Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1352 The Choice of the Tree of Life

The holy tree is seriously ill and needs to be saved.

Zhuo Bufan, who possesses the holy sword, has become the only elf who can save the holy tree.

So now, Zhuo Bufan is carrying the hope of the entire wood tribe.

Under the leadership of the saint, they came to the holy tree.

They only saw a huge black hole on the trunk of the holy tree, and black magic flames were constantly spewing out from the hole.

After seeing this scene, the elves of the wood tribe were terrified and avoided it.

"This is where the holy tree is diseased. There must be something wrong inside the holy tree, so it will be diseased."

"If it is not resolved, the holy tree may be finished."

The elder said to Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, the saint on the side also continued to say.

"Back then, this holy tree was just a staff in the hands of the Elf King!"

"After the Elf King died, he planted the staff on this land."

"After that, the staff grew into the holy tree today."

"However, the staff had been contaminated in the previous World Defense War."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"World Defense War? What is that?"

Zhuo Bufan heard about this World Defense War for the first time.

After hearing this, the Saint of the Wood Tribe looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Don't you know about the World Defense War? The Elf King died after that war."

Zhuo Bufan shook his head. He really didn't know. After all, he entered this world halfway.

After hearing this, the Saint hurriedly explained.

"It's been so long, it's normal that you don't know."

"The World Defense War is a war between our elf world and the alien demons."

"Thousands of years ago, the gates from the alien world suddenly opened in the sky above our elf world."

"Then, countless alien demons flew out from those gates of the alien world."

"These alien demons carry terrifying and evil power. Once the elves are contaminated by this power, they will become bloodthirsty and murderous."

"In order to save the world, the Elf King united the five major tribes and launched the World Defense War."

"That war lasted for a full ten years."

"Finally, it ended after the Elf King and the alien demon leader Emperor."

"In that battle, the Elf King and the alien demon leader fought in the sky for ten days and ten nights."

"In the end, the Elf King severely damaged the alien demons and drove all the alien demons out of the world. world."

"But in the same way, the Elf King was also severely damaged. Not long after that, the Elf King also died. "

"After the death of the Elf King, the five major tribes will be torn apart again."

"And in the last battle, the Elf King's staff was contaminated by the evil blood of the alien demon leader."

"Although the Elf King gave the power of life to the staff, making the staff a tree of life."

"But the pollution of the blood of the alien demon has been hidden in the tree of life."

"Now I guess that it is very likely that the power of the blood of the alien demon has taken effect and began to contaminate the tree of life."

"In other words, the interior of the tree of life may have been corrupted. So we must cut open the tree of life to see what is inside."

After listening to the saint's words, Zhuo Bufan roughly understood what the tree of life was like.

It turned out that the tree of life was just a staff that the Elf King had once had.

And Zhuo Bufan also learned a more important message, that is, the death of the Elf King was actually caused by the alien demon.

The alien world invaded, and the Elf King died to protect world peace.

All this sounds a bit dramatic, but it really happened in this world.

After the death of the Elf King, he handed over the five holy artifacts to the five tribes.

And left a way to become the Elf King, which is to collect the five holy artifacts again and then become the Elf King.

"So that's it, the Elf King actually had a plan long ago?"

Zhuo Bufan now understands that the Elf King had already laid out all this before his death.

Even if the Elf King died, he left hope and opportunities for future generations.

However, the Elf King never expected that the alien demons also left traps.

The Tree of Life was polluted, which would not only affect the entire Wood Clan, but also the entire world, and even affect whether Zhuo Bufan could become the Elf King.

"No, I must save this tree."

Zhuo Bufan realized that his position as the Elf King might not be secure, so he had to do his best to save the Tree of Life no matter what.

"Get out of the way, I'll open the tree!"

Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate, pulled out the holy sword behind him, and then poured the eternal fire into the holy sword.

Then, he took the holy sword and began to cut a path on the trunk of the Tree of Life.

Zhuo Bufan swung the sword, and the cover of the Tree of Life began to ooze out blood.

