord's palace began to move out car by car.

He said no, but he was still very afraid of death.

However, there are still some people in the city who are holding on and have no plans to leave.

Some of these people are lonely elderly people, some are street beggars, and some are physically disabled or bedridden.

They couldn't leave, so they had to stay in the city.

These people were actually easy to deal with. Zhuo Bufan asked Zhou You to help and take them out of the city one by one.

In addition to these people, the most difficult people to deal with are the elderly who are unwilling to leave their hometowns.

There was an old man who had already foreseen the disaster, but he had no intention of leaving.

Zhou You found the old man and asked him to leave, but the old man refused Zhou You's request.

"I won't leave!"

"This is our hometown, this land has raised us, how can we abandon it and leave?"

"You go, you have to leave one person behind to accompany this land until the end."

The old man is a lonely old man with no one to rely on.

His idea was very simple. He knew that he would not live long, so he planned to die with the land that nurtured them.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan admired the old man very much.

If it were not for his mission, he might really help him.

However, Zhuo Bufan had a mission.

He could not turn a blind eye and watch the old man die.

"Now the people in the city have basically left, and only this old man is left! Even if we have to tie him up, we have to tie him up."

Zhuo Bufan did not want the old man to delay him and make his mission go to waste.

So in the end, Zhuo Bufan asked Zhou You to kidnap the old man.

At this point, all the people in Wulong City were moved out of the city.

On the second day after the move out of the city, the earth suddenly began to tremble, and then a flame burst out from Wulong Mountain, as if a fire dragon had drilled out from under the ground.

For a time, it shook the earth and shocked the world.

The people of Wulong City who were fleeing looked back at the soaring fire dragon, and they were extremely scared.

"It's true! The catastrophe has really come!"

"It was Zhou You who saved us all! If it weren't for him, we would be dead."

"It seems that Zhou You really didn't lie to us, and there really was a catastrophe."

"What a pity for our homeland, ah!"

The people were happy that their deadly enemy had escaped, and they were sad about the destruction of their hometown.

But in the end, they still survived, this is fate.

These survivors will go further in the future under the leadership of their little hero Zhou You.

Hero Zhou You looked back at the volcanic eruption behind him, and then saw the flying bird in the sky.

He raised his hand and waved to the flying bird.

He thought that the flying bird was still Zhuo Bufan, but in fact, Zhuo Bufan had already left.

As for Zhuo Bufan, he finally completed his last mission.

A golden light fell from the sky and landed on his soul, opening all his memories in the ghost world.

Zhuo Bufan looked at himself as a little ghost, trying to complete tasks for reincarnation.

He had endless emotions in his heart. Every task touched him deeply.

Loyalty, love, fidelity, righteousness, justice, etc.!

Recalling the insights brought by each task, Zhuo Bufan's soul began to sublimate.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan's original soul began to be pulled out of the little ghost soul, and then slowly left this world.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan completed the reincarnation of the ghost world.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to the reincarnation tower.

"Did it succeed?"

Zhuo Bufan's mouth corners slightly raised.

He can appear here, which means that he has completed the trial of the third world.

Next, it is the fourth world.

Before Zhuo Bufan could react, the door to the fourth world had opened to him.

A beam of light was projected on Zhuo Bufan, and the next second, he was directly pulled into the fourth world.

A brand new reincarnation is also opened again.


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