Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1380 Linglong, Regret

In order to gain Emperor Xuan's trust, Zhuo Bufan planned to tell Emperor Xuan all the truth.

"World Honored One, what I want to tell you is that the world we are in now is actually just a world of reincarnation."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Emperor Xuan looked at him with narrowed eyes and said.

"The world of reincarnation? What do you mean?"

Zhuo Bufan continued.

"It's a long story, let me tell you from beginning to end!"

In order to make Emperor Xuan understand what he said, Zhuo Bufan began to speak one by one.

He started from his own experience in the world of cultivation. After all, Emperor Xuan was easier to believe when talking about things in the world of cultivation.

From the world of cultivation to the virtual world, then to the Yang world, and finally to the Yin world.

As Zhuo Bufan talked, even he couldn't believe that he had experienced so much so far.

Zhuo extraordinary experience, can not be said to be rich.

Just in the Yin and Yang world, Zhuo Bufan experienced madness that others could not experience in their lifetime.

Of course, this is nothing.

Later, Zhuo Bufan unified the world of yin and yang, ascended to Daluotian, became a disciple of Panhuang, met the Saint of Mazu Mountain, discovered the body of reincarnation, searched for the Lord of Time, was hunted by heaven, and so on.

When Zhuo Bufan thinks back on his life, he can describe it as crazy.

Only now did Zhuo Bufan realize that his life was particularly exciting.

In my life, there is madness, peace, gains, losses, peaks and troughs, successes and failures.

Such a life is a perfect life, a life without any regrets.

So after Zhuo Bufan recalled his life, he sighed and said.

"No regrets in this life!"

Although Zhuo Bufan's life is not over yet, he is already very satisfied with his life.

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan seemed to understand.

What mission, what pursuit, what turmoil in the world, what sky is dead and yellow sky is standing.

None of these are important. What matters is whether your life is wonderful and worthy of it.

A person's life does not necessarily have to be spectacular, nor does it have to be about saving people.

As long as you are worthy of yourself, your life, and your sincerity, it is enough.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan also knew very well that he was now on a path of no return.

The ordinary life he wanted was destined to never happen again in this life.

Although people who live for themselves are worthy of their own lives, they are also a little selfish.

In order to enable our descendants to live a happier life.

Zhuo Bufan must complete his mission and save the world from Da Luotian.

"World Honored One, that's probably what happened."

"Now, I actually came to this world just to complete a reincarnation mission."

"I don't even know if this world is real or fake."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's question, Emperor Xuan said slowly.

"Does it matter whether this world is true or false?"

"What is empty is what is real, what is real is what is virtual. What is virtual is what is real, and what is real is just a thought."

"You just need to understand what you have to do, and that's enough."

"Maybe you have a lot of nostalgia for this world, but don't forget your mission here."

Emperor Xuan's words made Zhuo Bufan suddenly realize.

"The World Honored One is right, it doesn't matter whether this world is true or false. What matters is that I came to this world just to complete the mission of reincarnation."

After hearing this, Emperor Xuan nodded.

"Then do you know what your reincarnation mission is?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned and then said.

"I'm not very clear about the specifics, but based on my experience of seventeen previous reincarnations, this reincarnation mission should be about love."

After hearing this, Emperor Xuan said.

"Love? Is it about reincarnation?"

Emperor Xuan said another word, which made Zhuo Bufan startled.

"Yes, love has nothing to do with reincarnation!"

"I heard what you said before, every reincarnation world you experience has a theme."

"Time, death, birth, giving up, perseverance, winning, sacrifice! And so on."

"These are actually related to reincarnation. They are necessary conditions for reincarnation. But love is not among these necessary conditions."

"So, I don't think your reincarnation mission this time is about love."

Emperor Xuan deserves to be Emperor Xuan, Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized what he said.

Even though Zhuo Bufan's current strength may be much higher than that of Emperor Xuan, his ideological level is still not comparable to that of his master.

Zhuo Bufan believed that if Emperor Xuan was willing to ascend, he would have already become Da Luotian, comparable to the Three Emperors.

It's a pity that Emperor Xuan is not interested in ascension.

Emperor Xuan only wanted to protect Bai Emperor, his relatives, the world, the yin and yang world, and all living things in that world.

