Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1389 Returning Home

After arriving at the so-called reincarnation world, Zhuo Bufan learned the truth of this world.

The real name of this world is the infinite world.

However, in Zhuo Bufan's view, he is just a playground for the Lord of Time.

It is an absolute world created by the Lord of Time to kill time.

In this world, Zhuo Bufan can see all the worlds he knows.

Whether it is the Yin-Yang world or the Daluotian world, it is just one of the 18 trillion small worlds.

Zhuo Bufan has always thought that the Yin-Yang world is just a subsidiary world of the Daluotian world.

But now when he came to the sky outside the sky, he found that whether it is the Daluotian world or the Yin-Yang world, they are just small worlds created by the Lord of Time, and they are just the playground of the Lord of Time.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt very funny when he saw this scene.

He finally understood the sentence, under the way of heaven, the common people are ants.

The Daluotian Heavenly Dao regards the billions of creatures in the Daluotian world as ants.

But in the eyes of the Lord of Time, isn't Daluotian just an ant?

After all, in the eyes of the Lord of Time, the Daluotian world is just a small one among the 18 trillion worlds.

This is just like for humans, it doesn't matter what bacteria are thinking.

For the Lord of Time, Zhuo Bufan is just a bacterium.

The Lord of Time doesn't care whether Zhuo Bufan, the bacterium, is looking for him. The bacteria are too small, and perhaps the Lord of Time doesn't even know its existence.

Unless one day the Lord of Time has a whim and wants to take a microscope to see if there is a bacterium among countless bacteria holding a plaque with "I'm looking for you" and shouting at his camera.

When he thought of this, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help laughing. That kind of laughter was not self-mockery, but a kind of laughter that couldn't help laughing.

It was a kind of laughter that found that he was doing something stupid.

That's right, in the eyes of the group, he was doing a stupid thing now.

He was just a small bacterium that crawled out of the bacterial vessel. What self-righteous stupid thing was he doing?

So, when Zhuo Bufan figured it out, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of fatigue, which made him feel extremely tired.

When he learned that the Yin-Yang world was right in front of him, Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of his wife and children.

He wanted to go back. He, a bacterium, wanted to return to his own bacterial vessel and live his carefree bacterial life.

Well, that's it. For Zhuo Bufan, this is enough.

"Are you sure you want to go back?"

Before leaving, Mr. Zhou did not forget to continue asking Zhou Yi.

After hearing this, Zhou Yi nodded firmly and said.

"I'm tired. I want to go back to see my wife and children."

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan was really tired.

After all, after understanding that all this was just the playground of the Lord of Time, he was also exhausted.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou looked at Zhou Yi and smiled, and said.

"If you are tired, go back and take a look!"

So, Zhuo Bufan looked at the world bubble in front of him and said.

"It's time to go back."

After that, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand to touch the world bubble in front of him.

When his hand touched the barrier of the world bubble, a powerful devouring force swallowed him in the next second.


When Zhuo Bufan woke up again, he found himself lying on a clean grass.

He opened his eyes and saw the blue sky.

"I'm really back?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't believe it. He took a deep breath and found that what he absorbed was actually spiritual energy.

"Spiritual energy! It's really the spiritual energy of the Yin-Yang world."

Then Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes and began to feel his current state.

"He was surprised to find that he was now a god-level cultivator in the world of cultivation. There was a huge world tree in his body."

"Is it the peak cultivation when I left the Yin-Yang world? In other words, I am now the bacteria king in this bacterial vessel."

Because he saw the truth of the world, Zhuo Bufan now completely regarded himself as a small bacterium.

"Forget it, being a bacteria king is pretty good. I have a wife, children, and the whole world."

"As long as the Lord of Time doesn't notice my existence, I can live a thousand years."

"Anyway, the Yin-Yang world has nothing to do with the Daluotian world now. What the Daluotian world will become is none of my business."

Zhuo Bufan is constantly comforting himself, trying to make himself accept all this happily.

"Okay, go home."

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much, and followed his heart and returned to the heavenly world in an instant.


At this moment, in the heavenly world.

Bai Su and Xuan Su are drinking afternoon tea and enjoying the afternoon sun.