Zhuo Bufan was shocked by the scene.

"Is it really okay?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

The saint behind him said.

"Don't worry, the holy tree has a strong recovery ability. It can recover from this injury by itself."

"Just cut it boldly."

After getting the saint's consent, Zhuo Bufan mustered up his courage and began to increase his strength.

Zhuo Bufan cut the trunk of the holy tree bit by bit.

Every time he cut, there was a rolling demonic energy and blood flowing out.

Zhuo Bufan did not stop, but continued to cut. At this moment, he was like a doctor in the operating room.

He was holding a scalpel in his hand, operating on the tree of life bit by bit.

When he peeled off the bark layer by layer, he suddenly found that the interior of the entire tree of life had long been rotten. It was full of dark demonic energy.

These demonic energies carried the power of corruption and withering, and any life that was contaminated began to lose vitality rapidly.

"Such a strong demonic energy, as expected, the holy tree is completely contaminated."

The saint who saw this scene began to get nervous and even a little panicked.

"What should I do now?"

"If I continue to cut, I'm afraid all the demonic energy will be released. At that time, the entire wood clan and even the eternal forest will probably be shrouded by this demonic energy."

Zhuo Bufan knew the consequences were serious, so he stopped in time.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the saint also fell silent.

Indeed, Zhuo Bufan was right.

If all the evil spirits are released, not only will the Holy Tree die, but the entire Wood Clan and the Eternal Forest will also be doomed.

Even the entire world will be in danger.

So facing such a scene, we must be cautious in making decisions next.

Just when Zhuo Bufan and the Saint didn't know what to do, the Great Elder on the side suddenly said.

"Saint, I heard that the holy water of the Holy Grail of the Water Clan has the power to purify all darkness. If we can borrow the holy water from the Water Clan, maybe we can save the Holy Tree."

"Originally, the fusion of holy water and holy tree can help the Holy Tree grow."

The words of the Great Elder made Zhuo Bufan's eyes light up.

"Great Elder, you just said, holy water, right?"

The Great Elder looked at Zhuo Bufan and nodded.

"Yes, only the holy water of the Water Clan can save the Holy Tree."

"But the Water Clan is too far away from our Wood Clan, and it is almost impossible to ask them to lend holy water."

The Saint on the side also sighed after hearing this.

"Yes, and I heard that the holy water of the Holy Grail will only condense once every hundred years."

"The Water Tribe has not accumulated much holy water over the years."

"Even if they are asked to borrow holy water, they may not lend it!"

The Saint looked very disappointed and pessimistic.

After all, now they already know the reason why the Holy Tree is sick and have found a way to treat it, but this method is a helpless one.

"Anyway, we have to give it a try."

"Saint, I will go to the Water Tribe now and beg the chief of the Water Tribe to give holy water to my Wood Tribe."

The Great Elder once again volunteered to ask the Water Tribe for water.

However, at this moment, Zhuo Bufan on the side suddenly laughed.

"Hahahaha! It's really a case of looking for something without any effort."

"You don't have to go to the Water Tribe, isn't it just holy water? I have it!"

Zhuo Bufan laughed wildly at this time.

After hearing his words, the Saint and the Great Elder both exclaimed.

"What? You have holy water?"

They were all a little bit unbelievable.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan's possession of the Holy Sword was already remarkable, and now he also possessed the Holy Water, how could that be possible?

However, just when they doubted Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan suddenly opened his mouth, and then from it, a flood of water gushed out and rushed towards the dark hole inside the Tree of Life.

Sure enough, under the rescue of the Holy Water, those dark energy from the other world began to slowly disappear.

"It really works."

After seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan increased the amount of water.

The Saint and the Great Elder were stunned to watch all this.

They obviously couldn't believe it, after all, the Holy Water was a sacred object of the Water Clan, how could Zhuo Bufan possess the Holy Water?

All along, the Great Elder thought that Zhuo Bufan was an elf of the Golden Clan.

