Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1400: Reincarnation Heaven

When Zhuo Bufan proposed to rebuild the Heavenly Court, all the priests were dumbfounded.

Even the three deities were a little stunned and completely confused.

Heavenly Court was created by Zhuo Bufan and has existed for thousands of years.

Not long ago, a thousand-year grand event was held to celebrate the infinite glory of the establishment of heaven for thousands of years.

It can be said that since the establishment of Heavenly Court, it has gradually moved on the right track.

But now, Zhuo Bufan suddenly decided to rebuild the Heavenly Court, which undoubtedly negated the efforts made by all the Heavenly Court priests over the years.

Even the achievements of Bai Su and Xuan Su were denied.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the gods present who were hesitant to speak, shook his head and said.

"I know how unhappy you are right now."

"After all, this reform may harm your vital interests."

"I also know how dissatisfied you are. After all, you are gods, but you cannot enjoy the so-called superior power of gods."

"In short, this is my heaven, and I have the final say."

Zhuo Bufan behaved very strongly.

In a word, this is his heaven, and he has the final say in the whole world.

If we really want to talk about gods, perhaps only Zhuo Bufan can be considered a god. Only he can truly despise the world.

The so-called heaven is nothing more than a peaceful institution established by Zhuo Bufan to protect the world.

Nowadays, even Zhuo Bufan, who exists like a creator, demands to be treated equally, regardless of the divine or the mortal.

What did the other priests present have to say?

After all, all the priests present were granted the title of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan can grant them divine status, and he can also take back their divine status.

Therefore, it can be said that Zhuo Bufan rebuilds the heaven.

After all his world, he makes the decisions.

However, Emperor Xuan stopped Zhuo Bufan's impulsive behavior in time at this time.

"Why did you make such a sudden decision?"

Emperor Xuan looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Even Emperor Xuan didn't understand Zhuo Bufan's sudden decision.

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply after hearing this. Obviously, he had a hard time making this decision.

"I know that no one will understand the decision I made."

"After all, you must all think that the current heaven is perfect."

"Indeed, the current Heavenly Court, no matter in every aspect, is fully qualified to be the ruling court of world order."

"The reason why I established Heavenly Court in the first place was also for this purpose."

"But what I want to establish is not a heaven that is aloof, ignorant, and controlling the world!"

"What I want to build is just an ordinary heaven that can protect this world."

"The incident of the Dragon King of the East China Sea made me realize that the gods we are sitting here have completely separated themselves from their human identities."

"About 80% of the priests here are humans turned gods!"

"Have you forgotten that you are only one person?"

Zhuo Bufan's words made all the priests present startled.

The words have been said. As long as you are not a fool, you will naturally understand the meaning of Zhuo Bufan's words.

What Zhuo Bufan actually wanted to say was that these people are crazy and think they are gods, so they can do whatever they want and treat human life as nothing.

Zhuo Bufan was not targeting the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Because he knew that there were countless priests who had the same idea as the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

They think that since they have become gods, the mortals in the world are just their stern ants.

And Zhuo Bufan would never let this happen.

If the gods in heaven all regard themselves as a superior heavenly law with the power to sanction all things, then what is the difference between them and Daluo heavenly law?

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan wants to change and change the entire heaven.

At least we must nip this bad trend in the cradle.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the priests present also understood Zhuo Bufan's determination this time.

Emperor Xuan nodded after hearing this.

However, he still wanted to stop Zhuo Bufan's determination to rebuild the heaven.

"I understand the Emperor's mood at the moment, but it's just not appropriate to rebuild the Heavenly Court."

"After all, Heavenly Court has been established for thousands of years and has a solid foundation."

"Although there are still many imperfections, at least it has been running for so many years and has a certain pattern."

"I believe that Heaven needs to be changed, but it does not necessarily have to be rebuilt. We can just implement a new reform."

Emperor Xuan knew what kind of heaven Zhuo Bufan wanted to build.

Maybe he was a little disappointed with the current God, so he made such a decision.

However, the establishment of heaven to this day is the result of the joint efforts of all the gods.

Including three of them, including the two queens.

Emperor Xuan naturally did not want Zhuo Bufan to destroy the current heaven so easily.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Emperor Xuan and thought for a long time.

He was wondering if he was being too emotional.

