Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1420 The planned utopia

Zhuo Bufan sacrificed his left eye and obtained a powerful power called the Corrupted Earth from the Book of Sacrifice.

Just like Selina's flame turned into black flame, Zhuo Bufan's earth element power also changed qualitatively.

The Corrupted Earth power obtained by Zhuo Bufan can add a kind of corrupt power to the earth element power that was originally only used for defense.

This corrupt power is not a simple corrosion, but a power that can wither all life.

Fallen leaves return to their roots and turn into mud is a corruption.

The weathering of stubborn stones into sand is a corruption.

Steel rusts and turns into dust is a corruption.

Even light falls into darkness, it is also a corruption.

Corruption is a transformation of energy, zeroing, devouring, degeneration, decay, corruption, etc., all of which are corruption.

The power of corruption can be used to control, attack, and defend.

The most powerful thing about the earth element is that it can integrate everything.

So the earth element that integrates the power of corruption becomes extremely terrifying.

Even Jin Kane, who used the golden body, could not resist the corrosion of Zhuo Bufan's corrupted earth.

Soon, Jin Kane's golden body began to decay under the corrosion of the corrupted soil.

Although his Behemoth body was powerful, he could not move at all in the face of the sinkhole swamp formed by the powerful corrupted soil.

"What's going on? All the metal elements in the earth have disappeared!"

What shocked Jin Kane even more was that there was not a single metal element in the earth within a radius of ten miles.

All the metal elements disappeared.

Without metal elements, how can he use arcane?

The basis of arcane is these basic elements!

Now, let alone metal elements, even other elements such as water, wood, and fire have disappeared.

In other words, now there is only earth element left in the earth within a radius of ten miles.

That's right, the strongest power of the corrupted soil is to make all elements within the range corrupt into the ultimate earth element.

In other words, within this range, all arcane masters can only use earth element arcane.

Although Jin Kane knows some earth element arcane, they are all very earth-level arcane.

Zhuo Bufan in front of him was a being who had mastered the twelfth-level god-level earth elemental arcane.

"Earth quicksand, bury it!"

Zhuo Bufan clapped his hands on the ground, and the next second the corrupted soil under Jin Kane's feet began to turn into a muddy quicksand swamp.

The black fluid desert vortex instantly swallowed Jin Kane.

"Despair Tombstone, suppress!"

Zhuo Bufan used the god-level arcane again, and the corrupted soil around Jin Kane, who was buried in the earth, began to turn into rocks harder than steel.

Then Jin Kane's Behemoth body was trapped in the earth.

Not only that, a three-meter-high black obelisk was erected on the ground to suppress Jin Kane below.

Zhuo Bufan, who had completed all this, slowly exhaled.

He won, won the battle, and buried the arrogant Jin Kane under the earth.

It must be said that this battle was both exciting and difficult.

Zhuo Bufan paid the price of a left eye for this.

Sacrificing a left eye in exchange for the powerful power of the corrupted soil, Zhuo Bufan didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan would not suffer too much loss.

After all, his Bu Tian Stone could help him repair the lost eye.

Zhuo Bufan took out the Bu Tian Stone and placed it in front of his left eye.

Then, the Bu Tian Stone seemed to understand Zhuo Bufan's intention, and began to release a soft light, and then drilled into Zhuo Bufan's empty eye socket.

Soon, an eyeball slowly grew in Zhuo Bufan's eye socket.

Selena, who was standing by, saw this scene and showed an incredible look.

"My lord, what kind of stone is this? It's so magical that it can break the rule of equivalent exchange in this world."

Selena knew that everything in this world must follow equivalent exchange.

Even the Book of Sacrifice is the same.

If you want to obtain the power in the Book of Sacrifice, you must use your organs as an exchange and sacrifice it.

But the sky-repairing stone in Zhuo Bufan's hand can repair the lost things out of thin air, completely breaking the rule of equivalent exchange.

That's why Selina was surprised.

However, Zhuo Bufan shook his head after hearing it.

"I don't think it can break the rule of equivalent exchange."

"It consumes the power stored in it to repair the lost things."

"I can feel that there is not much power stored in it."

Zhuo Bufan knew that the sky-repairing stone came from the sky-repairing technique.

