Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1384: Decisive Battle Against the Sky

The two clones finally merged, and Zhuo Bufan became the only one.

Finally, the powerful and complete Zhuo Bufan returned.

“Next, it’s time to deal with that Jealous Sky and Ni Qiong, right?”

After Zhuo Bufan fused the power of his clones, his strength increased to another level.

His first clone had been inherited by Luo Tian and gained the power of the Heart of Chaos.

Today's Zhuo Bufan has mastered the power of two major laws, the Law of Devouring and the Law of Reincarnation.

And also possesses a powerful energy of chaos.

So for Zhuo Bufan, now he is finally no longer the weakling who escaped from Daluotian at the beginning.

Now, he is finally no longer afraid of Daluo Tiandao's pursuit.

Now he finally has the strength and qualifications to enter the world of reincarnation and meet the legendary Lord of Time.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan still has to do a few things before heading to the world of reincarnation.

The first thing is to kill Jealousy and fulfill the last wish of the second clone.

The second thing is to visit the Samsara Clan and at least formally say goodbye to his brother before leaving.

"Let's go back to the Samsara clan first."

Zhuo Bufan calmed down his grief and then came to the Samsara Clan.

As soon as he arrived at the Samsara Clan, he saw Gao Yangxu who was already waiting.

When Gao Yangxu saw Zhuo Bufan coming, he narrowed his eyes slightly, obviously trying to guess the other person's identity.

He didn't know whether the Zhuo Di in front of him was the first clone or the second clone, or a fusion of the two.

Zhuo Bufan fell from the sky, landed in front of Gao Yangxu, and said.

"Brother, I succeeded."

When Gao Yangxu heard this, he understood immediately.

"Congratulations to Brother Zhuo, what about the other one now..."

Gao Yangxu didn't finish speaking, but Zhuo Bufan seemed to know what he was going to say.

So he answered.

"We have integrated. He chose to give up, and I respect his choice."

"But he will always live in my heart. After all, we are the same person."

"Now that I have completely integrated his memory, I already know about the reincarnation clan."

"Don't worry, brother, I will set off to the world of reincarnation in the near future to intercede with the Lord of Time and lift your curse."

"You, the Samsara Clan, have been punished enough over the years. I think the Lord of Time will definitely show mercy."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Gao Yangxu was shocked and moved.

"Thank you, Brother Zhuo. Tell me what you went through in the Tower of Reincarnation."

"Tonight, we two brothers will drink and talk happily again. We will never return until we get drunk."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan laughed and said.

"no problem."

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu drank wine together and talked about the past and future.

At the same time, on the other side of the starry sky, the extraordinary opponent Jealousy Tian Ni Kong Qiong is completing the final fusion.

For Ni Cangqiong, it is obviously crucial to integrate the power of all the incarnations of Heavenly Dao. This is related to whether he can become the most powerful existence under Da Luo Tian in the future.

Moreover, Ni Qiong also knew that Zhuo Bufan would become stronger and stronger in the future.

Therefore, he must completely integrate all the powers of heaven before Zhuo Bufan comes to kill him.

As Jealousy Zhitian continues to integrate the power of Heavenly Dao, his entire soul has begun to approach Daluo Heavenly Dao.

After all, the seven incarnations of Da Luo Tiandao have obtained his seven powers respectively.

Now that the seven powers are integrated into one, Jealousy's Sky alone shares all the powers differentiated from Da Luotian's.

Naturally, Jealousy Tian Ni Cang Qiong became the number one existence under Daluo Heavenly Dao.

"The Seven Negative Powers of Da Luotian."

"Greed, anger, obsession, arrogance, hatred, suspicion, depravity!"

"I, who have gathered all the negative forces of Da Luotian, will have unrivaled power."

Jealousy Zhitian could feel that the power belonging to Da Luotian was continuously entering his body. Merge with his body and soul.

Even in the end, Jealousy's entire appearance changed.

His whole body turned black and was beyond recognition.

All that was left on the entire head was a ferocious mouth in the center of the face.

Except for the mouth, there are no eyes, nose, and ears, because he no longer needs these organs.

He has evolved to another level, and these organs are just a drag on him.

