Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 140: Wandering (Part 2) [10-1, please subscribe]

According to the hierarchy of Yunmeng Realm, Zhuo Bufan's soul level has reached level 40, which is completely capable of impacting the realm of wandering.

The so-called wandering is that the body is not there but the soul yearns for it!

That is to say, the body did not go to a certain place, but his soul traveled to a certain place.

This is a great leap forward after the soul entered the Yang.

Generally speaking, the soul can leave the body, but it cannot wander around the world. Because the body is the fixed place of the soul, it is equivalent to the reel for flying a kite or the fishing rod for fishing.

The soul is like a kite and a fish. No matter how you fly or how you escape, you can't leave the restraints brought by the body.

It is precisely because of the restraints of the body that the soul cannot wander around the world and fly across the sky and earth.

Therefore, the process of breaking free from the fishing line and the shackles is called the level shackles of the wandering realm.

To reach the wandering realm, you must break free from this shackle.

This requires the assistance and help of some corresponding exercises.

Zhuo Bufan shook out all the exercises in the ring. All these messy skills were given to him by the old swindler.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan has always felt that the old swindler Chu Mubai is a pit.

But until now, he has realized how much the old swindler has helped him.

The messy skills given by the old swindler have helped Zhuo Bufan to cultivate to the Yang Realm.

Without these skills given by the old swindler, Zhuo Bufan could not find the way at all, and he might still be a little cultivator whose soul is not in human form.

It is precisely because of these soul-refining skills given by the old swindler that he has been able to cultivate all the way to the present.

Zhuo Bufan flipped through all the soul-refining skills, and finally his eyes fell on a soul-refining skill called "Da Ri Po Bei Jing".

Interestingly, "Da Ri Po Bei Jing" can only be practiced by people who have practiced "Amaterasu Sutra".

In other words, "Da Ri Po Bei Jing" is the advanced version of "Amaterasu Sutra"!

Practice "Amaterasu Sutra" to reach the Yang Realm, and then practice "Da Ri Po Bei Jing" to reach the Shenyou Realm.

These two scriptures come from the same school, from a legendary sect - Jiuyang Divine Sect!

The Jiuyang Divine Sect has a set of soul-refining techniques that are specifically used to cultivate from the Yin God Realm to the Yang God Realm, but this sect disappeared many years ago.

Today, the Jiuyang Divine Sect only has two soul-refining techniques left, the "Amaterasu Sutra" and the "Dainichi Pobi Sutra", of which the "Dainichi Pobi Sutra" is extremely rare.

Zhuo Bufan was very grateful that the old swindler was able to pack this scripture and send it to him.

If this "Dainichi Pobi Sutra" alone is sold at the black market auction, it would probably cost hundreds of millions.

Whether the old swindler cheated Zhuo Bufan or not, only Zhuo Bufan himself knows.

"Since I practiced the "Amaterasu Sutra" to enter the Yang, I will choose this "Dainichi Pobi Sutra" to travel with my mind!"

Zhuo Bufan put the other scriptures into the ring.

"It's time to change the storage ring. It's almost full."

The storage ring Zhuo Bufan is using now is still the most basic storage ring.

After putting away all the scriptures, Zhuo Bufan began to flip through the "Great Sun Wall-breaking Sutra", read all the contents carefully, and then frowned slightly.

"The Great Sun Wall-breaking Sutra actually requires extreme light to guide the soul to break through the wall."

"And this extreme light is called the Great Sun! In a year, only the three dog days can be practiced. Each dog day has only ten days, and the three dog days are thirty days."

"In other words, I can only practice this "Great Sun Wall-breaking Sutra" for thirty days a year?"

"What a pitfall! If I fail, doesn't it mean that I have to wait another year?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted pitfall, he didn't expect the Great Sun Wall-breaking Sutra to be even more pitfall than the Amaterasu Sutra.

When practicing the "Amaterasu Sutra", it can only be practiced at noon every day. It is invalid after that. "

And to practice this "Da Ri Po Bei Jing", it turns out that you can only practice for thirty days a year. If you fail to practice, you have to wait another year.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to cry but had no tears, and felt that he had encountered a rogue scripture.

"It seems that this broken skill cannot be practiced. I'd better find another way!"

Zhuo Bufan threw the "Da Ri Po Bei Jing" aside, and then lay on the ground in a big letter, waiting for the second brother to sell the talisman he made for a good price.

