Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1335: Searching for Tyranny

The vast and traceless chaotic void, the most dazzling stars.

Three boundless golden light pillars are the most dazzling lights in the chaos.

People outside call it the Three Emperors Star Territory, and people inside call it the Daluo Heavens.

In this chaotic void, the only complete will of heaven, with the ability to change all rules and orders, is controlled by three emperors.

Daluo Tiandao is the master of consciousness in the world.

As long as he wants, he can destroy all life in his world.

He should be the supreme controller and master.

However, he was imprisoned by the three emperors. The existence of the Three Emperors made the most powerful being in the void dare not do anything untoward.

This was a great shame and humiliation for Da Luotian.

Therefore, although Da Luotian's will has always been superficially obeying the agreement of the three emperors.

But it is secretly accumulating strength, waiting for the day when it can turn over.

Nowadays, the Three Emperors are no longer as good as they were back then, and their sealing power is getting weaker and weaker.

But Da Luotian's power will only continue to grow stronger with time.

Therefore, for Da Luotian, the time for him to escape from the control of the Three Emperors is getting closer and closer.

Now, Da Luotian only needs to wait, waiting for the time to come, and he will completely break up with the Three Emperors.

He wanted to regain his initiative, and he wanted to completely block the Three Emperors.

Daluotian was dormant and waiting for the day when he would come forward, and the Three Emperors naturally knew this.

That's why the three emperors found Zhuo Bufan and launched the plan they thought could save all sentient beings.

Nowadays, the Three Emperors are still able to control Da Luotian, but they also know very well that this kind of control will not last long.

In the chaotic void, within the three soaring rays of light, the three emperors looked at each other, their anxiety visible to the naked eye.

Their souls were talking secretly, and Da Luotian didn't know what they were talking about.

The leader of the Three Emperors, Panhuang, said: "I have been active more and more frequently these days."

"The clone that was separated not long ago is more powerful than the previous clones. Obviously, this guy's current strength may have exceeded the imagination of the three of us."

Panhuang still remembered that when the three emperors planned to stop Jealousy Zhitian, Tiandao interfered and helped Jealousy Zhitian escape.

But even so, Pan Huang also felt the power of Jealousy Heaven, which was no less powerful than any incarnation of heaven.

Fuhuang said from the side.

"Yes, he is the one possessed by Jealousy Zhitian! I really don't know if that kid Zhuo Bufan can survive this test."

"I don't know if he has found the Lord of Time yet."

Fuhuang was worried about Zhuo Bufan's safety. After all, Zhuo Bufan was the most important and core being in their plan.

Zhuo Bufan naturally must not die.

At this time, Emperor Wa said from the side.

"I taught him the Heaven-Mending Technique just to give him a way to save his life."

"Although Jealousy is tyrannical, I believe he will be able to survive."

"As for the Lord of Time, whether he can be found or not really depends on fate."

"If the Lord of Time doesn't want him to find it, then he will never find it. But if the Lord of Time wants him to find it, then he can find it at any time."

"So, what we have to see now is not whether he can find the Lord of Time, but whether the Lord of Time recognizes him."

Emperor Wa's words are thought-provoking.

Although they asked Zhuo Bufan to find the Lord of Time in the chaotic void, they knew better that whether Zhuo Bufan could find the Lord of Time actually didn't depend on him, but on the Lord of Time.

The reason why Zhuo Bufan was allowed to go to the Chaos Void was so that the Lord of Time could recognize him as soon as possible.

At this time, Panhuang also said.

"Back then, his first life, Luo Tian, ​​was recognized by the Lord of Time, so he was taken away by the Lord of Time."

"Later, the Lord of Time even gave him the Heart of Time."

"Since he was recognized by the Lord of Time in his first life, I naturally believe that he can also be recognized by the Lord of Time now."

For the Three Emperors, the Lord of Time is still the supreme being.

Although the Three Emperors are the three most powerful human beings, they are not the strongest in this void after all.

The Lord of this void is still the Lord of Time after all.

The Lord of Time was born before the birth of the void. He is the oldest god in the world. It can even be said that he is the ancestor of gods.

Even the Heavenly Dao Daluotian was created by the Lord of Time.

Therefore, there can only be one person who can solve the crisis in Daluotian, and that is the Lord of Time.

Zhuo Bufan is just a messenger sent by the Three Emperors to communicate with the Lord of Time.

After all, only Luo Tian, ​​the first generation of Zhuo Bufan, had ever seen the Lord of Time.

Even the Three Emperors have never seen the Lord of Time.

