Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1343 Elemental World

Zhuo Bufan finally successfully completed the reincarnation test in the tenth world, the world of beasts, after going through countless hardships.

Today, Zhuo Bufan has completed more than half of the tests in the Reincarnation Tower.

There are eight more reincarnations waiting for him.

"bring it on!"

Zhuo Bufan, who was already familiar with the road, opened his hands and waited for the test of the next world to come.

Soon, the light of reincarnation from the eleventh reincarnation world was projected on Zhuo Bufan.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan's eyes were dazzled and he disappeared into the Samsara Tower.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he found that he had come to a bright and picturesque world.

This is a completely colorful world, just like a painting in the hands of an artist.

The mountains are colorful, the water is colorful, and even a tree is colorful.

Zhuo Bufan felt as if he had entered a strange world like a cartoon.

"By the way, what is my identity this time?"

Zhuo Bufan, who has experienced ten reincarnations, has a certain amount of experience.

Every time he arrives in a new world, the first thing he has to do is check his identity.

Only when you know your identity can you know what to do next.

When he lowered his head and looked at his body, his brows furrowed.

"No arms or legs?"

Zhuo Bufan discovered that in this reincarnation of his life, he actually had no arms or legs.

Not only that, he also found himself floating in the air.

In order to see his whole face clearly, he flew over a lake, and then looked at his reflection.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but be stunned.

"What is this? I turned into a ball of fire?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly discovered that he had turned into a fiery red flame floating in the air.

"Wait a minute, can't I even be a beast now?"

"Directly turned into a ball of fire?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

He has been reincarnated in ten worlds, and this is the first non-living existence he has reincarnated into.

It is said to be non-life, but it also has a soul.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know who he was now.

"I turned into a ball of fire. Do you want me to burn down the whole world?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't understand his reincarnation body this time.

In the past reincarnations, he could basically guess the mission, but now he can't guess what the mission of his reincarnation is at all.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was confused, suddenly a group of birds flew away in the forest not far away.

Soon, a ball of flame flew out from the jungle.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and couldn't help but be stunned.


Zhuo Bufan discovered that the flying flames were exactly the same as him.

And behind the flame, a large group of blue water elves were chasing.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

"Could it be that I am a fire elf?"

Zhuo Bufan soon understood that he had become an elf in this life. Although it was a bit beyond imagination, Zhuo Bufan quickly accepted this setting.

At this moment, the group of chased fire elves saw Zhuo Bufan, the same kind, and screamed excitedly.

"Friend, run quickly, the fire elf is chasing you."

Hearing the other party's shouts, Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, and then became happy.

"Is it really an elf?"

"Why are you still standing there, run!"

While he was talking, the other party had already come to his side, and then flew away from him with a hiss.

Then, Zhuo Bufan saw hundreds of water elves behind him and chased them fiercely.

"It turns out there are accomplices, destroy them."

They suddenly pointed their blades at Zhuo Bufan. When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he didn't think much and started running for his life.

Zhuo Bufan started running for his life as soon as he came to this world, and Zhuo Bufan had reached the extreme limit of his life.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan followed the fleeing fire elf.

"Hahahaha, brother, you're catching up."

When the other party saw Zhuo Bufan following him, he laughed heartily.

"Still laughing, you killed me, I have nothing to do with you."

Zhuo Bufan shouted angrily.

However, the other party continued to laugh.

"It's too late, brother, these water elves don't care whether you are my accomplice or not. Because fire and water are incompatible. If you don't run, you will have to wait for death."

From the other party's mouth, Zhuo Bufan roughly learned that the water elf and the fire elf were truly the same as water and fire.

So Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to run away.

"Brother, we have to escape from the forest soon. We will be safe when we reach the scorched desert outside the forest."

"Why are they chasing you?"

You asked as Zhuo Bufan ran away.

After hearing this, the fire elf laughed.

"These stingy things, I just took the holy grail of the water elf from them, and they chased me like crazy."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him and shouted.

"What the hell, you're calling this stealing!"

When the other party heard this, he was unhappy.

