Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1388 Infinite Thousand Worlds

Zhuo Bufan looked at Mr. Zhou in front of him with great regret.

Although he has found the world of reincarnation after all the hard work, it does not mean that he has found the Lord of Time.

Where is the Time Lord? Even Mr. Zhou doesn’t know.

But one thing is certain, that is, the current Lord of Time definitely does not want to see Zhuo Bufan for the time being.

According to what Mr. Zhou said, the Lord of Time will only take the initiative to meet others when he wants to see them.

"Sure enough, the legend is true. No one can find the Lord of Time. The Lord of Time will only meet others when he wants to see them."

Zhuo Bufan had heard of this rumor a long time ago.

No one can find the Lord of Time, after all, he exists outside of time.

He may be in the past, he may be in the present, he may be in the future.

No one can take the initiative to find the Lord of Time, unless the Lord of Time is willing to take the initiative to meet him.

"Hey, Mr. Zhou, can you give me some guidance on how to make the Lord of Time take the initiative to find me?"

Zhuo Bufan really wanted to see the Lord of Time, and he didn't want to stop for a moment.

Only by finding the Lord of Time can he complete his mission and end his inner anxiety.

But after hearing this, Mr. Zhou laughed.

"Don't overthink it, Your Excellency. Whether the Lord of Time wants to find you or not is decided by the Lord of Time himself."

"So whether you can meet the Lord of Time can only depend on fate, do you understand?"

Mr. Zhou's words undoubtedly made Zhuo Bufan feel anxious and dissatisfied.

After working hard for so long, I still got nothing.

You can't get what you want, and you still can't meet the people you want.

"If the Lord of Time never wants to see me, then I will never see him?"

"No, I don't have much time. I must do everything possible to find the Lord of Time."

"So Mr. Zhou, please let me enter the world of reincarnation. I am going to find the Lord of Time. I must find him."

Hearing this, Mr. Zhou smiled slightly and said.

"That's fine, it's up to you. I won't stop you from entering the world of reincarnation."

"But there is one thing I want to tell you first. Compared to you who have obtained the Reincarnation Tower, you now know the existence of the eighteen reincarnation worlds!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded and replied.

"Well, speaking back to Mr. Zhou, I have indeed been to eighteen reincarnation worlds, and I have also realized the power of reincarnation."

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou said.

"Then you have to be mentally prepared, because the world of reincarnation is more than just the world of reincarnation. There are a total of eighteen trillion worlds of reincarnation in the world of reincarnation."

"And what I want to tell you is that after entering the world of reincarnation, all your power will return to zero."

"You must have understood the power of the Reincarnation Tower!"

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled.

"1.8 billion reincarnation worlds?"

"What do you mean? Do you want me to undergo billions of reincarnations in the world of reincarnation again?"

Zhuo Bufan felt horrified when he heard this.

To know the previous eighteen reincarnation worlds almost made him collapse.

In every world, those are real life experiences.

Zhuo Bufan is in this reincarnation, constantly accepting the blows and tests of life.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan never wants to accept such a reincarnation test again.

Especially the test between the female world and the last world of cultivation is what makes Zhuo Bufan the most heartbroken and unable to let go.

Up to now, Zhuo Bufan has never forgotten the world of women.

However, such a world exists in reincarnation after all, so Huan Zhuo Bufan has not been able to get out of its shadow until now.

So when Zhuo Bufan heard that there were eighteen trillion reincarnation worlds, he became a little confused.

Eighteen worlds have already exhausted her mentally and physically, not to mention the eighteen trillion worlds of reincarnation, what's the point?

"Yes, these worlds were created by the Lord of Time. To be precise, the world of reincarnation you call should be called the infinite world."

"Because the Lord of Time has completely changed this reincarnated world."

"What, are you scared?"

"Actually, the Lord of Time is in these eighteen trillion worlds of reincarnation. If you are lucky, you might even be able to meet the Lord of Time."

After listening to Mr. Zhou's words, Zhuo Bufan fell into deep thought.

Zhuo Bufan must go to the world of reincarnation.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is not only looking for the Lord of Time, but Meng Chanyi is also reincarnating in the world.

