Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1379 Goodbye Emperor Xuan

Zhuo Bufan's first clone didn't know that his second clone had given up competing with him for dominance.

Now, as long as he left the Samsara Tower, he would naturally become the only Zhuo Bufan.

However, the premise was that he had to complete the reincarnation test of this last reincarnation world.

The last reincarnation world was obviously not that easy.

Because he didn't know the reincarnation mission, Zhuo Bufan was just like a headless fly so far.

He was now thinking about how to pursue Bai Su.

He thought that his reincarnation mission this time should be love.

After all, after experiencing seventeen reincarnations, he gradually gained some experience.

Each reincarnation has a theme mission. Zhuo Bufan has experienced seventeen reincarnations, but he has never experienced love.

So Zhuo Bufan guessed that his reincarnation mission should be love.

However, Zhuo Bufan is now facing another problem.

Because Zhuo Bufan has many confidantes in his life.

In addition to Bai Su, there are Xuan Su and Meng Chanyi.

At least in Zhuo Bufan's opinion, Bai Su and Xuan Su are actually husband and wife with him.

So if he really wants to talk about love, then in addition to Bai Su, Xuan Su is also a target that he must conquer.

And Zhuo Bufan is not sure whether Meng Chanyi counts.

If he follows his reincarnation body, Meng Chanyi is his partner in the first life of Luo Tian.

And Xuan Su is his partner in the second life of Ji Xuanhao.

Bai Su is the common partner of this life and the second life.

Because he has lived three lives, it is not surprising to have three partners.

So if he really wants to conquer all the partners, then Bai Su, Xuan Su and Meng Chanyi are all the targets that Zhuo Bufan wants to conquer.

So Zhuo Bufan has a long way to go to regain his love.

At least for now, Bai Su has no feelings for him at all.

Because she calls him, Senior!

"Senior, where are we going now?"

Bai Su followed Zhuo Bufan to the heavenly world of the cultivation world, which is the so-called Holy Land.

In Bai Su's mind, Zhuo Bufan is a more powerful existence than the Northern Emperor Xing Badao.

So there is no problem in calling him Senior.

However, Zhuo Bufan obviously had a lot of opinions about this title.

"Miss Susu, you should call me Hao! Or Fengjun is fine."

"You used to call me that."

Bai Su couldn't help muttering to herself after hearing Zhuo Bufan's inexplicable words.


"Yes, you used to call me Fengjun."

Zhuo Bufan knew that even if he told Bai Su that he was her partner in her previous life, she would not believe it. Only by letting Bai Su unlock her own seal can he establish a relationship with her.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan deliberately brought Bai Su to the Holy Land, wanting to awaken Bai Su's memory here.

"Do you have any impression here?"

Zhuo Bufan brought Bai Su to a floating mountain in the Holy Land.

Bai Su looked at the floating mountain and couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Su Nu Sect?"

"Yes, Su Nu Sect, the sect founded by your mother Bai Di, you are the second sect master, do you still remember?"

Zhuo Bufan brought Bai Su to find memories, but Bai Su did not have any relevant memories.

Zhuo Bufan seemed to have wasted his time.

These days, Zhuo Bufan has taken Bai Su to many places.

But so far, there has been no gain.

Bai Su seems to have no memory of that period at all. Zhuo Bufan even wonders if this reincarnation world is really the same as the original world?

"Why not go directly to the World Wall to find Emperor Xuan and Emperor Bai, maybe there is a way to restore Bai Su's memory."

"But, what identity should I use to meet Emperor Xuan? Should I still be Ji Xuanhao?"

"But now Emperor Xuan and Emperor Bai are fighting with the underworld, and I don't know if they can leave!"

"By the way, maybe I can take this opportunity to meet Xuan Su again."

Zhuo Bufan thought for a while and decided to take Bai Su directly to the World Wall to meet Emperor Xuan and Emperor Bai.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan might be able to meet Xuan Su again.

"I don't know what to do after seeing Xuan Su! After all, Xuan Su is not Bai Su. Xuan Su only loves Ji Xuanhao."

"I can only continue to pretend to be Ji Xuanhao to get Xuan Su's trust."

"But, how can I explain Xuan Su's existence to Bai Su?"

"I can't let them think that I am a scumbag who plays two women at the same time."

Zhuo Bufan is now facing a very difficult problem.

That is how to fall in love with Bai Su and Xuan Su at the same time.

The reincarnation world is still different from the real world.

In the real world, Zhuo Bufan went through several life and death in order to make Bai Su and Xuan Su recognize each other at the same time.

