Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1396 The Truth of the World

The return of Emperor Zhuo Bufan is a great blessing for the entire Yin-Yang world.

After the end of the Millennium Sacred Scripture, Zhuo Bufan reminisced with his relatives and friends every day.

After more than half a month of such days, Emperor Xuan and Emperor Bai finally found Zhuo Bufan.

"Tell me, did you encounter anything in Daluotian?"

"You are obviously worried when you come back this time. You can hide it from others, but not from us."

The three masters came this time, obviously knowing what Zhuo Bufan encountered in Daluotian.

Although he came back, he was full of worries.

Zhuo Bufan was slightly surprised after listening to Emperor Xuan and others.

He didn't expect that Emperor Xuan could see his inner pain at a glance.

"In fact, we have learned some situations from Su Su."

"What you have encountered in Daluotian over the years is indeed hard for you."

After hearing this, Emperor Bai sighed and said.

Bai Su learned a lot about Zhuo Bufan's experience in Daluotian over the years from Bai Su and others.

Seeing that the three masters were willing to help him, Zhuo Bufan hesitated for a moment and said.

"Some things are long to say."

"It's okay, then you can talk slowly and we will listen carefully."

Emperor Xuan said patiently.

Zhuo Bufan sighed and said.

"Master, Master's Wife, Master's Uncle! Over the years, I have indeed encountered many things in Daluotian."

"I am also grateful to the care of the Red Emperor and Wahuang of Daluotian."

"This time when I went to Daluotian, I also learned a lot of secrets that I had never known before."

"For example, our world is not a subordinate world of Daluotian."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, Emperor Xuan and others present were all shocked.

"Does our world have nothing to do with Daluotian?"

"No wonder, I have always suspected that the Yin-Yang world and Daluotian actually have no sub-relationship. After all, there is very little information about Daluotian in our world. The only thing is the legend of the Three Emperors."

Zhuo Bufan listened and continued to answer.

"That's right. Our world actually has little to do with Daluotian. The only thing to say is that it is probably just two worlds connected in the long river of time in the infinite world."

"It's like two adjacent beads in a string of beads."

"So our two worlds actually have a lot in common. The speed of time is also similar."

Few people know the news that Zhuo Bufan said. Even the three emperors of Daluotian may not know it.

Zhuo Bufan doesn't know whether the three emperors have been to the infinite world. After all, all the truth can only be known in that world.

"Over the years, I have been pursuing the news of the Lord of Time."

"Because Wahuang and others told me that only by finding the Lord of Time can I merge my three lives."

"Only by merging the three lives can I merge with the Daluotian world and become the Heavenly Dao of Daluotian."

"They hope that I can save the Daluotian world."

Zhuo Bufan told Xuandi and others about his experience in Daluotian.

Daluotian is in a very tense state at the moment.

The Heavenly Dao intends to destroy the world and restart the human world.

However, the Three Emperors controlled it and prevented it from doing whatever it wanted.

However, the power of the Three Emperors is getting weaker and weaker, and they may not be able to hold on for too long.

Once Daluotian breaks through the control of the Three Emperors, the destruction of the entire world will be imminent.

The Three Emperors made multiple plans, among which Zhuo Bufan is the core of multiple plans.

So Zhuo Bufan shoulders the responsibility of saving Daluotian.

However, Zhuo Bufan can't find the Lord of Time.

He went to the origin world of the Lord of Time, that is, the infinite world.

He saw an unprecedented scene.

All worlds are just nodes in the long river of time.

There are countless worlds like the Yin-Yang world, as numerous as the sands of the Ganges.

They are just the playground of the Lord of Time.

Everything is insignificant in his eyes.

It is the creator of the game world, the origin god of all life and matter.

He can decide the destruction and existence of a world with a thought, and can also make the entire reincarnation clan endure the curse of countless years with a word.

This is the Lord of Time. Everything in the world is just his game, including Zhuo Bufan, who is just a chess piece.

No one can be a chess player on equal footing with him.

Any material in this world is destined to become a plaything of the Lord of Time.

