Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1399 Rebuilding Heaven

The Dragon King of the East China Sea may have never dreamed that the great Creator, the creator of the Yin and Yang world, the highest executor of the Heavenly Court, and the eternal and infinite Emperor of Heaven, would actually take his two queens and live in seclusion in a small fishing village in the East China Sea under his jurisdiction.

He didn't know why Heaven and Earth did this, but the fact that he had offended the Emperor of Heaven had become a fact.

The current Dragon King only wants Emperor Zhuo Bufan to let go of his dragon clan. As for him, he no longer has the desire to live.

This scene is so similar to when the poor fishermen begged themselves just now.

The head of the fishing village once told the Dragon King that he was willing to sacrifice his own life in exchange for the safety of the people in the small fishing village.

The Dragon King at that time only thought it was ridiculous.

How can a mere human life be compared to the life of his own grandson?

But now, how can my humble life be worth the terrifying power of God?

It's over, it's really over now!

This was the inner voice of Ao Bo, Dragon King of the East China Sea, because he could see that Queen Xuan on the side was very angry.

He knew the serious consequences of Queen Xuan's anger.

Queen Xuan was angry simply because she had humiliated the Emperor of Heaven.

Now that Empress Xuan is pregnant, she has made her angry again.

The Emperor of Heaven is naturally furious and will surely implicate the entire Dragon Clan.

He is the Emperor of Heaven, the creator of the entire yin and yang world, and the creator god.

If he wanted, the entire dragon clan could be erased from the history of this world.

Therefore, the Dragon King at this moment must regret as much as he wants.

He regretted that he shouldn't have spoken indiscriminately. Anyone dared to scold him!

On the contrary, Queen Bai acted very calmly.

Queen Bai seemed to be easy to talk to, and the old Dragon King remembered that he had heard about it from the evil god before.

Queen Bai is a goddess with a gentle heart. Yes, perhaps only Queen Bai can save her and the dragon clan's fate now.

The Dragon King, who found a glimmer of hope, knelt down and begged the White Queen behind Zhuo Bufan, the Emperor of Heaven.

"Empress Bai, Lao Long knows that his sin is serious and unpardonable."

"Please also ask the empress, for the sake of the deep connection between True Lord Sun and my dragon clan, please ask heaven and earth to be merciful and let my dragon clan go."

"Old Dragon is willing to use my miserable life to gain a chance of survival for the Dragon Clan."

This old dragon king is brave enough to do something, and he also dares to sacrifice.

His only thought now is to keep the Dragon Clan.

He thought of Bai Zifan, the True Lord of the Sun, the eldest prince of the Emperor and Queen of Heaven.

Bai Zifan accepted the blood inheritance of the Dragon Clan many years ago.

Therefore, Bai Zifan's body contains half of the dragon's blood, which is why Bai Zifan can transform into a dragon.

Bai Zifan has a connection with the dragon clan, so the old Dragon King believes that Queen Bai will let the entire dragon clan go for the sake of True Lord Sun.

Bai Hou Bai Su looked at the poor old Dragon King in front of her and wanted to say something more.

But she had just exposed her identity without permission, and she was worried that her Zhuo Lang was still angry.

So Bai Su stopped talking.

Moreover, Bai Su believed that Zhuo Lang could make a reasonable decision in this matter and did not need to intervene.

So in the end, Bai Su just shook his head slowly and said.

"Dragon King, the Emperor of Heaven has made his own decision at this time."

"I will support any decision made by the Emperor of Heaven."

Bai Su's words undoubtedly extinguished the old Dragon King's last hope.

When the old Dragon King heard this, he almost vomited out his gallbladder.

He was looking at Emperor Zhuo Bufan, and no expression or emotion could be seen on Emperor Tian's face.

The Emperor seemed to be thinking about something.

After a while, Zhuo Bufan slowly spoke.

"Go to Heaven and hold a Holy Court meeting!"

"Your affairs are decided by the gods."

Zhuo Bufan originally wanted to treat this matter as a trivial matter and handle it casually.

But he thought about it again and again and found that he couldn't handle this matter casually.

What he wants to establish is a heaven with perfect order. The old Dragon King bullies others with power and despises life. He really cannot just let it go.

So Zhuo Bufan wanted to treat this matter as a case, and he decided to summon the gods to hold a Holy Court meeting.

When the old Dragon King heard this, his heart skipped a beat, but at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief.

Xuan Su and Bai Su on the side frowned slightly.

They didn't expect that the Emperor of Heaven would take this matter so seriously.

Zhuo Bufan looked back at Bai Su and Xuan Su, then smiled and said.