"Master, what do you think this disciple's reincarnation mission should be?"

Zhuo Bufan asked modestly.

Now that he had discovered the problem, he wanted to hear if Emperor Xuan had any opinions.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Emperor Xuan shook his head.

"You need to find out for yourself."

“What is related to reincarnation?”

“But from what I’ve seen, maybe it’s just a pity.”

After hearing Emperor Xuan's words, Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.


"Yes, the reason why people want to be reincarnated is because they want to make up for their regrets."

"Do you have any regrets that need to be made up?"

Zhuo Bufan was confused after hearing this.

Obviously, he didn't know what regrets he had. Or rather, he had too many regrets in his life.

Of course, he needed to slowly recall and search for them.

"Think back, what is the most regrettable thing in your life?"

After listening to Emperor Xuan's words, Zhuo Bufan really began to recall his life.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan did have many regrets in his life.

But these regrets, but many regrets, were made up by Zhuo Bufan using the archive door.

Because of the archive door, no matter what regrets, he would use the archive door to make up.

It has always been like this.

So if Zhuo Bufan has any regrets, then there is really no regret.

"It is impossible for a person's life to be perfect. So no matter who you are, there are regrets, but the difference is big or small."

"Maybe when you find your regrets, you can complete this reincarnation mission."

After listening to Emperor Xuan's words, Zhuo Bufan fell into a period of thought.

"Regret, the regret of my life."

"If I have to say regret..."

Just when Zhuo Bufan was thinking about the regret of his life, a figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the figure, he couldn't help but exclaimed.


Hearing this, Emperor Xuan smiled slightly and said.

"It seems that you have found your regret!"

After listening, Zhuo Bufan nodded and replied.

"Linglong is my sister. To be precise, it should be Ji Xuanhao's sister."

"She died, died in my arms."

"In fact, I don't know if she is my regret. After all, I am not Ji Xuanhao, so Linglong and I don't have much affection."

"When she died, I didn't feel the pain of heartbreak. But if I really want to say a regret. Then my biggest regret should be Linglong's death."

"If possible, I don't want her to die."

Zhuo Bufan believes that the most regretful thing in his life is the death of Ji Linglong.

Ji Linglong, Ji Xuanhao's sister.

She played a very important role in Zhuo Bufan's life.

For example, when Zhuo Bufan first came to the world of cultivation, he joined a mysterious killer organization, Four Seasons Mountain and River.

And the leader of Four Seasons Mountain and River was Ji Linglong.

Later, Tianyi Sect came out of nowhere, and the leader of Tianyi Sect was also Ji Linglong.

Ji Linglong's life was full of regrets and tragedies.

She has been waiting for her brother to reincarnate all her life.

Like Bai Su, Xuan Su, and Meng Chanyi.

Ji Linglong is also the one waiting for Zhuo Bufan's three reincarnations.

However, Ji Linglong finally waited for her brother's reincarnation, that is, after Zhuo Bufan appeared.

But she died in the hands of the Demon Lord.

In the end, she just said goodbye to Zhuo Bufan in a hurry.

Perhaps, for Ji Linglong.

Waiting for thousands of years, just for this hasty farewell, is enough.

But for Zhuo Bufan, it is a kind of regret. A regret for himself and for Linglong.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan felt that Ji Linglong was his regret.

"World Honored One, I understand!"

"I will go and make up for my regret now."

After talking with Emperor Xuan, Zhuo Bufan suddenly understood a lot.

Emperor Xuan told him that he should not linger in this world.

This sentence touched Zhuo Bufan a lot.

After all, for Zhuo Bufan, he had not seen his wife and children, his relatives for a long time.

So Zhuo Bufan's first task in this world was to find Bai Su.

This was not actually for the task, but just a kind of nostalgia for Zhuo Bufan.

But he should not have too much nostalgia in this world.

He came to this world to complete the reincarnation task.

If he continued to stay, he might be trapped in this world forever.

After all, outside the reincarnation tower, there was another clone who was frantically refining the reincarnation tower. At least Zhuo Bufan in the tower thought so.

So, after thinking for a while, he quickly said to Emperor Xuan.

"Buddha, I understand."

"Please tell Su Su that I will always love her."