Since Zhuo Bufan unified the Yin-Yang world, this world is about to usher in a full thousand years of peace.

So Bai Su and Xuan Su, the two queens, are discussing how to hold this millennium event.

"Sister, time flies by so fast. Before I knew it, almost a thousand years have passed."

In the garden by the lake in the backyard of the Emperor's Palace, the Queen Xuan Su was wearing a black dress and lazily lying on a recliner.

Aside, the Queen Bai Su was wearing a white dress and sitting elegantly on a stone chair, holding several invitation styles in her hands and making a difficult choice.

Xuan Su is still so full of aura, and Bai Su is still so elegant and noble.

Although the Heavenly Emperor Zhuo Bufan is not here, these two women have controlled the Yin and Yang world over the years, and no one dares to challenge the divine power of Heaven.

Not to mention, Zhuo Bufan also has a group of relatives and friends who are in the position of god.

And his children have now grown up and are in the class of gods.

In short, the current Yin and Yang world is decided by his family, Zhuo Bufan.

Bai Su and Xuan Su also lived up to their trust and managed the entire Yin and Yang world in an orderly manner.

Now that it is approaching the grand day when the Immortal Court will be established for a thousand years, they want to hold a thousand-year event.

Invite all the big names in heaven and earth to attend.

So during this time, they have been preparing for this matter.

Because only by being constantly busy can they temporarily stop missing Zhuo Bufan. But longing for this kind of thing, as long as you have some free time, it will flow out like a spring.

Now, it's time for leisure.

Now is the time to miss you.

When Xuan Su said that time flies so fast, Bai Su knew that this girl missed her husband.

Bai Su couldn't hide his thoughts after hearing this.

She raised her head, looked at the sky, and murmured to herself.

"Yeah, before I knew it, it had been a thousand years."

"I don't know if my husband is doing well now."

While speaking, Bai Su's eyes were filled with tears.

Xuan Su on the side saw this and quickly stood up and said to Bai Su.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned this."

Xuan Su felt very sorry. The two women had a very tacit understanding, and both parties decided not to mention Zhuo Bufan casually.

Because once one party mentions their husband, it will definitely arouse the other party's longing.

After hearing this, Bai Su smiled.

"It's okay. Missing your husband is not a shameful thing. I know sister, you are the same as me, right?"

After hearing Bai Su's words, Xuan Su did not deny it, but nodded and replied.

"Well, I don't know where the unfaithful person has gone! Ever since we suddenly lost contact with him five hundred years ago, not even the Emperor Wa's seal can connect with him."

"Sister, do you think the unfaithful person ran away with that dream fairy?"

Xuansu still remembers that when he last contacted Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan told them about Meng Chanyi.

They also knew that Meng Chanyi was Zhuo Bufan's partner in his first life.

At that time, Bai Su and Xuan Su agreed that Zhuo Bufan should not let down Meng Xianzi's friendship.

But I didn't expect that from then on, Zhuo Bufan would have no contact with him anymore, and even the Emperor Wa's Seal could not be used.

So Xuan Su was afraid that their husband had run away with Meng Chanyi.

I originally wanted to make Zhuo Bufan not let Meng Xianzi down, but didn't expect that he would be abandoned instead?

But after hearing this, Bai Su quickly shook his head.

"Do you doubt your husband's true love for us?"

"I think there is no need to worry about this matter. Zhuo Lang is not that kind of person."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have taken a liking to him in the first place."

Bai Su believes in Zhuo Bufan's character. Zhuo Bufan is not the kind of person who loves the new and hates the old.

After hearing this, Xuan Su realized that he had doubts about his feelings for Zhuo Bufan.

she said quickly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so suspicious of my husband."

"It's just that he has been missing for so long."

"Sister, I'm afraid, do you think he could be..."

Xuan Su didn't finish speaking, but Bai Su knew exactly what she wanted to say.

In fact, during the period when Zhuo Bufan lost contact, Bai Su had no idea how many times he had such random thoughts.

But she believed in Zhuo Bufan and her husband.

So facing Xuan Su's worries, Bai Su replied resolutely.

"I believe that Zhuo Lang will definitely come back. Because we have agreed."