"Sorry, our vacation trip ends here. Let's travel around the world together next time!"

Zhuo Bufan said with a smile.

After hearing this, Bai Su nodded slightly and said with a smile.

"Zhuo Lang does not need to apologize. We have had enough fun during this period. It is time to return to heaven and manage political affairs."

Xuan Su also said while holding his stomach.

"Yes, husband, let's call it a day this time! After the baby is born, we can go out and have fun again."

"When the time comes, we will go up to the nine heavens to catch the moon and go down to the eight seas to catch turtles!"

Hearing this, Bai Su on the side couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, let's go back to God Realm!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he finally stopped hiding the divine aura on his body.

For a moment, several golden rays of light were projected from the sky, shrouding Zhuo Bufan and the others.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan looked at the villagers in the small fishing village and said.

"Don't worry, Beidi will definitely give you a perfect solution!"

After that, Zhuo Bufan took Bai Su and Xuan Su, as well as the old dragon king and Xiao Bailong, and flew into the sky.

For a moment, all the villagers present looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven! Is Xiao Zhuo the Emperor of Heaven?"

A villager looked at Zhuo Bufan flying in the sky and murmured in panic.

The village chief beside him shouted after hearing this.

"Slap your mouth, the Emperor of Heaven is the Emperor of Heaven, can't you say that Xiao Zhuo understands?"

"The Emperor of Heaven will help us deal with this matter. Now it seems that we should be fine."

After hearing this, the other villagers also breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the Emperor of Heaven has said so, he will definitely not embarrass them.

"Oh my god, I actually talked to the two queens!"

"Not only did I talk, I also held the hand of the Queen Xuan and had a long talk with her two days ago, and even told her about confinement without shame."

"What's yours? The old carpenter is really amazing. His carpenter apprentice is actually the Emperor of Heaven."

"Fortunately, we didn't make things difficult for the Emperor of Heaven and his family during this time, otherwise the Emperor of Heaven would definitely not stand up for us this time."

After escaping death, the villagers of the small fishing village began to celebrate.

After this incident, the small fishing village became completely famous.

The secluded place of the Emperor of Heaven, what a big gimmick.

There are even houses where the Emperor of Heaven and his family live in seclusion, as well as carpentry craftsmanship made by the Emperor of Heaven himself.

In short, if this small fishing village can escape this disaster, it will soon become the most famous fishing village in the world.

Soon, many people will come from all over the world.


On this side, the small fishing village escaped a disaster and began to celebrate.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan took the old Dragon King back to the Heavenly Court and convened a meeting of the Holy Courts of All Gods.

This was the first time that Zhuo Bufan had held such a large meeting since he returned to the Yin-Yang world.

In this meeting, except for some priests who really could not leave their posts without permission, almost 80% of the priests were present.

In the majestic and solemn Heavenly Palace, Zhuo Bufan sat on the nine-layered immortal platform and on a dragon throne with nine dragons holding a vase.

On each side sat two former supreme rulers of the Heavenly Court, that is, the two great queens.

Below them sat three people whose status in the Heavenly Court was second only to the Emperor and the Queen.

One emperor, two queens, three people.

This is the structure of the supreme ruler of the entire Heavenly Court.

Under the immortal platform, there stood two rows of civil and military priests, who were the backbone of the Heavenly Court and the pillars of the God Realm.

From the front to the back, they were arranged from the God King to the lower gods.

The Holy Court Meeting had not yet been held, but the entire venue was already full of discussions.

No one knows why the Emperor of Heaven and the two Empresses of Heaven suddenly convened the meeting of the gods.

The situation seems to be very serious. After all, the last meeting of such a large scale was held during the Millennium Festival.

So everyone is talking about why it was held this time.

Some speculated that the Heavenly Court would be reorganized, some speculated that it would be re-enthroned, and some speculated that it might be related to the upcoming birth of the little prince.

Anyway, no one has any definite information.

Even the three statues on the immortal platform looked at Zhuo Bufan on the Nine Dragon Platform with some confusion.

"Emperor of Heaven, what is the purpose of convening the meeting of the gods this time?"

Emperor Xuan asked.

But Zhuo Bufan seemed to be thinking about something, and did not hear what Emperor Xuan said.

No one knew what Zhuo Bufan was thinking about.

He just held his forehead, as if thinking about something very important.

What made him anxious was obviously not the matter of Ao Bo, the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

What bothered him was what kind of Heavenly Court he should build!