So Zhuo Bufan must be going to the reincarnation world.

"Okay, I will go to the reincarnation world right now. I have to rely on my own strength to find the Lord of Time."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, under the leadership of Mr. Zhou, he stepped into the gate of the world of reincarnation, and then entered the world of reincarnation.

When Zhuo Bufan came to the world of reincarnation, he suddenly discovered that this world was completely different from the world of void.

The void world is a fusion of stars. However, the world of reincarnation is a world bubble formed by worlds!

That's right, all areas of life in this reincarnated world are composed of worlds.

This world bubble doesn't look very big from the outside, it's about the size of an ordinary small star.

But after entering, I found that there was a different world inside. It was a completely different world.

"Is this the world of reincarnation?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the dense bubbles of the world in front of him and was very surprised.

Because there are so many bubbles in these worlds, they are like the number of sands in the Ganges.

"According to this density, it is not surprising that there are indeed 18 trillion grids."

Zhuo Bufan now believes that there are indeed eighteen trillion small worlds in this world of reincarnation.

Mr. Zhou on the side listened and replied.

"Every world here is a brand new world."

"Of course, they can't compare to the reincarnation world in the reincarnation space you encountered before."

"But every world here is a new life experience."

"The Lord of Time should be lingering in one of the reincarnation worlds here at the moment."

"He could be experiencing life in any capacity."

"So do you think you can find the completely unknown Lord of the World among these 18 trillion worlds of reincarnation?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was completely stunned.

He didn't expect that the Lord of this world would be interested in experiencing life.

No wonder Mr. Zhou would say that no one can find the Lord of Time. In this case, even if he knows the identity of the Lord of Time, it is impossible to be a popular president in so many worlds. Find out the real Lord of Time!

Sure enough, if you want to find the Lord of Time, you really have to rely on fate.

If this is the case, not only will Zhuo Bufan not be able to find the Lord of Time, he may even have a hard time finding Meng Chanyi.

Because no one knows which world Meng Chanyi is in now.

These worlds are simply too many, too complex, and too confusing.

"This is the world of reincarnation. Mr. Zhou, don't you know which world the Lord of Time went to to experience life?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Mr. Zhou and said.

After all, Mr. Zhou is also the gatekeeper of the world of reincarnation. Such a high-level position must have a lot to do with the Lord of Time.

So Zhuo Bufan believed that Mr. Zhou should know something.

But after hearing this, Mr. Zhou slowly shook his head.

"You are thinking too much. With my ability, I am not qualified to know where the Lord of Time has gone."

"And the Lord of Time comes and goes without a trace. Because he doesn't want to be disturbed, he won't tell anyone that he went to that world."

"And in order to be able to immersively experience the customs and customs of each world, the Lord of Time will completely seal his abilities and memories before entering these reincarnated worlds, and set a mission goal for himself."

"Unless he encounters a life-threatening situation in that world, or completes the goals and tasks he set, this seal will not be unlocked."

"In other words, if you want the Lord of Time to return here, he will have to complete the mission he set in that reincarnation world or die."

"Otherwise, the Lord of Time will not return."

Zhuo Bufan was instantly chilled when he heard this.

He didn't expect that the Lord of Time was so good at playing. In order to fully immerse himself in experiencing his reincarnation life, he actually sealed his abilities and memories.

This girl is really good at playing. You have to know that he is the Lord of Time, the most powerful being in countless worlds, and the big boss of all the worlds.

But now, he is experiencing life in these worlds.

It can be seen that this Lord of Time is really boring!

However, Zhuo Bufan was also quite shocked. He did not expect that this Lord of Time would actually reincarnate in eighteen trillion reincarnation worlds.

Compared to the tests he endured in the eighteen worlds in the Tower of Reincarnation, it was simply not worth mentioning.

You know, before Zhuo Bufan entered those eighteen worlds, his memories were reserved.

However, this Lord of Time did not retain his memory and abilities at all.

It can be said that this Lord of Time completely allowed himself to become a mortal and lived in these reincarnation worlds to experience life.

