Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1401: Outstanding but not evil

Zhuo Bufan kept his promise, and Samsara Tianfu, the highest justice department in the divine world, was born.

This is the judicial branch dedicated to restraining the gods.

With the existence of Samsara Heavenly Mansion, I believe that the gods of the entire world will be cautious in the future and will not dare to speak nonsense.

Because once you violate the rules of heaven, you will be demoted to the mortal world and undergo the painful test of reincarnation.

Zhuo Bufan got inspiration from the Tower of Reincarnation to control these gods.

Once the gods are restrained, such arrogant gods will naturally no longer appear.

Ao Bo, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, never expected that his own anger would change the rules of the entire divine world.

After nine days and ten pages of discussion, all the priests came up with a hundred rules.

These heavenly rules are very detailed. No doubt they are used to restrain these gods.

Behind each heavenly rule, there are corresponding punishment standards.

Of course, the most severe punishment is nothing more than to have the godhead removed and become ashes.

It can be said that with these one hundred heavenly rules, the order of the entire heaven will be stricter.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

"From today on, these one hundred heavenly rules will be engraved on the two reincarnation pillars of the Reincarnation Heavenly Mansion."

"Everyone, follow me to the Heavenly Mansion of Samsara!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he snapped his fingers.

In the next second, all the gods present were instantly transferred to the Samsara Heavenly Mansion under the power of Zhuo Bufan's creation.

The layout of the Samsara Heavenly Mansion is similar to that of the Lingxiao Palace, but in the center of the entire hall, there is a Bagua-shaped immortal platform.

In Sendai, there are two wheel-turning stone pillars that are constantly rotating.

In the middle of the stone pillar, there is a swirling black hole.

The two stone pillars rotate around the black hole, looking very solemn.

This is the reincarnation platform created by Zhuo Bufan.

The priests present looked at the reincarnation stage, and all of them felt their hair stand on end and their spines ran cold.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan was seen snapping his fingers towards the two reincarnation pillars.

Suddenly, heavenly rules began to be carved one by one on the Reincarnation Pillar.

The golden words carry the extremely powerful power of God, which makes people tremble from the bottom of their hearts.

Soon, a hundred heavenly rules were all engraved on the Pillar of Reincarnation. At this point, Samsara Heavenly Mansion was officially established.

"Now I declare that the Reincarnation Heavenly Mansion is officially established."

"This emperor will personally pronounce Tianfu's first reincarnation decision."

"Ao Bo, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, comes to see you!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the king of the dragon clan trembled all over, and his dragon tendons were trembling.

What should come will eventually come. Zhuo Bufan established the Reincarnation Heavenly Mansion, and the first one to be attacked was the Dragon Clan.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea walked into the main hall with regret and helplessness.

"Old minister Ao Bo, Dragon King of the East China Sea, has met His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven."

Ao Bo should actually feel lucky, because Zhuo Bufan did not take his life after all, nor did he vent his anger on the entire dragon clan.

This calamity is destined for me, and since I can't escape it, I have no choice but to accept it.

When the priests present saw the Dragon King of the East China Sea being called out by the Emperor of Heaven, they knew that the Emperor of Heaven wanted the old Dragon King to have an operation.

"Dragon King of the East China Sea, you oppress the common people and despise this emperor. According to the provisions of Article 1 and Article 5 of the Heavenly Rules."

"Now the emperor declares that Ao Bo, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, will be reincarnated into the mortal world and receive the punishment of reincarnation for a period of one hundred years!"

"You will be reincarnated as a fisherman's son, and you will never leave the small fishing village until you die of old age."

"I hope you can spend a hundred years and experience life as a human being in a hurry!"

Zhuo Bufan's verdict left everyone present speechless.

The Dragon King despises human beings and regards human life as nothing.

Then Zhuo Bufan let him reincarnate as a human being, and he was also a fisherman on the seaside.

To be honest, this isn't much of a punishment.

After all, the Dragon King's divine personality has not been eliminated, and his divine status still exists.

It only takes one short-term human birth, old age, illness and death, and it will naturally return to heaven after a hundred years.

Of course, having said that, it is punishment after all, and it is not that simple.

Zhuo Bufan stipulated that the Dragon King of the East China Sea would never leave the fishing village after reincarnation.

This means that he will spend his short life in a small fishing village.

This can be regarded as an explanation for the fishermen of Wuwang Village who were bullied by the Dragon King before.

