Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1353 Alliance Conference

After the holy water, holy fire, and holy sword, Zhuo Bufan finally obtained the power of the holy tree.

The life force of the holy tree can greatly benefit Zhuo Bufan in his next trip to the Tu tribe.

"I'm leaving!"

After Zhuo Bufan obtained the power of the holy tree, he did not stay in the Mu tribe for too long and planned to leave.

The saint of the Mu tribe and the elder personally bid farewell and expressed their gratitude to Zhuo Bufan.

"Thank you for saving our Mu tribe."

"If it weren't for you, the tree of life might be over, and our Mu tribe might also be over."

This is not the elder's alarmist talk, he said the truth.

If it weren't for Zhuo Bufan, the Mu tribe could really be extinct.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan is not as noble as they imagined.

After all, he helped the Mu tribe so much for his own purpose.

He helped the Mu tribe, saved the holy tree, and obtained the corresponding life force.

It can be said that it is a win-win situation now, which is also the situation that Zhuo Bufan wants to see most.

Zhuo Bufan is also full of confidence in the future. After all, he has obtained four of the five holy artifacts.

Only the last holy stone is left.

As long as he obtains the holy stone, Zhuo Bufan will have completely collected the five holy artifacts and can become the Elf King.

Becoming the Elf King, for Zhuo Bufan, means completing the mission of the reincarnation world.

This is Zhuo Bufan's eleventh world in the Reincarnation Tower. He is getting closer and closer to completing all the tests of the Reincarnation Tower.

As long as the test of the Reincarnation Tower is completed, he can master the law of reincarnation.

Mastering the law of reincarnation will not only make you stronger, but also stronger than the second clone.

More importantly, Zhuo Bufan, who has mastered the law of reincarnation, may be able to go to the reincarnation world alone and find the Lord of Time.

In the final analysis, everything Zhuo Bufan is doing now is to find the Lord of Time.

Although the Lord of Time is difficult to find, Zhuo Bufan has been working hard and has never thought of giving up.


"Okay, everyone, see you later!"

Finally, Zhuo Bufan left the Eternal Forest with the blessings of the Wood Clan.

After he left the Eternal Forest, the forest behind him began to slowly recover its vitality.

After leaving the Wood Clan, Zhuo Bufan's next destination was the Earth Clan.

According to the notes Chi Yan left for Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan studied it carefully.

"The Earth Clan is located in the Ghost Axe Stone Forest 300 miles north of the Wood Clan."

"The Holy Stone of the Earth Clan has been guarded by the Earth Clan for generations, and only the chieftain is qualified to see the Holy Stone. Ordinary Earth Clan elves have never even seen what the Holy Stone looks like."

"Chi Yan's notes also clearly state that the Holy Stone exists in legends, and few elves have seen it."

"So almost no one in the outside world knows what the Holy Stone looks like."

"This is troublesome!"

After seeing Chi Yan's notes, Zhuo Bufan felt that this Holy Stone might be difficult to deal with.

After all, up to now, only the chieftain of the Earth Clan has seen the real Holy Stone.

It can be said that among the five major tribes, only the Earth Clan has the strictest custody of the holy artifact.

Unlike the Holy Grail of the Water Clan, even an ordinary fire elf can steal it.

I don't want the life of the Fire Clan. Any Fire Clan elf can take a look and even get its power.

I don't want the Gold Clan. The Holy Sword is inserted on the Diamond Star and is unscrupulously placed in front of everyone. It is not afraid of being pulled out by other elves.

It is even more unlike the Wood Clan. The Holy Tree is a towering tree and does not need to be hidden at all.

It can be said that only the Earth Clan protects their Holy Stone.

Among all the notes of Chi Yan, only the records about the Holy Stone are the least.

This is not good news for Zhuo Bufan.

"There is no detailed plan in the notes, only the address of the Earth Clan."

"It seems that I can only rely on myself next."

Now Zhuo Bufan has come to the last step, so he must find the Holy Stone of the Earth Clan no matter what.

However, he needs to find a better excuse to have a reason to enter the Earth Clan.

As for how to get the Holy Stone, it needs to be thought about carefully.

"If it doesn't work, I can only rob it by force."

Zhuo Bufan planned to rob it by force, but he soon rejected this idea.

It's too rogue to rob.

And the most important thing is that Zhuo Bufan himself doesn't know where the holy stone is.

If the chief of the Tu tribe swears to never tell him where the holy stone is, then how can Zhuo Bufan find the holy stone?

Maybe any stone on the ground is a holy stone, but he has never seen it.

"Let's talk about it after we get to the Tu tribe first!"

