Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1385: Decisive Battle Against the Sky 2

Zhuo Bufan displayed the power of the Devouring Law to the extreme.

The Devouring Divine Domain created covered the endless void.

In this void, no one can escape the power of Devouring, including Jealous Heaven.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan can be said to have evolved his anger to the extreme. He cannot forgive Jealous Heaven.

Jealous Heaven wanted to escape, but found that the space around him was completely destroyed.

He could not escape by opening up a different space, and his body began to be torn apart at this time, swallowed by an infinite force.

Seeing this scene, Ni Cangqiong was secretly shocked.

"How is it possible? When did this guy have such a strong power?" Ni Cangqiong found that the Zhuo Bufan in front of him was completely different from the Zhuo Bufan he had seen before.

The previous Zhuo Bufan, he could ravage at will. And at that time, he had not yet been able to integrate the power of all the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

But after just less than a few months, Zhuo Bufan's strength has become so terrifying, even stronger than himself.

That's right, Jealous Heaven could feel that Zhuo Bufan was stronger than himself now.

"Are you Zhuo Bufan?"

Ni Cangqiong questioned Zhuo Bufan before his body disappeared.

However, Zhuo Bufan ignored him.

"Stop talking nonsense, go to hell!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan released countless black holes and began to crush Ni Cangqiong.

Ni Cangqiong's body began to slowly disintegrate under the swallowing of the black hole.

Until finally, it completely disappeared into smoke.

"Is he dead?"

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan was temporarily relieved.

But he did not let down his guard, because he knew that Ni Cangqiong should not be so simple.

Sure enough, just when Zhuo Bufan thought that his swallowing law had completely killed Ni Cangqiong.

Suddenly, the surrounding space began to transform into black spheres one after another.

These black meat balls began to gradually grow larger, until finally, they became huge black meat balls with a diameter of nearly one meter.

Then, the meat balls began to grow hands and feet, and grew heads.

Zhuo Bufan was shocked when he saw this scene.

"No, this guy is really weird."

Zhuo Bufan saw that Ni Cangqiong not only resurrected, but also transformed into more bodies.

He knew that Ni Cangqiong must have a resurrection power that he didn't know.

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much, and immediately destroyed those bodies that had not been completely reborn.

"You want to be reborn, you're dreaming."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he released the devouring black hole towards all the black meat balls.

One by one, the black meat balls began to disintegrate and destroy under the devouring black hole.

However, these black meat balls are completely endless, and they can't be destroyed or killed at all.

Even if Zhuo Bufan expanded the scope of the devouring field, as soon as he devoured, a body began to recover.

The number of such meat balls increased, and in the end it even covered all the voids that Zhuo Bufan could see.

"And, it's endless."

"Reset to zero!"

Zhuo Bufan said, and suddenly snapped his fingers.

The next second, all the meat balls began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye. Until they were completely zero.

"Zhuo Bufan, what are you playing?"

At this moment, Ni Cangqiong's voice suddenly came from behind again.

Zhuo Bufan looked back and found that a group of Jealous Heaven appeared behind him at some point.

That's right, not one, not two, but a group of black creatures with wings.

Zhuo Bufan was naturally shocked when he saw this scene.

But after the shock, he calmed down.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that both sides were hiding their own means.

And neither of them discovered the other's ability.

Jealous Heaven did not find that Zhuo Bufan mastered the power of the Devouring Law and the Reincarnation Law.

And Zhuo Bufan didn't know what kind of power Jealous Heaven actually mastered.

Both sides are now testing each other.

The real world-shaking battle will not start until both sides have tested each other's abilities.

Jealous Heaven also looked at Zhuo Bufan with a shocked face. He just found that his power was suppressed by Zhuo Bufan.

Rather than suppressing, it is better to say that it is reset to zero.

He obviously has many clones that can grow slowly, but suddenly he was hit by a certain ability of Zhuo Bufan.

As a result, the next second, all his clones that have not grown up have degenerated.

"Zhuo Bufan, what the hell are you doing? Can you tell me!"