"How can you call it a steal if it belongs to the public? This Holy Grail was originally one of the holy objects left behind by the Elf King."

"After the death of the Elf King, all the holy objects were divided among the five elven tribes."

"The Holy Grail and the water elves haven't snatched it away yet."

"So I don't call it stealing, I call it taking. Do you understand?"

"Take your head!"

Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him.

Because this glib guy stole the Holy Grail of the water elf tribe, he was killed.

Now Zhuo Bufan is even involved. Zhuo Bufan is very unhappy in the face of the unexpected disaster.

"Hahahaha, brother, don't get excited. When we escape, I will give you half of the power of the Holy Grail."

"Now we are in the same boat. We must work together to escape."

The other party didn't talk nonsense to Zhuo Bufan, and forcibly dragged Zhuo Bufan onto the pirate ship.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Who is with you! I don't know you."

Zhuo Bufan felt that following this guy would bring bad luck to Tie Nai, so he would definitely not go along with this guy.

"Brother, don't refuse yet! The power of this Holy Grail can make us stronger!"

"Don't you want to become stronger?"

"Don't you want to be the Elf King?"

"Become the Elf King and the only God in this world."

The fire elf was very excited. He spoke like an elf king in one mouthful, which made Zhuo Bufan's eyes light up.

"Elf King? Is it possible that becoming the Elf King is my reincarnation mission?"

Zhuo Bufan only thought of it.

After all, Zhuo Bufan's mission is to complete reincarnation.

"It seems most likely, my mission is to become the Elf King."

When Zhuo Bufan thought of this, his eyes lit up.

"Okay, this is what you said. When we escape from here, the power of the Holy Grail will be divided equally!"

Zhuo Bufan quickly fell into the role. After all, he had to complete the reincarnation task quickly, so he readily agreed to the flame beside him.

After hearing this, the other party said excitedly.

"No problem, then the two of us will work together to escape."

After the other party finished speaking, he took Zhuo Bufan and ran away even faster.

"Come on, we can escape from the forest soon."

Soon, Zhuo Bufan and the others saw the forest line. At this moment, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but become excited.

He can gain the power of the Holy Grail without doing almost anything.

They were about to escape from the forest, but at this moment, a group of water elves suddenly rushed out from the outside of the forest and blocked their way.

"Stop, you damn Fire Tribe thief, you dare to steal our Holy Grail,"

"Today is the day for you little thieves to die."

While they were talking, they saw the group of water elves rushing towards Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"Here we come! Brother, get ready to fight out."

After the fire elf finished speaking, small fireballs floated around him, and then he rushed towards the army of water elves rushing in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan frowned secretly when he saw this scene.

He did not take action immediately, he wanted to observe the opponent's fighting style first.

After all, Zhuo Bufan had just become a fire elf, and he didn't understand the condition of this body yet.

At this time, I only saw the fire elf summoning a circle of fireballs and throwing them towards the water elves in front of me.

However, the water elves all opened their mouths, and the fireball he threw out was easily swallowed up.

The fireball turned into clouds of steam within the bodies of those water elves.

"Hmph, you stupid little thief, don't you know that our Water Tribe is specifically designed to restrain your Fire Tribe?"

"Today you cannot escape even if you have wings."

The water elves obviously have nothing to fear, because water defeating fire is the unchanging truth of the law.

Even the most powerful fire elves will become very powerless against water elves.

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply after seeing this scene.

"I see, if water defeats fire, it is very disadvantageous!"

"What's more, there are only two on our side, but there are hundreds on the other side."

"It's difficult to escape!"

Zhuo Bufan realized that he had indeed boarded a pirate ship.

But now, he has no choice.

If you don't help this guy escape, you will die here too.

Fire and water are incompatible, and these water elves will not let him go.

"Brother, why are you still standing there? Come here and help!"

"I can't handle it alone."

The fire elf didn't show off, because he knew that with his own ability, it was impossible to defeat so many water elves.

That's why he asked Zhuo Bufan for help.

After seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan did not immediately choose to take action.

He was still analyzing, and he knew very well that neither of them would be able to escape if forced to do so.

