The Book of Sacrifice is a national treasure of the Famri Empire that has been passed down for thousands of years.

It is said that this is a sacred object given to Famri by the ancient god Yug, and it has infinite power.

Anyone can gain power from the Book of Sacrifice.

Of course, the premise is that you are willing to sacrifice yourself.

Serena sacrificed her own blood and gained the power of black flames given to her by the Book of Sacrifice.

She is also a flame arcanist herself, and now her fire element has been strengthened and turned into black flames.

This will be an unimaginable strengthening for Serena.

Although Serena's mental state is not high, under the reinforcement of the black flame, she can even burn through the iron prison of Jin Kane.

It's enough to show how terrifying this black flame is.

As an enemy, Kim Kane was obviously frightened by Serena's black flames.

But while he was frightened, Jim Cain was even more surprised.

"Awesome, this can't be more awesome!"

"Sure enough, the legends are true, and the Book of Sacrifice really exists."

Jin Cain looked at the book of sacrifice in his hand, and he knew that he had obtained the supreme treasure.

With this book, he will gain unimaginable power.

"Give me the book back."

Just when Jim Kane was forgetting everything, suddenly Serena pounced on him.

Black flames wrapped her hands, looking like a female asura who had stepped out of hell.

At this moment, Serena was obviously blinded by anger.

There is only one imperative thought in her mind now, which is to kill Jin Cain and regain the Book of Sacrifice.


The flames have powerful explosive power. Serena used the flames to rub her feet to generate a powerful projectile-like force, pushing her out.

Then Serena's whole body rushed towards Kim Kane.

Seeing this, Jin Kane pushed forward with both hands.

A steel door ten centimeters thick suddenly appeared from under the earth.

Serena's whole body hit the iron door, and she was knocked dizzy and staggering around!

The powerful black flames on his body began to burn the steel gate.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Selena, don't be impulsive!"

Zhuo Bufan knew that Serena must be furious now.

But at this time, you should stay calm.

"Damn girl, you are asking for trouble."

"Do you think that after gaining the power of the Book of Sacrifice, you will be able to challenge me?"

"Let me tell you now, the absolute gap between us!"

After Jin Kane finished speaking, he clasped his hands together, and arcane energy particles began to surge around him.

Immediately afterwards, golden sword blades began to condense from the ground beneath his feet.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan immediately understood the other party's methods.

"A metallic arcanist? Use arcane magic to extract the metal energy from the earth. This guy is the most difficult type for earth arcanists to deal with."

Zhuo Bufan saw the other party's methods and felt unspeakably disgusted with the guy in front of him.

There was something disgusting and disgusting about Jim Kane.

This kind of smell made Zhuo Bufan feel sick.

"Little one, the game is over, go down and accompany your incompetent father!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jin Kane suddenly released all the flying swords around him, and then flew towards Serena.


Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately created a stone wall, blocking all of Jin Kane's flying swords.

When Jim Kane saw this scene, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then he looked at Zhuo Bufan and said with a smile.

"Tu'ao, and his mental power seems to be very strong!"

Zhuo Bufan did not release his spiritual aura, so Jin Cain only felt that Zhuo Bufan's spiritual power was very powerful, but did not understand how strong Zhuo Bufan's spiritual power level was.

However, he has realized that this person is no ordinary person.

Compared to Serena who gained the power of the Book of Sacrifice, the man in front of her was the most difficult character to deal with.

Realizing this, Jin Cain immediately killed Zhuo Bufan.


Almost instantly, steel wires that were as thin as spider silk but stronger than steel bars flew out from the ground.

These steel wires can cut a human bone in half instantly.

If Zhuo Bufan was touched, he would definitely be cut into pieces on the spot.

After Zhuo Bufan saw this scene, he immediately used arcane magic to create a huge pillar and lifted him up.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan did not forget to attack that guy.

He created a huge earth element arm, then rushed out from under Jin Kane's feet, grabbing the entire Jin Kane into his hands.


