Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1398 Heavenly Emperor Spare My Life

The simple and innocent villagers of the fishing village captured a little white dragon from the dragon clan. And they even divided it and ate it.

Obviously, this incident angered the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

In a rage, the old Dragon King swept up millions of marines and summoned thousands of feet high waves to attack this small coastal fishing village.

The overwhelming and high waves that covered the sky and the sun stood in front of everyone in the small fishing village.

Seeing this scene, the villagers present cried out in despair.

"The sky is falling, the sky is falling!"

"What should we do? We are finished. We have angered God!"

"It's true. We really caught a dragon. The Dragon King is here. The Dragon King is here to punish us."

The villagers looked at the millions of marines and generals at the top of the tsunami, and their legs were weak with fear, and they collapsed to the ground.

Zhuo Bufan looked up and found that the man on the wave was the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

But the other party didn't seem to notice his existence.

At this time, there was a sudden thunder in the sky.


Then the Four Seas Thunder fell with a bang, causing the entire sea to be instantly excited.

Then, the Dragon King of the East Sea on the wave let out a thunderous roar.

Then, the entire sea began to roll, and the ground began to tear.

The Dragon King of the East Sea turned directly into a dragon and began to surge in the rolling thunderclouds.

The dark clouds that covered the sky and the sun covered the entire sky.

The sky seemed to be clenched into an angry face by a pair of sky-covering hands, and at the same time, a deafening roar was issued.

The people on the ground could not bear such intimidation, and they knelt on the ground in fear, and some even fainted on the spot.

At this time, the black dragon in the sky roared.

"Damn human, dare to harm my dragon grandson, today I will make all of you die with me!"

Sure enough, the captured little white dragon was really the descendant of the Dragon King.

As soon as the little white dragon died, the Dragon King saw the situation in the fishing village through the dragon ball.

When he saw the fishermen in the fishing village cutting up the body of his grandson, he was furious and led millions of sea creatures to kill the small fishing village.

"You despicable, shameless, lowly slaves, today is your death day."

The Dragon King was furious and wanted to stir up trouble and destroy the precarious fishing village in front of him.

The village chief had already knelt on his knees, wailing and begging the Dragon Lord in the sky.

"Lord Dragon King, we really didn't mean it."

"We really didn't know it was your grandson!" "Please, spare us!"

"Let me exchange my life for the poor people of my fishing village."

The village chief didn't know if this would work, but the only thing he could do now was to kneel down and beg the Dragon King in front of him.

The heavy rain was pouring down, beating on the face of the village chief.

The old face turned pale.

And the giant dragon in the sky was even more furious after hearing this cool plea.


"How can your life, old man, be worth my grandson?"

"Old man, you lowly people fish in my sea every other day, and I have shown great mercy."

"I didn't expect that you would harm my dragon grandson today, greedy and shameless bastards, all of you must die today."

The Dragon King was furious, because in his opinion, these fishermen lived by the sea, which was his kindness.

However, this group of damned humans, not only did not feel grateful, but killed his dragon grandson.

The Dragon King was naturally angry, so today, he had to destroy all the fishing villages on the coast.

"Not just you, from now on, no lowly humans are allowed to fish in my sea area."

"It's you who have completely angered me."

Hearing this, everyone present was dumbfounded.

"It's over, we are completely finished."

"Oh God, what did we do wrong? Why punish us like this?"

"God, help us, help us!"

The villagers knelt on the ground and begged the sky.

They really did nothing wrong. They were originally fishing for a living. Who would have thought that they would catch a dragon?

It was this dragon that brought them a catastrophe.

Faced with the desperate pleas of these fishermen, the Dragon King was indifferent and roared instead.

"Shut up, you lowly things. Even if the Emperor of Heaven comes today, he can't save you. Pay for my grandson's life!"

As soon as the Dragon King finished speaking, the thousands of feet high waves under his feet pressed towards the small fishing village.

This did not give the small fishing village any chance to survive, because once the high waves hit, everything on the beach would be instantly destroyed.

The villagers of the small fishing village looked at the falling high waves with despair.

At that moment, all of them gave up the desire to live, because they knew that they could not survive this catastrophe.

However, just when the high and magnificent tsunami was about to destroy the entire coastline.

