Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1421 The Eve of the Holy War

After Zhuo Bufan learned about Serena's jihad plan, he finally decided to do his best to help these people who longed to have their own home and build a home of their own.

According to the plan, Zhuo Bufan, Serena and the others rushed back to the temporary base in Famri immediately after obtaining the Book of Sacrifice.

When they arrived at the base, they found that the base was located in a huge valley.

Nearly 300,000 Famuli people came one after another from the outside world.

These Famuli people are all from all over the world.

They all have the same dream, dreaming of building their own empire.

"Selena, you're back."

Seeing Serena returning, several elders ran over quickly.

Serena asked quickly when she saw this.

"Grandma Sydney, what's going on now? So is everyone here?"

The elder, whom Serena respectfully called Grandma Sydney, held a staff and said to Serena in front of her.

"Go back to Princess, everyone is here."

"Everyone's enthusiasm is very high now, and everyone is aware of it. They are willing to sacrifice for the holy war and the empire at any time."

"Everyone is waiting for you in the valley now. Let's go quickly!"

After hearing this, Serena followed the elders and walked towards the high platform of the valley.

Seeing Serena's arrival, everyone started cheering.

"It's the princess. Your Highness, they are back."

"Princess, lead us to take back the empire!"

"Princess, I have been waiting for this moment for more than ten years. Let us regain our country."

Serena was very excited when she heard the impassioned voices from the crowd.

However, Zhuo Bufan frowned as he walked through the crowd.

Because he saw that there were not only young men and women in the crowd, but also many old, weak, sick and disabled, old people and children.

Those elders, some of them even have some difficulty walking.

And those children, some were only three or four years old, with extremely childish smiles on their faces.

Are they really ready?

Do they really understand what fate will await them next?

Sacrifice a part of your body and gain the strength to adapt to gravity at the cost of disability.

Zhuo Bufan felt very uncomfortable looking at those young faces.

If they had a choice, how could these children want to become disabled?

They have no choice, they just want to live in a home that belongs only to them without being bullied by others.

The childish face has a pair of firm eyes.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan strengthened his determination in his heart.

At this time, Serena walked onto the platform, and then she held the book of sacrifice in her hand and said.

"Everyone, we have obtained the Book of Sacrifice, the heirloom treasure of Famuli and the sacred weapon of the country."

"I ask you, are you ready?"

After Serena finished speaking, everyone in the audience began to shout loudly.

"Always be prepared to sacrifice for your country."

"Always be prepared to sacrifice yourself."

After hearing this, Serena slowly opened the book of sacrifice in her hand.

Suddenly, a terrifying black power emerged from the book of sacrifice.

"Everyone, make a wish! Make a wish with me and ask the Book of Sacrifice to grant us the body and genes to survive under dozens of times gravity."

After Serena finished speaking, she clasped her hands together and was the first to make a wish.

Soon, several tentacle-like black hands flew out from the Book of Sacrifice and grabbed Serena's right hand.

The moment she was touched by the black tentacles, Serena's right arm began to be slowly torn off.


Amidst a burst of painful screams, Serena's entire right arm was completely torn off by the black tentacles, and then dragged into the Book of Sacrifice.

At the same time, a ray of light flew out from the Book of Sacrifice and fell on Serena.

Immediately afterwards, Serena discovered that there was an invisible energy in her body.

Under the transformation of this energy, her body seemed to have changed.

Both the internal organs inside the body and the skin outside the body seem to become stronger and more resistant to stress.

This power may not be as strong as the Behemoth, but it is enough for her to survive freely in a gravity-driven environment.

This is the power Serena wants to gain most right now!

When Zhuo Bufan saw this scene, he snapped his fingers at Serena.

Suddenly, a force of ten times the gravity fell on Serena.


At that moment, even the entire stone platform began to tremble.

However, Serena still stood there, seemingly not affected much.

"Can you still bear it?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Serena and said.

After hearing this, Serena nodded and said.

"Okay, sir, you can continue to increase the gravity. I want to see the endurance limit of this body."

Serena wanted to test the endurance of her new body.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Okay, tell me if you can't stand it anymore. Although your body is strong, it shouldn't be as good as the Behemoth."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he began to increase the gravity.

Twelve times, fifteen times, twenty times, twenty-five times, thirty times, forty times!

It was not until the end, when Zhuo Bufan raised the gravity to fifty times, that Serena felt some difficulty in breathing.

After some experiments, Serena determined that her current body could withstand about fifty times the gravity.

It would be dangerous to go higher.

"Yes, sir, we can create an empire suitable only for us Famuri people to survive."

"Forty times, please create an empire with forty times the gravity for me."

After weighing the pros and cons, Serena finally decided to let Zhuo Bufan establish a new country with gravity maintained at forty times the normal gravity.

If it is only forty times, Zhuo Bufan should be able to create a small country with an area of ​​100,000 square kilometers with all his strength.

A country of 100,000 square kilometers is not big, and it can even be regarded as a very small country in this world.

But for the Famuri people, a small country of 100,000 square kilometers is enough.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"No problem, I promise you."

Since Zhuo Bufan has decided to help the Famuri people build a country, he must do what he says.

After hearing this, Selena excitedly shouted to the 300,000 people below.

"Everyone, did you hear that? We are about to have our own country."

"Everyone, for our country, let's contribute our strength!"

After Selena finished speaking, everyone present put their hands together and made their wishes to the Book of Sacrifice in the air.

For a moment, countless black tentacles flew out from the Book of Sacrifice.

These tentacles fell on people and began to deprive them of their hands and feet.