Zhuo Bufan was pleasantly surprised. As long as he caught his opponent, he would have a way to kill him.

"Selena, throw the Black Fire to him!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Serena opened her mouth immediately, and then sprayed powerful black flames towards Jin Kane.

At this moment, Jin Kane's armor suddenly erupted with powerful arcane energy particles.

These arcane energy particles suddenly exploded, directly blowing up the big hand made by Zhuo Bufan.

Afterwards, the entire underground palace was shrouded in steel wires that were invisible to the naked eye.

"Only you can do nothing to me?"

"The entire underground palace has already been set up by me with a dragnet!"

"Just wait to die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire underground palace was suddenly shrouded in dense steel wires.

These steel wires are thinner than a human hair and are basically difficult to see with the naked eye.

Not only that, it's so sharp that if you touch it even slightly, your skin will burst open.

It can be said that no one dares to move even half a step here.

"Where's that guy?"

What Zhuo Bufan was more concerned about was Jin Kane.

That guy suddenly disappeared from where he was after the explosion.

After he disappeared, the entire underground palace was wrapped in these steel wires.

Zhuo Bufan dealt with the wires hidden around him again and again, while looking for Jin Kane who had snatched the Book of Sacrifice.

"We can't let him take away the Book of Sacrifice, absolutely not!"

In Selina's rage, the black flames on her body became even more violent.

The wire close to Serena began to melt.

And because of heat conduction, it started to burn.

Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled when he saw this scene.

"Selena, use your fire to melt all these steel wires."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Serena immediately understood what Zhuo Bufan meant.

She reached out and grabbed a wire in front of her.

The next second, black flames burned on the steel wire.

Immediately afterwards, black flames began to spread around, and soon, with Serena as the center, all the steel wires were exposed.

When all the wires were exposed, Zhuo Bufan and the others were shocked to find out.

The entire cave was completely wrapped in steel wire.

It was like they had crawled into a spider hole, with wires everywhere.

However, under the burning of Serena's black flame, those steel wires were quickly melted.

Then, the cave returned to normal.

However, that Kim Kane seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

"He ran away, we can't let him run away."

Serena was anxious. The Book of Sacrifice is the most important treasure for their restoration of Famri.

That book cannot be taken away by others under any circumstances.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan clasped his hands together and slapped them on the ground.

"Earth Sense!"

As a son of the earth, Zhuo Bufan inherited all the arcane skills of the earth god Gain.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to escape from Zhuo Bufan.

Earth Sense uses arcane energy ions to cover the entire earth, covering dozens of miles in radius.

From then on, every move within a radius of dozens of miles will not escape Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

Zhuo Bufan knew that Jin Kane had not escaped, but had become invisible.

Just like when he became invisible at first and stole the Book of Sacrifice.

That Kim Kane has mastered the arcane art of invisibility.

Therefore, their existence cannot be seen with the naked eye.

The only one who can find Jin Kane now is Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes, and the world turned into black and white.

Everything above the ground appeared in Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan felt a pair of feet slowly approaching Serena.

"No, Serena, be careful!"

Zhuo Bufan discovered that Kim Kane.

He was holding a dagger and appeared behind Serena, preparing to assassinate Serena.

Almost as soon as Jin Kane took action, Zhuo Bufan quickly used arcane magic.


The next second, the ground under Jin Kane's feet began to turn into several hands, directly grabbing Jin Kane's feet.

Serena also reacted immediately. The moment she turned around, she sprayed a ball of terrifying black flames towards Jin Kane.

"No! Golden body!"

Jin Cain immediately used an arcane spell, the Golden Man's Body.

In the next second, his entire body turned into a metal man, blocking Serena's black flames.

At the same time, the dagger in his hand struck Serena's neck.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan used arcane magic in time, and a thorn suddenly flew out of the ground in front of Jin Kane, knocking him away.


When Jin Cain was knocked away, the dagger in his hand actually lengthened into a long knife, and finally penetrated Serena's chest.


In the flash of lightning, both sides suffered heavy losses.