Suddenly, crystal clear snowflakes floated in the air.

Then, the thousands of feet high waves began to freeze instantly.

In just an instant, all the high waves on the coastline, along with millions of marines, were all frozen.

Seeing this scene, all the villagers present were stunned.

And the one who was even more confused was obviously the Dragon King in the sky.

The Dragon King was obviously very surprised when he saw that his tsunami and millions of marines turned into ice sculptures.

"What's going on? This is impossible!"

"Who is it? Dare to come against me, the Dragon King of the East Sea?"

The Dragon King of the East Sea soon realized that there was a strong man in the small fishing village.

The other party who could save this small fishing village from his hands was definitely not an ordinary person.

Just when the old dragon king was furious, he suddenly saw Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su in the small fishing village.

The people in the whole small fishing village were so scared that they knelt on the ground, but the three of them stood straight in place, looking at him with a calm look.

Because Zhuo Bufan and the others hid their divine breath and changed their faces.

So the old dragon king didn't recognize Zhuo Bufan and his identities at all.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, shook his head helplessly.

"Su Su, you are too nosy!"

When Zhuo Bufan came again, he had already made three rules with Bai Su and Xuan Su. No matter what happened, they must not reveal their abilities.

But the ten thousand feet ice sculpture in front of him was obviously made by Bai Su.

In this way, their identities can no longer be concealed.

Once their identities were exposed, their secluded life would end.

However, at this moment, Bai Su could no longer care about so much.

"I'm sorry, Zhuolang, I really can't stand by and watch them die!"

"During this period, I have been taken care of by the villagers. I don't want to watch them die in such an unclear way."

Bai Su stood behind, lowered her head, and felt that she had done something wrong.

She knew that her Zhuolang didn't want her to expose her abilities.

She knew that her Zhuolang wanted to continue to live a secluded life.

So Bai Su felt that she had done something wrong, although she had to do so.

Xuan Su on the side quickly helped Bai Su to intercede.

"Husband, sister is right. These villagers did nothing wrong, they don't deserve such punishment."

"Besides, they are so good to us. This old dragon king is really, although he is a little angry because his grandson died. But he can't just destroy the entire fishing village!"

"Isn't it just a little white dragon? I will help his dragon clan to revive."

Xuan Su helped Bai Su to explain, hoping that Zhuo Bufan could understand.

Just as Bai Su was waiting to be scolded, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

"Okay, I just feel a little regretful. The peaceful seclusion of the divine fire that I finally got is going to end like this."

"I don't mean to blame Su Su."

"Don't worry, I will handle this matter next."

Zhuo Bufan said, raised his head and looked at the giant dragon soaring in the sky.

"East Sea Dragon King Ao Bo, can you come down to discuss it?"

Zhuo Bufan had already planned to come out in person to solve this matter.

Who knew that the old dragon king in the sky didn't give him face at all, but was furious.

"Who are you? What qualifications do you have to discuss with me?"

"Despicable human, all of you go to hell."

The old dragon king was obviously furious, and as soon as he finished speaking, endless thunder fell from the sky, bombarding Zhuo Bufan's head.

However, before these thunder and lightning fell on Zhuo Bufan's head, they were blocked by a black vortex.

At this time, Xuan Su stood up, holding her stomach, and shouted at the Dragon King of the East China Sea in the sky.

"How dare you, old loach, I gave you face, didn't I? You dare to be rude to the Emperor of Heaven."

"Believe it or not, I will peel off your skin, pull out your tendons, grind your bones and scatter your ashes. Let your dragon clan be annihilated and never reincarnate?"

Xuan Su could no longer hold back, because she would not allow anyone to insult Zhuo Bufan and her husband.

She suddenly released her divine power, and the powerful divine power fell on the giant dragon above the sky.

At that moment, the Dragon King of the East China Sea trembled directly, and the next second his entire soul began to be turbulent.

"Oh my God, what kind of divine power is this?"

"This is the divine power from the upper god!"

The old dragon king widened his dragon eyes and looked at the woman in black below in disbelief.

At this moment, Xuan Su had already restored her peerless saintly face as the Queen of Xuantian.

The moment the old dragon king saw Xuan Su, his soul almost flew out of his body.