The Three Emperors want to use Zhuo Bufan to find the Lord of Time and let the Lord of Time solve this crisis.

Of course, whether all of this can be successful or not depends entirely on Zhuo Bufan's fortune.

"Now we can only endure for a while longer. I hope we can suppress Daluo Tiandao before the Lord of Time arrives!"

Fuhuang said helplessly.

Among the three emperors, perhaps only Emperor Fu is the most powerless now. Because when the Three Emperors fought against Da Luotian, Emperor Fu was severely injured.

This trauma has not recovered yet, so now as Daluo Tiandao becomes stronger, Fuhuang appears to be the most powerless.

Of course, no matter how powerless he is, Fu Huang must persist. Once he relaxes, it will bring disaster to the entire chaotic void.

"Then let's give the last hope of mankind to Zhuo Bufan!"

Wu Huang may be the one who believes in Zhuo Bufan the most.

Zhuo Bufan can get to where he is now, and Nuwa Huang has made a lot of efforts.

It can be said that without Nuwa Huang, there would be no Zhuo Bufan now.

At this time, Pan Huang looked into the distance of the void and said quietly.

"I hope that my evil disciple can let go of his obsession! His fate can only be rewritten by the way of heaven in the end."


At this time, outside the distant Eternal Star Domain, Jealous Heaven, who had been in seclusion for a long time, finally appeared again.

Jealous Heaven absorbed the power of the three incarnations of the Heaven of Doubt, the Heaven of Anger and the Heaven of Hate, which made him unable to bear it, and he had to practice in seclusion.

Now that he has come out of seclusion, it is obvious that he has completely integrated the power of the three incarnations of the Heaven of Doubt.

Jealousy is now more powerful than ever. Even if Mo Chichi, Li Mei and Hun Dun are together, they will not be his opponents.

Jealousy looked up at the distant Eternal Star Domain, and then curled his lips.

Under the mask, a sneer appeared.

"Now, it's time to hunt."

Jealousy said, and suddenly flew towards the Eternal Star Domain.

For Jealousy, the next step is hunting time. He wants all of Xiaomei's Heavenly Dao incarnations. He wants to become the most powerful existence besides Daluo Heavenly Dao, and become the only incarnation of Daluo Heavenly Dao.

Jealousy's coming out of retreat is a disaster for other Heavenly Dao incarnations.

Mo Chichi has found Li Mei and Hun Dun again.

At this time, Li Mei and Hun Dun are on the Blue Water Star where the Ronin Clan is.

The Ronin Clan formally formed an alliance with the Mermaid Clan and the Dragon Clan. In the future, they will live together on this wandering star.

In recent times, they have also accepted the two great gods Li Mei and Hun Dun.

Now that Mo Chichi has come again, I am afraid that it will break the tranquility on this small star.

The purpose of Mo Chichi's coming is very simple, that is, to discuss with Li Mei and Hun Dun the plan to deal with Jealous Heaven.

"Now Jealous Heaven has merged the power of Wang Ce, Xu Kuang and Ao Lai, I am afraid that the three of us are no longer his opponents."

"So I suggest that we go find Ao Zhitian Ba ​​Tu, we need Ba Tu's power."

Mo Chichi actually took the initiative to propose to find Ba Tu.

Because now for them, I am afraid that only with Ba Tu can they defeat Jealous Heaven.

If Jealous Heaven finds Ba Tu first, then once he kills Ba Tu, the incarnation of Heaven will really be finished.

At that time, Mo Chichi and his team will be even more unable to stop Jealous Heaven.

So Li Mei and Hun Dun did not have much opinion on Mo Chichi's proposal.

"Chichi, actually I think we can ask that man for help!"

Li Mei suddenly suggested.

The man she was talking about was none other than Zhuo Bufan.

Li Mei had seen Zhuo Bufan's power.

Zhuo Bufan, who possessed the Heart of Gray Lotus, had reached the same level as their Heavenly Dao Incarnation, or even higher.

In addition, there was an ambiguous relationship between Mo Chichi and Zhuo Bufan, so Li Mei suggested that Mo Chichi seek Zhuo Bufan for help.

However, after hearing Li Mei's proposal, Mo Chichi directly refused.

"No, I can't bother him again."

"And he is a natural enemy, the enemy of our Heavenly Dao Incarnation, how can we seek help from the enemy."

Mo Chichi said that Zhuo Bufan was a natural enemy, but she didn't want Zhuo Bufan to be involved in their battle.

For Mo Chichi, she couldn't easily forget Zhuo Bufan.

