Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1415: Just for the promise

After Zhuo Bufan boarded Selina's pirate ship, he had to embark on a revolutionary road full of unknowns.

But strangely enough, Zhuo Bufan felt that the sky-making stone in his hand seemed to be guiding him and led him to the base of Famli.

"Could it be that Meng Chanyi has some connection with Famli?"

Zhuo Bufan thought in his heart.

Although it was a bit aimless, Zhuo Bufan felt that there seemed to be a force guiding him in the dark.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan followed Selina to the nearest base of Famli.

Famli's base was hidden in the slums of a small town.

After all, the people of Famli are not welcome in the eyes of the world.

They are all slaves of a fallen country, without their own country, and can only parasitize other countries and rob the resources of the people of other countries.

Therefore, the people of Famli are completely a group of rats crossing the street, and everyone hates them.

So much so that in the eyes of many people, they can't raise their heads.

Therefore, the people of Famli usually gather in inconspicuous places.

The base is very small, with only a narrow courtyard.

There is a very inconspicuous small room in the courtyard.

And in that small room, there are more than 30 people of all ages and genders.

These people undoubtedly have one thing in common, that is, they have a pair of unique blue pupils.

In the dim environment.

Those pairs of eyes are just like the dazzling stars in the night sky.

No wonder people say that the Famri people have the most beautiful eyes in the world.

Those eyes are really amazing.

"Everyone, we are back."

When Selena appeared in the crowd with Zhuo Bufan, everyone present was stunned and looked at each other.

"Selena, why did you bring a stranger here?"

An elder walked out of the crowd and came to Selena and asked.

After hearing this, Selena immediately shook her head and said.

"No, Grandma Renee. He is not an ordinary person, he is our new master."

Hearing this, everyone was instantly confused. Stunned.

"Selena, what nonsense are you talking about? Who is he?"

Obviously, everyone present disagreed.

They only recognize one master, that is Lord Gain.

And Selina seemed to have guessed this scene long ago, and she took out the flute of Hook, which was called the cursed object.

Then she said to everyone present.

"I know you won't agree, so I have made the best explanation for you."

"Everyone, please look."

After Selina finished speaking, she suddenly picked up the flute and began to play it gently.

When Selina blew the flute, a white smoke floated out from the other end of the flute.

The white smoke floated in the air, covering the entire small room.

Then, after everyone present inhaled the white smoke, they all had a dream.

In that dream, everyone saw the scene where Gain passed on all his achievements to Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan was deeply shocked.

He didn't expect that Selina's flute could do this.

It can pass on everything that happened in the past through the flute.

Soon, everyone saw the truth of the matter and realized that the man in front of them was indeed qualified to be their new master.

"Everyone, you all saw it!"

"The new master was personally elected by Lord Gain."

"Lord Gain taught him everything he had, so he is qualified to lead us to complete the final holy war."

After Selina finished speaking, everyone present was silent.

Although no one objected this time, they couldn't accept it for a while.

After all, Zhuo Bufan was not from Famli.

"Really, is it okay? Hand over our Famli's national restoration holy war to someone who is not from Famli?"

"Lord Gain, why do you do this?"

Someone expressed doubts.

"Yes, Selina, is the scene we just saw real? Could it be an illusion created by you using the Hooker flute?"

Some people began to doubt the authenticity of this matter.

After all, the Hooker flute can indeed create false illusions.

After hearing this, Selina was furious.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you think I would joke about Lord Gain's death?"

What Selena couldn't stand the most was that someone doubted her loyalty to Lord Gain.

After all, she was Gain's first follower and his most loyal subordinate.

After hearing this, everyone present fell silent again.

The scene was a little awkward for a while, and it was indeed a dilemma for Zhuo Bufan.

He wanted to retreat, but Selena would definitely not let him go.

He wanted to move forward, but no one present recognized him.

Just when everyone started to stalemate with each other, Selena suddenly said.

"Everyone, why do you think Lord Gain wants to pass on everything he has even if he dies?"

"Lord Gain, he always wants to restore his country!"

"Are you really willing to continue to parasitize in other people's countries like parasites?"

"Are you really willing to walk on the street and be tied to the stake as a cultist?"

"Are you really willing to continue to be someone else's slave and a toy to be played with by others?"

"We, the Famuri, are the oldest and wisest people in the world. We love peace, but that doesn't mean we are willing to be bullied."

"For Famuri, for Yundu, and for the holy war."

"Everyone, the holy war is about to begin. We have been preparing for so many years. Are we going to give up?"

"We need the power of the master and the revolutionary formula that can change the rules of the world."

"We need him!"

Selena's impassioned speech stunned everyone present.

When they calmed down and thought about what Selena said, they began to waver.

Selena was right.

They are the Famuri, the wisest race in the world.

They should not be treated as parasites and parasitize in other people's countries.

So, this holy war that has been planned for several years must be carried out as scheduled.

And in this holy war, the most important plan is Gain's revolutionary formula.

The revolutionary formula plays a decisive role in this war.

And this holy war has many plans, all of which are carried out around this revolutionary formula.

So, they have to rely on Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that he would become the key to this holy war.

At this time, several elders came out at the same time, and then took the lead and suddenly knelt on one knee towards Zhuo Bufan.

"We are willing to serve you as our master, and please lead us to complete the holy war."

After several elders took the lead and knelt down, all the people behind them also knelt down.

