Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1337 Decisive Battle

Jie Zhitian is here. This killer of the Heavenly Dao, the nightmare of the Heavenly Dao incarnations, has finally arrived.

When he appeared in this void, all the Heavenly Dao incarnations present felt the pressure.

And the one who was under the greatest pressure was naturally Tyranny.

Because Jealous Zhitian put all the Tyrannical power on Tyranny.

So, what Tyranny felt was the fighting spirit and anger from Jealous Zhitian.

And Tyranny also clearly felt the power of Jealous Zhitian!

That sense of oppression was comparable to Zhuo Bufan who he had faced before.

After all, Jealous Zhitian now has the power of the three Heavenly Dao incarnations, so he is now extremely powerful.

Just now, Tyranny dared to speak arrogantly, but now that he is Jealous Zhitian, he dare not be arrogant anymore.

"So strong!"

This is the true feeling in Tyranny's heart, strong!

Jealous Zhitian glanced at Tyranny and sneered.

"Ao Zhitian Ba ​​Tu, the pride of the Heavenly Dao. I thought it was just pride, but I didn't expect it to be arrogance and arrogance."

"You do have the arrogance of the Heavenly Dao, and your eyes are higher than the sky. Such power is suitable for me."

"So, merge with me!"

After saying this, Jealousy Tian stretched out his hand towards Ba Tu.

At that moment, Ba Tu felt that the time and space around him solidified instantly.

This Jealousy Tian actually has such a powerful strength that he can cover the sky with one hand!

However, as the pride of the Heavenly Dao and the arrogance of the Heavenly Dao, Ba Tu naturally couldn't admit defeat here.

So facing the powerful Jealousy Tian, ​​Ba Tu showed boundless combat power.


Just hear Ba Tu roar, Ba Tu's Ba Shen gun appeared out of nowhere.

"Just you? I am Ao Zhitian Ba ​​Tu, and I will take your dog life today."

Ba Tu roared, and the Ba Shen gun in his hand rotated, tearing through the time and space that imprisoned him.

Then he raised the Ba Shen gun and attacked Jealousy Tian.


The extremely powerful Tyrant God Spear collided with the Zero Blade at the fingertips of Jealousy Tian.

Immediately, the surrounding space began to be destroyed, and violent energy began to pour out.


The onlookers Mo Chichi and Li Mei fled in an instant.

They did not want to get involved in this war for the time being.

Seeing Mo Chichi and the others leave, Jealousy Tian snorted coldly.

"What? You are not going to take action?"

"The four of you join forces, it is the only chance to defeat me. If you don't seize this opportunity, then only destruction awaits you."

Jealousy Tian is very confident. Now he is confident to a certain extent, even a little arrogant.

After hearing this, the opposite Tyrant was naturally very unhappy.

"I think you are the one who is looking for death!"

"Extreme Spear, break!"

The Tyrant God Spear in Tyrant's hand found the right opportunity and condensed a bright light spot in the void.

The light spot condensed the energy that could destroy everything, and it was seen that Jealousy Tian was blown away.

The zeroing knife in Jealousy Tian's hand didn't even have time to absorb the violent energy, and it had already turned into scrap metal.

Batu's move was very surprising.

Even Mo Chichi and others who were watching the battle didn't expect Batu to have such a killer move.

Batu is Ao Zhitian, the strongest incarnation of the way of heaven, and all his moves are killing skills.

So even if it is Jealousy Tian, ​​he can't get any advantage against Batu.

Because Batu's real strength lies in that he will attack, attack, and attack again without stopping.

Only when the opponent is defeated will Batu stop.

So after Batu blasted Jealousy Tian away, he didn't give him a chance to breathe, but rushed up directly and continued to fight with Jealousy Tian.

Jealousy Tian obviously didn't expect Batu to be so crazy, so for a while he didn't prepare for the battle posture and was suppressed by Batu.

Batu bombarded Jealousy Tian with one shot after another, bombarding Jealousy Tian so hard that he couldn't breathe at all.

Jealousy finally found an opportunity to turn around, but he didn't know that Tyranny had endless means.

Tyranny knew very well that once Jealousy caught his breath, the opponent's counterattack might be something he couldn't bear.

So Tyranny desperately attacked Jealousy.

For a moment, the entire void was filled with Tyranny's violent energy.

Mo Chichi and Li Mei were shocked.

"It's amazing! I didn't expect Tyranny to have such strength."

"This time, he really went all out."

Hun Dun was shocked when he saw Tyranny going all out.

"Sister Chichi, should we help?"