If you want to escape, you can only use your brain.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that the current situation could only be outsmarted, not defeated.

On the other side, the fire elf faced a group of water elves and had to suppress them, and was beginning to feel a little powerless.

"Brother, if you don't take action, we will be finished!"

Those water elves used high-pressure water spray to deal with the fire elves, leaving the fire elves completely unable to fight back.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly shouted.

"Fight back with all your fire, quick!"

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, the other party didn't think much. He immediately activated all the power of fire from his body, and then sprayed it out towards the water elf in front of him.

Boom boom boom!

For a moment, the violent and ferocious flames collided with the high-speed jet of water.

On this side, Zhuo Bufan also tried to mobilize the fire power in his body, and then sprayed it towards the water elf.

For a moment, the flames and water flow began to collide with each other, and the water vapor began to hiss.

The surging water vapor instantly filled the entire forest.

For a while, the fog was thick and visibility was less than half a meter.

Zhuo Bufan saw this scene and rushed towards the fire elf.

"Follow me!"

After saying that, Zhuo Bufan took the fire elf and began to flee out of the forest under the cover of thick fog.

Because of the existence of thick fog, they quickly threw away the water elves.

Zhuo Bufan had already recorded the escape route before the fog covered it.

So Zhuo Bufan took the fire elf and fled the forest quickly.

Under Zhuo Bufan's leadership, they finally successfully escaped and fled to the scorched earth desert outside.

The scorched earth desert is just like its name, a piece of scorched earth, full of blood-red sand dunes.

After arriving here, Zhuo Bufan immediately felt that the power of fire in his body became stronger.

This is the paradise of fire and the source of power of the fire element.

The water element doesn't even dare to get too close to this place.

However, Zhuo Bufan and his team still can't take it lightly.

The fire elf led Zhuo Bufan deeper into the heart of the scorched desert.

He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he was sure that there were no pursuers.

"Huh, I thought I was dead this time!"

"Brother, you are really amazing. You actually used the thick fog produced by water and fire to confuse the vision of the water elves and help us escape."

"You helped me, which is considered saving my life. Then I can't be stingy."

"I said I would give you half of the power of this holy grail, so I will give you half!"

After the fire elf finished speaking, he suddenly opened his mouth.

Then, a huge golden holy grail came out of his mouth.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the holy grail and felt that it was plain and nothing special.

"How to use it like this?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

At this time, only the fire elf said.



"That's right. This elf holy grail will produce a cup of holy water every hundred years."

"The life that drinks the holy water may evolve."

"Tonight is the first hundred years. That's why I risked my life to steal it from the water tribe."

"When night comes, we just need to drink the holy water to evolve."

The fire elf was very excited. This was a plan he had been planning for a long time. Now that the plan has finally succeeded, he is naturally very excited.

But Zhuo Bufan was worried after hearing this.

"You are a fire elf. Drinking the holy water of the water tribe, is it okay?"

This question hit the other party's soul directly.

The other party was obviously drinking holy water for the first time, so he was a little confused.

He seemed to have never thought about this question.

"It should be okay, right?"

"It should be? Can you be reliable? What if you die after drinking this thing?"

"It's not that serious. This is holy water. How can it kill people? Otherwise, I will drink it first. If I am not dead, you can drink it!"

The other party looked particularly unreliable.

But Zhuo Bufan didn't want to waste this opportunity, so he didn't refuse.

"By the way, brother, my name is Chi Yan, what should I call you?"

Zhuo Bufan thought of a pseudonym when he heard it and said.

"My name is Lie Yan!"

"Lie Yan? Good brother, from now on, we are brothers who have tried our best to live through life and death."

"From now on, we will share happiness and hardships. We don't ask to be born on the same day, month and year, but we ask..."

"Hey, stop it! Don't continue talking. I don't want to die with you. After drinking the holy water, we will go our separate ways."

Zhuo Bufan rejected the other party's plan to become sworn brothers, because this Chi Yan made him feel very unreliable.

And Zhuo Bufan is now accepting the test of reincarnation, he doesn't need friends or brothers.


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