Let Dragon King personally experience the hard work of fishermen and let him know that as a fisherman, fishing for a living is a lifelong job.

"Dragon King, can you plead guilty?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the old Dragon King kneeling on the ground and said.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan himself had a sense of proportion. He knew very well that his punishment to the old Dragon King was nothing.

Thinking back to when he was undergoing trials in the Reincarnation Tower, any reincarnation world might require thousands of years of trial time.

A mere hundred years, for the old dragon with endless vitality, is just a blink of an eye.

The reason why Zhuo Bufan wanted to punish the Dragon King was simply to formally activate the ruling power of Samsara Heavenly Mansion.

Let all the gods present know what price the gods will pay for violating the laws of heaven.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the old Dragon King lowered his head silently, and then said tremblingly.

"Old minister, I am guilty!"

Zhuo Bufan saw this and smiled.

"Okay, old Dragon King, let's go to Xingtai!"

After hearing this, Ao Bo, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, stepped onto Xingtai step by step.

As soon as he stepped onto the execution platform, the heavenly rules on the two reincarnation pillars began to emerge from the pillars.

The golden words turned into locks, and then linked together to form golden chains of rules.

These chains penetrated the Dragon King's limbs, forcing the Dragon King to reveal his true form.

Aww! Aww!

The Dragon King, who was restrained by the chains of rules, turned into a dragon body, and then roared towards the sky.

Amidst the roars, the Dragon King of the East Sea was pulled into the central reincarnation pool.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the reincarnation pool swallowed up the Dragon King of the East Sea bit by bit.

Until the Dragon King of the East Sea completely disappeared in the reincarnation pool.

Soon, the originally chaotic reincarnation pool slowly became clear.

And on the surface of the pool, the image of a pregnant woman emerged.

The reincarnation body of the Dragon King of the East Sea turned into a ray of light and fell into the belly of the pregnant woman.

Obviously, in a short time, the reincarnation body of the Dragon King of the East Sea will be born from this woman's arms.

After seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan said.

"Okay, everyone, the reincarnation journey of the Dragon King of the East Sea has begun, let's wish him good luck!"

"According to Article 7 of the Heavenly Rules, no god may interfere with the reincarnation mission of the reincarnation god."

"That is to say, everyone present cannot secretly help the Dragon King."

"Once discovered, the Heavenly Rules will deal with it."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, all the gods present did not dare to speak nonsense.

"Okay, from now on, the Reincarnation Heavenly Palace will be controlled by the three masters."

"The three masters, the order of the God Realm will be handed over to you from now on."

Zhuo Bufan handed the power to Emperor Xuan and others.

After hearing this, Emperor Xuan and Emperor Bai nodded silently and said.

"Don't worry, the order of the God Realm will be guarded by us from now on."

"I also represent the three masters here to say that if the three masters violate the Heavenly Rules, they will still be subject to the calamity of reincarnation. We supervise each other and make the God Realm and the Heavenly Court become better and better."

As a superior, of course, you have to lead by example to convince the public.

Not only the three, but also the two queens and the only emperor will be under the control of the Samsara Palace.

This is the purpose of Zhuo Bufan to establish the Samsara Palace.

After establishing the Samsara Palace, Zhuo Bufan has finally put his mind at ease.

In this way, his heaven will gradually develop according to the trajectory he has planned.

He wants to build a perfect heaven, and he believes that the heaven he has built will be able to manage the entire yin and yang world in an orderly manner.

Zhuo Bufan is completely relieved that there are three leaders in the Samsara Palace.

Next, Zhuo Bufan's task is to wait for the birth of his child with Xuan Su.

Before this, Zhuo Bufan came to the small fishing village in the human world.

He said that he would give an explanation to the villagers of the small fishing village.

He is the emperor of heaven, and the emperor of heaven must do what he says.

When Zhuo Bufan fell from the sky, the whole fishing village was boiling.

This time, Zhuo Bufan did not hide his identity again.

After all, his identity has been exposed, and there is no point in concealing it.

When Zhuo Bufan came to the small fishing village, the villagers of the small fishing village knelt down and worshiped.

"God of Heaven, please forgive our ignorance before."

The village chief led the villagers of the fishing village to kneel before Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly helped the old village chief up.

"Village chief, don't do this! This emperor came to the mortal world this time for only one purpose, that is to give you an explanation."

