Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1336 Jealousy Heaven is coming

Qiankun watched Li Mei leave. Although they were very reluctant to leave, they had no choice.

In this life of Qiankun, he thinks he is doing well and sitting upright.

But he had to admit that he had let down Li Mei.

Li Mei is a good woman, at least she is sincere towards Qiankun.

The universe is not a stone. He had previously dreamed of being with Meng Chanyi.

At that time, it was not so much a delusion as a lack of understanding of emotions.

But things are different now. Qiankun now understands feelings and dependence.

Seeing Li Mei leave, he felt extremely disappointed after all.

It wasn't until Li Mei and the others left that a familiar voice suddenly came from beside them.

"Actually, you have already fallen in love with her!"

A sudden word made Qiankun turn around. Then he looked at the person coming.

When Qiankun looked at the person coming, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Keira, why are you here!"

Qiankun didn't expect that it was Keira who spoke. If it had been before, Keira would have been sarcastic.

But now Keira has matured, and she can see that Qiankun really treats him as his sister.

So Keira also looked away, and she no longer expected that she could be with Qiankun.

And recently, Keira also discovered that in fact, she may not really love Qiankun in her heart.

Maybe it's just a form of worship.

In fact, when Keira met the Dragon King of the Dragon Tribe, she found that the Dragon King was quite interesting.

Being with Dragon King is much happier than being with Qiankun.

After hearing this, Qiankun shook his head and said.


"You don't have to deny it. The way you look at her has completely explained your feelings."

"Actually, if you want, you can follow her. Now that the tribe has settled down, and there is Shun protecting the star, you can go."

Keira believes that Qiankun should pursue Limei. If Qiankun doesn't go away, I'm afraid I will regret it in the future.

However, Qiankun shook his head after hearing this.

"No, I said I will never leave you again. The Ronin clan needs my protection."

Qiankun has already sworn that for the rest of his life, he will never leave and protect the Ronin clan.

At this time, as the patriarch, he must fulfill the promise.

So no matter how reluctant he was to let go, he couldn't just let go.

Seeing this, Li Mei shook her head helplessly and said.

"But even if you are here, there is no point. Your heart will only continue to be tortured."

"Then let him suffer. Maybe this is my life."

After Qiankun finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Looking at Qiankun's leaving figure, Keira sighed helplessly.

She understands Qiankun, she also knows how stubborn he is, and she also knows that Qiankun is someone who will not break his promise easily.

Therefore, Qiankun will not leave, and Limei can only rely on themselves.

At this moment, Li Meizai left Qiankunzhi, followed Mo Chichi and Hun Chaos, and embarked on the journey to find the Ao Zhitian Tyrant Map.

Along the way, Mo Chichi saw Li Mei's absent-mindedness.

"Li Mei, you must have fallen in love with that man! If you are really reluctant to let go, you can stay and leave the task of finding Tyranny to us."

Mo Chichi understands the pain of infatuation. After all, she was once trapped by love, which almost made her unable to extricate herself. If Zhuo Bufan hadn't woken her up at the end, I'm afraid Mo Chichi would still be uneasy now.

After hearing this, Li Mei shook her head decisively.

"No need. If the jealousy is not resolved, I will not be able to rest in peace. Besides, I don't want to bring him any more danger."

In her heart, Li Mei owed something to Qiankun and even the entire Ronin clan.

If Li Mei hadn't secretly tipped off Tyranny and the others, the Ronin planet wouldn't have perished.

Therefore, it was impossible for Li Mei to let the same thing happen to him a second time.

It is impossible for her to continue to stay in the Ronin clan, otherwise once the jealous sky is summoned, it will definitely bring a doomsday catastrophe to the Ronin clan and the universe.

After listening to Li Mei's words, Mo Chichi thought of herself.

Then she said nothing more and just smiled.

"I understand. Well, then let us, the incarnation of Heaven, solve our own problems in our own way!"

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, he took Li Mei and Huan Chaos with him and started heading towards Tyranny.

At this moment, in the dark chaos, there was a fiery red star that was trembling and cracking.

On the surface of the earth, terrifying ravines began to split.

It was obvious that the star was about to explode and be destroyed.

In the next second, the stars exploded, and the terrifying power instantly swept away all the darkness around them, even destroying the entire space.

