Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1419 Sacrificing the Left Eye

Zhuo Bufan didn't have much experience in arcane combat, but he was once an Immortal Lord and the God of the World.

The combat experience he has mastered is definitely not comparable to that of Kim Kane in front of him.

The most powerful part of the earth arcanist is defense.

The most powerful thing about the gold arcanist is offense.

It can be said that the battle between Jin Cain and Zhuo Bufan is the strongest attack versus the strongest defense.

But Zhuo Bufan knew very well that if he kept defending, he would not be able to defeat Kim Kane.

The opponent is Ao Shen, with twelve divine rings, and his mental power has reached the divine level.

Such an existence can be said to have almost infinite power.

As long as he is willing, there is no problem in fighting Zhuo Bufan for ten days and ten nights.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't have that much time to play with this guy.

His top priority now is to get the Book of Sacrifice from Jim Kane.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan needs strength, needs more powerful power.

"Revolutionary style, elegy for the earth!"

Zhuo Bufan clenched his hands, interlocked his fingers, and released a powerful energy formula centered on his body, covering a ten-mile radius.

The next second, a black energy light fell from the sky and landed on the land.

Immediately afterwards, the gravity within a ten-mile radius instantly increased a hundred times.

Kim Kane, who was originally flying in the air, fell directly from the sky.

The strong gravity pulled him down together with the hundreds of thousands of golden swords above his head.

Moreover, the gravitational force continued to increase, until finally Jin Kane could not resist at all and fell directly from the sky thousands of miles away.

"What a powerful gravitational force. What kind of terrifying force is this?"

Jin Cain flew from the sky and landed on the ground with a loud bang, creating a huge hole in the ground.

He was completely stuck in the hole and couldn't move.


Jim Cain wanted to stand up, but the terrifying gravity left him with no room to move.

He wanted to use arcane magic, but found that all the gold elements he had condensed collapsed.

Under the influence of such a powerful gravity, even the power of arcane magic can no longer be condensed.

Within a radius of ten miles, except for Zhuo Bufan, everything else was choked by this powerful gravity.

This is the most powerful power Zhuo Bufan has mastered so far.

Of course, this is not the full power of the revolutionary formula.

The most complete power of the revolutionary formula is enough to cover the entire world.

Zhuo Bufan just completely weakened this power.

But even so, this power was completely irresistible to Jim Kane.

Seeing that Jin Kane was completely bound to the ground, Zhuo Bufan walked towards Jin Kane step by step.

It's time to take the Book of Sacrifice from his hands.

This is Zhuo Feifan's purpose.

Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate to use the power of the revolutionary formula in order to completely and absolutely suppress Kim Kane.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan walking towards him step by step, Jin Kane had an extremely ugly look on his face.

"Go away, go away!"

He was lying on the ground, and now he couldn't even do something as simple as clasping his hands and connecting to the arcane channel.

What ability does he have that can stop Zhuo Bufan?

"The Book of Sacrifice is mine, and none of you can take it away."

After Jim Kane finished speaking, he suddenly placed his hand on the cover of the book of sacrifice.

"Book of Sacrifice, in my name, sacrifice my left eye and give me the strength to get out of this predicament!"

At this moment, Jim Kane suddenly sacrificed his left eye to the book of sacrifice.

As soon as he finished speaking, countless black tentacles flew out from the book of sacrifice in the next second.

Those tentacles directly penetrated the socket of his left eye, and then dug out Jin Cain's left eyeball from the inside.


Jim Cain let out bursts of heart-rending screams in agony.

After all, having your eyes gouged out while alive would be extremely painful for anyone.

However, in order to gain greater power, he must endure such pain.

This is the Book of Sacrifice. The so-called Book of Sacrifice also follows the law of balance in this world.

In exchange of equal value, sacrifice one's own organs in exchange for more powerful power.

The previous Serena sacrificed her own blood, so the Book of Sacrifice gave Serena powerful black flames.

And if Jim Caine sacrifices his left eye, what kind of power will he gain?

Right after Jim Caine completely sacrificed his left eye to the Book of Sacrifice.

I saw that Jin Kane's body began to swell.