"Let me tell you my current ability. Are you surprised why I can create so many clones?" "And I won't hide it from you. The power of each of these clones is exactly the same as my original body."

"This is the power of Chi Zhitian, Mo Chichi."

Jealousy Tian wanted to test Zhuo Bufan's true ability, so he told Zhuo Bufan his own power.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

He did find that the ability used by Jealousy Tian was very similar to Mo Chichi's clone.

Even more powerful than Mo Chichi's ability.

This guy obviously wanted to anger Zhuo Bufan on purpose.

Because he knew that Zhuo Bufan must be full of guilt for Mo Chichi in his heart.

This feeling of guilt will become Zhuo Bufan's inner demon at this moment.

If Zhuo Bufan can't let go of his debt to Mo Chichi, then he can't show his true strength.

Although Jealous Heaven is now a cunning villain, it must be said that he is not blindly arrogant.

Using Mo Chichi's ability to deliberately disgust Zhuo Bufan is his tactic.

But Jealous Heaven obviously doesn't know that the current Zhuo Bufan is not the same Zhuo Bufan as before.

He may still owe Mo Chichi now, but he will never lose his mind.

So what responded to Jealous Heaven was not Zhuo Bufan's anger, but Zhuo Bufan's ridicule.

"You think that you are very strong after integrating the power of the seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, right?"

"In my opinion, you are still very weak."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised his hand and released a group of swallowing black holes again.

And this time, the swallowing black holes are obviously more terrifying than before.

Because these swallowing black holes were integrated by Zhuo Bufan with the chaotic power that only the second clone mastered.

The chaotic energy condensed in the black hole.

Although the devouring power is very strong, it is not invincible after all.

If it is fused with the energy of chaos, it will be different.

The energy of chaos is the original energy that can affect the power of time.

If the devouring black hole is fused with the power of chaos, it can completely devour even time.

With such devouring ability, even if Ni Cangqiong has more clones, it will be useless.

Before Jealousy Heaven even reacted, he found that the clones around him were disappearing rapidly.

"What's going on? The devouring power this time is stronger than before."

Jealousy Heaven's disappeared clones can give him detailed information about the battle.

Every clone that disappeared was instantly cut off from the connection with him.

Once this connection is cut off, it cannot be restored. In this way, many clones that Jealousy Heaven can regenerate have disappeared.

These clones will not die originally. They will only become cells smaller than dust and float in this chaotic void.

That's right, Jealous Heaven had actually placed countless of his cells on this battlefield long before Zhuo Bufan arrived.

These cells were hidden by Jealous Heaven in a different space outside the void from the beginning.

So even if Zhuo Bufan wanted to devour them indiscriminately with his devouring power, it would be impossible.

Once Jealous Heaven died, these cells would automatically escape from the different space and quickly grow into the next Jealous Heaven.

These cells can grow into a brand new Jealous Heaven at any time.

This is why no matter how Zhuo Bufan eliminated Jealous Heaven, this guy would be reborn infinitely in the end. It was precisely because of these cells that Jealous Heaven could not be completely killed.

It can be said that this is Jealous Heaven's main battlefield. Zhuo Bufan was fooled by the enemy from the beginning when he entered here.

Of course, after several battles, Zhuo Bufan probably understood what was going on.

Zhuo Bufan actually guessed that those meat balls were life forms grown from Jealous Heaven's cells.

"It seems that this guy has hidden countless cells around me."

"In this way, he has countless lives."

"It seems that this will be a difficult and long battle."

After Zhuo Bufan discovered the conspiracy of Jealous Heaven, he did not escape the main battlefield arranged by Jealous Heaven.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to kill this jealous incarnation of heaven in the place where the enemy was most proud.

In this case, I will tear open all the space and destroy all your cells.

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the whole void was once again covered by the black hole.

Seeing this, Jealous Heaven finally stopped looking leisurely. Because if it goes on like this, he will no longer be Zhuo Bufan's opponent.

So, Jealous Heaven finally fought seriously.

He suddenly inserted his hand into his heart, and then slowly pulled out a huge black sword from his heart.