"The Dragon King of the East China Sea has been demoted to the mortal world by me to experience the calamity of reincarnation. In addition, the small fishing village will usher in a century of prosperity, and the dragon clan will make your sea area a rich aquatic area. You can fish at will in the future."

"Of course, don't catch dragons anymore. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings again."

"That's it, everyone. My second wife is about to give birth, and I have to go to guard my wife!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he disappeared in front of everyone.

At this point, all the villagers looked at each other, and they all showed incredible eyes.

After Zhuo Bufan completely disappeared, these villagers came back to their senses.

At this time, the old village chief stood up and shouted to all the villagers present.

"Everyone, I have decided. From now on, our village will be called Di Lin Village!"

"Our village is the village where the Emperor of Heaven has descended."

"Villagers, pay attention, protect the small wooden house where the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven live. That is the treasure of our Di Lin Village."

This village chief is very smart.

He immediately changed the name of his village to Di Lin Village.

In this way, all passing tourists will know that the legendary Emperor of Heaven has descended on this small village.

Whether tourists believe it or not, this legend will be passed down in this village forever.

From now on, this village will usher in permanent prosperity.

Because it is a village protected by the Emperor of Heaven.

As for the Emperor of Heaven Zhuo Bufan, he returned to the heaven to prepare to welcome his fourth child.

To be precise, this can only be regarded as Zhuo Bufan's second biological child, and it is a son.

So Zhuo Bufan himself was very excited. He had already named the child before he was born.

"Zhuo Buyao? Husband, why did you give our son such an ugly name?"

When Xuan Su heard the name Zhuo Bufan gave, she was confused.

She thought Zhuo Bufan would give her a poetic name, but she didn't expect the name to be so simple and crude.

After hearing this, Bai Su clapped her hands and exclaimed.

"Sister, I think this name is very good."

"Out of the mud but not stained, washed by the clear water but not evil! Zhuo Buyao, Zhuo Lang hopes that Buyao will be a man like Qinglian!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and hooked Bai Su's nose, saying happily.

"Susu is right, I originally wanted to call her Zhuo Qinglian, but this name is too girly."

"After thinking about it, it's better to call her Zhuo Buyao."

After hearing this, Xuan Su frowned.

"No, no, my husband, you are of the same generation, how can our son have the same generation as you?"

Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Buyao!

People who don't know would think they are two brothers.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"So what? When my son grows up, I don't mind calling him a brother."

Xuan Su rolled her eyes. She didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to be so casual.

But as a mother, Xuan Su had some reservations.

"How can that be possible? If you want to call your son a brother, what should he call me? Should he call me mother or sister?"

"Calling sister is also good. It makes me look younger! Hahaha!"

Zhuo Bufan laughed heartily.

Bai Su, who was standing by, saw this and said quickly.

"How about this, sister? The child's full name is Zhuo Buyao, and his courtesy name is Qinglian?"

"We can just call him Lian'er on weekdays."

"Since Zhuo Lang loves lotus, the child must have the word Lian."

After hearing Bai Su's words, Xuan Su felt much more comfortable.

"Then do as you wish. The child's full name is Zhuo Buyao, and his courtesy name is Qinglian. His childhood name is Lian'er!"

In this way, the name of Zhuo Bufan's fourth child was determined.

Zhuo Buyao, this is also Zhuo Bufan's first child with his own surname.

Whether Bai Zifan or Bai Zinian, they all took Bai Su's surname.

And Yaya's real name is also Ji Ya! She took Ji Xuanhao's surname.

Although Bai Su suggested that Zhuo Bufan change the surnames of the three children to Zhuo, Zhuo Bufan did not do so.

Because the names Bai Zifan and Bai Zinian have special meanings.

And he has become accustomed to the names of the two children and thinks that the surname Bai is also very good.

As for Yaya, he is the child born to Bai Su in his previous life.

Although he is also his child, his surname in his previous life is Ji after all.

And Zhuo Bufan thinks that the name Ji Ya is also very good.

So Zhuo Bufan did not change the surnames of the three children in the end.

And now, Zhuo Bufan and Xuansu's children can finally be named after his surname Zhuo. As a father, he is still very excited.

Zhuo Buyao is a name that Zhuo Bufan has thought about for a long time.

At least he thinks it is pretty good.

So in the end, they decided to name the fourth child Zhuo Buyao.

Soon after Zhuo Bufan named the child, as if to echo Zhuo Bufan's name.

The child in Xuansu's belly was finally decided.

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