Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1413 The Woman on the Stake

With the help of Mr. Zhou, Zhuo Bufan got a great opportunity as soon as he arrived at the Arcane Realm.

He got the inheritance of Gain, the Earth God.

Not only that, he also got the revolutionary formula mastered by Gain - Elegy of the Earth!

Through the unlocking of knowledge, Zhuo Bufan knew what the revolutionary formula meant in this world.

This is a power that is enough to change the rules of the world. It belongs to the peak power of the arcane master.

It was because Gain mastered such a revolutionary formula that he was hunted down by others.

Although Gain mastered the revolutionary formula, he could not escape the hunt of the Holy Court.

The revolutionary formula does have the ability to change fate, but once it is activated, it will consume all of its own power. This is why, even if Gain has mastered such a powerful revolutionary formula, he dare not use it easily.

To put it bluntly, the revolutionary formula is not for personal use.

It is used for revolution, so it is called the revolutionary formula.

In this world, wars are happening all the time. I don’t know how many races and how many people died in this war.

Therefore, this world is full of family feuds and national hatreds, life-and-death dramas every day.

Gain was born in a country called Famri.

However, this country was already shattered 20 years ago and became a ruin under the iron hoof of another country.

Now, many Famri people have been enslaved, and more tribesmen are wandering around, looking for the possibility of restoring their country.

Gain is a Famri and also a member of the Restoration Army.

Hard work pays off. He found a revolutionary formula with his own strength.

This revolutionary formula will lead the Famri tribe to regain their own country.

Unfortunately, Gain is dead.

Now, the only hope for Famri may be Zhuo Bufan, who inherited Gain's will.

Zhuo Bufan carried a heavy mission and walked step by step on the uninhabited land.

Zhuo Bufan would naturally not forget Gain's last words.

Helping Famri to restore his country is also Zhuo Bufan's reward to Gain.

However, Zhuo Bufan also has his own mission, which is to find the Lord of Time and Meng Chanyi.

Now Zhuo Bufan can basically be sure that the Lord of Time is 90% in this world.

But where is he? Who is he incarnated as?

Zhuo Bufan has no clues about this for the time being.

But Zhuo Bufan believes that as long as the Lord of Time is in this world, he will be able to find him.

And Zhuo Bufan’s first mission at present is to find Meng Chanyi.

After all, he has a clue like the Bu Tian Stone in his hand, so it should not be difficult to find Meng Chanyi.

Zhuo Bufan can feel that there is a certain power in the Bu Tian Stone, guiding him to a certain direction.

Of course, he hopes that the destination of the guidance will be Meng Chanyi.

This barren land is very vast. Zhuo Bufan walked for three days and three nights, but he didn’t reach the end.

According to the guidance of the Bu Tian Stone in his hand, Zhuo Bufan finally walked out of the wilderness and came to a desert border town.

The people here seem to live very badly, and each of them looks like they have no desire to live.

Even when they saw Zhuo Bufan, a strange outsider, coming, no one came forward to ask.

The streets were full of homeless people begging along the street.

Some people were in a hurry and didn't know where to go.

Others were hiding behind the door and whispering.

In short, this small town gave Zhuo Bufan a very strange feeling.

At this moment, suddenly there were bursts of shocking whispers from the central square of the small town.

After Zhuo Bufan heard it, he felt as if there were thousands of wronged souls wailing in his soul.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan rushed to the central square of the small town.

When he arrived at the central square, he saw a crowd of people gathered in the central square.

In the center of the crowd, there was a high platform, and on the high platform, there was a tall stake.

On the stake, a dying woman was tied.

Outside the stake, there was a circle of people wearing black cloaks.

They muttered to themselves, chanting spells that no one could understand.

The murmurs that gave Zhuo Bufan a headache were transmitted by these guys.

From time to time, a curse was heard from the crowd.

"This damn cultist actually walked on the street with a cursed object. She should be punished by the Holy Light."

"She will bring disaster to our Kaimen Town. Burn her to death, burn this alien to death."