As the creator of the world, as the way of heaven in the yin and yang world.

The so-called Heavenly Dao is ruthless. My Heavenly Dao is not only solicitous, but also prone to emotions.

If Emperor Xuan hadn't stopped him in time, maybe he would have been able to rebuild Heaven.

But Zhuo Bufan calmed down and found that what Emperor Xuan said made sense.

I have no reason to simply deny everyone's thousands of years of hard work.

After all, I have not been in the Yin-Yang world for thousands of years, which is enough to let down the gods present.

Zhuo Bufan is not a stubborn person, nor is he a person who insists on his own way.

After listening to Emperor Xuan's words, Zhuo Bufan felt that what Emperor Xuan said made sense.

So Zhuo Bufan looked at the gods present and said.

"Emperor Xuan is right. I have no reason to deny everyone's efforts for thousands of years."

"The establishment of the Heavenly Court for thousands of years is inseparable from every priest present.

"And now the mortal world has also recognized and believed in the gods."

"If the Heavenly Court is rebuilt, it will definitely cause chaos in the world."

"So I decided to listen to Emperor Xuan's opinion."

"Today's topic will be temporarily changed."

"I wanted to rebuild the Heavenly Court and change the current pattern of the God Realm."

"However, after thinking about it, this emperor believes that the current pattern of the Heavenly Court is stable. If it is changed without authorization, it may affect the foundation. After all, it is not easy to protect the foundation for thousands of years."

"So, today's topic is to establish the Heavenly Rules! "

When Zhuo Bufan talked about establishing the Heavenly Rules, all the priests present suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

At least now, they don't have to worry about rebuilding the Heavenly Court and reducing their positions.

And Emperor Xuan also said that he would fully assist Zhuo Bufan and reform the Heavenly Court.

"In that case, I will fully cooperate with you to reform the Heavenly Court."

As the head of the Three Lords, Emperor Xuan's meaning represents the meaning of the Three Lords.

That is to say, the Three Lords will fully cooperate with Emperor Zhuo Bufan to reshape the Heavenly Court!

However, the other priests present looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Reforming the Heavenly Court may affect the interests of all of them.

If things go wrong, even the current positions of the gods will change.

Just when the atmosphere in the audience was a little tense, Zhuo Bufan's eldest son Bai Zifan stood up.

He held the divine tablet in his hand and reported.

"Your servant, the True Lord of the Sun, is willing to fully support the Heavenly Emperor's reform of the Heavenly Court. "

Bai Zifan was the first to stand up and support Zhuo Bufan.

Then, his two daughters Bai Zinian and Yaya also stood up.

"Father Emperor, we also support your reform."

"Over the years, my sister and I have seen a lot in the world."

"Others may think that we are having fun and not caring about worldly affairs. But in fact, we are experiencing ordinary life."

"Before the Conferred God, we were just one of the most ordinary lives among the countless living beings, so we know very well that we are human, not gods."

"Gods should not be high and mighty. People should not be self-abased."

"As gods, we should protect the peace of all living beings, instead of treating human lives as grass and ants. Kill if you want!"

"Gods need rules! "

Bai Zinian's words "Gods need rules" startled all the priests present.

As gods, they were originally free.

I didn't expect that this girl would say that rules were needed. From now on, gods would not be as free as they are now.

After listening to Bai Zinian's words, Zhuo Bufan suddenly clapped his hands.

"Good, you are worthy of being my daughter. A good god needs rules."

"Then tell me, what rules are needed?"

Zhuo Bufan was very pleased that his three children were very upright. They were not arrogant because they were gods.

After listening, Nian Nian replied.

"At least, at least you can't kill casually."

"The battle between gods cannot ignore the safety of the people in the mortal world. "

Nian Nian said.

The sentence of not killing casually is bound to restrict all the priests present.

You should know that before this, these priests were not good people.

Many times, the mutual competition between the gods would cause changes in the wind and cloud and shake the world.

Perhaps in the eyes of the gods, it is just an ordinary competition and fighting.

But for humans, it is an unprovoked doomsday catastrophe.

This situation has happened more than once.

Although many gods will deliberately avoid human fighting, the final result is still the destruction of lives, and many other creatures are destroyed in the war.

This is why the mortal world today is extremely respectful of the gods.