"Xuantianhou, why are you here?"

The moment the East Sea Dragon King saw Xuan Su, he fell from the sky and turned into a middle-aged man.

Then, he knelt in front of Bai Su.

"Little God East Sea Dragon King Ao Bo, kowtow to Xuan Empress!"

Xuan Su was indignant after hearing this.

"Damn East Sea Dragon King, you dare to be rude to the Emperor of Heaven and Empress, what crime should you be punished for?"

After Xuan Su finished speaking, the East Sea Dragon King was stunned for a moment.

"Ah? Heaven, Heaven, Emperor of Heaven?"

The East Sea Dragon King suddenly looked at the man who had just talked to him.

Then he showed an incredible look.

"You, you are the Emperor of Heaven?"

The East Sea Dragon King is not a fool.

He can now be sure that the peerless saint in black in front of him is Xuan Empress, and Xuan Empress has no need to deceive such a small character like him.

In other words, the man next to him is very likely the Emperor of Heaven.

The person next to him is most likely the White Queen!

The East Sea Dragon King, who learned all this, froze in place.

If the man in front of him is really the Queen, then he is doomed this time!

At this moment, the old Dragon King was trembling all over, because his intuition told him that he was most likely finished this time!

He lowered his proud head and stood in front of Zhuo Bufan tremblingly, not even daring to breathe too loudly.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand, patted the old Dragon King on the shoulder, and then smiled.

"Dragon King, to be honest, I am very angry right now."

"Not only did you dare to insult this emperor, but you also destroyed my secluded life."

"If it weren't for the fact that the little prince is about to be born, I really want to wipe out your entire East China Sea."

The smile that appeared when Zhuo Bufan squinted his eyes was simply terrifying.

Coupled with what he just said, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was frightened and he quickly knelt down.

"Emperor of Heaven, the old dragon deserves to die for his crime, he deserves to die for his crime!"

"Please ask the Emperor of Heaven to punish the old dragon and spare the billions of living beings in the East China Sea!"

The Dragon King was so frightened that he almost vomited out the gentian.

The villagers in the fishing village present looked in disbelief after seeing this scene.

They didn't expect that the dragon was making waves in the sky just now, covering the sky and the sun.

At this moment, he was kneeling in front of Zhuo Bufan, trembling.

Seeing the old dragon king begging for mercy, Zhuo Bufan sighed and said.

"I know that you were blinded by the pain of losing your son, so I can forgive you for what you just said."

"In addition, this emperor can also resurrect your grandson."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved.

The little white dragon, which had been chopped into seven or eight pieces, actually began to grow bones and flesh.

In an instant, the little white dragon came to life.

Seeing the resurrection of the little white dragon, the Dragon King of the East China Sea breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's great, grandson!"


Little Bailong came back to life and saw his grandfather for the first time.

He was about to run towards the Old Dragon King, but was stopped by the Old Dragon King.

"My grandson, please don't come over. Kneel down quickly. You have seen the Emperor of Heaven!"

After hearing this, Xiao Bailong looked at Zhuo Bufan and the others, and was stunned for a moment.

"God, Emperor of Heaven?"

The next second, he was so frightened that he quickly fell to the ground and did not dare to speak.

The villagers who saw this scene finally reacted.

"Emperor of Heaven, is he really the Emperor of Heaven?"

"So Xiao Zhuo is actually the Emperor of Heaven?"

"My carpenter apprentice is actually the Emperor of Heaven?"

"God has shown his power. God has really shown his power."

"What nonsense do you say? The Emperor of Heaven is our God!"

For a moment, all the villagers knelt down towards Zhuo Bufan.

The village chief said to Zhuo Bufan even more tremblingly.

"The Emperor of Heaven, please make the decision for us."

The village chief and others knew that the only chance of survival now was to hold Zhuo Bufan's thigh.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly after hearing the villagers' cries for help.

"Don't worry, I will make my own decision on this matter."

Now that Zhuo Bufan has revealed his identity, it means that he will definitely protect this small fishing village.

Therefore, the small fishing village must be safe. As for the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Zhuo Bufan has not yet figured out how to deal with it.

After all, this guy disturbed his leisurely and secluded life.

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