When he was bored, Xiaomei yelled that she was bored and wanted to go out to play.

In desperation, Zhuo Bufan simply told Xiaomei the story of Journey to the West.

Unexpectedly, this little Lolita actually lay beside Zhuo Bufan, propped up her head and listened attentively, and the whole afternoon just passed by!


Speaking of the second brother of the inn, he is actually a cultivator.

Being a servant in this Mudan Garden is just to earn some spiritual stones.

On the road to cultivating immortals, wealth comes second among Dharma, wealth, and land. So Even those who yearn for the free and easy immortal road will be troubled by the word money.

After the waiter got the four talismans given by Zhuo Bufan, he immediately became greedy.

But he had to identify whether these four talismans were valuable. If they were not valuable, there was no need to lose his job for them.

So, the waiter took the four talismans and rushed to the Fubao in Tianxiang City excitedly.

He had an acquaintance in the Fubao who could help him make sure.

The waiter took the four talismans and waited outside the gate for a long time. Finally, a man wearing white and gold Hanfu came.

The white and gold Hanfu is the uniform of the apprentices in Fubao, which is equivalent to the school uniform.

After seeing the acquaintance, the second brother remembered that the guest officer who gave him the talisman was also wearing a white gold suit.

"Mingtang, why are you looking for me again?"

The younger brother's name is Mingtang, which is a very interesting name.

After seeing the acquaintance, he quickly stepped forward to greet him and said, "Brother Song Qing, I want you to help me identify some goods."

As Na Mingtang spoke, he quietly took out the four talismans given by Zhuo Bufan and handed them to Song Qing.

After Song Qing took the four talismans, he palmed his eyes and said.

"It looks good. Why, do you want to sell it to me?"

"Sell, how much can you offer?" Ming Tang asked.

After hearing this, Song Qing became serious and determined again.

This time, he used his soul to try to activate the spells in the talisman, and then commented on them one by one.

"This Xuanguang Mirror is similar to an ordinary Xuanguang Mirror. The market price is one hundred spiritual stones."

"One hundred spirit stones, so few?" Na Mingtang said with some dissatisfaction.

"It's quite a lot, and it's all at this price. There are Xuanguang mirrors everywhere outside. As a monk, don't you understand?" Song Qing did not embarrass Mingtang at all.

After hearing this, Mingtang sighed and continued to ask: "Then take a look, what do you think of this fire dumpling?"

Song Qing picked up the Huozhezi made of spiritual jade, and then used his soul to drive the talisman cast inside the Huozhezi.


A group of violent flames shot out, forming a huge fireball with a diameter of nearly one meter, and rushed into the air, leaving the two of them stunned.

"This is... the Entropy Talisman? It's interesting. This is the first time I've seen someone cast the Entropy Talisman on a fire seal. If this is used as a hidden weapon, it can be completely unexpected!"

Song Qing praised it greatly.

"I bought this fire discount, a thousand spirit stones, how about it?"

Mingtang didn't say anything more and continued to ask.

"What about the remaining two?"

Then Song Qing reaffirmed the powerful bandage and light and shadow sword, and finally he frowned.

"This bandage should be cast with a gravity charm, but I don't know the charm that this sword is cast with."

"Is there any talisman you don't know about?" Ming Tang asked.

When Song Qing heard this, he chuckled and said, "You think too highly of me. There are thousands of talismans in the world. I'm not a talisman master. It's normal that I don't recognize some of them."

"But from what I can see, this talisman is not very good and has no great use. How about selling me four talismans and two thousand spiritual stones?"

"Only two thousand?" Mingtang frowned. This was much different from what he had imagined. He thought he had to earn at least ten thousand spiritual stones.

"Forget it, just two thousand!" If he can only earn two thousand, then there is no need for Mingtang to be greedy for this money. It is more important to keep his job in the Peony Garden.

But at this moment, a vicissitudes of voice came from the side, and the voice could only be heard coming from the wind.

"Let me take a look."

Song Qing quickly turned around and saw an old man in gray robe walking over. He immediately lowered his head and said respectfully: "I've met the castle master!"

When Ming Tang on the side saw this, he stood there stupidly, not daring to move.

One chapter will be released in the early morning, and the remaining nine chapters will be updated during the day.

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