This is the truth that Zhuo Bufan has realized. To be honest, if Zhuo Bufan had not seen it with his own eyes, he would find it hard to believe that the Lord of Time is so terrible.

But now, he also understands that he is not someone that the Lord of Time will look at squarely.

Not to mention that he doesn't know where the Lord of Time is now, even if he knows, maybe the Lord of Time will only look down on him!

"The facts may be cruel, but everything I see is true."

"Whether it is the Yin-Yang world where we are, or the Daluotian world on the other side."

"They are all just a small world in the infinite world, just the playground of the Lord of Time."

"So now I don't know if all I have done is meaningful."

"Master, Master, Master, can you understand how I feel at this moment?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Emperor Xuan and the others in front of him and said.

Emperor Xuan and Emperor Bai felt a little incredible after hearing everything Zhuo Bufan said.

"Is that so?"

"If this is really the case, then this Lord of Time is really amazing."

Emperor Xuan exclaimed.

Where the Time Lord exists, no one knows. There is no way of knowing where this legendary being is now.

Zhuo Bufan only knew that this Lord of Time was very playful.

He sealed all his memories and abilities, and then reincarnated into various worlds to experience various aspects of the world.

Perhaps this is why this Lord of Time is not so boring.

"So, now I can't find the Lord of Time, and I can't merge with the third body."

"I can't protect the Daluotian world. Maybe that's why I'm worried!"

Zhuo Bufan actually wanted to do something for the Daluotian world.

After all, the Three Emperors treated him well and took care of him many times in Da Luotian.

However, if the Lord of Time cannot be found, there is nothing Zhuo Bufan can do.

After Emperor Xuan and others learned the reason for Zhuo Bufan's troubles, they sighed and said.

"If that's the case, then you don't have to worry too much."

"Perhaps Mr. Zhou is right. If the Lord of Time is really a creator-like existence as you said, then everything that happens in this infinite world should be under his control. "

"Perhaps, it has been secretly watching you. When the time is right, it will appear."

Emperor Xuan's persuasion made Zhuo Bufan feel much better.

At this time, Bai Su and Xuan Su on the side also came over and hugged Zhuo Bufan.

"Yes Zhuo Lang, father is right. Maybe the Lord of Time has been watching us all the time!"

"Time is its eyes. We exist in time, so we naturally exist and are under the supervision of the Lord of Time!"

"The Lord of Time probably won't do anything to save Da Luotian, so let's wait and see what happens now!"

"When it comes, it will come."

Bai Su and Xuan Su persuaded each other, which made Zhuo Bufan feel much happier.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the two wives in his arms, nodded and said.

"I understand, that's why I came back."

"When I come back this time, I just want to live a good life. I have seen the outside world, and I have seen enough. Home is better."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Xuan Su beside him, with a very happy smile on his face.

"Besides, Xuan Su is pregnant. I will stay with her well when I come back this time."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Emperor Xuan and others beside him couldn't help but be stunned.

Then they looked at Xuan Su and blessed him one after another.

"Congratulations to the Queen, congratulations to the Queen."

"It seems that another divine son will be born in our heaven."

"In that case, Bufan, when you come back this time, you must take good care of the two queens."

Facing the blessings from the three deities, Xuan Su was very moved.

"Thank you, three of you. This child has your blessings and is the glory of his life."

Xuan Su is pregnant, and only Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su know this news.

In fact, Xuan Su was already pregnant during the Millennium Festival.

Bai Su is right, Xuansu has been very lonely these years.

If she has a child, Xuan Su will no longer be lonely.

"We all understand the matter. Now Xuan Tianhou is pregnant. So Emperor Tian, ​​you don't need to worry about Da Luotian anymore."

"Let's do this. I'll go to Daluotian for you and convey your difficulties to the Three Emperors. I believe the Three Emperors will understand."

Emperor Xuan suddenly decided to go to Daluotian.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"Master, no, this Great Luotian will collapse at any time, you don't want to go."

Zhuo Bufan was worried about Emperor Xuan's safety.

