It was late at night, and the moon was high in the sky.

In the scorched desert, the fire elf incarnated by Zhuo Bufan and another group of fire elves named Chi Yan stayed quietly on the ground.

In front of them, there was a holy grail floating in the air.

This holy grail was the holy grail that Chi Yan had stolen from the water tribe with great difficulty.

This was the holy object of the previous elf king. Every hundred years, it would brew a cup of holy water.

This was the hundred-year power of the holy grail. After drinking the power of the holy water, the ability would be fully evolved.

It was for this reason that Zhuo Bufan risked his life to help Chi Yan and escape the pursuit of the water tribe.

"Brother Lieyan, don't worry, I will drink first. If everything is fine, you can drink it later!"

"Since you helped me, then you have half of this holy grail."

This fire elf named Chi Yan was very loyal and even wanted to drink it first.

Zhuo Bufan didn't say much, anyway, he was thinking so.

"But I believe there should be no problem. After all, this rumor has been around for a long time. Legend has it that elves who can drink holy water will gain unimaginable power."

"Although we are fire elves, we are naturally afraid of water. But a little bit of water should be no problem."

"Since the Elf King has passed this down, then it must have its role."

After hearing the words of the fire elf Chi Yan, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help asking.

"You seem to want to become stronger?"

He could feel the other party's desire for power.

The fire elf replied after hearing this.

"No, I don't want to become stronger, I want to become the Elf King!"

The other party was full of ambition and wanted to become the Elf King.

But Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

Because he also wanted to become the Elf King, this was his reincarnation test in this elf world.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan has always been confused about whether the eighteen reincarnation worlds he tested were imaginary or real.

If it was imaginary, the plane was too real. But if it was real, would his appearance affect the creatures in this world?

In any case, Zhuo Bufan didn't want to make the whole world fall into chaos because of himself.

Just like the previous reincarnation worlds. In the end, every reincarnation world will be made bloody by Zhuo Bufan.

"Elf King? Very ambitious."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the fire elf beside him and smiled.

After hearing this, the other party gritted his teeth and said.

"Don't laugh at me, although the Elf King has not appeared for nearly a thousand years, I can definitely become the Elf King."

"Only by becoming the Elf King can I unify this chaotic elf world."

"Chaotic elf world? Is this world very chaotic?"

Zhuo Bufan has no understanding of this world. Maybe he can learn about this elf world through this fire elf.

After hearing this, the other party replied.

"Why, don't you think this world is in chaos?"

"Originally, our five tribes lived in harmony, survived and depended on each other under the leadership of the Elf King. But after the death of the Elf King, the five tribes suddenly changed, and began to restrain and hostile each other."

"The five tribes now have been fighting all year round, and the elves have long been unable to bear this huge disaster."

"There are fewer and fewer elves in this world now. If this continues, it won't be long before the elves will disappear."

"The Elf King once said that our five tribes live and die together. If one tribe disappears, the other tribes will perish."

"I don't want the elves to disappear in this beautiful world, so I must become the Elf King, reunify the world, and let the five tribes return to the past."

Chi Yan's wish is great. He wants to become the Elf King and unify the world.

Of course, his wish is also very simple. He just wants the world to return to peace and there will be no more wars between the Elf tribes.

"Want to become the Elf King? Is the power of the Holy Grail enough?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help asking.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan asked this question because he wanted to know how to become the Elf King.

Because becoming the Elf King is also Zhuo Bufan's wish.

After hearing this, Chi Yan replied.

"The power of the Holy Grail of the Water Tribe alone is definitely not enough!"

"We also need the Eternal Torch of the Fire Tribe, the Tree of Life of the Wood Tribe, the Sacred Stone of the Earth Tribe, and the Infinite Holy Sword of the Gold Tribe!"

As long as we obtain the power of the five holy artifacts of the five major tribes, I believe we can become the Elf King.

It turns out that Chi Yan has long had plans and plans to become the Elf King.

The five major tribes each have a holy artifact of the Elf King.

