Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1397: Secluded Life

Zhuo Bufan put Da Luotian's affairs behind him for the time being. He wanted to spend more time with his family.

Time flies so fast, and the time spent with my family is also quite happy.

Every day he takes the two queens to play around in the human world.

Singing and singing all day long, freehand of life, can be regarded as a moment of leisure.

Zhuo Bufan was thinking that this might be the life he wanted.

However, as time goes by, Zhuo Bufan will feel that his life is too leisurely.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan himself is a person who cannot sit still.

His whole life has been spent in adventure and surprise, so how could he let everything go?

As time passed, even Bai Su and Xuan Su could tell that Zhuo Bufan was absent-minded all day long.

However, even if Zhuo Bufan didn't tell them, they didn't dare to ask.

As the days passed like this, Xuan Su's belly became bigger and bigger.

Recently, they stopped traveling far away and settled in a quiet seaside fishing village in the human world.

Prepare to give birth!

This is the first child of Zhuo Bufan and Xuansu, so Xuansu himself takes it very seriously.

Bai Su also stays with Xuan Su all day long, waiting for the day when the child is born.

As for Zhuo Bufan, he recently fell in love with carpentry and said he wanted to be a carpenter.

So during the period when they lived in seclusion in the fishing village, all the furniture in their home was made by Zhuo Bufan.

Being a carpenter is not the best choice, but it is still a good way to pass the time.

In order to become a good carpenter, Zhuo Bufan even worshiped a human master.

That old master didn't know that he once had a disciple who was the current emperor.

Not only that, he often hit him on the head with a wooden stick, saying that he was a stupid guy and clumsy.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan has a good heart and is not angry at all.

He always treats the villagers with a smile.

This small fishing village called Wuwang Village has simple folk customs and is suitable for retreat or retirement.

When Zhuo Bufan arrived here, he put everything down for the time being.

One's own martial arts, one's own status, one's own identity, one's own abilities.

He just wants to be an ordinary person and live like an ordinary person.

After all, he was just an ordinary person from the beginning!

Do some carpentry work every day, and then exchange it with the villagers for some firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Sometimes I would sit there all day while fishing.

The two queens also gave up everything in order to accompany Zhuo Bufan to retreat.

Bai Su learned about fireworks and spent all day in the kitchen studying various dishes.

Xuansu learned how to embroider female embroidery, and could still embroider some insoles and handkerchiefs.

Who would have thought that in the corner of this small fishing village, three of the highest status people in the world lived.

Of course, it's not just people in the fishing village who don't know who Zhuo Bufan and the others are.

Even the gods in heaven hardly knew that Zhuo Bufan and the others were living in seclusion in this small fishing village.

After becoming a carpenter, Zhuo Bufan's mood seemed to have improved a lot. No longer entangled in the various rights and wrongs of Daluotian.

Seeing this scene, Bai Su and Xuan Su were naturally very happy.

Nothing is more important than letting go.

Days passed by again, and Zhuo Bufan had completely adapted to his life in this Wuwu Village.

And the villagers are becoming more and more tolerant of their family.

Some villagers even knew that Xuansu was pregnant and often came to visit her.

He also taught Bai Su and Xuan Su a lot of production experience.

Bai Su and Xuan Su finally adapted to the life of country girls.

If someone talks to them, they will no longer be lonely.

"I'm back!"

"It smells so good! Susu, your cooking skills are getting better and better."

After fishing for a day, Zhuo Bufan returned home. He immediately praised Bai Su's cooking skills.

After hearing this, Bai Su quickly stood up and faced Zhuo Bufan, and then took the initiative to help Zhuo Bufan take the fish basket and fishing rod.

Then he helped him take off his raincoat and bamboo hat.

"As long as you like it, husband. You are tired after fishing all day. I will go get you some water to wash your face, and then you can eat!"

After Bai Su finished speaking, he went into the kitchen to get hot water.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan rushed into the house and stole the food on the table.

Xuan Su on the side saw this and smiled.

"Husband, have you gained anything today?"

Xuan Su was about to get up when Zhuo Bufan said quickly.

"Don't get up, my belly is so big, it's inconvenient."

"I've been fishing all day today, and I haven't even found a single shrimp."

Zhuo Bufan said helplessly.

Fishing, like carpentry, is a patient job. But patience alone is not enough, sometimes you also need luck.

