Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1416 Holy Land Yundu

Zhuo Bufan agreed to Serena and help them regain their country.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't make any decisions. He only promised Serena to do what he should do at the critical moment.

After all, decision-making determines the success or failure of their holy war in Famri.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't bear such a heavy burden on his body inexplicably.

"Okay, what do you need me to do next?"

"Hand over the revolutionary formula?"

Zhuo Bufan called Serena and said.

If possible, Zhuo Bufan really wanted to hand over the revolutionary formula directly and then walk away.

But after hearing this, Serena shook her head.

"Knowledge like the Revolutionary Formula is simply incomprehensible to ordinary people. You have received the inheritance from Lord Gain, so only you are qualified to use the Revolutionary Formula."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan didn't say much.

He also knew that even if the revolutionary formula was given to these people, they would not be able to use it.

After all, if you want to use the revolutionary formula, the required mental power can only be used by an Oshen who has reached the level of twelve divine rings.

In other words, only Zhuo Bufan present has the ability to launch the revolutionary formula.

This is why Serena said that Zhuo Bufan is the key to this holy war.

"Then what are your plans next? When will the so-called holy war begin?"

Zhuo Bufan just wanted to settle Famli's matter as soon as possible.

He also wants to find Meng Chanyi and the Lord of Time.

After hearing this, Serena cautiously said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Actually, we do have a very important plan next."

"This plan was originally supposed to be carried out personally after Lord Gain came back, but it's a pity..."

When Serena said this, Zhuo Bufan understood what she meant.

"Only I can complete this plan now! Just tell me what the plan is."

Zhuo Bufan said calmly.

He knew the plan, he was indispensable.

Since he couldn't refuse, Zhuo Bufan took the initiative.

After hearing this, Serena lowered her eyebrows and said.

"We would like to ask you to go to Yundu and retrieve the ancient artifact from our Famuli."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"Ancient artifact?"

"Yes, our Famri's ancient artifact, the Book of Sacrifice. It will be the most important thing in our holy war."

"As long as we have the Book of Sacrifice, we Famri people can win this holy war."

Serena said solemnly.

It can be seen that this Book of Sacrifice is very important, which is why they have to wait until Gain comes back before starting this plan.

"Tell me more specifically, what exactly is this Book of Sacrifice? And how can I get this book?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Serena replied.

"The Book of Sacrifice is a sacred object of our Famuli. It is a God-given gift given to us Famuli by the ancient gods. It can give us Famuli people great power."

"If we want to win the Holy War, then the power of the Book of Sacrifice is indispensable."

"As for the Book of Sacrifice, it is now in the underground palace under Yundu in our Famuli Holy Land."

"It's just that this Yundu is now occupied by the Ax Empire. It's difficult for us Famri people to enter it."

After listening to Serena's answer, Zhuo Bufan probably understood what was going on.

"In other words, the most critical thing in your holy war now is this book of sacrifice, right?"

Serena nodded.

"Yes, without this Book of Sacrifice, our holy war in Famri cannot be started."

"So, can you help us?"

Serena begged Zhuo Bufan.

Looking at Serena's longing eyes, Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply.

"Okay! You can arrange what you want me to do."

Since Zhuo Bufan has agreed to help Famri participate in the holy war, he can no longer easily get away from this matter.

After hearing this, Serena was moved to tears.

"Thank you, thank you master. On behalf of the entire Famri clan, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to you."

Serena was very happy. As long as they got the Book of Sacrifice, they, Famri, would be able to successfully restore their country.

Early the next morning, according to Serena's plan.

Zhuo Bufan and her started to go to Yundu.

According to the plan, Zhuo Bufan will play the role of a noble from the Mattia Empire and enter Yundu to attend his friend's birthday party.

Zhuo Bufan has black hair and black eyes, very similar to people from the Mattia Empire.

Serena, on the other hand, plays the role of an extraordinary slave girl.

After all, after the collapse of the Famri Empire, the Famri people became a lower race without a country.

Many Famri people are considered hard-working traders.

And Serena's role as an extraordinary slave girl will not arouse any suspicion.

"Master, your current identity is the patriarch of the Mia family in the Mattia Empire. Your name is Ellen Mia. You have the title of Viscount. The family is in the spice business."

"This is your proof of identity. When you get to Yundu, there will be guards checking your identity."

"As for me, I am your slave girl. You bought me from the Matiamidou slave market."

"Guards may ask these questions, so you may need to memorize them first."

Serena handed Zhuo Bufan a note, which contained many questions and answers that the guards might ask.

It can be seen that Selina is very cautious, or rather, the entire Famuri tribe is very cautious.

The Famuri tribe is not called the most intelligent race for nothing.

They are smart, cautious, and thorough.

Unfortunately, there are very few Famuri people, and there are only two million people in their heyday.

In the thousands of years of fighting among all races from ancient times to the present, Famuri has gone through countless wars of all sizes and has long been unable to withstand the iron hoofs of major empires.

Finally, under the iron hoofs of tens of millions of Ex people, Famuri's holy land Yundu was finally trampled.

The entire holy land became a slave land for Famuri.

On the airship flying to Yundu, Zhuo Bufan made up for the history of this world.

He roughly understood the historical status of Famuri in this arcane domain.

Famuri people are born with low reproductive ability, because the gods have given them too much wisdom.

This world is fair. The stronger your ability in one aspect, the weaker your ability in another aspect will be.

God gave the Famuri people great wisdom, but also made them lose their normal reproductive ability.

It is really not easy for the Famuri people to survive until now.

They have even reached the stage of test-tube babies in the technology tree.

Unfortunately, before the era of test-tube babies began, their Famuri Empire was destroyed.

Now people all over the world can enslave the Famuri people.

