Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1390 Millennium Sacred Scripture (Part 1)

After Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su and Xuan Su were intimate for a while,

he told Bai Su and the others about his experiences in Daluo Heaven over the years.

From ascending to the Jieying Gate, to meeting Meng Chanyi, becoming a disciple of Pan Huang, and learning the truth about the Heavenly Dao, etc.

Bai Su and Xuan Su were thrilled to hear this.

Xuan Su was even more frightened and pale with fear.

"Oh my God, although you, my husband, have told us about these things through the Wahuang Seal before, I didn't expect that Daluo Heaven would be such a terrifying place."

"Then is the Daluo Heavenly Dao really your clone in your first life?"

Xuan Su asked.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan nodded and answered.

"Yes, that's why Daluotian wanted to kill me."

"Because I am a threat to him."

"So for my own safety and to complete the task assigned by the Three Emperors, I took out Daluotian and entered the chaotic void realm."

"However, Daluotian Dao did not let me go, and sent seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao to hunt me down."

"It was from that time that I lost contact with you."

"Because the power of the Wahuang Seal can only be used in Daluotian and the Yin-Yang World. So after arriving in the void world, I can no longer contact you."

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's explanation, Bai Su and Xuan Su expressed their understanding.

Bai Su hugged Zhuo Bufan tightly, buried her head in Zhuo Bufan's arms, and said.

"Zhuo Lang, you have worked hard all these years!"

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan just shook his head slowly and said.

"No, for me, the real hardship is you."

"Back then, I left the Yin-Yang world without looking back and left the entire Yin-Yang world to you. As the Emperor of Heaven, I am really too unqualified."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he hugged Bai Su and Xuan Su at the same time.

"But now I have figured it out. What the hell is the Daluotian, what the catastrophe of the heaven, these are no longer my business. What I want to do now is to be with the two ladies and my family."

Zhuo Bufan hugged Bai Su and Xuan Su tightly, fearing that his two ladies were just his fantasy.

Bai Su felt Zhuo Bufan's fear, she stretched out her hand and comforted Zhuo Bufan's heart.

"Zhuo Lang, has something happened? Talk to me and my sister, let us relieve your worries."

Bai Su could feel that Zhuo Bufan must have suffered a blow, so he was so discouraged.

You must know that Zhuo Bufan has always been a man of his word. Since he promised the Three Emperors to find the Lord of Time and protect Daluotian. Then he will definitely complete this task.

This is the Zhuo Bufan they know, not the one they know now, who has given up on himself and completely lost his fighting spirit.

Bai Su saw through Zhuo Bufan's inner fear, and Zhuo Bufan hesitated after hearing it.

But after hesitating, he sighed and said.

"Susu, if I tell you that our world is just someone's amusement park, do you believe it?"

When Zhuo Bufan said this, Bai Su and Xuan Su were stunned.

Of course, they believed everything Zhuo Bufan said, after all, Zhuo Bufan would not lie to them.

But if Zhuo Bufan did not lie to them, then what he said was true.

Is the world they are in really just someone else's amusement park?

Zhuo Bufan saw trust and confusion in Bai Su's eyes.

In response, Zhuo Bufan hurriedly explained.

"I saw it, I saw the world outside the chaotic void."

"The world outside the chaotic void?"

After listening to Zhuo Bufan say so much about the outside world, Bai Su and Xuan Su always thought that Daluotian was the biggest world.

But now, Zhuo Bufan later told them that there is a chaotic world outside Daluotian.

And outside the chaotic world, there is actually a bigger world.

"Yes, I saw the world outside the chaotic world."

"That ignorant person called it the reincarnation world, saying that it is the reincarnation place of all worlds."

"But in fact, it is just a huge amusement park for the Lord of Time."

"All our worlds are actually just worlds created by the Lord of Time when he was bored."

Next, Zhuo Bufan told Bai Su and the others everything he saw in the infinite world.

When Bai Su and Xuan Su learned everything, they were also extremely shocked.

"This, this is a joke!"

"Are our world and the Daluotian world both part of the infinite world?"

Xuan Su looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and said after listening.

"That's right. All worlds belong to the infinite universe. They are all playgrounds created by the Lord of Time."

"At first, I thought that the Daluo Heavenly Dao and the Lord of Time were on the same level, but later I realized that the two sides were not at the same level at all."