As long as you can obtain the power of the five holy artifacts, you can become the Elf King.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan secretly decided that he must also obtain the power of the five holy artifacts.

"So it seems that my current task is to find the five holy artifacts and then merge their power together, right?"

Zhuo Bufan felt very lucky. He didn't expect that he would get the first holy artifact just after coming to this world.

"Brother Lieyan, why don't you help me!"

"How about we join forces and become the Elf King together?"

After what happened today, Chi Yan found that it was quite difficult for him to obtain the five sacred artifacts.

If Zhuo Bufan hadn't helped him today, he would have definitely died in the pursuit of the water tribe.

So Chi Yan thought for a while, if he really wanted to become the Elf King, he would have to use other powers.

The fire elf in front of him is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Let me come with you?"

"Yes, we have all experienced life and death as brothers. From now on, we will share blessings and hardships."

"Let's join forces together to become the Elf King, and together we will make the future of this world a better place."

This Chi Yan is an idealist, which is somewhat different from the realist Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan is a pragmatic person.

However, although Chi Yan is very idealistic, he is willing to work hard for his ideals.

That he was able to steal the Holy Grail from the Water Tribe is enough to show his determination.

You know, not everyone can steal this Holy Grail.

The Water Tribe must have set countless traps to protect the Holy Grail.

But Chi Yan still stole it out. At least it proves that this Chi Yan still has some abilities.

"Sounds good, I can promise you."

Zhuo Bufan thought for a while, and it would definitely be a bit difficult for him to complete this task.

So after thinking for a while, he decided to cooperate with Chi Yan.

After hearing this, Chi Yan flew up excitedly.

"Hahahaha, great. With Brother Lieyan's help, we will definitely succeed."

"After we drink this holy water together, we will go to the Fire Tribe to find the eternal torch."

Chi Yan obviously already had a plan.

Now that he had deceived Zhuo Bufan into their pirate ship, Chi Yan was obviously more confident in his plan.

"Come, come, Brother Lieyan, the holy water is coming soon."

Just when Zhuo Bufan didn't know whether it was right to cooperate with Chi Yan, Chi Yan suddenly screamed.

"Look, it's a full moon now, and soon this Holy Grail will receive the century-old star and moon holy water."

As he spoke, the Holy Grail in front of him began to float in the air, and then the whole body released golden light.

At the same time, above the sky, the bright moonlight was projected on the Holy Grail.

At this time, pure holy water began to slowly emerge from the Holy Grail.

"Look Brother Lieyan, there is holy water, there really is holy water."

Chi Yan flew in the air and saw the holy water emerging from the Holy Grail, and became even more excited for a moment.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, was also concentrating on looking at the holy water in the Holy Grail, waiting for the holy water to emerge.

Although it is very slow, the holy water is indeed accumulating bit by bit.

Soon, the chalice as big as a head was filled with holy water.

After Zhuo Bufan saw the holy water, he couldn't help but feel excited.

"Brother Lieyan, I didn't lie to you! There is really holy water."

"Then now, I'll drink first!"

"I'll drink half of it first. If it's okay, you can continue drinking."

After Chi Yan finished speaking, without saying a word, he leaned directly into the Holy Grail, and then started to drink loudly.

At first, Zhuo Bufan was worried that this guy would drink it all in one go.

But the other party was obviously very trustworthy. He drank half of the drink as he said.

When he finished half of his drink, he raised his head.

Then, a faint luster began to appear on his body.

"Are you OK?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but ask after seeing this scene.

After hearing this, the other party waved his hand.

"No problem, I'm fine! I feel a powerful force pouring into my body.

"It's so hot, so hot! It's obviously holy water, why is it so hot?"

At this time, I saw the red flame opening its mouth towards the sky, and a pillar of fire that was tens of meters high shot into the sky.

This scene left Zhuo Bufan stunned.


"It feels so good! This is power, this is powerful power."

"I, I seem to have a strange power."

