In the arcane realm, all races contend.

In this vast land, countless races fight for the land of survival every day.

The Famri tribe has extraordinary wisdom and beautiful body.

The sapphire-like pupils are known as the most beautiful eyes in the world.

This is a race full of legends, and one of the earliest races on this land.

It is rumored that the Famri tribe is the offspring of the gods.

They hold the oldest arcane power in the world.

Therefore, countless people covet the power of Famri.

Because of this, the Famri people suffered persecution from various underground palaces, and eventually destroyed their country under the iron hoof of the Ex Empire.

They drove the Famri people underground, and they began to treat the Famri people as slaves.

As one of the three bishops of Famri, Gain was enslaved by the Ex people.

However, the Famri people never gave up hope, and never gave up their plan to restore their country.

Therefore, as one of the bishops, Gain has been secretly studying the revolutionary formula.

Gain knew very well that only the revolutionary formula could lead the Famri people to restore their country.

They wanted a revolution, they wanted to rise.

Hard work pays off. After years of hard work, Gain finally completed the research on the revolutionary formula, and he completed his own revolutionary formula.

This revolutionary formula is the last hope of the Famri people.

So Gain could not let this revolutionary formula fall into the hands of others no matter what.

After the people of the Holy Court learned about the revolutionary formula that Gain had researched, they sent a large number of Ao Shen to hunt down Gain.

Gain could not escape the pursuit of the Holy Court after all.

God has mercy on him, God bless!

Before he died, he met a son of the earth.

Without thinking too much, Gain passed all his achievements to the other party.

Even his own revolutionary formula.

He knew that only the revolutionary formula could lead the Famri people to rise again.

Although it was a pity that he did not see the moment when Famri rose.

But Gain did not die with regret.

Just thinking, he believed that Zhuo Bufan could liberate them Famri people.

This is the hope he left for Famri, the fire he left for Famri.

“Dead, dead?”

Selena froze in place as if struck by lightning.

Her master, her benefactor, everything she had, her Lord Gain, was dead!

In Selena’s mind, the scene of her first meeting with Lord Gain emerged.

It was a stormy night, and the shelter where she was was discovered by the Ex people.

It was a night of massacre, and hundreds of people in the shelter became the dead souls under the knife of the Ex people.

Selena desperately ran away, and a bloodthirsty man behind her was chasing her with a big knife.

In the end, she was chased to no place to escape.

The man stripped her clothes and tried to humiliate her.

At the last moment, Gain rushed down from the sky and crushed the man into a pulp.

Saved Selena from despair.

The moment Selena was rescued, she saw Gain.

From that moment on, Selena had decided to follow Gain forever in this life.

Later, after Gain was captured by the Holy See of Ex, she did not give up the path of following him.

Not only that, she continued to gather more believers outside.

Just for one day, when Gain escapes from the Holy See, he can lead everyone and the entire Famri nation to rise.

Selena has always thought so, and has been working hard in this direction.

However, she never expected that she finally waited for her Lord Gain to escape from the Holy See.

Unexpectedly, Lord Gain died.

"No, it's impossible. You lied to me, Lord Gain can't die."

"Lord Gain is so powerful, how could he die?"

"Who are you? What's your intention in spreading rumors?"

Selena looked at Zhuo Bufan with great excitement.

She would never believe what Zhuo Bufan said.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan said calmly.

"Whether you believe it or not, it's up to you. Gain is dead, and I saw it with my own eyes."

"I'm only telling you this news because you're his follower."

"At least in this way, you don't have to wait endlessly."

Zhuo Bufan was just kind enough to tell Serena this news.

As for whether Serena is willing to believe it or not, that's none of his business.

Serena saw Zhuo Bufan's solemn look, bit her lower lip tightly, and was a little overwhelmed for a while.

Up to now, she has lived for her Lord Gain.

Now that the man in front of her suddenly told her that her Lord Gain was dead, she would definitely not be able to accept it for a while.

However, some things cannot be avoided blindly and nothing can be done as if nothing has happened.

Serena needs to slowly accept this fact.

Of course, she doesn't have the courage to accept it now.

"I have two more questions that need your answers."

Zhuo Bufan didn't care about Serena's feelings, so he continued to ask.

Selena looked bitter after hearing this, then shook her head.

"I'm tired, I want to take a rest."

Selena said, then fell to the ground.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan's two questions were not asked.

Zhuo Bufan is not the kind of person who has no emotional intelligence at all.

I knew that Serena definitely had no intention of chatting with her now.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan did not ask any more questions about his last two questions.

The next day, when Zhuo Bufan woke up, he saw Serena kneeling in front of him.

Looking at the kneeling woman in front of him, Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, feeling a little baffled.

"what are you doing?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the woman in front of him and asked.

Unexpectedly, Serena lowered her head towards her and said.

"Selena, meet the master."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the woman in front of him with a blank expression.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Zhuo Bufan only felt a little baffled.

When did I become the master of the woman in front of me?

It was just one night. Did this woman betray her previous master?

At this time, Serena lowered her eyebrows and said.

"I saw it all!"

"The master has passed down everything he has to you."

Zhuo Bufan was a little shocked after hearing this.

He didn't tell Serena that Gain had passed everything on to him.

So how did this woman know?

"Did you spy on me?"

Zhuo Bufan began to question.

Although I don't know what happened, I can vaguely detect it.

The woman in front of me must have used some method to spy on herself.

Although he didn't know what methods the other party used, Zhuo Bufan felt very unhappy inside.

