Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1417 Book of Sacrifice

Zhuo Bufan knew that Serena still hid something from him about the Book of Sacrifice.

After being pressed repeatedly by Zhuo Bufan, Serena said.

"The Book of Sacrifice is hidden in the underground palace of Yundu Palace."

"Only on the day when March shines brightly, can it be summoned by using the blood of the royal family."

"This is also the reason why the people of Aix have not found the Book of Sacrifice so far."

"Tonight is the time when March shines together."

"And I am a person with the blood of the Famri royal family."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"Are you a royal princess?"

He didn't expect that Serena would have such an identity.

No wonder Serena's position in Famli is so high, and many people do her bidding.

After hearing this, Serena shook her head slightly.

"What a princess? She's just a down-and-out Famri man."

"We don't even have a country of our own, how can I be considered a princess?"

Serena said to Zhuo Bufan with a wry smile.

She was actually right.

How can she be considered a princess when she doesn't even have a country?

However, there is royal blood in Serena's body, and she has the obligation and responsibility to lead everyone back to the country.

Therefore, Serena must participate in this battle, and she also calls on all Famuri people to join this holy war.

"This is what happened! Now I have no choice. I must get the Book of Sacrifice tonight."

Serena's words made Zhuo Bufan understand that he couldn't do anything this time.

"I understand. In that case, let's continue our operation tonight."

"As for those eyeliners, leave it to me!"

Since Zhuo Bufan has promised to help Serena and the others recover, he will keep his word.

This is Zhuo Feifan's attitude.

After hearing this, Serena said gratefully.

"Thank you, thank you."

"You promise you that if I, Famri, can really return to my country, then I will definitely make you not regret your choice today."

Serena actually couldn't guarantee what Zhuo Bufan would get.

However, she will satisfy Zhuo Feifan's needs in her own name.

Zhuo Bufan doesn't need any benefits, but one day in the future, he may really need Famri's power.

If he can really help Famri achieve the great cause of restoring the country, he might be able to ask Famri to help him find Meng Chanyi and the Lord of Time.

That night, Zhuo Bufan quietly dealt with the people who were spying on them.

Then he took Serena to the fountain in the central square.

When they came to the fountain pool, Serena came to the foot of the fountain pool, and then fumbled around the edge of the fountain pool for a while.

Immediately afterwards, she activated the mechanism in the fountain pool.

Afterwards, the mechanism of the fountain pool slowly opened.

From below the fountain pool, a staircase entrance is opened, which leads directly to the underground.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he quickly followed Serena deep underground.

There is a staircase spiraling downward under the fountain.

Because this place is soaked under moist fountains all year round, the ground is slippery.

Zhuo Bufan and Serena carefully reached the bottom.

There is another mechanism door at the bottom. Fortunately, Serena knows the situation here very well, and obviously only she knows the mechanism of the mechanism door.

Serena placed her hand on a smooth black stone slab, and then the stone slab slowly opened, revealing a passage.

"Master, the road ahead is a bit winding. This passage leads directly to the palace beneath the palace."

"However, there are many mechanisms along the way, and some of them are in disrepair. I'm afraid it won't be easy to pass."

Serena said to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan didn't talk nonsense, but clasped his hands together and patted them on the ground.

Buzz buzz!

In the air, there was the buzzing sound of arcane magic being activated.

Immediately afterwards, the underground passage was completely repaired by Zhuo Bufan using arcane magic.

"Let's go. I destroyed all the mechanisms and repaired the passages. There should be no problem now."

"However, I finally felt that things were a little too simple?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that things were developing smoothly now.

He has experienced a lot and knows that the situation he is encountering now has a serious sense of violation.

This feeling of disobedience is definitely abnormal.

After hearing this, Serena shook her head.

"Don't worry, Master. The only people who know about the underground palace where we are now are me, the Famuli royal family."

"Even I secretly told my father before his death."

"Ordinary people will never know where the underground palace is."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was doubtful.

"Then let's go!"

Then, under the leadership of Zhuo Bufan, Serena walked into the passage with him.