Hun Dun, who was standing aside, watched Tyranny fighting hard and was ready to help.

At this time, Mo Chichi stopped him.

"Don't worry! The reason why Tyranny is so powerful is because of his pride. If we help him now, it will definitely frustrate his pride. In that case, he won't be able to show his true strength."

Mo Chichi could see that Tyranny was relying on his breath to show this strength.

This is what is called fighting for one's honor.

Both Tyranny and Jealousy are fighting for this breath. Whoever can win this breath will win half the battle.

Tyranny obviously intends to kill Jealousy in one go.

The Tyranny Spear in his hand has even been rotated to the point of collapse.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Although the Tyranny Spear is not a divine weapon of the Heavenly Dao, its power is extremely terrifying.

It was created by Tyranny with all his efforts, and every inch of it is condensed with his spirit.

So this Tyrant God Spear is equivalent to Tyrant's second clone.

When Tyrant puts Tyrant God Spear together, it is the most powerful energy that can be released by the combination of man and gun.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Another fight, Tyrant relied on his breath to beat Jealousy Tian completely out of temper.

Jealousy Tian never thought that he would be so embarrassed by a madman like Tyrant.

However, compared with Tyrant's violent and domineering, Jealousy Tian did not panic, but seemed very calm.

Because he also knew that Tyrant was fighting with him with his breath.

So as long as he survived Tyrant's breath, he could fight back.

Now Jealousy Tian is trying his best to restrain his strength, he doesn't want to waste any strength on Tyrant.

Although he endured Tyrant's violent energy bombardment again and again, Jealousy Tian still maintained terrible calmness and restraint.

He did not resist and let Tyrant attack.

Just like that, gradually, Tyranny's breath was about to dissipate, and his attack strength began to slow down.

At this time, Mo Chichi and others not far away also saw that Tyranny's breath was about to dissipate.

"It's slowing down, Tyranny may not be able to suppress him."

Mo Chichi saw at a glance that Jealousy Tian had been conserving his strength.

This was not the first time Mo Chichi had fought Jealousy Tian, ​​and she knew that Jealousy Tian was very difficult to deal with.

"Brother, you will use time to reverse later to prevent Jealousy Tian from using the Zero Blade on Tyranny."

"Tyranny should use the Xingtian Axe soon."

Mo Chichi analyzed the battle situation.

He knew that once Tyranny relaxed, Jealousy Tian would counterattack immediately.

The Zero Blade in Jealousy Tian's hand was very terrifying, and as long as Tyranny was injured, the battle situation could be locked.

So Mo Chichi asked Hun Dun to be ready to support Tyranny at any time.

And she herself was ready for the battle. After all, this battle might be related to the fate of all the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, so Mo Chichi summoned her separation knife at the first time.

Seeing this, Li Mei, who was standing by, also prepared the God Whip and prepared to fight.

At this time, on the battlefield, Ba Tu was still unable to defeat the powerful Jealous Heaven because of the disappearance of that breath. Seeing that he might fail at the last moment.

And at this moment, Jealous Heaven suddenly exploded.

"Die for me."

Countless zeroing knives suddenly flew out of Jealous Heaven's body, and then slashed towards Ba Tu.

He grasped the timing very accurately, just catching the moment when Ba Tu's breath completely disappeared.

It was at that moment that Ba Tu felt the arrival of the killing intent.

The zeroing knife, as long as it is injured, it is more likely to be dangerous.

If there is no Zhuo Bufan's repairing the sky technique, there is no way to survive.

At this critical moment, Mo Chichi suddenly shouted.

"Brother, time flows backwards."

As soon as Mo Chichi finished speaking, the giant beast Hun Dun released his time hourglass immediately, and then reversed the power of time.

Jealousy's Zeroing Blade was about to kill Tyranny, but at the critical moment, it was reversed by Hun Dun.

"Damn it!"

Jealousy cursed in his heart when he saw this.

In his opinion, the most difficult person is actually Hun Dun.

Hun Dun holds the power of time flow backwards. With it, he will never be able to kill Tyranny.

When Tyranny saw that all the Zeroing Blades flew back, he knew that his chance had come.

"The opportunity is here, Xingtian Axe!"

I saw Tyranny suddenly stretched out his hand, and then grabbed it fiercely in the void.

That hand directly tore through the void, and then grabbed a golden axe from the void.

Tyranny's Heavenly Dao artifact, Xingtian Axe, is an artifact that can create the world.

As a divine weapon of heaven bestowed by Daluo Tiandao, it possesses the power of heaven, which is creation and destruction.