Such perseverance and determination are definitely not comparable to Zhuo Bufan's.

This is the gap between Zhuo Bufan and the Lord of Time. It is hard to imagine how difficult the test of reincarnation in eighteen trillion reincarnation worlds is.

"The Lord of Time is worthy of being the Lord of Eternity. Such great perseverance alone is not something we ordinary people can feel."

"So now you know why I am not even an ant in front of the Lord of Time!"

"To the Lord of Time, I am just a gatekeeper."

"Actually, there are some things I didn't tell you."

"The reason why I appear in the long river of time is to guide you. All of this was arranged by the Lord of Time."

"So the Lord of Time has actually been paying close attention to your situation."

"After all, you are the person whom the Lord of Time values. It is your destiny to allow you to reincarnate for three lives."

Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled after hearing this.

"Really? Is it really the Lord of Time who asked you to wait for me in the river of time?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised. After all, before this, he thought Mr. Zhou was just a confused person in the long river of time.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou replied.

"There is no need to lie to you about this matter. In accordance with the requirements of the Lord of Time, I will wait in the long river of time for a person with the door of rebirth."

"Actually, when I first met you, I didn't discover your door to rebirth."

"Only when we met for the second time did I realize that you were the one I was waiting for."

"My mission is to send you to the Daluotian world."

"When you reach Daluotian, my mission will be completed."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was slightly stunned.

"It's you, you sent me to Daluotian?"

Zhuo Bufan thought that he ascended to Daluotian by his own strength, but now it seems that the reason why he was able to reach the Luotian world was because of this old Zhou in front of him.

After hearing this, Old Zhou smiled slightly.

"What do you think? If it weren't for me, do you really think you can go to Daluotian?"

"In fact, there is no so-called ascension, and there is no so-called relationship between big and small worlds."

"The world you know is created by the Lord of Time."

"And all these worlds are in this infinite world."

"This huge world bubble behind you is the void world you came to."

Zhuo Bufan turned around and saw the huge world bubble behind him. That world bubble is really just like a huge soap bubble.

"How is it possible? Are you saying that I just came out of this huge world bubble?"

After hearing this, Old Zhou laughed.

"You are not too stupid. That's right. The world bubble behind you is the entire void world. It also includes the small worlds you mentioned, such as the Daluotian world and the eternal world."

"Then, do you see the small world bubble next to this world bubble?" At this time, Zhou Lao pointed to the world bubble that was ten times smaller than the world bubble of the void world and said.

The world bubble was surrounded by two forces, black and white.

Zhuo Bufan's heart trembled when he saw the world bubble.

"Could it be that this world is..."

Zhou Lao smiled slightly after hearing this.

"Yes, this is the world you came from, the so-called Yin-Yang world."

Zhuo Bufan was completely confused when he heard this.

"No way, this is really the Yin-Yang world?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was obviously not calm.

Since he ascended from the Yin-Yang world, he has never returned to the Yin-Yang world.

He thought that the Yin-Yang world was just a lower world of Daluotian, so it was very difficult to return to the Yin-Yang world.

But unexpectedly, the Yin-Yang world was not a subsidiary world of Daluotian.

It is just an independent world much smaller than the Void World where Daluotian is located.

"Yes, this is the Yin-Yang World. Next to it is the Void World."

"Do you see the golden light connecting the two? That's the long river of time."

"The 180 trillion world bubbles in the entire infinite world are all connected by the long river of time."

Zhuo Bufan took a look and found that all the world bubbles were connected by golden light.

"The place where I took you before is in the long river of time between these two world bubbles."

Old Zhou pointed to the golden light between the two world bubbles and said.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the golden light and was slightly startled.

"So that's it, it's really a magical world!"

"Then Old Zhou, can I go back to the Yin-Yang World now?"

Zhuo Bufan pointed to the Yin-Yang World in front of him and said.

After hearing this, Old Zhou smiled and replied.

"Of course, but after returning to this world, your current strength will automatically return to your strength in the Yin-Yang World."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan laughed heartily.

"Great, I want to go home, I want to go home now."


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