After Chi Yan finished speaking, he stretched out a pair of hands from his flame body, and then, between the palms, flames like water flowed.

This is the fusion of fire and water, forming an energy similar to magma.

"Brother Lieyan, drink quickly, drink quickly!"

"No problem, there's nothing wrong with this holy water."

After the other party drank the holy water, he gained great power.

So after Zhuo Bufan saw this scene, he no longer hesitated.

He stretched out a pair of small flaming hands from his flaming body, then grabbed the Holy Grail and drank the remaining holy water in his stomach.

The holy water was somewhat cool and sweet. After drinking it, Zhuo Bufan soon felt a powerful energy emerging.

The power began to expand continuously in his body, making him feel as if his body was about to explode.


Zhuo Bufan let out a painful roar.

Then he suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out toward the sand dunes in the distance.


A pillar of flames tens of meters long directly hit the killing ball, instantly burning the sand dunes into a piece of scorched earth and magma.

Zhuo Bufan was deeply shocked when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that his strength would come so quickly.

"Brother Lieyan, you are so powerful. Why do you feel that the power you have gained is even more powerful than mine?"

Chi Yan also discovered that what Zhuo Bufan obtained was not ordinary power. At this time, Zhuo Bufan slowly spit out a fireball from his mouth.

Rather than a fireball, it is more like an energy ball of water and fire.

In the fireball, there is energy surging like a stream of water.

The power of holy water obviously changed the nature of their flames.

It directly turned the flames into liquid flames.

"Great, now the two of us are no longer afraid of those water elves."

Chi Yan is very confident.

After all, he already has the power he has always dreamed of.

He is more and more confident about the next plan.

Next, they will continue to look for other holy artifacts, and they will become stronger step by step until they become the elf king.

"What are your plans next?"

"We can't force our way into the holy land of the Fire Clan, right?"

After Zhuo Bufan got the power of holy water, he deepened his plan to cooperate with Chi Yan.

At least for now, it seems that cooperating with Chi Yan is a good choice.

After hearing this, Chi Yan replied.

"Let's return the Holy Grail to the Water Tribe first, and then go to the Holy Land of the Fire Tribe."

"I know where the Fire Tribe hides the Eternal Torch. We are both fire elves, so it's not difficult to sneak in."

"And this time, we don't need to steal the Eternal Torch, we just need to refine our bodies in the Eternal Torch."

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"Return it back? Are you going to return this Holy Grail?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that the other party would decide to return the Holy Grail.

Isn't this a trap?

However, Chi Yan replied after hearing this.

"After all, we didn't steal it, so of course we have to return it!"

"Remember, we are borrowing, and we have to return it if we borrow."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that this guy was actually a principled thief.

It was obviously a stolen Holy Grail, but he still wanted to return it.

"Aren't you afraid that the water elves will kill you?"

"Are you afraid in your heart? And brother Lieyan, now that we are both so powerful, do you think ordinary water elves can still be our opponents?"

"Don't worry, as long as we return the Holy Grail, they will naturally stop chasing us."

"But if we don't return it, I'm afraid it will cause a fight between tribes."

"I am the elf who wants to become the elf king. For the sake of world peace, I must return it."

After hearing what the other party said, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but sigh.

The other party is so principled, I can't be too bad.

So Zhuo Bufan's decision is.

"Okay, I'll go with you."


Early the next morning, Zhuo Bufan and the fire elf Chiyan returned to the forest with the Holy Grail.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the forest, a group of water elves surrounded them.

"You two damn thieves, dare to come back."

"Kill them."

Just when the group of water elves were about to take action, Chiyan took out the Holy Grail in time.

And then threw it out with all his strength.

"Holy Grail?"

Seeing the Holy Grail being thrown out, all the water elves flew towards the place where the Holy Grail fell.

Seeing this, Chi Yan immediately took Zhuo Bufan away without thinking.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan finally followed the fire elf and embarked on the pirate ship to find the holy artifact.

Zhuo Bufan's eleventh reincarnation mission has just begun.


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