After hearing this, Xuan Su said with a smile.

"This Dragon King of the East China Sea is really a stingy guy!"

"The Emperor of Heaven is here, and he doesn't even send a small shrimp to show his respect and filial piety."

The place where they are now is located on the coast of the East China Sea, so the entire sea area is controlled by the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The Dragon Kings only belong to the lower gods, but they are in charge of the four seas and have great responsibilities.

Of course, the Dragon King did not know about the arrival of Zhuo Bufan and the others. Otherwise, he would not have sent all the treasures from the East China Sea to honor the Emperor of Heaven and the two Queens.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan was just fishing for fun. If he really wanted to fish, he could catch a whole dragon, let alone a fish.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan chuckled.

"I'll remove the dragon another day and replenish your body."

At this time, Bai Su's words came from behind.

"If Zhuo Lang really catches a dragon, I'm afraid the old Dragon King of the East China Sea will come over and destroy this small fishing village!"

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan laughed.

"That's right. We can't cause unnecessary disasters. Let's just assume that Donghai has escaped."

After that, the whole family had dinner together happily.

As a result, something happened in their small fishing village the next day.

Early in the morning, Zhuo Bufan was still having sweet dreams. Suddenly there was a noise outside the fishing village.

Zhuo Bufan woke up from his sleep and found that it was very lively outside.

The entire small fishing village of more than 200 people was as happy as if they were celebrating a festival.

"what happened?"

Zhuo Bufan walked out of the house wearing a towel.

At this time, Bai Su and Xuan Su looked back at Zhuo Bufan, who had just gotten up.

"Husband, you wake up!"

Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"Well, did something happen? Why are these guys so happy?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the people in the village running towards the end of the village, seeming to be celebrating something.

At this time, Bai Su shook his head and said.

"I don't know, it seems like those who went out to sea to fish have gained something!"

"After all, no one has caught any fish for a long time."

Zhuo Bufan remembered what the old uncles in the village had said to him during the past two days of fishing.

It was said that it was difficult to catch fish recently, so in the past two days, the strong men in the village went fishing in farther seas, hoping to catch something.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan's carpenter master, Lao Wu, suddenly walked towards Zhuo Bufan and the others carrying two pieces of meat.

There was also a smile on his face.

"Xiao Zhuo, look what I brought to you!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the meat in Lao Wu's hand and suddenly frowned.

"Old Wu, what kind of meat are you carrying?"

After hearing this, Lao Wu quickly said.

"This is a big fish caught by the young people in the village. The village chief said it should be shared with everyone to enjoy."

"I thought your family has two people, and one of them is about to give birth to a baby. So I will give your family an extra share."

"I heard that this meat promotes lactation and is very tonic for pregnant women."

Old Wu looked at Zhuo Bufan innocently and said.

After hearing this, Xuan Su blushed, while Bai Su was grateful.

"Thank you, Master Wu. Actually, you don't need to share it with us. It's not easy for everyone to fish. You still have to keep it for the winter!"

Bai Su is very grateful to this old Master Wu. Everyone in this small fishing village is simple and kind, which is touching.

Of course Zhuo Bufan was also very moved.

However, he still sighed helplessly.

"Old Wu, I'm afraid you may be in trouble!"

Zhuo Bufan smiled bitterly.

After hearing this, Lao Wu was stunned for a moment.

"Getting into trouble?"

Bai Su and Xuan Su on the side were also stunned for a moment.

"Husband, is something wrong?"

Zhuo Bufan pointed at the meat in Lao Wu's hand and said.

"Didn't you two notice? This piece of meat is no ordinary fish."

After hearing this, Bai Su and Xuan Su released a little bit of their soul power.

As a result, the two of them were stunned for a second.

"Dragon meat?"

After Bai Su and Xuan Su's investigation, they were shocked to find that the meat turned out to be dragon meat.

"That's right, and it's not just ordinary dragon meat. It should have some blood relationship with the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and is probably his dragon son and grandson."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that yesterday he said he wanted to catch a dragon, but the fishermen actually caught one for him the next day.

You must know that being extraordinary is a joke. Dragons are a race protected by heaven, and they are born with divinity.

If this dragon is really the son and grandson of the dragon, then the dragon king will definitely come to seek revenge.

By then, this small fishing village will really face disaster.