The shape of the sword was very strange, and there were branches like trees on the sword body.

On the branches, there were other weapons of other shapes.

This is the ultimate artifact that combines all the artifacts of the seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

Zhuo Bufan saw the familiar moon knife shape on it.

"Zhuo Bufan, don't be too proud." "Heavenly Slash!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ultimate Heavenly Dao artifact in the hand of Jealous Heaven slashed towards Zhuo Bufan in the air.

The sword slashed, splitting into countless dense black sword qi like a woven net.

That was not an ordinary sword qi. On each sword qi, there was a destructive force.

Zhuo Bufan believed that if he was replaced by himself before the fusion, he would definitely not be able to take this move.

But now he is no longer the Zhuo Bufan before.

Facing Jealous Heaven's Heavenly Slash, Zhuo Bufan snapped his fingers, and a layer of Devouring God Clothes that fit his body was instantly covered around him.

The outside of this clothes was covered with a layer of black devouring energy.

All the tricks that Jealous Heaven slashed were swallowed by the Devouring God Clothes.

After Zhuo Bufan's Devouring Law merged with the Chaos Qi, it could even devour time, not to mention this little Jealous Heaven's ultimate killing move.

Seeing this, Jealous Heaven's ultimate weapon in his hand suddenly split into countless sword lights and shadows, and then attacked Zhuo Bufan again.

This time, Zhuo Bufan was surprised to find that these swords and sabers actually broke through his Devouring Divine Clothes.

To be precise, it cut off the Devouring Divine Clothes, splitting the clothes completely in two, and then cut on Zhuo Bufan's body.

"Separation Knife!"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked, because this move was exactly Mo Chichi's separation knife.

Mo Chichi's separation knife integrated the separation law of Daluo Tiandao.

This ability was contrary to Zhuo Bufan's Devouring Law. After colliding with each other, the separation law cut off the Devouring Black Hole.

However, the power of the separation knife was also swallowed up by the Devouring Black Hole.

In the end, the knife cut on Zhuo Bufan's body, which did cause some damage to Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan instantly repaired this kind of damage with the law of reincarnation.

Because he could not use the power of the Heaven Repairing Technique, Zhuo Bufan could only use the law of reincarnation to treat his injuries.

Zhuo Bufan obviously had mastered the use of the law of reincarnation.

Overall, it was not much different from Zhuo Bufan's archive door.

Zhuo Bufan can save his peak state.

Once he is fatally injured, Zhuo Bufan can read his saved peak state.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan can always maintain his peak state.

So even if Jealous Heaven uses all his means, he can't defeat Zhuo Bufan.

Because Zhuo Bufan, who has comprehended the law of reincarnation, will never become weak.

But Jealous Heaven is different. As the battle enters an increasingly tense and white-hot stage.

As Zhuo Bufan continues to destroy his cell power.

Jealous Heaven will sooner or later lose all his clone cells.

At that time, Jealous Heaven will have no clone to reborn, so what awaits him is only death.

Next, the two sides began to go back and forth, constantly changing their moves.

The battle between the two has made this void a death restricted area.

It can be said that there has not been such a shocking battle in the entire chaotic void for hundreds of thousands of years.

The last time such a battle happened was the seal battle between the Three Emperors and Daluo Tiandao.

That time, the three emperors fought against Daluotian, which was also devastating, causing the entire chaotic void to almost collapse.

And this time, Zhuo Bufan fought against Jealous Heaven.

Although it was not as terrible as the battle between the three emperors and Daluotian, it was still terrible.

This battle lasted for several months.

The two sides were almost evenly matched.

However, after fighting for so long, one side finally showed signs of weakness.

That side was Jealous Heaven against the Sky.

Because Zhuo Bufan mastered the law of reincarnation, he could always maintain the strongest fighting state.

But Jealous Heaven had already run out of tricks.

He had used up all his means, but he could not do anything to Zhuo Bufan.

And Zhuo Bufan had already destroyed countless of his clones.

Now, Jealous Heaven's clone cells were almost all destroyed by Zhuo Bufan.

Jealous Heaven against the Sky was already losing!

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