"I heard that this cultist is a wandering Famuri. They must be planning a terrible conspiracy to restore the country."

"Crazy Famuri, these people are not afraid of life and death, and they are destroying everywhere."

"Since this woman came to our Kaimen Town, everyone's spirit has been polluted. Burn her to death, you must burn her to death."

From these people, Zhuo Bufan got a very important piece of information.

The woman tied to the stake is a Famuri.

In other words, she is of the same race as that Gain.

And Zhuo Bufan has obtained Gain's inheritance, at least half a Famuri.

Should I save her?

This is the first thought in Zhuo Bufan's mind.

If the other party is really a Famri, then it seems reasonable for me to save him.

However, this woman is called a cultist, holding a cursed object in her hand, and is an unknown person.

Do you really want to risk making the entire town an enemy to save this woman?

Just as Zhuo Bufan was thinking, he saw an old man with a white beard wearing a red cloak walking out of the crowd.

He walked up to the burning frame, opened his arms, and said to everyone present.

"I am Kane, the red-clad messenger of the Holy Court. I am ordered by the great Emperor of the Ax Empire to cleanse all the cultists in the world."

"I chased this woman for three days. She was holding the cursed object Hook's Flute. It was she who turned this beautiful town into a corrupt city where everyone is lazy and lazy."

"In the name of the Holy Court, I will now make the following judgment."

"This cultist has violated the laws of the Holy Court of Aix, and according to the laws of the Holy Court, he should be punished by the purifying fire."

"Use the holy fire to purify your dirty soul. Return peace to the town."

"Next, let's start the execution."

After the guy who claimed to be the messenger in red finished speaking, he clasped his hands and chanted a section of the law of the Holy Court.

Then, flames began to burn from the torture rack.

The people who saw this scene were most afraid of shouting.

"Burn her, burn this heretic."

"Yes, burn her to death, along with her cursed objects, in exchange for peace in our town."

It was obvious that this woman had caused public outrage.

Now no one can stop her from dying.

Under the blazing fire, the woman let out a series of low screams.

So many people watched a woman being burned alive.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan felt a little perverted.

Are all people in this world so perverted?


As the fire burned, the woman let out heart-piercing wails.

Zhuo Bufan could see that the fire had completely burned her feet, which was shocking.

However, the other people watching seemed very excited.

Still shouting.

"Burn her well, burn her, burn this cultist."

In the eyes of these people, this woman is not a person at all, she can only be regarded as a beast.

These people would not have any sympathy for that woman.

In their eyes, this woman was heinous and deserved death.

Zhuo Bufan really couldn't stay in the same space with such a group of lunatics.

So he decided to turn around and leave.

However, just as Zhuo Bufan was about to leave, the woman behind him suddenly let out a heart-rending cry.

"Lord Gain, I'm sorry, I can no longer follow in your footsteps."

"Lord Gein, you must liberate Famri, liberate Famri."

Zhuo Bufan, who was originally unmoved, suddenly froze after hearing these words.

"Gai En, what is the relationship between this woman and Gai En?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he would meet Gain's followers so quickly.

He had just obtained Gain's inheritance. He couldn't just watch people related to Gain die tragically at this time!

Thinking about this, Zhuo Bufan realized what he should do.

"No, we have to save her."

Zhuo Bufan, who originally planned to turn around and leave, stopped after hearing the woman's exclamation.

The other party is a follower of Gain, and he must not ignore death.

Zhuo Bufan clasped his hands together and let his arcane energy form a circuit in his body.

The next second, he released an earthy yellow arcane energy halo from his hands.

Immediately afterwards, the earth began to tremble, and the sky began to be filled with yellow sand.

A violent sandstorm began to gather in the small town.

This scene was seen by the messenger in red.

He immediately exclaimed.

"It's the cultists, these evil-minded people who plan to save this woman."

"Ready to fight."

As soon as the red-clothed messenger finished speaking, all the surrounding Holy Court believers turned on their arcane halos and released fireballs that hit Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was not interested in fighting. He had to save the woman before the flames burned her to death.