The muscles on his body began to inflate suddenly like a rubber ball, and then exploded.

Not only his muscles, but his body shape also completely changed from a human body, with hair all over his body, horns growing on his head, and a tail growing behind him. Fangs sprouted from its mouth and its fingers turned into claws.

The whole body also completely expanded and became as tall as a hill.

Zhuo Bufan was completely dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

He finally saw how terrifying the Book of Sacrifice was.

It can actually turn a human being into a monster.

Jim Cain obviously did not expect that the Book of Sacrifice would give him such a surprise.

"Behemoth, I didn't expect that I turned into Behemoth!"

"The strongest creature, Behemoth!"

"Hahahaha, Book of Sacrifice, you are worthy of being a sacred object in Famuli, and you have given me such a powerful power."

"I am Beamon, I am Beamon."

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that Jin Kane didn't seem to feel sad or angry because he turned from a human into a monster.

Instead, he became extremely excited.

Zhuo Bufan doesn't know that not everyone in this world is born to be a human being.

In this world, the human body is the most fragile.

Therefore, many people who are born as humans do not actually want to become human.

They want to have a strong body, they want to have a strong body.

And undoubtedly, the most powerful creature in the world is the Behemoth.

Therefore, having the body of a Behemoth is undoubtedly the most coveted ability for Jim Kane.

Jim Cain was excited and excited.

What a bargain it is to trade one eye for the body of the Behemoth!

"Great, this is great. Behemoth, I am now a Behemoth."

"Can you trap me? Ah!"

After Jin Cain finished speaking, he began to get up from the ground little by little.

Under the influence of more than a hundred times gravity, Jim Kane stood up.

When Zhuo Bufan saw Jin Kane, who transformed into a Behemoth beast, standing up little by little, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"So strong? He can still stand up even under a hundred times gravity."

After Jin Kane stood up, he looked like a hill, and Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a while.

"Hahahaha, boy, are you shocked?"

"This Book of Sacrifice is really powerful! Behemoth, the power that I never dreamed of, can be obtained so easily."

"Boy, I have the power of Behemoth, can you suppress me?"

With the power of the Behemoth, Jin Kane easily broke through Zhuo Bufan's gravity suppression.

This shows how terrifying the power of this behemoth is.

“This plug-in is a bit awesome!”

Zhuo Bufan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, not feeling panicked by the situation in front of him.

Instead, he looked at Jim Kane in front of him very calmly.

"The Book of Sacrifice is not in his hand?"

Zhuo Bufan discovered that perhaps Kim Kane was too complacent.

When he got up from the ground, he did not pick up the book of sacrifices on the ground.

This actually gave Zhuo Bufan a chance.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at it and found the book of sacrifice left by Jin Kane on the pit where Jin Kane was lying.

Zhuo Bufan immediately drew an arcane formula under his feet.

Then, a halo of light appeared below the book of sacrifice.

The next second, the Book of Sacrifice disappeared.

Before Jin Kane could recover, Zhuo Bufan suddenly clapped his hands on the ground.

The Book of Sacrifice instantly appeared in his hand.

Zhuo Bufan, who knew the Book of Sacrifice, disappeared instantly.

He used arcane magic to escape.

Not only that, Zhuo Bufan also took Serena away with him.


If you can't beat him, run away. Anyway, Zhuo Bufan and his team's current goal is not to defeat Jin Kane, but to get the Book of Sacrifice.

Now that he has obtained the Book of Sacrifice, there is no need to be entangled anymore.

After Zhuo Bufan escaped, Jin Kane finally realized that his book of sacrifice was taken away by Zhuo Bufan.

"You little beast, where can you run?"

After Jin Cain finished speaking, he smashed his fists on the ground, then jumped up and stepped dozens of meters away.

There was a roar, and the ground shook.

Worthy of being a Behemoth, this Jin Kane now has inexhaustible power all over his body.

Not only his physical strength, but Jin Cain also found that his arcane energy had also become larger.

He clapped his hands, activated the arcane spell, and then pulled out a hundred-meter-long sword from the earth.

Then, he started slashing wildly towards the ground, trying to catch Zhuo Bufan hiding underground.

"A mouse that hides its head and tail, can you run away?"