In addition, behind him, there is a pair of huge black butterfly wings.

Although he still has a human form, there is no human breath in him.

Jealous of Heaven Ni Cang Qiong, completely turned into a slave and servant of Da Luo Tiandao.


He roared loudly, and the powerful energy fluctuations spread out instantly, and then destroyed all matter within dozens of light years in front of him instantly. Even space and time collapsed.

This is the brand new power of Jealousy Sky, a terrifying power that is enough to destroy the heaven and earth, and the universe.

The current Jealousy Heaven may be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Three Emperors.

Although it is not as good as Luotian Dao, it is at least as good as half of Da Luotian.

"Zhuo Bufan, you will be dead next."

The moment Jealousy Zhitian gained perfect power, he wanted to kill Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan and Jealousy are destined to have a shocking battle.

Both sides made full preparations for this battle.

"Brother, I have to go!"

After talking all night, Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu finally parted ways again.

This time, Zhuo Bufan might not come back after he left.

So Gao Yangxu was very reluctant to leave when he looked at Zhuo Bufan.

"If possible, I must come back."

Zhuo Bufan was very moved by Gao Yangxu's words.

"Well, brother, don't worry, I will definitely come back."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he turned around and left without too much nostalgia. This is an agreement between men. If you say you will come back, you will definitely come back.

So, he must kill that Jealous Sky no matter what.

After leaving the Samsara Star Domain, Zhuo Bufan went directly to a chaotic starry sky.

Zhuo Bufan seemed to know the location of Jealous Sky and chased him all the way.

Enemy, after all, can't escape fate.

Zhuo Bufan and Ni Cangqiong have been enemies to the death since the first moment they met.

Therefore, the final battle between the old enemies is about to begin, and in this battle, both sides will finally decide the winner.

When Zhuo Bufan followed his intuition and came to the chaotic starry sky, he only saw the dark ghostly shadow in the darkness, waiting for his arrival.

"Zhuo Bufan, you are here as expected."

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's arrival, the other party seemed to have an expected reaction.

Obviously, he was secretly guiding Zhuo Bufan and attracted Zhuo Bufan to the dark void.

Because Jealous Heaven knew that fate would guide Zhuo Bufan's arrival.

Some destinies are ultimately unavoidable.

This battle between himself and Zhuo Bufan will start no matter what.

So the arrival of this battle is inevitable.

When Jealous Heaven saw Zhuo Bufan again, he suddenly found that the aura on Zhuo Bufan's body had become a little different.

"Zhuo Bufan, you seem to have become stronger."

Jealous Heaven looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and replied.

"You too, have become stronger and more disgusting. I really can't accept you no matter what."

"Especially after I met my sister in the reincarnation world, you are unforgivable."

The current Zhuo Bufan is not the previous Zhuo Bufan.

Jun Zhitian obviously didn't realize that the Zhuo Bufan in front of him was completely different from the previous one.

After all, the Zhuo Bufan in front of him had voluntarily sacrificed himself to make the current Zhuo Bufan complete.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, the Jealous Heaven actually laughed.

"Zhuo Bufan, are you jealous? You are jealous that I have become stronger than you!"

"It's a pity that even if you are jealous now, it can't change your miserable fate."

After Jealous Heaven finished speaking, the expression on his face became more perverse.

Because there is only one mouth on his face, he looks a little disgusting and a little funny.

"Have you finished speaking? If you are late, let's fight!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to talk nonsense with the freak in front of him.

But Jealous Heaven seemed to have endless words to say. He looked at Zhuo Bufan and said with a smile.

"Don't be impatient, I haven't finished yet!"

"After all, we have known each other for a while. I will talk to you more before I kill you."

"After I merged with the power of the Heavenly Dao of that woman Mo Chichi, I found that woman actually had a dreamy feeling for you."

"How ridiculous! Has she forgotten that she was ordered to hunt you down?"

"This woman is indeed a traitor. Such a guy should not stay in this world."

"So, that guy deserves to die, and she should die to apologize for her crime."

When Zhuo Bufan heard Jealousy Heaven's evaluation of Mo Chichi, he was immediately furious.