Zhuo Bufan is just going to take it one step at a time.

In any case, he must find this last holy weapon.

A few days later, Zhuo Bufan finally arrived at the Tu tribe.

When he arrived at the Guifu Stone Forest where the Tu tribe was, he was immediately arrested as an intruder.

Of course, when the chief of the Tu tribe saw Zhuo Bufan, he immediately released Zhuo Bufan after knowing that Zhuo Bufan was the chief of the Fire tribe, and solemnly welcomed Zhuo Bufan's arrival.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't find an excuse to come to the Tu tribe, so he just said that he was traveling and came to the Tu tribe.

As for the real reason, Zhuo Bufan certainly couldn't tell it completely.

Zhuo Bufan obviously underestimated the capabilities of the Tu people.

In the entire Tu tribe, the only one who knows where the holy stone is hidden is the tribe leader.

How to get the tribe leader to tell the whereabouts of the holy stone in person is a big challenge for Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan wants to use the method he used to deal with the Jin tribe before, using the marriage plan.

It turns out that the Tu tribe is full of straight men.

And the Tu tribe has never disdained to marry with foreign tribes, so this plan is not feasible at all.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan wanted to become brothers with the tribe leader of the Tu tribe, but the tribe leader of the Tu tribe was very arrogant and seemed to look down on Zhuo Bufan.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan suffered the biggest blow in the Tu tribe.

Here, he had no way to get the tribe leader of the Tu tribe to tell him where the holy stone was.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan lived in the Tu tribe for more than a month.

In this month, Zhuo Bufan finally established a certain friendship with the tribe leader of the Tu tribe through his own efforts.

Of course, relying on this little bit of affection, it is impossible to get the tribe leader of the Tu tribe to tell him the whereabouts of the holy stone.

Once he asked the other party about the whereabouts of the holy stone, the chief of the Tu tribe would think that they had bad intentions.

In this way, war might be triggered, and the friendship that was hard to establish before would disappear.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was a little helpless, suddenly one day, a group of foreign envoys came to the Tu tribe.

"Chief of the Fire Tribe, our chief invites you to come over."

Under the guidance of the guards, Zhuo Bufan came to the Tu tribe's assembly hall.

When he came to the assembly hall, Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that the envoys who came to the Tu tribe were actually from the Wood Tribe.

The leading elf was the chief of the Wood Tribe, the Saint.

The arrival of the Wood Tribe made the entire Tu tribe boil.

Because the Wood Tribe and the Tu Tribe have always had a bad relationship. The two sides have experienced many wars.

It can be said that the chief of the Tu tribe is hostile to the chief of the Wood Tribe.

However, this time, the Tu tribe did not show too much hostility to the arrival of the Wood Tribe.

Even the chief of the Tu tribe used the etiquette of welcoming distinguished guests to receive the saint of the Wood tribe.

When the saint saw Zhuo Bufan, she smiled at him.

Zhuo Bufan felt a little puzzled.

He didn't know why the chief of the Wood tribe appeared here.

After all, he had just come from the Wood tribe. Could it be that the tree of life of the Wood tribe was sick again?

Zhuo Bufan did not ask, because he felt that the chief of the Wood tribe was not coming for him.

Soon, the chief of the Wood tribe told their origins.

"Chief of the Tu tribe, I came here this time on the orders of the Holy Tree."

"The Holy Tree asked me to tell the chief of the Tu tribe and let the chief of the Tu tribe convey a message to the Holy Stone."

"The alien demons will revive, the seal will be lifted. The apocalypse will come, and my king will be born."

When the saint of the Wood tribe finished this sentence, all the elves present were a little confused, including the chief of the Tu tribe and Zhuo Bufan.

The chief of the Tu tribe looked at the chief of the Wood tribe in confusion, and then said.

"What do you mean? The alien demons are about to revive. Is this the revelation of the Holy Tree?"

The Saint of the Wood Tribe nodded.

"Yes, this is the revelation of the Lord of the Holy Tree. It told me that the Holy Stone is actually the key to the alien demon world."

"It seals the entire alien demon world."

"But the alien demons are getting stronger and stronger, and the seal of the Holy Stone is about to fail."

"The only way to solve all this is right in front of us."

After the Saint finished speaking, she suddenly looked at Zhuo Bufan on the side.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the eyes of the Saint of the Wood Tribe, he knew that this Saint was here to help him.

The Chief of the Earth Tribe still looked at the Saint of the Wood Tribe inexplicably, and then asked.

"What do you mean? You mean, Chief of the Fire Tribe?

The Chief of the Earth Tribe obviously saw the eyes of the Saint of the Wood Tribe looking at Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, the Saint of the Wood Tribe continued.