"The Lord of Time has long been a transcendent. He has long been beyond time and beyond the Heavenly Dao."

"We are just a small chess piece in his playground, an NPC, an ordinary game character."

"So when I learned all this, I figured it out."

"What savior, what incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, what reincarnation of three lives. These have no meaning to me."

"Instead of becoming the plaything of the Lord of Time, I might as well play my own life."

"Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to have fun on your own in the Lord of Time's playground?"

I have to say that Zhuo Bufan feels that his mentality is very good now. This was the answer he had been seeking for so long.

Find your own fun in the Time Lord's playground.

After hearing this, Bai Su looked at Zhuo Bufan and hesitated to speak. She didn't know how to express her feelings.

After all, no one would be able to accept the fact that their world is just a playground for the Lord of Time.

Xuan Su on the side said directly.

"If this is the case, then I support your husband."

"Since all worlds are just toys of the Lord of Time, it should be decided by the Lord of Time whether Da Luotian will perish or not, not us."

"Husband, you have made too many sacrifices for this matter."

"Three lives and three lives of reincarnation will only result in nothing."

"It's better to stay here and live happily with me and my sister!"

Xuansu is different from Baisu.

Xuan Su has a carefree and innocent personality, so Zhuo Bufan named her the Goddess of Love.

Because for such a romantic thing as love, of course such an innocent Xuan Su must be the messenger of love.

Bai Su, on the other hand, is more mature and did not express her own opinion on this matter.

In Bai Su's mind, there were actually other ideas.

After all, Zhuo Bufan has worked hard for this career for three lifetimes.

Regardless of whether this is a game of the Lord of Time or not, Da Luotian is indeed in a moment of life and death.

Countless creatures in the entire Daluotian may be wiped out in the next second.

Is this really it, just letting it go?

Of course, Bai Su didn't say it out loud. Maybe Xuan Su was right. Zhuo Bufan had already shouldered too much.

The efforts of three lives and three lives are nothing but an illusion, and there is nothing worth cherishing.

Therefore, Bai Su also expressed his support for this matter.

She supports all Zhuo Bufan's decisions, no matter what Zhuo Bufan decides to do in the end.

"It's just a pity that Sister Meng doesn't know where she is now."

Bai Su suddenly mentioned Meng Chanyi.

After all, Bai Su and Xuan Su had already discussed this when Zhuo Bufan was still in Daluotian.

If Zhuo Bufan really wants to rekindle his old relationship with Meng Chanyi in the end, then the two of them will definitely support it.

In some ways, Meng Chanyi, like them, is a hard-working person who has been waiting for Zhuo Bufan for a long, long time.

As the reincarnation of Zhuo Bufan in his first life, Meng Chanyi has been waiting for Luo Tian for millions of years.

Bai Su and Xuan Su were not qualified to exclude Meng Chanyi, let alone monopolize Zhuo Bufan.

So they had been looking forward to having Meng Chanyi with them when Zhuo Bufan came back.

After hearing this, Xuan Su also said quickly.

"Yes, husband, it would be great if you could bring Sister Meng back!"

"Sister Bai and I have already discussed it. When Sister Meng comes back, we will hold another wedding for you."

Zhuo Bufan was deeply surprised after hearing what Bai Su and Xuan Su said.

I also felt moved at the same time.

He didn't expect Bai Su and Xuan Su to be really willing to accept Meng Chanyi.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not find Meng Chanyi.

Although Meng Chanyi also followed him to the infinite world, where she went, not even Mr. Zhou knew.

"Didn't she return to the Yin and Yang world?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Because Zhuo Bufan knew that Meng Chanyi also ascended from the Yin and Yang world to the Great Luotian.

After hearing this, Bai Su shook his head and said.

"No, we thought Sister Meng was with you."

Zhuo Bufan lowered his head, sighed and said.

"Perhaps, I have no chance with her!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know where to look for Meng Chanyi now.

Perhaps, Meng Chanyi is still looking for the whereabouts of the Lord of Time.

"When I have the opportunity in the future, I will look for her again."

Zhuo Bufan said.

"Now I just want to be with you and my children in this world."

"By the way, how are Zifan, Zi Nian, Yaya and the others doing lately?"

Zhuo Bufan thought of his children.

After hearing this, Bai Su quickly replied.