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly came to Serena with the Sky Mending Stone, and then helped Serena treat her.

On the opposite side, Jin Kane showed an extremely ferocious expression.

"Damn, you two little guys really pissed me off."

"If I wasn't afraid of destroying this cloud city, why would I be in such a mess?"

"It was you who forced me to go on a killing spree."

Jin Cain is an arcane god with twelve divine rings, and he is a person with the power to destroy the world.

However, because he cannot destroy Yundu, Jin Kane has been suppressing his own power.

However, now, he was forced into such an embarrassing situation by two mere little babies.

Jim Cain was obviously a little angry, and he had begun to ignore whether his next behavior would destroy the entire cloud.

"Boy, if you want this book, come here!"

As soon as Jim Kane finished speaking, he suddenly slapped his hands on the ground.

The next second, a huge abyss suddenly appeared under his feet.

Immediately afterwards, Jim Kane fell completely.

"We can't let him run away!"

Seeing this, Serena jumped into the abyss without hesitation and followed.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but shake his head.

"It's too reckless. That guy has made it clear that he is serious about Xiang Dong."

Zhuo Bufan knew that Jin Kane wanted to move the battlefield from Yundu to the ground.

That's why he dug a passage in the Yundu Underground Palace.

He separated all the metal elements under his feet, and naturally dug out an abyss.

Under this abyss is the earth.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan also understood that he had to get serious next.

So far, Zhuo Bufan has not even exerted one tenth of his strength.

After all, the battles between the Ao gods are all powerful enough to destroy the world.

Zhuo Bufan slapped the ground with both hands, and then the ground under his feet began to collapse.

Then he fell from Yundu.

However, Zhuo Bufan created an earth dragon, which connected to Yundu, and then took Zhuo Bufan to the ground at a high speed.

He saved Selina who fell in the air, and then took Selina to the ground safely.

"Don't be impulsive, that guy is invisible again."

Zhuo Bufan knew that the other party used some means to become invisible again.

So he used the earth sensing again to sense the existence of Jin Kane.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan found Jin Kane again.

"Oh no, that guy is making a sword formation!"

Zhuo Bufan found that on the top of a hill not far away, Jin Kane used his twelve-ring mental power to condense all the metal elements within a radius of ten miles, and then condensed them into flying swords, floating in the air.

Those flying swords were much more than the previous flying swords.

The number of flying swords reached at least millions.

Millions of flying swords began to tremble under the super control of Jin Kane's mental power.

Then, those flying swords slowly rose into the air.

Soon, the whole night was covered by golden flying swords.

The dense flying swords made the whole night bright.

At this time, Jin Kane also stepped on a flying sword and slowly flew into the air.

The powerful mental power can even control his own body.

This flying ability is nothing to Jin Kane.

Jin Kane flew high into the sky, and above his head was a sky full of golden flying swords.

At this time, Jin Kane also saw Zhuo Bufan and Selina not far away.

Then, he raised his mouth slightly and showed a sneer.

"Little guy, witness my anger!"

As soon as Jin Kane finished speaking, tens of thousands of golden flying swords around him flew towards the direction of Zhuo Bufan and Selina.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately opened his magic ring.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!

He did not open all twelve magic rings, but only eight.

After all, he did not want the other party to know his strength completely.

The moment the eight magic rings were opened, Zhuo Bufan released a powerful arcane.

For a moment, an indestructible stone wall rose from the ground.

Ding ding ding ding ding!

For a moment, countless flying swords all bombarded the stone wall.

However, those flying swords were like machine guns, constantly bombarding the stone wall.

Soon, the stone wall had a tendency to be broken.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan created dozens of stone walls to completely protect him and Selina.

"Hahahaha, you coward."

"Don't you want the Book of Sacrifice? How can you get it if you hide inside?"

"Since you don't want it, I'll take the Book of Sacrifice and leave now."

Jin Kane wanted to force Zhuo Bufan and the others out.

Sure enough, the next second, dozens of earth dragons rose from the ground.

Then they crashed into Jin Kane in the air.


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