Obviously, everyone recognized Zhuo Bufan at this moment.

Although they were not truly convinced in their hearts, although they just wanted to gain Zhuo Bufan's power.

But no matter what, they would no longer look at Zhuo Bufan with tinted glasses.

They must please Zhuo Bufan because they need Zhuo Bufan's power.

Zhuo Bufan also knew this, so he was very indifferent to these people who said one thing and meant another.

"You are right about one thing. I am indeed not your master."

"At best, I am just a traveler entrusted by a dying man."

"To be honest, I am not interested in your holy war, not even a little bit. What does your holy war have to do with me?"

"So, don't be so arrogant. I am already giving you face by coming here."

"Since you are so insincere, I don't think there is any need to continue the conversation."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave.

The elders present saw this and hurriedly chased after him.

"Master, please stay, master, please stay!"

They knew very well that if Zhuo Bufan left at this time, what hope would they have? How would their holy war continue?

So, Zhuo Bufan must not leave, and he must not be allowed to leave even if he was just playing around.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, did not have any expression, but instead seemed extremely indifferent.

He could not stay just because a few old guys asked him to stay.

He could clearly see that the people standing in the corner all had ugly expressions on their faces.

"Let's stop here! I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Just when Zhuo Bufan insisted on leaving, a young man finally stood up.

"Stop, don't go too far."

"You're going too far, do you think you can still leave now?"

Zhuo Bufan sneered after hearing this!

"What? Do you think you can still keep me if I want to leave?"

Zhuo Bufan was not being arrogant!

Now he is the Earth God of Arcane Energy with twelve rings.

He only needs a small arcane formula to make everyone present disappear into ashes.

But the man said to Zhuo Bufan with a solemn oath.

"Don't be too arrogant, you have obtained the inheritance of Lord Gain, and now as long as we release the news, there will be countless people outside chasing you."

"By then, the Holy Court will chase you to the point where you have no way to go up to the sky or down to the earth."

What the kid said was indeed a problem. Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to cause unnecessary troubles now.

But this doesn't mean that Zhuo Bufan will be afraid.

"Threaten me?"

"I am really never afraid of threats."

Zhuo Bufan has seen all kinds of scenes since he came here.

A mere young boy dares to threaten him?

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to get angry, Selena suddenly rushed out and slapped the man.

"Shut up! You have no right to speak here."

Selena's actions stunned everyone present.

They didn't expect that Selena, who was always gentle and kind, would be so angry and say such words.

"I said, this is my new master. Anyone who offends him will be my enemy."

"Anyone who dares to say that again will be my enemy."

"I know you are not afraid of being my enemy."

"The person who leaked the news is my sworn enemy."

"That's all, you can do whatever you want!"

Selena said, and suddenly knelt down in front of Zhuo Bufan.

"Master, please don't leave."

"I know that what I say now is just a lie in your eyes."

"But please help us this time."

"We have been preparing for this holy war for ten years. Countless Famuri people have sacrificed for it."

"We are not for war, we just want to take back our country."

"Please, help us, I am willing to pay any price."

Selena knelt in front of Zhuo Bufan with great sincerity.

For her, Zhuo Bufan is hope. She knows better than anyone that the man in front of her is the only possibility to lead them, the Famuri people, to restore their country.


Selena prostrated herself at Zhuo Bufan's feet.

For her, the most important thing is not whether Zhuo Bufan is her master.

The important thing is that she must need Zhuo Bufan's power.

Selena did not say one thing and mean another this time. She really begged Zhuo Bufan with her life, even to the extreme of humility.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Selena and didn't know what to say for a while.

Zhuo Bufan actually didn't want to wade into this muddy water.

So, he wished someone would drive him away.

But he knew very well that facing the current situation, he really couldn't just leave like this.

It's easy to leave, but do you really want to break your promise, forget your promise with Gain, and let the things of Famri go?

Zhuo Bufan is definitely not the kind of person who will break his promise.

So, facing Selena's kneeling beg, Zhuo Bufan softened his heart.

"It's not impossible for me to help you!"

"But there is one thing you have to understand. I am not fighting for you Famri people. I just want to fulfill my promise."

"So, you don't have to be hypocritical and talk nonsense in front of me."

"I only do what I should do. After I finish, whether I stay or leave, you are not allowed to interfere."

Zhuo Bufan finally decided to stay and help the Famri people and complete the plan of restoring the country.

Not for anything else, just to keep his promise.

What he promised, he must do, this is Zhuo Bufan's attitude.

After hearing what Zhuo Bufan said, Selena knelt in front of Zhuo Bufan excitedly and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Thank you, thank you. Don't worry, there will be no more criticism about you in Famli in the future."

"After the restoration of the country, you will be the new leader of our Famli."

I don't know where Selina got such confidence from.

She actually gave Zhuo Bufan such a promise.

However, Zhuo Bufan could feel that Selina had a very high status among the Famli people, and she should not be an ordinary Famli person.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan just replied indifferently.

"I am not interested in the position of leader."

"I say it again, I do this only for the promise."

"Gain gave me everything he had, so I also have my own obligation to help you succeed."

"Of course, whether the country can be restored in the end is not up to me alone. It depends on the luck of you Famli people."

Zhuo Bufan has experienced too much up to now.

The upcoming holy war in front of him is really not a magnificent thing for him.

He is just a passer-by. He came here only to witness and to find.


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