"Take care."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he let go of his inner attachment.

Then he stood up and left the Xuan Emperor's palace.

The Xuan Emperor looked at Zhuo Bufan's departing back and smiled faintly.

Then, his body began to emit bursts of light.

Under the cover of the light, he finally disappeared.


Zhuo Bufan left without saying hello to Bai Su.

Because Zhuo Bufan himself had obviously felt it.

This world is not the real world. To put it bluntly, this world is just a reincarnation world.

What Zhuo Bufan has to do is not to linger on everything in this world.

What he has to do is to complete the mission of this world.

And for Zhuo Bufan, the most important task at the moment is to find his sister Ji Linglong.

Zhuo Bufan wants to make up for his regrets and make up for his debt to his sister Ji Linglong.

Zhuo Bufan first came to the base where Siji Shanhe was located, but when he arrived at Siji Shanhe, he did find that Siji Shanhe had already been disbanded.

After thinking about it, he realized that he had spent ten years in seclusion in a mass grave.

Four Seasons Shanhe should have been disbanded a long time ago.

He found a familiar boat by a river.

"August Building?"

Zhuo Bufan recalled his past at Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers.

Although he didn't know how many years had passed, when he recalled it, it seemed that everything had been vividly remembered.

The building ship named August Tower was one of the bases Zhuo Bufan entered when he first joined Siji Shanhe.

He saw two leisurely and contented women on the bow of the boat.

One person is dressed in yellow, like autumn leaves in August.

One person is dressed in red, like a red maple in March.

When Zhuo Bufan saw these two people, two names automatically appeared in his mind.

"Sister Mo Qiu, sister Su Hong!"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but fall from the air onto the bow of the ship.

As soon as they landed on the bow of the ship, the two women on the ship immediately stood ready.

However, when they felt the powerful aura on Zhuo Bufan's body, they immediately understood that the man in front of them was definitely not comparable to the two of them.

That kind of aura is more powerful than the leader of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers.

So Mo Qiu and Su Hong immediately withdrew their hostility.

Then the two of them knelt in front of Zhuo Bufan, bowed their heads and said.

"I don't know what your surname is, senior, why do you come to my August Building?"

The two knew that they were no match for the one in front of them, so the best way was to take the initiative to show their kindness.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Mo Qiu and Su Hong in front of him and smiled lightly.

"Both of you, please get up!"

For Zhuo Bufan, Mo Qiu and Su Hong are the highlights of his life.

Of course he has to respect both of them.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"It's just that I feel a little emotional when I revisit my old place. I want to come and see it."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Mo Qiu and Su Hong looked at each other.

"Revisiting the old place? Dare I ask, senior, could it be that you were once a member of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers?"

This August Building is the territory of Siji Shanhe, and revisiting the old place means that the other party was once a member of Siji Shanhe.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"Yes, I was the birthday student of Siji Shanhe, August Building."

"On the eighth day of August, I will always remember this code name."

After hearing this, Mo Qiu and Su Hong didn't dare to ask any more questions.

After all, Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers has existed for many years and for many generations.

There are eighty or not hundreds of people who use the code name of the eighth day of August.

So they are really not in a hurry. There has never been such an existence in Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers.

"Senior, now Four Seasons Mountain and River has been disbanded. The two of us bought this August Building for our travels."

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, the once most glorious killer organization has just been disbanded."

"Although Siji Shanhe is a killer organization, it never kills innocent people indiscriminately."

"Although it is a killer organization, I feel a warmth inside that I don't feel outside."

"If possible, I hope that Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers can be re-established."

Zhuo Bufan said.

After hearing this, Mo Qiu replied.

"Of course we also hope that Four Seasons Shanhe will not be disbanded."

"It's just that we don't dare to disobey Tai Sui's orders." "What's more, now that Tai Sui has disappeared, we can't reorganize Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said.

"Maybe I can help you find Tai Sui."

"Let's do this, you contact the twenty-four solar terms envoy and the owner of the December Building, as well as all the members who want to return."

"I believe that Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers can still be rebuilt."

Zhuo Bufan didn't know if it was just a whim, he wanted to rebuild the Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers.

If we talk about regrets, the disbandment of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers may also be a regret for him.

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