When the two came to the end of the passage, they were once again blocked by a smooth stone wall.

Seeing this, Serena stretched out her hand and placed it on the stone wall.

Then, the stone wall rumbled open again.

When the stone wall opened, a huge underground palace appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan and Serena.

The entire underground palace is made of self-luminous gems, making the entire underground palace bright and magnificent.

Underfoot is the snow-white and crystal-clear floor.

Above the head is the shining star stone.

Zhuo Bufan was a knowledgeable person anyway, and he was very shocked when he saw this underground crystal palace.

At this time, Serena said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Master, this is the biggest secret in our farm."

"City of the Ancient Gods, Yug Castle!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"Yug Castle?"

"Yes, Yug is the ancient god that we Famuli people have believed in since ancient times."

"It is the creator god of the world and it is he who gives us wisdom."

"And the Book of Sacrifice we are looking for is also called the Book of Yug!"

"The Book of Yug allows us to obtain the most primitive power from the ancient god."

After Serena finished speaking, she walked step by step into the Crystal Palace.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan followed closely.

At this time, they came to a circular platform in the center of the palace.

"Master, just stop here! It's enough for me to go up next."

Serena stopped Zhuo Bufan, making him stop where he was.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he just stood there without saying anything.

At this time, Serena came to the platform, then raised her head and looked at the sky.

There are three openings on the dome of the Crystal Palace.

The three cave entrances receive the three-month glow from the sky.

The light of the three moons projected their own moonlight on the palace.

When they reached that moment, the platform in the center of the entire palace slowly lifted up a huge formula array.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at it and couldn't help but be stunned.

"What a high-end formula array."

Before Zhuo Bufan could react, Serena suddenly took out a dagger and slashed her wrist without hesitation.

"What are you doing?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked. He didn't expect Serena to bleed himself without hesitation.

The bright red blood fell on the stone platform at his feet, and then began to spread out through a hole on the stone platform.

Immediately afterwards, blood began to spread along the formula array.

"You're going to die!"

Zhuo Bufan understood immediately that Serena was going to use her own blood to activate this formula.

But this formula is too big and complicated, and I'm afraid it will take Selina's blood to be drained before it can be fully activated.

After hearing this, Serena smiled very calmly.

"It's okay, I already knew this day would come."

"The Book of Yug is also called the Book of Sacrifice. It requires the sacrifice of our royal family's lives in order to summon it!"

"Master, after I awaken the Book of Sacrifice, please take it back to the base."

"Send the power of the Book of Sacrifice to all the people of Famri."

"This is the last thing I ask of you, Serena."

Serena's energy and blood began to become very unstable. His face also became extremely pale.

Obviously, Serena came to Yundu with a certain death mentality from the beginning.

Zhuo Bufan secretly said that this scene was very heart-wrenching.

These people are really fighting for their country.

Even if it means sacrificing himself, he will not hesitate.

"Master, Famri, I leave it to you."

After Serena finished speaking, her body softened and she fell to the ground.

Blood spurted out from her wrist, splashing the entire formula.

Soon, her blood filled the entire formula.

The announcement started, and a thick black book began to condense in the center of the stone platform.

The book was made of the fur of an unknown creature, and there was a terrifying purple aura flowing on top of the book.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he rushed forward immediately and then picked up Serena who was lying on the ground.

"What a silly girl!"

Zhuo Bufan checked Serena's breath and found that she was still alive, but she was dying and almost out of breath.

So Zhuo Bufan quickly took out his Sky Mending Stone and placed it on Serena's wrist.

Under the restoration of the Sky Mending Stone, Serena's energy and blood began to recover bit by bit.

Serena, who was about to die, slowly regained consciousness.

"Master, am I not dead yet?"

Serena said in disbelief.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and replied.

"You want to bring your people back to the country, how can you die here?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't bear it, so he saved Serena.

After hearing this, Serena was extremely moved.

And at this moment, suddenly a crazy laughter came from the hall.