Because Zhuo Bufan was silver-white all over, he had some characteristics of the Golden Clan elves.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan was holding the Holy Sword of the Golden Clan.

That was the Holy Sword of the Golden Clan, which naturally meant that Zhuo Bufan was an elf of the Golden Clan, and his status in the Golden Clan should be very high.

However, the golden elves they had in mind had taken out the holy water of the water tribe, which was shocking.

Zhuo Bufan did not say much, but kept spitting out holy water.

Under the purification of the holy water, the polluted darkness inside the holy tree began to disappear.

With the disappearance of those dirty energies, the interior of the tree of life was also completely revealed.

Inside the tree of life, there was a wooden stick emitting light. That wooden stick was the heart of life, the heart of the tree of life.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, seemed very calm.

At this moment, suddenly some information came to Zhuo Bufan's mind.

"Thank you!"

A voice of thanks came, which was a voice that went straight to the soul.

"Thank you, benefactor."

When he heard this thank you again, Zhuo Bufan reacted immediately.

Then he looked at the tree of life in front of him suddenly, and asked in surprise.

"Is that you? Tree of Life!"

"Are you talking to me?"

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's voice, the Tree of Life continued.

"Yes, thank you for saving my life. If possible, please let me repay you for saving my life."

Sure enough, the other party regards Zhuo Bufan as her savior, so now, no matter what Zhuo Bufan asks, the other party will agree.

In this case, Zhuo Bufan naturally wanted to seize this opportunity.

So, Zhuo Bufan said without hesitation.

"I want to get part of the life force, is that okay?"

Zhuo Bufan came just for the life power of the Tree of Life.

Zhuo Bufan is not the Holy Mother. If it were not for this purpose, he might die without saving anything.

So, faced with Zhuo Bufan's request, what choice will Tree of Life make?

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought that the Tree of Life would reject him.

Unexpectedly, the Tree of Life said suddenly.

"Okay, you have solved my thousands of years of pain. Such kindness is worth giving half of my life power to you."

"Moreover, I feel the power of holy water, holy fire, and holy sword in your body."

"Tell me, do you want to become the Elf King?"

The Holy Tree could tell at a glance that Zhuo Bufan was working hard to become the Elf King.

Zhuo Bufan did not deny this at all, but answered directly.

"Yes, I want to become the Elf King, so I need your power. Will you help me become the Elf King?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the rest was left to the Holy Tree to decide.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the Holy Tree laughed.

"Hahahaha, very good, very good."

"After so many years, someone finally asked me for strength. I've been waiting for this day for I don't know how long."

"This world really needs an Elf King."

After the Tree of Life finished speaking, a green light suddenly fell on Zhuo Bufan.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan felt that his vitality was constantly getting stronger.

"What a powerful life force. Is this the power of the Tree of Life?"

After Zhuo Bufan accepted the life power of the Tree of Life, he felt that he could live for tens of thousands of years without any problem.

As Zhuo Bufan accepted the vitality, his own abilities gradually became stronger.

You know, now Zhuo Bufan not only has the vitality of the holy tree.

It also possesses the holy water of the water tribe, the holy fire of the fire tribe, and the holy sword of the gold tribe. Now add one more, the sacred tree of the Wood clan.

Zhuo Bufan now can be said to have the power of the four holy weapons.

Now there is only one last sacred artifact left, the Holy Stone.

As long as Zhuo Bufan gets the power of the Holy Stone again, he can become the Elf King.

Soon, the Holy Tree passed on most of its life force to Zhuo Bufan.

The Saintess and the Great Elder saw this in their eyes and didn't say much.

Because this is the decision of the Holy Tree, the Holy Tree believes that Zhuo Bufan can become the Elf King.

So it is willing to give its own strength.

"I didn't expect that Lord Holy Tree would give you the power of life. In this way, you now have the power of Holy Tree again."

The saint said in shock.

It would have been shocking enough for Zhuo Bufan to possess the holy sword and holy water.

Now that he has the power of the Holy Tree, he is only one step away from becoming the Elf King.

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