Now Jim Cain has completely exploded.

He once again unleashed a powerful arcane spell.

"Septic suffocation!"

When Jin Cain activated this arcane spell, Bufan and Serena, who were running away, let out a burst of screams at the same time.


Zhuo Bufan soon discovered that the blood in his body began to boil.

Immediately afterwards, he and Serena began to have difficulty breathing.

The two found that no matter how they breathed, their whole bodies would feel extremely numb.

Not only that, their seven orifices also started to bleed.

And the scary thing is that the blood flowing out of the seven orifices is not red.

"No, this guy has stripped all the iron elements from our bodies."

"Without iron, iron deficiency in hemoglobin affects oxygenation. No matter how much oxygen is inhaled, there will be a lack of oxygen."

"This guy actually has such a method."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Jin Kane had such a powerful killer move.

This move can be said to be impossible to guard against.

No matter how powerful the arcanist is in this world, he only has a mortal body.

They are ordinary physical bodies that need blood and oxygen.

If their physical bodies were directly destroyed, this would undoubtedly be quite terrifying and terrifying.

Jin Cain used his arcane power to strip away all the iron elements from Zhuo Bufan.

Let Zhuo Bufan fall into a state of suffocation.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan has the Bu Tian Stone.

The Bu Tian Stone can continuously make up for the iron elements that Zhuo Bufan lost.

However, the Bu Tian Stone can only save one person at a time. Zhuo Bufan saved himself, but he couldn't save Selena.

Seeing Selena curled up on the ground, she was about to be tortured to death.

Zhuo Bufan quickly handed the Bu Tian Stone to Selena to help her survive this disaster.

"No, if this goes on, one of us will definitely die."

The current situation is a bit dangerous.

Zhuo Bufan and Selena are now like two people diving into the sea, and now there is only one oxygen tank.

The two of them have to use the Bu Tian Stone back and forth to make up for the iron elements that disappeared in their bodies.

But sooner or later the oxygen will run out, and sooner or later they will die.

The only way to get out of the dilemma is to kill Jin Kane, the instigator.

"There is no way out!"

Zhuo Bufan realized that he had no way out now.

He suddenly covered his left eye with his left hand, and then placed his right hand on the Book of Sacrifice.

Then, Zhuo Bufan suddenly said.

"In my name, sacrifice my left eye. Give me the power to get out of trouble."

Since Jin Kane can use the Book of Sacrifice to gain powerful power to get rid of the influence of gravity.

Then Zhuo Bufan can also use the Book of Sacrifice to get rid of the current situation.

Sure enough, the next second, several black tentacles flew out from the Book of Sacrifice, and then drilled into Zhuo Bufan's left eye.

Then, the black tentacles dug out Zhuo Bufan's left eyeball alive.


Zhuo Bufan endured the heart-wrenching pain and let out a series of low roars.

Accompanied by the left eyeball being taken away by the Book of Sacrifice.

Not long after, a ray of light flew out from the Book of Sacrifice and drilled into Zhuo Bufan's body.

Seeing this scene, Jin Kane suddenly became anxious.

"No, we can't let him sacrifice."

Jin Kane knew how terrible the Book of Sacrifice was.

He had obtained the power of the Behemoth from the Book of Sacrifice!

However, it was too late for Jin Kane to stop Zhuo Bufan.

Because the next second, when he stepped out.

His entire feet sank into the muddy ground.

The ground under his feet turned into a swamp without him knowing when.


Jin Kane was stunned.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

Then, Jin Kane suddenly felt a sharp pain in his feet.

It felt like putting his feet in concentrated sulfuric acid and corroding them instantly.


Jin Kane immediately released the septic suffocation arcane.

This arcane is a continuous arcane. Other arcanes cannot be used while using this arcane.

Once other arcanes are used, septic suffocation will automatically disappear.

In order to prevent his feet from rotting, Jin Kane immediately released the septic suffocation spell.

At the same time, he released the indestructible golden body spell.

When he released the septic suffocation spell, Zhuo Bufan and Selina finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then their blood and qi were quickly restored by the heaven-repairing stone.

And then, the real decisive battle officially began.

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