"Successful, this is Famri's national treasure, the Book of Sacrifice, right?"

"From now on, he's mine."

While talking, a man wearing golden armor suddenly appeared in the palace.

The golden-armored man appeared in the palace without anyone noticing, and then grabbed the Book of Sacrifice in the air with his iron-clawed right hand.

The Book of Sacrifice summoned by Serena with her life was snatched away by the man who suddenly appeared.

"No, Master, we can't let him take away the Book of Sacrifice."

Serena shouted towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan also immediately realized that he could not let the other party take away the Book of Sacrifice.

So Zhuo Bufan directly entered combat mode.

He clapped his hands, and the ground began to roll like waves.

Then dozens of huge earth spikes rushed out from the ground and stabbed at the man in golden armor.

The man in golden armor smiled slightly when he saw this.

"Can Tu Ao break my Jin Ao?"

As soon as the words fell, all the earth spikes were blocked by the armor of the man in golden armor.

Then, the opponent drew the big sword at his waist, and then slashed the ground with a sword, cutting off all the earth spikes.

Then, the man put his hands together and slapped the ground.

The next second, golden metal bars emerged from under Zhuo Bufan and Selina's feet.

In the end, these metal bars formed an extremely strong metal cage, trapping Zhuo Bufan and Selina inside.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan prepared to use arcane magic to tear open the iron cage.

As a result, he soon discovered that his arcane magic had no effect on the iron cage.

"Don't waste your energy. I spent three years to carefully build this golden iron prison for you."

"It's impossible to figure it out."

"Hahahaha, but come to think of it, I really have to thank you. If it weren't for you two idiots, I wouldn't have gotten this book of sacrifice."

"I've heard that the Famri tribe has a supreme treasure called the Book of Yug. It can fulfill anyone's wish."

"Three years ago, I discovered this underground palace. I searched everywhere in the underground palace but couldn't find the Book of Yug."

"But I know that the Book of Yug must be here."

"So I waited and waited. I knew that one day there would be a fool to help me find this book."

"Sure enough, today this fool really came."

"Thank you very much, two big fools."

"Remember my name, my name is Jin Kane!"

Hearing this, Selena widened her eyes, revealing an expression of fear and anger in her eyes.

"Golden Cain, the Golden God! You killed my father, you occupied our Yundu. You killed all the scholars in Famli."

Selena will never forget this name.

Because when Ex attacked Famli, the person who finally broke through the Yundu city was this Golden God, Golden Cain.

After Golden Cain broke through the city gate, he began to kill people, making the whole Yundu a river of blood.

In the end, even Selena's father died at the hands of Golden Cain.

After hearing this, Golden Cain looked at Selena and smiled proudly.

"You are the youngest daughter of that old man Leon!"

"Old man Leon, who calls himself the Golden Lion, can't even take a single move from me. You can't blame me for killing him, you can only blame him for being too weak."

This guy is very proud, thanks to showing off his great achievements.

In his opinion, killing the King of Famli is the most glorious thing in his life.

It was him who started the march of the Famli Empire's demise.

He is destined to be a man who will be recorded in history.

After hearing this, Selena slowly stood up from the ground.

Then, black flames began to burn on her body.

At this moment, Selena was completely blinded by anger and had no idea what was happening to her.

But Zhuo Bufan saw it clearly. Selena actually showed a power that did not belong to her at all.

"What kind of power is this? Why didn't she use it before?"

Zhuo Bufan could feel that the power used by Selena was extremely powerful.

It exceeded the ordinary power of fire elements.

"Could it be because of the book of sacrifice?"

Zhuo Bufan could only think that Selena got the power of the black fire from the book of sacrifice.

This black fire was so powerful that even Jin Kane's golden iron prison was slowly melted by the black fire.

Seeing this scene, even Jin Kane was stunned.

But after the shock, there was an even greater surprise.

"Hahahaha, as expected, the Book of Sacrifice can really give more powerful power."

"Baby, this is a huge treasure!"

The appearance of the Book of Sacrifice made this guy crazy.

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