"I think the Chief of the Earth Tribe should have known that the power of the Holy Stone could not last long. "

"Once the seal of the holy stone is broken, the demons will invade in large numbers, and our world will be devastated again."

"The solution to this crisis is to elect a new Elf King."

"The Fire Clan leader is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate for the Elf King. "

Zhuo Bufan was very surprised. He had not said anything to the Saint of the Wood Clan.

But the Saint of the Wood Clan seemed to know everything.

Of course, everything the Saint of the Wood Clan knew was told to her by the Holy Tree.

When the Holy Tree passed its power to Zhuo Bufan, it had already discovered that there were other holy artifacts in Zhuo Bufan's body.

From that moment on, the Holy Tree knew that Zhuo Bufan must be collecting holy artifacts and wanted to become the Elf King.

So, when the Holy Tree passed on the power of life to Zhuo Bufan, it also tested Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan passed this test successfully and became the most suitable candidate for the Elf King in the eyes of the Holy Tree.

However, after hearing this, the Chief of the Earth Clan laughed.

"Hahahaha, did I hear it right? You mean, the Holy Tree wants the Chief of the Fire Clan to become the Elf King?"

"When did the Elf King become a tree's word? "

The chief of the Tu tribe was a little unconvinced.

He thought he was not much worse than Zhuo Bufan.

So he hoped that he would be the candidate for the Elf King.

But after hearing this, the Saint of the Wood tribe shook her head.

"It is true that the Elf King is not decided by Lord Holy Tree, but Lord Holy Tree also said that the elf who can pull out the Holy Sword is undoubtedly the most suitable choice."

"Now the Fire Tribe Chief has obtained the power of Holy Water, Holy Fire, Holy Sword, and Holy Tree, and only lacks the power of your Earth Tribe Holy Stone."

"Therefore, we hope that the Earth Tribe Chief will put the overall situation first, take out the Holy Stone, help the Fire Tribe Chief, become our Elf King, and fight against the invasion of the alien demons together."

After hearing the words of the Wood Tribe Saint, Zhuo Bufan realized that he might have been tricked.

The Wood Tribe Saint and the others wanted to choose an Elf King, in fact, for the next invasion of the alien demons.

The invasion of the alien demons requires an Elf King to unite the five major tribes and stop it all.

It seems that everyone has their own ulterior motives, so there is no good or bad here, only for their own interests.

"Are you really unwilling to hand over the holy stone?"

"Tu Clan leader, you have to think it through."

"This holy stone may be a holy weapon now, but it will soon become a hot potato."

"Once the seal of the holy stone is broken and the alien demons invade, the first to be finished will definitely be your Tu Clan."

The Saint of the Wood Clan, with both coercion and inducement, made the Tu Clan leader fall into deep thought.

Fortunately, the Tu Clan leader is a very self-centered elf, and he was not impressed by the Saint of the Wood Clan.

Instead, he insisted on his own opinion.

"My Wood Clan has guarded the Holy Stone and the seal for generations. It is impossible to give up the Holy Stone."

"Since the alien demon army is about to arrive, I suggest that we immediately convene a meeting of the five major tribes."

"Since the leaders of the Wood Clan and the Fire Clan are already here, I will simply initiate this alliance meeting."

"I will immediately notify the leaders of the Water Clan and the Gold Clan."

"Then everyone will make things clear."

"Let the alliance meeting decide who can be the Elf King."

The leader of the Earth Clan plans to hold an alliance meeting and decides to use the meeting to choose the Elf King.

In this regard, the Saint of the Wood Clan and Zhuo Bufan did not say much.

After all, the alliance meeting will be held sooner or later. And for Zhuo Bufan, he can get the support of the Gold Clan stably.

After all, the Holy Sword of the Gold Clan is still in his hands.

After the Earth Clan leader finished speaking, he immediately sent out the elves to report to the Water Clan and the Gold Clan.


"Why do you want to help me?"

After leaving the hall, Zhuo Bufan walked together with the Saint of the Wood Clan.

Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised by the sudden appearance of the Saint of the Wood Clan.

The Saint of the Wood Clan heard this and said.

"I said it in the meeting hall, this is the decision of Lord Saint Tree. Lord Saint Tree supports you as the Elf King."

"Besides, you are the benefactor of our Wood Clan, so we naturally support you."

"So don't worry, when the Alliance Conference comes, our Wood Clan will definitely vote for you."

The words of the Saint of the Wood Clan gave Zhuo Bufan confidence.

With the support of the Gold Clan and the Wood Clan, he will be more confident at the Alliance Conference.


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