That's right, the purpose of Zhuo Bufan's meeting of the gods this time was not just to discuss how to deal with the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

It was because of the incident with the Dragon King of the East China Sea that he discovered some criticisms in the Heavenly Court.

The Dragon King was proud of being a high-ranking dragon clan, and regarded the human race as a humble life.

This idea was obviously not just the Dragon King.

All the people present were already gods in the position of gods. They all had their own high-ranking status.

They thought that they were gods and could despise some mortal lives.

However, this was not what Zhuo Bufan wanted.

What was the difference between such a Heavenly Court and the Heavenly Dao of Daluotian?

It was just that the dictatorship of Daluotian was divided into countless individuals of the God Clan.

What Zhuo Bufan wanted to establish was a world where gods and humans could coexist peacefully.

Gods would not be high and mighty just because they lived in the God Realm.

People would not be humble just because they lived in the mortal world.

The existence of gods was only to better maintain the peace of the whole world.

He must have the power of a god and the humanity of a man.

So Zhuo Bufan convened the meeting of gods this time to reflect the current criticism of the heaven through the Dragon King incident, and then find a way to solve this potential problem.

"Time is up, let's start!"

Zhuo Bufan saw that all the priests present had arrived, so he no longer hesitated.

He snapped his fingers, and a figure suddenly knelt in the center of the hall.

To be precise, it was the Dragon King of the East China Sea who knelt in the hall.

When everyone saw the Dragon King of the East China Sea, they were shocked.

"Ao Bo? What's going on? Why is this guy kneeling on the ground?"

"Something is wrong. He has the seal of the Emperor of Heaven on him."

"In other words, it was the Emperor of Heaven who asked him to kneel down. Is this meeting of the gods for him?"

Seeing the Dragon King of the East China Sea kneeling on the ground, all the priests present began to speculate.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan didn't say much.

Just raising his hand and waving, a curtain of light appeared in the air.

An image began to be projected in the light screen, and that image was exactly what Zhuo Bufan saw from his own perspective, of the Dragon King of the East China Sea leading millions of sea people to attack a small fishing village.

Not only are there pictures, but there are also sounds.

Scenes of the Dragon Dynasty of the East China Sea showing great power over a small fishing village, and scenes of verbally humiliating the Emperor and Queen of Heaven were shown one after another.

The priests present were speechless after seeing this scene.

Then each one made a scolding sound.

"Bold Ao Bo, are you tired of living like an old dragon? You actually humiliated the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven? Believe it or not, I destroyed you Donghai!"

The first person to scold Ao Bo was Sun True Lord Bai Zifan.

Bai Zifan was naturally furious when he saw his parents being humiliated.

After hearing this, the other priests also scolded him one after another.

"Old Long, you are really outrageous this time! Do you dare to humiliate the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Hey, Old Dragon, Old Dragon, you have lived your whole life in vain. Do you want to destroy the entire dragon clan?"

After the priests learned the cause and effect of the incident, no one sympathized with the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea lowered his head and said nothing, because he knew that he had sinned deeply and was ashamed to death at this moment.

But just when the Dragon King of the East China Sea was in despair, Emperor Zhuo Bufan spoke.

"Ao Bo, Dragon King of the East China Sea, this emperor's meeting is not aimed at you."

"You can rest assured that this emperor will not kill you this time, let alone vent his anger on your entire dragon clan."

Before the meeting began, Zhuo Bufan's words undoubtedly made Ao Bo, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, shed tears of gratitude.

He didn't expect that the Emperor of Heaven would not punish him. He thought he heard wrongly.

"Heaven, Emperor of Heaven. The old dragon knows that his sin is unforgivable, so he does not ask for mercy. He only asks the Emperor of Heaven to spare my dragon clan."

Dragon King said with tears.

Zhuo Bufan sighed after hearing this.

"I said, I won't kill you. You are just the introduction to my meeting of the gods. This meeting of the gods is not held for you, the Dragon King of the East China Sea. You don't have the face yet."

Zhuo Bufan was not afraid of attacking the Dragon King of the East China Sea, he said bluntly.

"After the meeting, I want you to be kind to the creatures in the domain."

"Sooth the small fishing village that was frightened by you."

"As for your punishment, I need to think about it."

"Death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided."

Zhuo Bufan is also the Emperor of Heaven after all. He was humiliated by a lower god. If he was not punished, then he would have no divine power.

"Okay, next, the conference of gods officially begins. The topic this time is - rebuilding the heaven!"

When Zhuo Bufan said the theme of this meeting of gods, all the priests present were dumbfounded.

The theme of this meeting turned out to be, Rebuilding Heaven!

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