And the origin of the sky-repairing technique comes from a very magical sky-repairing energy.

Zhuo Bufan can accumulate this sky-repairing energy by practicing the sky-repairing technique.

However, in this world, he cannot practice the sky-repairing technique.

The stone in his hand was not created by himself, but by Meng Chanyi.

Zhuo Bufan guessed that Meng Chanyi must have practiced the sky-repairing technique in other ways, and combined it with the mysteries of this world to create this sky-repairing stone.

However, the energy in this sky-repairing stone has been exhausted after a space travel and reaching the world of cultivation.

Now that the Heaven-Repairing Stone has been repaired several times by Zhuo Bufan and Selina, there is almost no power left in the stone.

The remaining energy can only repair Zhuo Bufan's left eye.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan now has to do a very important thing, which is to find a way to make the Heaven-Repairing Stone accumulate Heaven-Repairing Energy as soon as possible.

However, Zhuo Bufan has no idea what the nature of the Heaven-Repairing Energy in the Heaven-Repairing Stone is.

The Heaven-Repairing Technique he practiced back then was actually incomplete.

The Heaven-Repairing Technique that Zhuo Bufan practiced was taught to him by Meng Chanyi.

Zhuo Bufan actually doesn't understand the nature of the Heaven-Repairing Technique at all.

It's like a bottle of ink that can be used for writing.

Meng Chanyi directly gave Zhuo Bufan a bottle of infinitely regenerated ink, but she didn't tell Zhuo Bufan how the ink was made.

Zhuo Bufan only has the power to use the Heaven-Repairing Technique, and he doesn't know what the real source of the power of the Heaven-Repairing Technique is.

And the only ones who know the real source of the power of the Heaven-Repairing Technique may be Meng Chanyi and Wahuang.

However, Zhuo Bufan is also a practitioner of the Heaven Repairing Art. He believes that he can find the real source of the Heaven Repairing Art's power.

The most urgent task is not to find a way to replenish the energy of the Heaven Repairing Stone.

Instead, he took the Book of Sacrifice and rushed back to the Famri Alliance.

After Zhuo Bufan completely repaired his left eye with the Heaven Repairing Stone, the Heaven Repairing Stone finally lost its last glimmer.

The whole stone completely turned into an ordinary stone.

Zhuo Bufan could not feel a trace of energy in the Heaven Repairing Stone.

The Heaven Repairing Stone is temporarily unusable.

Next, Zhuo Bufan and Selena took the Book of Sacrifice and quickly rushed back to the Alliance.

On the way, Zhuo Bufan had doubts and asked Selena.

"Selena, tell me, do you really plan to use the power of the Book of Sacrifice?"

"You should know that the Book of Sacrifice will only make you lose the most important thing."

Zhuo Bufan and Selena have both experienced the pain of sacrifice, so he knows that if he wants to obtain the power of the Book of Sacrifice, he must first endure unimaginable pain.

Not only that, but you will also lose a part of yourself.

This is the price of gaining power.

After hearing this, Selina may have known that Zhuo Bufan would ask this question sooner or later, so she said to Zhuo Bufan.

"I have already told everyone this."

"They are willing to sacrifice everything they have to gain the power to restore their country."

"So, even if it means sacrificing their lives, they will not hesitate."

"The Book of Sacrifice may make us disabled or even deprive us of our lives. However, it can give us the power to restore our country."

"So we will definitely win this war."

"My lord, you saw that Jin Kane only sacrificed one of his eyes and gained the power of the Behemoth."

"If all of us in the Famri can become Behemoths, then the day of restoring our country is just around the corner."

Selina now knows the consequences, and she has told all the Famri people.

The Famri people have long been aware that even if they become disabled, they must gain powerful power.

They don't want to be slaves of the world anymore. They want to restore their country, they want to take back Yundu, they want a revolution, and they want to build their own empire.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help shaking his head after listening to Selina's words.

"I remember you told me that your Famri Alliance Army now has about 200,000 people. But your opponent, the Ex Empire, has 5 million national defense troops alone."

"Do you really think that after 300,000 people have obtained the power of the Book of Sacrifice, they can defeat the Ex people who are dozens of times more powerful than you?"