Such a proud nation will naturally not be enslaved forever. So restoration is inevitable.

After understanding the cause and effect, Zhuo Bufan became more and more interested in this Famuri.

"The technological level of Famri is equivalent to the top level in this world!"

"The last battle was a complete confrontation between hot weapons and cold weapons."

"It's a pity that there are too few people in Famri. Even with powerful hot weapons, they can't resist the disparity in military strength that is more than a hundred times theirs."

"It seems that even this airship is Famri's technology! The scientific level of Famri may be able to help me in the future."

There is actually another reason why Zhuo Bufan chose to help Famri. If he can really help Famri restore his country, maybe he will use their power in the future when he looks for Meng Chanyi and the Lord of Time.

After all, his power is limited, and it is definitely not an easy task to find Meng Chanyi and the Lord of Time.

If there is a country with such advanced technology to help, maybe he can find the Lord of Time and Meng Chanyi soon.


"Master, we are almost there!"

In the interval of thinking, the airship that Zhuo Bufan and his friends were riding on was finally about to arrive in Yundu.

The reason why Yundu is called Yundu is because it is a capital city built on the clouds.

The entire Yundu is built on a huge floating mountain.

This floating mountain is not common even in the Arcane God Realm.

After all, floating mountains are completely contrary to the law of gravity.

But this thing just exists.

In fact, the entire floating mountain is the scientific and technological achievement of Famli.

In other words, this floating mountain is suspended by relying on technology.

This is the holy land of Famli.

Famli used to be a race living in the sky, but unfortunately they can only live in the dark underground now.

I believe that no one can accept this gap.

Looking in the direction pointed by Selina, I saw a white building complex on the floating mountain not far away.

White walls and snow-white roofs, connected buildings, and palaces and towers towering into the clouds.

It's like a secret paradise where angels live.

This is the holy land of Famli, Yundu. It is also the target location of Zhuo Bufan and his mission this time.

The airship landed at the airport of Yundu, and then Zhuo Bufan brought Selena to the city gate.

Sure enough, everything was just as Selena said.

Outside the gate outside Yundu City, a group of guards stopped all those who intended to enter Yundu.

Zhuo Bufan and his companions were naturally stopped.

Zhuo Bufan naturally handed over his ID.

The guard took the ID from Zhuo Bufan and began to verify Zhuo Bufan's identity information.

One of the guards kept his eyes on Selena beside Zhuo Bufan.

"Sir Allen, right? Aristocrat of Mattia?"

The guard asked Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"The patriarch of the Mia family, the viscount title granted by Emperor Mattia himself. The family is in the spice business."

The guard saw that Zhuo Bufan's answer was flawless, and then looked at Selena behind Zhuo Buan.

"Famri people?"

Zhuo Bufan answered decisively.

"Slaves bought from the slave market, used to warm the bed."

Hearing this, the guard showed an expression that said, "I understand you."

"Women in Famri use it to warm the bed. Your Excellency really knows how to enjoy life!"

"Please come in, Your Excellency Allen. I wish you a pleasant journey."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly and replied.

"Thank you, I will."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he successfully led Selena into Yundu.

When they passed through the city gate, Selena let out a long breath nervously.

Then she quickly patted her chest and said in fear.

"It was a close call. I was almost suspected."

"These people are more cautious than I thought."

"But you are calmer than I thought."

Selena was shocked because she found that Zhuo Bufan was really a very calm person.

In the situation just now, when several guards surrounded them and observed them carefully.

Selena was already scared to the point that her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

However, Zhuo Bufan was as calm as ever from beginning to end.

And he naturally exuded a faint aristocratic aura.

As if he was born to be a noble man.

"Just this situation, you are so scared?"

"It's not that serious!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took Selena to continue to go into the city.

"Where are we going next?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After listening, Selena stabilized her emotions and said.

"Next we are going to the underground palace of the palace."

"I know an entrance, it is under the fountain in the central square."

"But there are so many people and eyes now, it is inconvenient for us to act, let's wait until night!

Selena and the others have already made plans, so Zhuo Bufan doesn't need to worry about these.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"Okay, everything is up to you. "

Since they have their plans, Zhuo Bufan will naturally follow them honestly.

Anyway, he only needs to contribute now, and as for making plans, he doesn't want to get involved too much.

Afterwards, the two found a hotel in Yundu to stay.

Selena sat on the edge of the window sill of the hotel, looking at the street outside, tears in her eyes.

This is their hometown, which originally belonged to their Famri people.

Now that they have returned here again, they are watched coldly and treated as slaves.

But she believes that it won't be long before they will take it back.

Yundu will be recaptured by their Famri people sooner or later.

Just when Serena was feeling emotional, Zhuo Bufan suddenly pulled Serena from the window sill into the room.

"We are being followed."

Zhuo Bufan's words scared Serena.


"Yes, there are two guys on the street who have been watching our room. And the waiter outside the hotel is also watching us. "

"It seems that our actions in the city may not be so easy. "

Selena looked out the window secretly after hearing this.

Sure enough, she found that next to the fruit stand on the street, there were two men hiding behind newspapers, secretly looking at their room.

"These people must have watched us because I was from Famri."

"Damn Ex people."

Selena was so angry that she gritted her teeth and stamped her feet.

As for Zhuo Bufan, he was very calm.

"Think about tonight's action first!"

"Their surveillance will definitely continue until we leave Yundu."

"So tonight's action may need to be postponed."

Hearing this, Selena shook her head quickly.

"No, tonight is our only chance. The Book of Sacrifice will only appear tonight."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

As for the Book of Sacrifice, Zhuo Bufan knew that Selena must be hiding something from him.

After hearing this, Selena bit her lower lip tightly, and for a moment, she didn't know how to start.


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