Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 141: Wandering (Part 2) [10-2, please subscribe]

Fort Lord!

Ming Tang did not expect that his secret deal with Song Qing would attract the attention of the Fort Lord of Fubao.

The two stood there trembling like mice seeing a cat, not daring to move.

Seeing the gray-robed old man slowly approaching, Song Qing, as an apprentice, hurriedly explained.

"Fort Lord, this is my friend, I am just helping him identify the grade of the Fubao."

Song Qing knew that there were many rules in the Fubao of Tianxiang City. Before graduation, Fubao could not be cast casually, nor could Fubao be left at will.

Seeing this, the gray-robed Fort Lord smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, I just want to see the Fubao you identified. Can I take a look?"

Song Qing and Ming Tang heard it and hurriedly said, "Of course, then please let the Fort Lord take a look."

The two of them quickly handed the four Fubao refined by Zhuo Bufan to the Fort Lord.

The Fort Lord took the Fubao and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The mysterious mirror and the strong bandage were fine. When he saw the fire stick, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

"The entropy change spell can be used like this, it's amazing."

Finally, when his eyes saw the light and shadow sword, he trembled.

"Light and shadow spell?"

The gray robe fort master recognized the spell at first sight. Isn't this the light and shadow spell that was just discovered more than two months ago?

The discoverer is the youngest venerable in the history of the talisman temple.

So far, only a handful of people have mastered this light and shadow spell, because it has not been fully promoted. It is even more impossible for apprentices to master it.

He went to Huoyun City this time to hold a meeting to discuss this matter.

Because the light and shadow venerable who discovered this spell disappeared inexplicably at the banquet of the Holy City of Huoyun City.

"Fort Lord, what is the light and shadow spell?"

Song Qing asked the gray robe fort master in confusion.

However, the gray-robed fortress owner stopped talking here. He then looked at the second brother, Ming Tang, and asked.

"Where did these four talismans come from?"

Seeing the fortress owner's urgent look, Ming Tang hesitated and said, "This was asked by a guest to sell. He owed us more than a month's rent."

"Is it his?"

"It should be. He doesn't look like a thief."

Seeing the fortress owner so flustered, Ming Tang thought that these talismans were stolen by the guest.

"Who asked you if he was a thief? How about this, take me to see the guest."

Ming Tang was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Okay!"

Then Ming Tang brought the gray-robed fortress owner to the Xinzihao training guest room in Mudanyuan, and at this moment, Zhuo Bufan had no idea that someone had come to the door.

He was still telling Xiaomei the story of Journey to the West.

"The Monkey King thought he had reached the end of the sky and escaped from the palm of Tathagata. Fearing that Tathagata would not admit his mistake, he found a pillar, urinated under it, and wrote "The Great Sage Equaling Heaven was here" as a mark."

"Then he somersaulted back and found the little Tathagata. He shouted, "Little Tathagata, I have flown to the end of the sky. How can your small palm trap me?"

"The Tathagata was delighted to hear this and said, "Look back."

"The Great Sage looked back At a glance, he opened his eyes wide and saw that the middle finger of Tathagata's right hand was written with "The Great Sage Equaling Heaven was here". There was still some monkey urine smell in the thumb. "

"When the Great Sage saw this, he was scratching his ears and cheeks, and couldn't figure it out! He was furious and prepared to jump out of the palm. As a result, Tathagata backhanded and pressed him under his palm. Tathagata's palm turned into the Five Elements Mountain, pressing the monkey alive. This pressure lasted for five hundred years. "


Zhuo Bufan was so dry that he finally talked about the chapter of suppressing the monkey under the Five Elements Mountain.

As a result, Xiaomei was still not satisfied with it, and she kept shouting while holding Zhuo Bufan's hand.

"Stinky Bufan, I want to hear more. Did the monkey demon die later? And that Tathagata, how could a fat man like him be so powerful?"

"Tell me quickly!"

The storyteller is not anxious, but the listener is anxious to death!

Zhuo Bufan suddenly regretted telling the story of Journey to the West. It would be better to tell a fairy tale, which is short and effective.

"Why does it seem like he is coaxing his daughter to sleep?" Zhuo Bufan had this inexplicable illusion.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Dong Dong Dong!

"Sir, the talisman you asked me to sell has been sold."

Zhuo Bufan got up from the ground and said to Xiaomei: "Hide for a while, bring people."

From the window, you can see that there is another person behind the waiter.

After Xiaomei hid in the plum blossom mark, Zhuo Bufan opened the door.

I saw an old man in a gray robe following the waiter.

"Who are you?" Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"Sir, this is the buyer. He wants to see you. You two chat. I'll leave first."

The waiter ran fast, leaving Zhuo Bufan and the gray-robed old man to trade face to face.

When the gray-robed old man saw the white and gold Hanfu Zhuo Bufan was wearing, he frowned slightly and said.

"Are you, the Lord of Light and Shadow?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned immediately, and was obviously caught off guard by the other party's question.

He originally wanted to hide his identity, but he didn't expect it to be exposed.

"I have seen your portrait in Huoyun City, it should be correct."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to refuse and say that he was not, but he didn't expect the other party to directly say that he had seen his portrait, which made him even more speechless.

"Who are you?"

"I am the Lord of the Fubao of Tianxiang City. I am honored to meet you."

After confirming that the other party was the Lord of Light and Shadow, the old man bowed respectfully to Zhuo Bufan.

"Come in first!"

Zhuo Bufan invited the Lord of the Fubao of Tianxiang City into the room and asked.

"How did you know I was here?" When Zhuo Bufan said this, he remembered that it was the Light and Shadow Sword he had refined that exposed his identity.

Sure enough, the Lord took out the Light and Shadow Sword and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"The Light and Shadow Talisman was discovered not long ago, and there are only a few people in the world who master it. I thought it would be some senior master, but it turned out to be you."

The Lord of the Castle did not expect that he would meet the Lord of Light and Shadow himself.

"Your Excellency, you may not know that since you suddenly disappeared in Huoyun City, the Lord of the Lou Palace has convened an emergency meeting with the Lords of all the Fu Castles within a radius of ten thousand miles to find your whereabouts."

"I didn't expect you to be in my Tianxiang City!"

Zhuo Bufan was moved when he heard it and said, "Thank you for your trouble, Lord of the Lou Palace."

"I will explain to Lord of the Lou Palace about my disappearance in the future. I can't reveal my identity now. Can you tell Lord of the Lou Palace not to go to great lengths to find my whereabouts?"

"I have important things to do. After the matter is over, I will explain it to him in person."

"So Lord of the Lou Palace, I hope you will keep my affairs confidential."

Zhuo Bufan didn't say anything more and took out the Black Zun to show his identity.

Seeing this, the castle lord quickly replied: "I understand, please rest assured, I will keep your identity secret. As for the building master, I will also tell him about your safety."

"As long as he knows that you are safe, he will not continue to look for you."

Zhuo Bufan was relieved when he heard it.

"Oh, by the way, castle lord, do you have the Great Sun Torture Chamber in Fu Castle?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes drifted to the "Great Sun Breaking Wall Sutra" on the ground, and a sudden idea came to his mind, thinking of the Great Sun Torture Chamber.

The castle lord nodded and said, "Yes, your Excellency wants it?"

"I want to use the Great Sun Torture Chamber in your Fu Castle."


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