Seeing Bai Su's serious eyes, Xuan Su knew that he was overthinking.

So she nodded and said.

"I understand, sister, I won't think about it anymore."

"Don't say a thousand years, even ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, I will continue to wait."

"I have been waiting for you for so long. I believe that my husband will definitely come back."

After Xuan Su finished speaking, he sat up from the recliner.

As a result, at this moment, she seemed to see the person she had been longing for walking towards them from the garden not far away.

After seeing that person, Xuan Su couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"It seems that my lovesickness is getting worse. I actually saw my husband coming back."

After Xuan Su finished speaking, he found that the man was getting closer and closer.

After hearing this, Bai Su suddenly raised his head and looked forward.

At that moment, she also saw the person she had longed for.

Isn't that man in a blue shirt who comes gracefully his husband Zhuo Bufan?


Bai Su couldn't help shouting.

Xuan Su on the side was stunned for a moment.

"Sister, are you hallucinating too?"

Not long after saying these words, Xuan Su reacted.

"No, it's not an illusion, it's real!"

Xuan Su rubbed his eyes and was surprised to find Zhuo Bufan walking towards them with a smile on his face.

At that moment, Xuan Su and Bai Su stood up at the same time, and then rushed towards Zhuo Bufan regardless of their own safety.



Seeing Bai Su and Xuan Su flying towards him, Zhuo Bufan slowly opened his arms.

Finally, Bai Su and Xuan Su fell into Zhuo Bufan's arms.

When they hugged the familiar and warm embrace again, they were sure that the person they were hugging was Zhuo Bufan.

"My two ladies, I'm back."

Zhuo Bufan hugged Bai Su and Xuan Su tightly.

Unlike the previous reincarnation, this time, Zhuo Bufan really felt the love from Bai Su and Xuan Su in his soul.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan is now truly back to the Yin and Yang world and met his two ladies.

The three of them hugged for a long time, until Bai Su and Xuan Su couldn't help crying at the same time, Zhuo Bufan said.

"Why are you crying, am I not back?"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hands and touched the heads of Bai Su and Xuan Su at the same time.

After many years of separation, he found that his two ladies were still graceful.

Xuan Su was still smart, and Bai Su was still beautiful. What else can a husband ask for with two wives like this? Why should I care about the affairs of Daluotian?

"Don't worry, I won't leave again this time."

Zhuo Bufan hugged Bai Su and Xuan Su tightly.

He was tired, he didn't want to leave, he just wanted to stay here, stay in this warm home, and accompany his two wives.

Bai Su and Xuan Su were very happy to hear this.

"Really, husband, you really won't leave?"

Xuan Su asked.

She naturally didn't want Zhuo Bufan to leave, she couldn't stand the pain of missing him anymore.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and replied after hearing this.

"I won't leave, let me stay at home and accompany you well in the future!"

"I don't want to interfere with the ups and downs outside."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Bai Su and Xuan Su and said.

Xuan Su was very excited, but Bai Su could see that her Zhuo Lang didn't mean what he said.

He was just too tired, and his soul was full of fatigue.

Bai Su knew that Zhuo Bufan must have something happened when he was outside all these years.

Although she didn't know what happened, Bai Su was willing to help her Zhuo Lang get out of the trough of life.

"Zhuo Lang, in three months, my fairy court will establish the thousand-year-old holy ceremony. Now that you are back, it is a great blessing."

Zhuo Bufan sighed after hearing this.

"Really? I didn't expect that so much time has passed. Madams, you have worked hard over the years."

Hearing this, Bai Su and Xuan Su shook their heads at the same time and replied.

"It's not hard, this is what we should do."

"Yes, when my husband handed this world to us, we naturally have to protect everything in this world. When my husband returns, we can also give him an explanation."

"Now that my husband has returned, it is a blessing for my fairy court."

"Let's not talk about this, Zhuo Lang, come and choose the invitation style for this holy ceremony with us!"

"I just happened to be troubled by this matter for a long time."

Bai Su said, pulling Zhuo Bufan into the garden.

Zhuo Bufan looked at everything in front of him and couldn't help sighing.

"Really, are you back?"


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