"Zifan is now the Sun God of our Yin and Yang world, leading millions of divine guards to protect the order of the world."

"Zi Nian became the moon god and lived in the moon palace, but she often played with her sister Yaya in the human world."

"As for Yaya, she has also become a Star God. This girl likes life in the human world very much. Maybe she and Niannian are playing somewhere in the human world now!"

Zhuo Bufan was also deeply relieved to hear that his three children had their own lives.

"Zhuo Lang, how about I call the children back now?"

"They also think about you day and night, waiting for your return!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and said.

"No, don't tell them yet."

"Didn't you just say that the Millennium Festival will be held soon? Then we will announce my return to the world!"

"The news of my return will be kept secret for now."

Zhuo Bufan deliberately hid his aura and quietly returned to Xianting, just to give everyone a surprise.

So now, except for Bai Su and Xuan Su, no one knows about his return.

After hearing this, Bai Su and Xuan Su looked at each other and smiled, then nodded.

"Okay, then let this link become the biggest surprise of our event."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"Well, let's first study how to hold this holy meeting."

Zhuo Bufan has put all Da Luotian's affairs behind him. Now, he just wants to spend time with his family and live a happy life.

There are six heavens in the yin and yang world.

From bottom to top——

The first level is where the lower gods live. The lower gods represent many people, such as Zhuo Bufan's close friends.

Chu Mubai, Xuanyuan Hao, Lu Fei, the ten great saints of the Yang Realm, etc., they are all lower gods.

The second level is where the middle god lives. The representatives of the middle god are:

Chu Fan, the leader of the seven kingdoms in the Yang Realm, the Unbounded Manager, the Moon God in the Yin Realm, and the demon god Xiaomei.

The third level is where the upper gods live. Representatives of the upper gods include:

The dragon god of the underworld, the tree god of the underworld, the sun god Bai Zifan, the moon god Bai Zinian, and the star god Yaya.

The fourth level is the residence of the God King. The representatives of the God King are:

Jiang Taiyi, Zhou Yong, and Chu Zhongtian are the three supreme beings in the Yang Realm.

The fifth level is the representative of the gods. There are only three rulers on this level. They are the three persons in charge of the order of the Yin and Yang world.

White Emperor, Xuan Emperor, Qing Emperor.

As for the sixth floor, it is the most extraordinary fairy court in the world, and it is also the home of Bai Su and Xuan Su.

Inhabited are Zhuo Bufan, the Emperor of Heaven, and Bai Su and Xuan Su, the Queens of Heaven.

The Heavenly Court has been established for almost a thousand years.

It is precisely because of these pillars of the divine world that the Yin and Yang world has been able to remain peaceful for a thousand years.

Therefore, the establishment of heaven is crucial to the Yin and Yang world.

Now, Heaven is about to usher in the holy ceremony that has been held for a thousand years, so people in the entire Yin and Yang world are waiting for the arrival of this holy ceremony.

In the first floor, the sentient beings headed by the evil god Chu Mubai were discussing what gifts to prepare for the two queens.

After all, the Heavenly Emperor Zhuo Bufan ascended for a thousand years, and the management of the entire Yin and Yang world fell on the two queens.

When he first became a god, Zhuo Bufan made Chu Mubai the evil god.

When this guy was in the human world, he was known as the Evil Emperor, so it would be a good idea to make him an Evil God.

Along with Chu Mubai was his wife, Yi Meng, who was named the God of Dreams.

And Lu Fei, who was once Zhuo Bufan's younger brother, helped Zhuo Bufan manage the Crazy Sect, and was named the Crazy God by Zhuo Bufan, the Emperor of Heaven.

In addition, there are ten minor gods canonized by Zhuo Bufan:

Xuanyuan Hao, Donghuang Haotian, Li Miaoyin, Yu Baifei, Jiang Shaohan, Li Changsheng, Nangong Yue, Feng Yexiu, Huang Daoling, Gao Zhan.

These people were once close friends of Zhuo Bufan. After Zhuo Bufan became the God of the World, they received Zhuo Bufan's favor and were granted the title of god.

Now that the event is approaching, everyone wants to make this event leave an indelible impression.

Almost all the lower gods gathered together today, discussing matters about the grand event, and wanted to give the two queens a surprise.

They didn't know yet that the biggest surprise of this event was waiting for them.

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