When Lao Wu heard this, he was stunned for a moment. Then he smiled nonchalantly.

"Hahahaha, what silly things are you saying? How can this be dragon meat?"

"Although that big fish looks like a dragon, it doesn't look like a dragon at all!"

"And the Dragon Clan is so powerful, how could it be caught by those young men in our fishing village?"

Of course Lao Wu wouldn't believe it.

This dragon race is a terrifying race that can make waves. How can the small human race compare with it.

However, as the Emperor of Heaven, how could Zhuo Bufan be wrong?

"Take me to see it!"

Zhuo Bufan must do something before the situation becomes serious.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's serious expression, Old Wu couldn't help frowning.

"Is it really dragon meat?"

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly towards him.

Lao Wu was so frightened that his face turned pale and he was at a loss.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and said quickly.

"Okay, let's go take a look first!"

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan, Bai Su and the others rushed towards the Cuntou fishing ground.

When they arrived at the fishing ground, they found that it was already crowded with people, and the villagers were distributing the results of the fishing.

At this time, the village chief also saw Zhuo Bufan and the others approaching, so he hurried forward to greet them.

"Hey, little brothers, are you here?"

"Why did you bring your young couple here? Aren't they pregnant?"

"Pregnant women can't see blood, so take them back quickly! I'll have someone deliver the allocated fish and meat to you later."

The village chief was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

It can be seen that he was really happy. After all, the harvest was rich this time, enough for the whole village to spend the winter.

After hearing this, the old carpenter Lao Wu hurriedly said to the village chief.

"Village chief, Xiao Zhuo said that the biggest fish we caught might be a dragon."

"So I brought him here to see!"

Hearing this, the village chief was so scared that he almost dropped the pipe in his hand.

"What? Dragon?"

"Brother Xiao Zhuo, don't joke, how could we catch a dragon?"

Looking at the confused and astonished expressions on the faces of the village chief and others, Zhuo Bufan knew that they really didn't know that they caught a dragon.

Zhuo Bufan smiled bitterly and came to the center of the crowd.

There was a pile of fish in the crowd.

There were also three young men slaughtering fish meat. The most attractive one was the big white fish on the ground that was five or six meters long.

He did not look like a dragon, but rather a giant python.

His body was snow-white with silver fish scales. There were no dragon horns on his head, which were the symbol of the dragon clan.

It had been chopped into several sections and divided into hundreds of pieces. The ground was covered with blood, which looked a bit miserable.

When Xuan Su saw this scene, he couldn't help but turn his head away.

Seeing this, Bai Su hurriedly said to Xuan Su.

"Sister, are you okay?"

"It's okay, but seeing this scene, I feel a little uncomfortable."

"This dragon should have been born not long ago!"

Xuan Su is pregnant now, and it is inevitable that her motherly love is overflowing.

Just like when Bai Su was pregnant, her motherly love overflowed and she adopted Bai Zifan.

Hearing this, the village chief was not calm.

"Dragon? Is this really a dragon?"

The village chief looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan sighed helplessly and replied.

"That's right, and it's not only a dragon, but also the Emperor Dragon with the purest blood in the dragon clan."

"It's just that this little guy should have been born only a few days ago and has not awakened his blood power. In addition, it must have been injured before, so it was easily captured by you."

Zhuo Bufan saw a ferocious big mouth on the abdomen of the little white dragon's body.

It must have been attacked by other sea creatures before.

The dragon clan that has not awakened its blood power has no deterrent power in the sea.

So other predators will not regard it as a dragon clan after seeing it, but just as an ordinary prey.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the other people present looked at each other in disbelief.

At this time, a group of young people gathered around and pointed at Zhuo Bufan's nose and said.

"What makes you say it's a dragon?"

"And even if it is a dragon, so what? We caught it with great effort. We kindly gave it to you, but you actually threatened us."

The young people were naturally dissatisfied. After all, they went out to sea to fish and experienced life and death catastrophes to catch this fish.

Now, with just one word from Zhuo Bufan, could they let go of this dead trophy?

So the young people were a little dissatisfied.

But at this moment, the ground suddenly began to tremble.

Boom boom boom!

Then, gusts of wind blew from the sea.

"Look, what is that?"

At this time, everyone looked at the sea.

A tsunami suddenly rolled up above the sea level and hit their small fishing village.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea is coming!


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