"Destroy it!"

Batu held the Xingtian Axe in his hand and chopped it towards Jealousy Heaven.

The power of the Xingtian Axe exploded to the limit at that moment.

Jealousy Heaven was imprisoned by the power of the Xingtian Axe and could not move at all for a while. Seeing that the Xingtian Axe was about to chop down on his head.

Jealousy Heaven opened his mouth at the first moment, and then spit out a dazzling ball of light from his mouth.

"It's a dragon ball, it's Aolai's dragon ball!"

Mo Chichi saw at a glance that the ball of light spit out by Jealousy Heaven was the dragon ball of Aolai of Hateful Heaven.

That was Aolai's divine weapon of heaven.


The Xingtian Axe collided with the dragon ball.

Instantly, infinite energy exploded, and the space of the void was completely destroyed, and black holes were born out of thin air.

After this blow, the dragon ball of Aolai of Hateful Heaven was completely destroyed.

Countless vengeful spirits burst out and rushed towards Tyranny frantically.

Seeing this, Tyranny began to swing the Xingtian Axe in his hand, sweeping away the vengeful spirits one by one.

And at this moment, Jealousy suddenly hid a number of zeroing knives among the vengeful spirits and attacked Tyranny.

Ding Ding Ding!

After Tyranny knocked away several zeroing knives, he realized that Jealousy wanted to plot against him.

"Xiao Xiao, is this all you have?"

Tyranny, holding the Xingtian Axe, was obviously very strong.

The reason why the Xingtian Axe was so powerful was because it dominated the world and was unrivaled.

The current Tyranny is several times stronger than usual.

So he has an inexplicable confidence that he can kill Jealousy.

However, after hearing Tyranny's provocation, Jealousy finally decided not to hold back.

"Since you are looking for death, I will let you see the difference in strength between you and me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the zeroing knives around Jealousy began to gather, and then condensed into a big sword in the air!

This big sword is gathered by countless zeroing knives.

Its strength lies in that the zeroing knives can be dispersed or gathered instantly.

The most important thing is that once it is injured, it is almost certain to die.

Jealousy rushed towards Tyranny with the big sword transformed by the zeroing knife.

"Come on!"

Seeing this, the Xingtian Axe in Tyranny's hand suddenly chopped towards Jealousy.


The moment the Xingtian Axe collided with the zeroing sword, the zeroing knife instantly dispersed into countless flying knives and slashed towards Tyranny.

Just as the flying knife was about to hit Tyranny, time suddenly went back again.

The battle returned to the time before the two sides fought.

This time, Tyranny found an opportunity and swung the Xingtian Axe backhandedly.


Jealousy was instantly blown away.

"Damn it!"

Jealousy looked at Hun Dun not far away. Hun Dun had prevented him from killing Tyranny twice.

If it weren't for Hun Dun, Tyranny would have died in his hands long ago.

"You bastards, come together!"

Jealousy was angry, and suddenly, the energy around him began to become stronger.

The pressure began to multiply exponentially.

Jealousy exploded all his strength and released a powerful barrier.

This barrier directly enveloped Mo Chichi and the others.

"Today, you all have to die!"

As soon as Jealousy finished speaking, the entire barrier was suddenly filled with zero knives.

These zero knives appeared out of thin air, penetrating everywhere, and began to appear in every corner of the barrier.

The number has already reached an incalculable level.

This is the true strength of Jealous Heaven, the Zero Absolute Domain.

In this barrier, as long as you suffer any injury, you will definitely die.

Mo Chichi frowned deeply when he saw this scene.

"Brother, be careful!"

Mo Chichi knew very well that in this situation, even if Hun Dun, who had mastered the time reversal, could not change the situation.

Because there were too many Zero Blades.

The ubiquitous Zero Blades restricted the power of time reversal.

"Don't worry, sister Chichi, I will protect you."

Despite this, Hun Dun still tried his best to protect Mo Chichi and the others.

And at this moment, Jealous Heaven suddenly howled.

"Protect them, then who will protect you?"

After Jealous Heaven finished speaking, he suddenly killed Hun Dun.

Obviously, this time Jealous Heaven directly placed the primary target on Hun Dun.

He knew very well that only by killing Hun Dun could he solve the next incarnation of Heaven.

As soon as the voice fell, countless Zero Blades attacked Hun Dun.

"Brother, be careful!"

Mo Chichi shouted.

Instantly, Chaos suddenly exploded, releasing the power of his time hourglass completely.

For a moment, the entire space and time stopped.


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