The three of them went through many disasters together before they achieved the right result.

So Xuan Su and Bai Su in reality are like sisters.

But Xuan Su in the reincarnation world is the queen of the underworld, and she has an irreconcilable relationship with Emperor Xuan and others.

How to resolve the grievances among them is what Zhuo Bufan is most worried about.

"Never mind, let's go to the World Wall first."

"Susu, I'll take you to another place."

Zhuo Bufan said to Bai Su.

Bai Su was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"Where to go?"

"To see your parents, Emperor Xuan and Emperor Bai."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to waste time, because there was still his clone outside the Reincarnation Tower refining the Reincarnation Tower.

At least that's what Zhuo Bufan in the Reincarnation Tower thought.

Therefore, he must complete the reincarnation test in this world before the second clone can refine the reincarnation tower.

So, he took Bai Su directly through the world barrier of the real world, and then came to the junction between the real world and the underworld.

With Zhuo Bufan's current strength, he is still no match for Emperor Xuan and Emperor Bai.

Therefore, it was actually very risky for him to break into the world wall this time.

Because if he couldn't give a reason to convince Emperor Bai and Emperor Xuan, Emperor Xuan might be killed as a spy from the underworld.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan made a speech in advance before taking Bai Su through the world wall.

When he passed through the world wall, he was immediately discovered by Emperor Xuan who was guarding here.

After sensing the intrusion of an expert, Emperor Xuan instantly appeared in the air, blocking the way of Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su.

Before Zhuo Bufan could speak, Emperor Xuan couldn't help but burst into tears after seeing Bai Su next to Zhuo Bufan.

"Su, Susu?"

Obviously, Emperor Xuan still recognized his daughter.

Therefore, when Emperor Xuan saw Bai Su, he was so excited that his eyes filled with tears.

Zhuo Bufan on the side smiled slightly when he saw this scene. This is exactly what he wants to see.

If Emperor Xuan can recognize Bai Su, then the next matter between him and Bai Su will happen naturally and naturally.

Bai Su seemed a little cautious, but after seeing Emperor Xuan, a bright color flashed in her originally confused eyes.

Of course, she still didn't recognize the middle-aged man in black in front of her as the father she had never seen again in a thousand years.

Zhuo Bufan was naturally extremely happy as he watched Bai Su and his daughter recognize each other.

But to Bai Su, the Emperor Xuan in front of him seemed a bit strange.

She grabbed Zhuo Bufan's hand nervously, fearing that Zhuo Bufan would run away.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly comforted him.

"Don't be nervous, he is the Emperor Xuan I told you, and he is your father."

When Bai Su heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"my father?"

"That's right, the four supreme beings in ancient times, Emperor Xuan Jiang Taixuan."

"Boy, how do you know my name? And who are you?"

Emperor Xuan looked at Zhuo Bufan and said dumbly.

He had never seen Zhuo Bufan before, so he was a little wary of the boy in front of him.

After Zhuo Bufan heard Emperor Xuan's words, he knelt down on the spot without saying a word.

"Disciple Ji Xuanhao, I have met the World Honored One!"

When Zhuo Bufan called himself Ji Xuanhao, Emperor Xuan in front of him couldn't help but be startled.

The scene was calm for tens of seconds, and dozens of seconds later, Emperor Xuan suddenly struck Zhuo Bufan with his palm.

That palm was extremely powerful and extremely fast. Zhuo Bufan almost ran away as fast as he could.


With one palm, even the wall of the world was shaken.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"World Honored One, disciple Ji Xuanhao, don't you recognize me?"

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that Emperor Xuanhao would have such a big reaction when he called himself Ji Xuanhao.

He was almost killed by Emperor Xuan.

Emperor Xuan snorted coldly after hearing Zhuo Bufan's words.

"You still dare to pretend to be my disciple, I think you are seeking death."

Emperor Xuan finally said something that confused Zhuo Bufan.

It turned out that Emperor Xuan thought Zhuo Bufan was Ji Xuanhao in disguise.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan was indeed pretending to be him, so it was no wonder he couldn't deceive Emperor Xuan.

Although Zhuo Bufan is Ji Xuanhao's reincarnation, after all, he is not Ji Xuanhao's original form, so it is normal for Emperor Xuan to see through it.

After listening to Emperor Xuan's question, Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate and knelt down on the ground again.

"Please, World Honored One, be merciful and allow me to speak slowly."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Emperor Xuan, who was originally furious, temporarily regained his composure.

Then he looked at Zhuo Bufan with his eyes and said.