At this time, Serena slowly raised her head, and then said to Zhuo Bufan.

"I'm sorry that I undoubtedly offended you. It's just that I really want to know what happened."

"I don't believe Lord Gain will die, so..."

"So you're spying on me? That's really annoying!"

Sure enough, Zhuo Bufan was still a little angry.

No one wants to be spied on for no apparent reason.

But Zhuo Bufan is not the kind of person who is completely unreasonable.

After he calmed down, he could understand and understand Serena's mood, so he said.

"Forget it, I can forgive you this time. But I'm curious, how did you do it? And, what exactly did you see?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Serena and asked with a smile.

After hearing this, Serena took out a black recorder and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Master, this is Hook's recorder, and it is also a cursed object among those in the Holy Court."

"It has the ability to influence other people's minds."

"I used it to induce your dream. In the dream, I saw the deal between Lord Gain and you."

"Master Gain has passed on everything he has learned throughout his life to you. You promise Master Gain to help our Famri tribe recover."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect that he would be defeated by an army.

He finally understood why the woman in front of him called him master.

This puts a certain high hat on him, and he can't take it off at all!

Zhuo Bufan squinted his eyes and looked at Serena in front of him.

After a while, he hummed and smiled.

"So, if I don't agree now, it won't work?"

Zhuo Bufan understood that he had been tricked by the woman in front of him.

Of course, he could just ignore it and not respond to what this woman said.

But in that case, he would have broken the contract.

What if this woman went and told those in the Holy Court that Guyon had passed on the revolutionary formula to him.

Then, Zhuo Bufan will be ready to face the pursuit of the Holy Court.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan has another option, which is to kill the woman in front of him and end everything once and for all.

However, he finally risked his life to save her, and now he kills him.

Moreover, the other party has not done anything wrong. Is it really appropriate to kill innocent people like this?

After thinking about it, Zhuo Bufan found that he had only one better choice, which was to accept the high hat this woman put on him.

"Since you have seen it all, I won't hide it from you."

"Yes, I did receive the inheritance from Lord Gain you mentioned."

"And I also promised him to help him liberate Famri."

Up to now, Zhuo Bufan had nothing to hide and just told the truth to the other party.

After hearing this, Serena clenched her hands excitedly and looked at the sky with tears in her eyes.

"It's done, Lord Gain, did you see it? Your successor agreed."

"Your spirit has been passed down."

"Don't worry, Lord Gein, I will continue to assist the new master and help our Famri rise again."

Serena now pins all her hopes of returning to the country on Zhuo Bufan.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is Gain's successor.

He holds the revolutionary formula that will allow Famri to rise.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan sighed helplessly.

Sure enough, things have developed to this point. He is now forced to embark on a journey to help Famri restore the revolution.

"Master, next, I will take you to our base. Let's discuss the plan to restore the country!"

The other party didn't give Zhuo Bufan time to react and directly pulled him onto the pirate ship.

Zhuo Bufan sighed helplessly, and finally had no choice but to follow the woman towards their base.

Along the way, Selena told Zhuo Bufan everything about the base.

Zhuo Bufan also roughly understood the general situation of their base.

It turned out that Gain had deliberately let the people of the Holy See catch him in order to divert the attention of the Holy See.

Because from that time on, they, Famri, had already begun to organize a revolutionary army.

But in order to prevent the people of the Holy See from noticing or paying too much attention, Gain began to attract the attention of the Holy See to himself.

Not only that, there was another important reason for Gain's imprisonment, which was to give himself more time to study the revolutionary formula.

Because he knew that only if he entered the Holy See prison would he have enough time to study the revolutionary formula.

And the Holy See should also give him enough time and resources.

After all, the Holy See also wanted his revolutionary formula.

Gain locked himself up in the Holy See prison, so that he could attract the attention of the Holy See and give the Famri people enough time to organize themselves.

Secondly, he could concentrate on studying the revolutionary formula.

This was Gain's original plan, and he only told his follower Selena about this plan.

And Selena did not disappoint him.

Over the years, she has been secretly gathering the Famri people scattered around the world.

These Famri people dream of restoring their country every day.

When Selina summoned them, of course, they responded.

So in the past few years, the Famri people have begun to operate secretly and secretly occupied towns in many countries.

As long as Selina gives an order, countless followers will flock to them.

According to the original plan, after Gain escaped from the Holy See prison, he would find a way to meet Selina in Kaimen Town.

Then they started their own revenge plan.

However, no matter how much they calculated, they never expected that the Holy See was too greedy and would not give up on Gain's revolutionary formula.

For the revolutionary formula, the Holy See even sent several Ao Shen to hunt down Gain.

In the end, Gain was naturally outnumbered and died in this hunting battle.

However, for Famri, the plan to restore the country cannot be abandoned because of Gain's death.

Selena also knew that even if Lord Gain died, she had to support the situation they had been running for many years.

Today, Famli is already on the verge of a shot.

Therefore, the appearance of Zhuo Bufan is undoubtedly a hope for the entire Famli.

This is why before Gain died, he tried his best to pass on his lifelong learning to Zhuo Bufan.

It doesn't matter if he dies, but he must pass on everything he has, and he must pass on the future of Famli.

The importance of Zhuo Bufan can be imagined.

This is why Selena will admit without hesitation that Zhuo Bufan is the new owner.

She knows very well that Zhuo Bufan is their future. It is the hope for the restoration of their Famli Empire.

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