The explosion of such a huge star is naturally earth-shattering.

However, at this time, the energy of the sudden explosion began to quickly recover and gather, as if time was going back.

Recover the gathered energy, and finally condense it all to one extreme.

Then, from the singularity, the forehead of a figure slowly emerged.

That singularity energy was finally imprinted on that forehead.

That figure is the official Mo Chichi and the Ao Zhi Tian Tyrant they are looking for.

That's right, Ao Zhi Tian Ba ​​Tu was hiding. He hid in this energy star and then absorbed its power.

Tyranny is now more powerful and crazier than before.

His long messy hair made him look like a mad demon.

Batu was Batu, an extremely arrogant person.

At the beginning, he was knocked away by Zhuo Bufan, which frustrated Batu's pride, so Batu began to practice in secret since he was defeated by Zhuo Bufan.

Batu is now more powerful than before. Of course, in his own opinion, it is far from enough.

Because Batu's goal is to defeat Zhuo Bufan, his natural enemy.

After absorbing the heart of the gray lotus, Zhuo Bufan became too strong and even surpassed the strongest incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

It can be said that Batu's self-esteem and pride have suffered a great blow.

Therefore, Batu wants to become stronger and become more powerful. He wants to kill Zhuo Bufan himself, which is what Batu is going to do now.

In fact, Batu did not take Jealous Heaven seriously at all. Of course, Batu is also the only incarnation of the Heavenly Dao who has not fought with Jealous Heaven so far.

So Batu himself does not know how powerful Jealous Heaven is.

For Tyranny, the most powerful person now should be Zhuo Bufan who can knock him away with one palm.

"Not enough, I need to absorb more star energy."

"How can I let a small natural enemy defeat me? I am Ao Zhitian, I am the pride of the Heavenly Dao, I can only win, not lose."

The strong desire to win and his own pride made Tyranny go further and further on the road of desire for power.

Next, Tyranny began to absorb the star power in the chaotic void unscrupulously.

He has absorbed a lot of star power in this way.

Just when Tyranny planned to keep practicing like this until one day he could defeat Zhuo Bufan.

As a result, Mo Chichi and Li Mei came.

The incarnations of the Heavenly Dao can sense each other's existence.

So Mo Chichi and others were able to find Tyranny in such a short time.

When Mo Chichi and others saw Tyranny, they saw that Tyranny was completely crazy for power.

"Batu, I think you should know our intention."

Mo Chichi represented Li Mei and Hun Dun to negotiate with Ao Zhi Tian Batu.

Batu glanced at Mo Chichi and the others, then sneered.

"Who was I at that time? It turned out to be you traitors!"

"Why do you plan to kill me after betraying the Heavenly Dao?"

"Come on, I'll kill you traitors first."

Batu didn't like Li Mei and Mo Chichi.

Mo Chichi also knew that this guy was an extremely conceited person, so Mo Chichi didn't beat around the bush with Batu and directly told him his intention.

"Batu, I think you should have noticed it."

"Now Doubt of Tian Wang Ce, Anger of Tian Xu Kuang, and Hate of Tian Ao Lai. The three of them are dead."

"So now there are only four of us left as the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao. Do you still want to kill each other?"

Mo Chichi questioned Batu, but Batu showed an expression of indifference.

"What if you traitors and trash die?"

"Father is really blind, so he created you trash clones."

"The existence of Jealous Heaven is not without reason, only one incarnation of Heaven is enough. That is me, I am Tyranny! I am the pride of Heaven, and Heaven cannot be without pride."

Batu is still arrogant, and he is still talking nonsense now.

He actually agreed with Heaven's approach and eliminated the useless incarnations of Heaven.

The reason why Daluo Heaven created Jealous Heaven is to integrate the current incarnations of Heaven.

For Daluo Heaven, only one incarnation of Heaven is enough.

Obviously, Tyranny guessed Daluo Heaven's idea, so he said such words.

In Tyranny's view, he is the last and only clone.

After listening to Tyranny's words, Li Mei shouted at the side.

"Ba Tu, you will never change your arrogance! Who do you think you are? Can you really defeat Jealous Heaven?"

"I'm not trying to hit you. You are definitely not Jealous Heaven's opponent now. It would be easy for him to kill you."