"Shut up, you don't deserve to mention her name. I owe her, and I can only pay it back in the next life. As for you, you should die to apologize for my crime."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he started the battle without saying a word.

When he raised his hand, hundreds of swallowing black holes appeared around him.

Zhuo Bufan finally took action, and his first move was thunderous. The Devouring Law was used to perfection.

The Jealous Sky was not careful and half of his body was devoured.

However, Jealous Sky was powerful. Even if he was destroyed and only ashes were left, he could be resurrected infinitely.

This is the powerful strength of Jealous Sky now.

"Zhuo Bufan, good trick! You haven't used this trick before."

Jealous Sky found that the Devouring Law used by Zhuo Bufan was not used in the previous battle, so he was a little shocked.

However, in response to Jealous Sky's inquiry, he was responded to by the blockade of the entire space and the absolutely inescapable Devouring Domain.

"For your sins, die to atone for your sins!"

Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and waved, and Jealous Sky was directly wrapped into a Devouring Light Ball.

The power of the Devouring Light Ball began to devour Jealous Sky's body frantically.

This is Zhuo Bufan's Devouring Law. In terms of Devouring, Zhuo Bufan is the absolute controller.

In other words, no one can be stronger than Zhuo Bufan in Devouring.

But just when Zhuo Bufan thought that his Devouring Light Ball could completely devour Jealous Sky,

Suddenly, Jealousy launched a sneak attack from behind.


A deadly beam of light hit Zhuo Bufan's back of the head.

When Zhuo Bufan reacted, his back of the neck was pierced directly.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Why are you so careless, Zhuo Bufan? You don't think you can kill me by just throwing a ball?"

"Now I succeeded in your sneak attack, how pitiful!"

"Heaven Repair Technique!"

As he spoke, Zhuo Bufan was ready to use the Heaven Repair Technique to repair the wound on the back of his head.

However, when he used the Heaven Repair Technique, he was shocked to find that the Heaven Repair Technique had no effect at all.

"What's going on? The Heaven Repair Technique failed?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt that a strange and unpredictable energy was invading his soul from the back of his head.

Seeing this scene, Jealous Heaven laughed.

"Zhuo Bufan, have you found that your Heaven Repairing Technique is useless?"

"How does my Heavenly Dao Erasing feel? Your Heaven Repairing Technique is, after all, just a magical power created in Daluotian."

"And my Heavenly Dao Erasing can erase all the power you bring from the Daluotian world."

Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled when he heard this.

He didn't expect that this Jealous Heaven had really become stronger, and not just a little bit stronger.

This guy actually completely mastered the power of Daluotian and could even use the Heavenly Dao Erasing method.

Just as he said, Heavenly Dao Erasing can erase all the power brought from Daluotian.

Not only the Heaven Repairing Technique, all the abilities that Zhuo Bufan cultivated in Daluotian and even the Yin-Yang World will be erased by the opponent's ability.

This is the means of Heavenly Dao, which is extremely terrifying.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not feel the slightest fear.

Just when Jealous Heaven was restraining Zhuo Bufan's Heaven Repairing Technique thanks to his Heavenly Dao Erasing.

Suddenly, the injury on the back of Zhuo Bufan's head began to recover automatically.

Seeing this scene, Jealousy Heaven was slightly startled.

"How is it possible? How can you still use the Heaven Repairing Technique?"

Jealousy Heaven was shocked, because he knew very well that his Heavenly Dao Erasing ability should have completely wiped out Zhuo Bufan's Heaven Repairing Technique.

However, Zhuo Bufan's injuries still recovered automatically.

At this time, it was Zhuo Bufan's turn to laugh at Jealousy Heaven.

"Haha, you don't think that the Heavenly Dao Erasing can deal with me!"

"Let me tell you, I have already jumped out of the Heavenly Dao. Now, let alone you, I will kill ten of you."

"Swallow the universe."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he shouted angrily, and all the space within ten light years began to collapse.

The power of swallowing began to destroy time and space.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know how Jealousy Heaven escaped from the previous predicament.

But this time, Zhuo Bufan opened fire at full power, determined to destroy Jealousy Heaven.


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