And after coming down, he still had to think about how he was going to take that woman and escape unscathed.

So Zhuo Bufan created a sandstorm covering the entire town.

For a time, the town was completely enveloped by a sandstorm.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he immediately rushed to the torture rack, and then used the sand to cover the flames on the woman's body.

After turning off the car, he picked up the woman, turned around and ran away.

The arrival of the sandstorm plunged the entire Kaimen Town into panic.

Zhuo Bufan also took this opportunity to rescue the woman.

He didn't know whether what he did was right or wrong, but now that he had done it, Zhuo Bufan had no intention of regretting it.

Zhuo Bufan hugged the woman and fled Kaimen Town.

Serena never dreamed that she would be able to escape death.

The person who rescued her was a man she had never met before and did not know at all.

When she woke up, she found herself lying on dry ground.

There was a pile of warm flames just one meter away.

Flame is the most precious energy on this earth, but after Serena saw the flame, she cowered up in fear.

Obviously, the memory on the stake gave her a very bad feeling.

Perhaps that will become her nightmare for life.

"Are you awake?"

Suddenly, a male voice came from her ear.

Selena turned her head and saw the man leaning on the edge of a stone, looking at her quietly.

"Did you save me?"

Selena clearly remembered that the man in front of her saved her from the stake.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to beat around the bush with the other party, so he said directly.

"Don't doubt it, I saved you."

"Not only did I save you, I also healed your leg injury."

Zhuo Bufan pointed at Selena's feet and said.

After hearing this, Selena looked at her feet.

Only then did she realize that her foot injury was completely healed.

"Ah, my foot injury, how did you do this?"

Selena seemed a little excited.

Zhuo Bufan certainly wouldn't tell her that he used the Bu Tian Stone to heal her foot injury.

Zhuo Bufan learned from Gain that the sky-repairing stone in his hand was called the holy weapon of troubled times in this world.

It seemed to be a very extraordinary thing.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan would not easily show off this sky-repairing stone in front of others.

Selena obviously did not expect that the other party not only saved her, but also healed her injuries.

"Thank you for saving me, I wonder how you want me to repay you?"

Selena naturally knew that Du Xuanang would not save her for no reason, and he obviously had some ulterior motives.

Selena had already made psychological preparations, as long as the other party's request was not too excessive, she should agree.

Zhuo Bufan squinted and said after hearing this.

"I only have three questions, I hope you can answer them truthfully."

Selena nodded and responded quickly after hearing this.

"You say, I will tell you as long as I know."

Zhuo Bufan liked the other party's attitude very much, so he said.

"Very good!"

"First question, what is your relationship with Gain?"

When Zhuo Bufan asked the first question, Serena, who had just vowed to tell everything she knew, suddenly fell silent.

Serena obviously didn't expect that her benefactor would want to inquire about her master's affairs.

"Why? Who just said that I would tell everything I know?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Serena hesitated for a moment, then shook her head and said.

"Sorry, I can't tell you about Lord Gain."

"I can't betray Lord Gain."

Zhuo Bufan said unhappily after hearing this.

"You need to clarify a few issues. First, I didn't ask you to betray him, and second, you need to fulfill your promise just now."

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions."

Zhuo Bufan had to be cautious.

Although he could probably guess what the other party's relationship with Gain was.

However, the other party seemed very determined and refused to talk about any topic about Gain.

Zhuo Bufan saw this scene and had to speak again.

"Let me ask you, are you a follower of Gain?"

This time, the other party did not answer, but nodded gently.

"As expected."

"Do you know Lord Gain?"

Selena looked at the man in front of her and asked carefully.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.


Selena shouted excitedly when she heard this.

"Really? Do you really know Lord Gain?"

"Can you tell me where Lord Gain is now?"

"We are all looking for him."

"I heard that Lord Gain had appeared in Kaimen Town, so I found this place."

Selena was very excited. She felt that she was finally going to find Lord Gain, whom she had dreamed of.

However, Zhuo Bufan shook his head helplessly and said.

"He is dead."

These three short words were undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Selena.


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