But after Emperor Xuan heard this, he still decided.

"No, I'm going. Have you forgotten that Red Emperor is also in Daluotian?"

"I'd like to bring him back if I could."

"Maybe I can't save Da Luotian, but I can definitely bring back the Red Emperor."

Zhuo Bufan said quickly after hearing this.

"No, Master, Da Luotian's situation is very complicated."

"And the rules of heaven and earth in Daluotian are completely different from our Yin and Yang world. If you go to Daluotian, all your current cultivation will be lost. Everything will start again."

Zhuo Bufan is not an alarmist.

Each world has its own rules of heaven and earth, and these rules of heaven and earth determine that the cultivation system of each world is completely different.

The Yin and Yang world cultivates the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but Daluotian cultivates the vital energy of chaos.

Even Zhuo Bufan, the world god of the yin and yang world, had to start from scratch when he arrived in Daluotian, let alone Emperor Xuan.

"If I have to go back, it's me who should go back."

Zhuo Bufan said.

But after hearing this, Emperor Xuan quickly stopped him.

"No, didn't you say that before? Your identity in Daluotian has been exposed, and now Daluotian is chasing you."

"If you appear in the Daluotian world, you know very well what kind of fate awaits you."

Bai Di and others on the side also said.

"Yes, Bufan, you must not return to Daluotian now. After all, Daluotian Dao is probably waiting for you to fall into its trap."

"Now that Xuansu is pregnant, you should stay at home and accompany Susu and the others."

"As for the matter of Daluotian, let your master solve it!"

"Your master went to Daluotian this time to find our senior brother Chidi."

When Xuandi learned that the Daluotian world might be restarted, the only thing he was worried about was naturally the former Chidi.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought that he also had some concerns in Daluotian.

For example, the brother puppets made with his soul as the guide, Zhuoyue. And Zhou Peng, Nana and others.

Should I watch them die without saving them?

For a while, Zhuo Bufan's heart was also entangled.

At this time, Xuandi continued.

"If I go to Daluotian, it will not attract the attention of Daluotian Dao."

"So it is most suitable for me to go to Daluotian."

Xuandi took the initiative to ask to go to Daluotian, and Zhuo Bufan was still very worried.

"No, Master, let's discuss this matter again! In fact, even if I return to Daluotian, I will no longer be afraid of Daluotian Dao."

"Even if I can't beat it, I can escape."

Zhuo Bufan is now very powerful.

His peak strength still exists.

As long as he returns to Daluotian, he will be the Zhuo Bufan who masters the law of devouring and the law of reincarnation, and also possesses the aura of chaos.

Zhuo Bufan at that time is the strongest Zhuo Bufan.

His strength is almost on par with the Three Emperors.

If Zhuo Bufan returns to Daluotian, he may be able to join forces with the Three Emperors to suppress Daluotian Dao.

So for Zhuo Bufan, he is definitely more qualified to enter Daluotian than Emperor Xuan.

"Master, you don't have to worry about this matter."

"Maybe you are right, I still have a lot of things that I can't let go of."

"When the time comes, I will return to Daluotian. If possible, I want to have a good chat with Daluotian Dao."

"Speaking of which, since I came to Daluotian, I have never had a good chat with that Lord Tiandao."

Zhuo Bufan has a feeling that he feels that sooner or later he will return to Daluotian.

This is an inevitable fate for him.

After all, he has been working hard for Daluotian in his three reincarnations.

In this life, should he just give up like this?

Zhuo Bufan stopped Xuandi and others from entering Daluotian.

After all, they can't enter and exit Daluotian as easily as he can.

As for whether he will return to Daluotian one day, he can only make a decision in the future.

At least now, Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to return to Daluotian. He just wants to protect Bai Su and Xuan Su.

Watching the moment when his child is born.

Therefore, in the following days, Zhuo Bufan temporarily put the matter of Daluotian behind him.

He spent every day with his two wives, traveling around and enjoying the happiness of the world.

The string that had been tense for many years was finally relieved at this moment.

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