After all, Zhuo Bufan was still her love infatuation, and this kind of obsession could not be easily forgotten just by Mo Chichi's words.

Therefore, for Mo Chichi, he would never let Zhuo Bufan take risks.

In her heart, Zhuo Bufan's safety was higher than herself and higher than everything else.

But Li Mei said, "What if we can't find Ba Tu?"

"Can we only wait for Jealous Heaven to destroy us one by one?"

Mo Chi Chi answered after hearing this.

"Then we must find Ba Tu and convince him!"

"Let's go now and find Ba Tu before Jealous Heaven."

After hearing what Mo Chi Chi said, Li Mei didn't say anything more.

"Well, wait for me to say goodbye to him and then go with you."

After Li Mei finished speaking, she turned back to Blue Water Star and found Qian Kun, the chief of the Ronin tribe.

Qian Kun saw Li Mei coming back and couldn't help asking.

"Are you leaving?"

Qian Kun never thought that one day he would have such an inseparable feeling for Li Mei.

You know, Li Mei is the incarnation of Heaven, and the incarnation of Heaven is the enemy of the Ronin tribe.

But now, Qian Kun has become attached to Li Mei.

It has been decades since he met Li Mei.

Especially during the time when Qian Kun was most frustrated, Li Mei had always been by his side.

Now that Li Mei is leaving, Qian Kun is naturally very reluctant to let her go.

But Qian Kun knows that Li Mei must go because she has her own things to do.

And Li Mei has also developed feelings for Qian Kun. Otherwise, she would not have been able to stay by Qian Kun's side forever.

After listening to Qiankun's words, Li Mei couldn't help but say.

"Didn't you always want me to leave?"

"I'm really leaving this time."

"Thank you for taking care of me during this time."

Li Mei's words made Qiankun feel sad. In fact, he is the one who should most say "Thank you for taking care of me".

After all, Li Mei has been taking care of herself all these years.

So for Qiankun, Li Mei was naturally very reluctant to leave him.

"Let me help you!"

Qiankun said suddenly.

Li Mei was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"You help me? Help me with what?"

"I'll help you deal with Jealousy and the Tiandao killer."

Qiankun knew the trouble Li Mei and the others were encountering now. The Tiandao killer, Jealousy Zhitian, has killed three of their Tiandao incarnations in a row.

An invisible aura of terror covered the heads of Li Mei and the others.

Therefore, Qiankun wants to help Li Mei, at least with his current strength, he will not be a fool.

But after Li Mei heard this, she decisively refused.

"No, I don't need it either."

"This matter has nothing to do with you. And don't you still have to take care of your tribe now?"

"You have just met your tribe. Please spend time with your tribe! Let us resolve our matters yourself."

Li Mei rejected Qiankun's kindness.

Her reasons were the same as Mo Chichi's.

Mo Chichi didn't want Zhuo Bufan to come to help because he wanted to protect Zhuo Bufan, and didn't want Zhuo Bufan to wade into troubled waters.

But Li Mei didn't want Qiankun to come for the same purpose, she didn't want anything to happen to Qiankun.

She has already seen how powerful Jealousy is, so it is even more impossible for Qiankun to help.


Qiankun was about to say something, but Li Mei interrupted directly.

"No but! I appreciate your kindness."

"This is a matter of our Heavenly Dao incarnation. And the person we are looking for this time is Aozhi Tianbatu, your biggest mortal enemy. Are you going to help him?"

Li Mei's words made Qiankun frown deeply.

In fact, Qiankun and Tyranny have an sworn hatred.

Therefore, it is impossible for Qiankun to help Tyranny deal with Jealousy.

In this way, Qiankun will obviously not leave with Limei and the others.

Moreover, one of the reasons why Li Mei agreed to Mo Chi Chi's search for Tyranny was because he wanted to leave Blue Mercury and did not want to bring unnecessary catastrophe to Qian Kun and the others.

"That's it! I'm leaving!"

Li Mei finally turned around decisively, and then left Qiankun with tears in her eyes.

She originally wanted to say, see you later. But then I thought about it, maybe if I leave this time, I may never see each other again.

Therefore, this talk of a future meeting was not announced after all.

In the end, Li Mei followed Mo ChiChi and the others, left Blue Mercury, and embarked on the road to find Tyranny.

Qiankun watched Li Mei and the others leave, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

When he thought that he might never see Li Mei again, Qiankun felt an inexplicable feeling of loneliness in his heart.

Sure enough, dependence is the most difficult feeling to let go of!

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