When dealing with gods, you must have awe, but if the fear is greater than the respect, then this god is obviously unqualified.

Therefore, the question of whether to kill or not is also critical for gods.

If a god does not even have the power to kill a mortal, is he still a god?

Who would be willing to be such a god?

After listening, Zhuo Bufan squinted and said.

"Does anyone have other ideas? "

"Today's meeting is to establish the Heavenly Rules. The so-called Heavenly Rules are rules that are specifically used to regulate and constrain the gods."

"If no one objects, then this emperor will announce the first rule of the gods: gods cannot kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

When Zhuo Bufan announced the first rule of the gods, all the gods present remained silent.

After all, all the rules established today are used to constrain these gods.

The irony is that all these rules of the gods have to be discussed by themselves.

"Your Majesty, I think that an institution dedicated to regulating the priests can be established."

"For the gods who have made mistakes, they will be handed over to the God Management Department for handling."

Bai Zifan is very positive. Perhaps he also feels that the gods now need to be properly regulated.

In fact, Bai Zifan has also discovered many criticisms and problems about the God Realm over the years as the guardian of the Heavenly Tribulation Order.

The atmosphere in the entire God Realm is very bad now. Just as the Emperor of Heaven said, many gods are now a little too carried away.

They think they are gods and can do whatever they want.

If this continues, the God Realm will definitely gradually become corrupt, and the consequences will be disastrous!

So the top priority is to reform the Heavenly Court.

In the past, the gods had no constraints. As long as they performed their duties and did their duty well, the two Queens of Heaven would not interfere too much.

But now, an institution that can control and restrain the gods must be established.

Bai Zifan's proposal made Zhuo Bufan's eyes light up.

"It's a good proposal. Our priests really need someone to supervise their actions."

"The proposal of the Sun True Lord gave me a good idea."

"This Emperor of Heaven plans to build a reincarnation palace!"

"Reincarnation Palace?"

Everyone present looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Reincarnation Palace, what kind of place is that?

"That's right, the Heavenly Palace of Samsara."

"The so-called Heavenly Palace of Samsara is equivalent to the highest judicial institution in my God Realm."

"Gods who violate the divine rules will be dealt with here by judicial means."

"The gods who make mistakes in the end will be demoted to the mortal world and experience the test of reincarnation."

"Only those who have completed the task of reincarnation are qualified to return to heaven and be re-ranked as gods."

Zhuo Bufan was inspired by Bai Zifan and planned to establish a judicial institution dedicated to managing priests.

Then he thought of the reincarnation test he had experienced in the chaotic void.

The reincarnation test is undoubtedly the best test of human hearts.

If the gods who made mistakes can experience the reincarnation test in the mortal world, they will have a better understanding of human nature.

So the idea of ​​the Heavenly Palace of Samsara, although it was just a flash of inspiration, was a very firm idea of ​​Zhuo Bufan.

He was convinced that only in this way could the current heaven be changed.

However, after listening to what Zhuo Bufan said, the priests present frowned.

This Heavenly Palace of Samsara is clearly designed to target all priests.

Once you violate the rules of heaven, you will be demoted to the mortal world and experience the pain of reincarnation.

In other words, the throne of God will no longer be eternal.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the worried faces of the priests present and said.

"I know what you are worried about. But whether you like it or not, this reincarnation palace will exist."

"And this reincarnation palace is not only for you. If this emperor makes a mistake, he will also enter reincarnation."

"Not only this emperor, but also the Queen of Heaven and the Emperor's son are the same. They are treated equally."

"After the establishment of the reincarnation palace, it will be jointly managed by the three masters."

The three masters will punish you with different reincarnation time and reincarnation tasks according to the degree of your violation of the rules of heaven.

If you cannot complete the task, you will stay in the mortal world forever, and never think of returning to the divine world, let alone returning to the throne of God.

All the rules of heaven discussed next will become the criminal law of the reincarnation palace.

Zhuo Bufan is a man who does what he says.

He raised his hand and pointed, and a fairy palace of the same size as the Lingxiao Palace appeared out of thin air above the clouds opposite the Lingxiao Palace.

In front of the fairy palace stood a huge earth fairy gate, and on the plaque of the gate was written - "Reincarnation Heavenly Palace".

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