"What's more, Ex is not just an army, they also have the temple you fear the most. There are hundreds of arcane masters in the temple."

"You have also seen the power of these arcane masters. Just one Jin Kane almost killed you and me."

"So from what I see, even if you have obtained the power of the Book of Sacrifice, it may not be easy to restore your country."

Zhuo Bufan is just an outsider, using the perspective of a bystander to help Selina and others analyze the upcoming holy war.

After hearing this, Selena smiled brightly at Zhuo Bufan.

"So, we need your strength!"

"I said, you are the key to this holy war. Only you can lead all of us Famri people to win the final victory."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"You mean, the revolutionary formula?"

Zhuo Bufan seemed to understand what Selena meant.

"Speak clearly, what is your real plan?"

Zhuo Bufan actually still doesn't know what Selena and the others will plan.

But it is undeniable that Zhuo Bufan must be the most important part of this plan.

Selena looked at Zhuo Bufan and finally stopped hiding it, and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"At this point, there is nothing to hide."

"As the most important part of our battle, you should know our plan."

"Our plan is very simple. Before the holy war begins, you need to use the revolutionary formula to change the gravity of the entire world."

"The teacher has long told us that his revolutionary formula can change the gravity of the world."

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply after hearing this.

"So what if I change the world's gravity? This change in gravity is the same for all living things in the world. Including you Famri people."

"At that time, all life in the world may undergo drastic changes due to changes in gravity."

"And I'm telling you, I'm not going to change the gravity of the world. That would have to come at the cost of my life."

"With my current power, I can only change the gravity within a thousand miles radius at most."

"Finally, I think with your current small number, what will happen even if the country is restored? Have you ever thought about it, after the country is restored, people from other countries will invade you."

"You'll just perish in the war."

What Zhuo Bufan said may be a bit unpleasant, but there is no doubt that he is concerned about Famri's Brunei.

After hearing this, Serena nodded excitedly.

"That's enough. Our jihad battlefield in Famri isn't that big anyway. As long as it can cover the entire jihad battlefield, it's enough."

"After you change the gravity of the battlefield, we will obtain the hereditary power to adapt to gravity from the Book of Sacrifice."

"For example, turn into a Behemoth!"

"At that time, except for us Famuri people who can move around the battlefield, other lives, even arcanists, can only become prey to be slaughtered."

"We can defeat the Aixians without destroying them and take back our empire."

"From now on, we Famuri people will live in the gravity field created by you."

"That will be our new country. This is Lord Gain's plan."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned after hearing what Serena said.

He finally understood why Gein had developed such a revolutionary formula that changed gravity.

He originally wanted to use this revolutionary formula to create an empire suitable for the survival of the Famuli people!

From the Book of Sacrifice, the Famri gained the hereditary power to adapt to gravity.

In this way, except for the Famri who can live in the gravity field created by themselves, no other race of life will be able to survive in this space.

The Famri people want to use this method to re-establish the Famri Empire.

In this way, after the Famri Empire is re-established, they don't even have to fear invasion from other countries.

In the end, the Famri Empire will last forever.

I have to say, this is really a very great idea and plan.

Everything Zhuo Bufan had worried about before, after hearing this plan, he found that everything was no longer a problem.

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the dead Ge En.

From the very beginning, he had already had the awareness of his own death.

For the future of the Famri Empire, he was not afraid of death, and through unremitting efforts, he created a great revolutionary formula.

Revolutionary formula, the power that can change the basic laws of this world.

Such a power that can change the world, but he just wants to use it to build a country that belongs to their Famuli.

"My lord, now you know our plan."

"Selena is here to ask you to help us."

Serena knelt down towards Zhuo Bufan.

In this plan, Zhuo Bufan's existence is the most important.

Without Zhuo Bufan, they Famuli people would not be able to build their own ideal land.

They need an extraordinary revolutionary formula, and they need a revolutionary formula to build a brand new home for them.

Zhuo Bufan hesitated and thought for a moment before replying.

"Don't worry, since I have promised you, I will keep my word."

"I will build your Utopia in Famuli for you!"

Zhuo Bufan said, covering his chest.

At that moment, he found that his blood began to boil with inexplicable excitement.

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