"Recruit me truthfully, why did you pretend to be my disciple? Why did you kidnap my son?"

Emperor Xuan thought that Bai Su was abducted by Zhuo Bufan.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan had already thought of an explanation for these chaotic situations.

"World Honored One, it is true that I am no longer Xuanhao now, but in my previous life, I was indeed Ji Xuanhao!"

"Previous life?"

Emperor Xuan frowned slightly, looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Yes, I am Ji Xuanhao's reincarnation, Zhuo Bufan."

Finally, Zhuo Bufan honestly revealed his identity.

After all, he knew that it was impossible to deceive Emperor Xuan with his lame lies.

Emperor Xuan was a great emperor who lived for tens of thousands of years.

He has long had the ability to ascend to Daluotian, but in order to protect the world of cultivation, he did not ascend.

Therefore, it was impossible for Zhuo Bufan to hide his identity from Emperor Xuan. He had no choice but to tell Emperor Xuan his identity honestly.

After hearing this, Emperor Xuan was silent for a while.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked.

"What is the physique of my cultivation?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly replied.

"The Mysterious Body of Nine Transformations of Life and Death, the technique you practice is the Nine Transformations of Life and Death Jue."

"What is the name of the world above? What kind of world is it?"

Emperor Xuan continued to ask.

Only Ji Xuanhao, who has actually been to Daluotian, knows this question.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan also knew about this question.

"The so-called heaven is Daluotian. Daluotian is a world governed by Daluotian Dao."

"It is also the only complete will of heaven in the entire chaotic void."

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's second answer, Emperor Xuan began to believe what he said.

Finally, Emperor Xuan asked another question.

"Let me ask you again, who was your first life?"

For this question, Emperor Xuan believed that no one in the world knew except him and Ji Xuanhao.

And Zhuo Bufan answered affirmatively again.

"My first life was Luotian, and Daluotian is the virtual body of my first life."

"Now the entire Daluotian is deteriorating and needs to be changed urgently."

Zhuo Bufan answered every question of Emperor Xuan in detail.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's answer, Emperor Xuan looked at Zhuo Bufan and said happily.

"Are you really Xuanhao's reincarnation?"

Zhuo Bufan nodded immediately.

"That's right, Lord! I am really the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao."

"In fact, my current situation is very complicated, and I can't explain it to you clearly for a while."

"But if you have time, I can explain it to you slowly."

Zhuo Bufan didn't intend to hide his situation from Emperor Xuan.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Emperor Xuan said.

"In that case, then you take Su Su and follow me back to the mansion for a chat!"

After that, Zhuo Bufan took Bai Su and followed Emperor Xuan to their mansion located in the world barrier.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the familiar palace in front of him and remembered that his wedding with Bai Su and Xuan Su was held here.

"It's really strange. If this is really a reincarnation world, then what kind of existence is it?"

"Is it a perfect copy of the real world?"

"Buildings can be copied, so what about people? Bai Su, Master, Master's Wife, they all really exist."

Zhuo Bufan felt very magical, because he knew that the Emperor Xuan in front of him was not the real Emperor Xuan in reality.

But now, he is actually talking to him.

If there is anything that Zhuo Bufan finds puzzling, it is the real existence of this world.

Does the reincarnation world really exist?

Zhuo Bufan has asked himself this question more than once.

In the eighteen reincarnation worlds, each world has a touching experience from the soul.

Sometimes, Zhuo Bufan really thinks that these reincarnation worlds really exist.

But if this is true, then the world in front of him is not contradictory to the real world?

Without time to think so much, Zhuo Bufan brought Bai Su to the hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw Bai Di and Bai Shu running over excitedly.

"Su Su, it's really you!"

Bai Di hugged Bai Su in his arms, and Bai Su was obviously still a little confused at this moment.

Before Zhuo Bufan could speak, Emperor Xuan said.

"Su Su should have a dusty memory that has not been unlocked. You take her down first, I have something to discuss with this kid."

Emperor Xuan said to Bai Di.

After hearing this, Bai Di did not ask too many questions, but glanced at Zhuo Bufan, then turned and left.

After seeing Bai Su leave, Zhuo Bufan looked back at Emperor Xuan in front of him.

"Tell me, do you have any secrets to tell me?"

Emperor Xuan still didn't quite believe that the boy in front of him was Ji Xuanhao.

Zhuo Bufan replied after hearing this.

"Buddha, if I tell you that this world is just a reincarnation world, do you believe it?"

Zhuo Bufan decided to tell the truth.


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