"Now he has the power of Doubt Heavenly King Ce, Anger Heavenly Xu Kuang and Hate Heavenly Aolai. Add its original body, that is equivalent to the power of the four incarnations of Heavenly Dao."

"You, Ba Tu, are so arrogant. Although you are very strong, can you compare with the four incarnations of Heavenly Dao?"

Li Mei poured cold water on Ba Tu without any hesitation. After hearing this, Ba Tu's eyes were slightly cold, and even murderous.

"Stinky woman, are you looking for death? Since you doubt my strength, I don't mind trying my skills on you now."

Ba Tu was so arrogant that it was impossible to communicate with him.

After hearing this, Li Mei looked at Mo Chi Chi on the side and said.

"Chi Chi, there is nothing to say to this guy. Let him die!"

Li Mei didn't want to continue communicating with Ba Tu. In her opinion, Tyranny's current state is tantamount to seeking death.

He thought he was invincible and could defeat Jealous Heaven.

Little did he know that he was no match for Jealous Heaven.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi suddenly shook her head.

"No, we need his power now. If we leave him alone, Jealous Heaven will merge his power once he defeats him."

"With Jealous Heaven merged with Tyranny's power, we will definitely not be able to win."

Mo Chichi obviously knew the priorities of the matter.

In Mo Chichi's opinion, although Tyranny is very rampant, his power is indispensable.

If Tyranny does not stand on their side now, he will probably be captured by Jealousy.

Once Jealousy kills Tyranny and merges his power, then only death awaits Mo Chichi and the others.

Mo Chichi knows very well that this is their only chance.

Only if the four remaining incarnations of the Heavenly Dao join forces can they kill Jealousy.

Otherwise, they will only become Jealousy's prey one after another.

After listening to Mo Chichi's words, Tyranny suddenly sneered.

"Hahaha, ridiculous, really ridiculous. Do you really think that I can't beat a mere Jealous Heaven?"

"It seems that I, Ba Tu, have been underestimated by you all!"

"Well, I will be here, waiting for the arrival of Jealous Heaven. Don't leave, I will kill Jealous Heaven myself and show you who is the strongest incarnation of Heaven!"

Ba Tu's arrogance made Mo Chi Chi think that this might be an opportunity.

"Okay, then we will witness your battle with Jealous Heaven here!"

"Chi Chi, why did you agree to him?"

Li Mei looked at Mo Chi Chi and said.

After hearing this, Mo Chi Chi transmitted his voice.

"At least in this way, the four of us are together."

"By then, if Ba Tu is really not Jealous Heaven's opponent, we will help. At that time, he will surely not refuse our help again."

Mo Chi Chi is very smart. She agreed to Ao Zhi Tian to stay and witness his battle with Jealous Heaven.

At that time, Ao Zhi Tian's arrogance will definitely be frustrated by Jealous Heaven.

In this way, Mo Chichi and the others can help naturally.

And Tyranny will definitely seek their help at that time, and the four incarnations of the Heavenly Dao will naturally form an alliance.

After listening to Mo Chichi's words, Li Mei nodded.

"Then I'll listen to you."

Li Mei knew that Mo Chichi was very smart. It was not an exaggeration to say that she was the wisest among the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao. She was the goddess of wisdom among the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

Tyranny looked at Mo Chichi, then looked at Li Mei, and finally snorted coldly.

"Since you want to see it, then open your eyes wide and watch it."

"After I kill the Jealous Heaven, I will kill all of you traitors. In the end, I will be the only incarnation of the Heavenly Dao!"

Tyranny was still talking about wishful thinking.

Mo Chichi smiled after hearing this.

"Okay, then we'll wait for you. If you can defeat Jealous Heaven, I, Mo Chichi, am willing to take my own life."

In order to stimulate Tyranny, Mo Chichi was even willing to bet his own life.

That Tyranny was indeed stimulated, and he laughed.

"Hahaha, very good, very good! Mo Chichi, remember your words, when I kill Jealous Heaven, you all will die."

Just as Tyranny laughed arrogantly, there was a sudden explosion in the void.


Immediately afterwards, a sneer came from the soul.

"Hahaha, who do you think you are to kill Jealous Heaven?"

Jealous Heaven, here it comes!


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