"I'm not afraid of pain, I'm not afraid of pain!"

"Sacrifice my leg and give me strength!"

"Sacrifice my eyes, I want to get more powerful strength."

During the sacrifice process, there were pieces of wailing everywhere.

There were heartbreaking screams everywhere.

Zhuo Bufan stood on the platform and looked at this scene in shock.

These people sacrificed part of their bodies without thinking in exchange for more power.

Some people even sacrificed too many organs in exchange for more powerful power and died on the spot.

After all, this is the simplest and most direct way for ordinary people to gain power.

So some people will inevitably be blinded by this power, causing themselves to fall into an abyss that cannot be redeemed.

"Everyone, don't be greedy, stop when you have enough."

"As long as we have a strong body, we will be able to win this holy war."

"Only by staying alive can we succeed. Only then can we restore the country."

Selina controlled the situation in time, and more people began to follow her instructions, just stopping at getting a part of the power from the book of sacrifice that was enough to survive under forty times the gravity.

Soon, the sacrifice ceremony ended.

The book of sacrifice dragged all the sacrifices of everyone back into the book.

At the same time, it gave the power that these people exchanged for the sacrifices to everyone present.

After a while, some people in the audience began to cheer.

"Power, I have gained great power."

"Awesome, is this what power feels like? I feel like I can kill a bear with one punch now."

"Look at me, I can jump more than ten meters high at once, is this still me?"

"My body is so light, but I feel so strong. The power I gained at the cost of an eye is really great."

"Speed, strength, physique, genes! Now we are finally no longer a weak race."

"Great, this is simply great."

Cheers came from the crowd one after another.

It can be seen that everyone is very happy.

Although this sacrifice made them lose part of their bodies.

But they gained more powerful power because of it, and for them, it was all worth it.

Even Selina shed crystal tears after seeing this scene.

"This is a great sacrifice, and it is also a great revolution."

"We will definitely succeed, and we will definitely build a country of our own."

Selina was very excited.

Now they are all disabled.

But they have a complete heart.

They want a complete family and a complete country.

"Now I declare that the holy war will begin in three days."

Selena finally stood on the platform and issued a declaration of holy war to the 300,000 Famuri people below.

Three days later, this race that had been enslaved for decades finally decided to start a holy war to take back their own territory.

Zhuo Bufan said nothing about this and didn't say much.

He would not join this holy war.

There was only one thing he had to do, which was to create the battlefield for the entire holy war.

This battlefield will become the future territory of Famuri.

In the tent, Selena took a huge map and placed it on the table, then took a huge compass and drew a circle on the map.

"Look, sir, this is the battlefield of the holy war we planned."

"The center point is Yundu, which we visited before. Yundu was originally the imperial capital of our Famuri."

"Now that we have restored our country, we naturally have to use Yundu as the center battlefield."

"So for the battlefield of the holy war, we decided to take Yundu as the center and then cover the six cities of Ex."

"I roughly calculated that this range should be 120,000 square kilometers. Can your revolutionary formula achieve full coverage?"

The holy war is about to begin.

Now everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

The key to the success of this holy war depends on whether Zhuo Bufan's revolutionary formula can cover the battlefield.

Zhuo Bufan does not need to participate in the battle in this holy war.

However, he must create a battlefield for this holy war, which is his mission and task.

After listening to Selena's words, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

Then he looked at the map in front of him, and then stretched out his hand and placed it on the map paper.

"120,000 square kilometers? I'll try, I should be able to do it."

Zhuo Bufan naturally has no doubt about the ability of his revolutionary formula.

The upper limit of the revolutionary formula can cover the whole world.

So a mere 120,000 square kilometers should be no problem.

Selena said excitedly after hearing this.

"That's great."

"Let's do this. We'll set off tomorrow and return to Yundu to prepare the revolutionary formula."

"Brother Furen, each of you will send 50,000 troops. After the revolutionary formula on the adults' side is activated, you will go to these six cities and liberate the six cities that originally belonged to our Famli."

"After the holy war begins, this land will return to our Famli."

"At that time, I will announce the founding of the country to the surrounding countries as the princess of the Famli Empire."

"Only success is allowed in the battlefield, not failure. Do you understand?"


At Selena's request, everyone present was full of confidence.

Once the holy war begins, it means that their Famli Empire will rise again.

This battle will also be the opening battle of their Famli Empire.

After arranging everything properly, Selena followed Zhuo Bufan and returned to Yundu again to prepare the revolutionary formula.

For Zhuo Bufan, the revolutionary formula does not actually need to be prepared, he can start it at any time.

But Zhuo Bufan hesitated at this moment.

Because once he launches the revolutionary formula, all life within a radius of 100,000 kilometers may not be able to withstand this strong pressure, and eventually explode and die.

There are not only the Famuri people on this land, but also many other lives.

The change in gravity will have a very serious impact on the ecology of this land.

At that time, can the Famuri people really survive on this land?

Zhuo Bufan told Selina about his doubts.

Obviously, Selina and the others had thought about this problem a long time ago.

"Don't worry, sir. We Famuri people have not done nothing in these years."

"We have invented a new genetic grain that can survive under strong pressure. There will be no problem in ensuring the basic survival of our Famuri people."

"In addition, we have opened up dozens of meat markets. After the establishment of the country, we will not close the country and will still open up trade routes with the outside world."

"The most important thing is that my teacher told me that his revolutionary formula will directly and permanently change the gravity within the range. But other rules will not change."

"In other words, within this range, we can also use arcane."

"As long as we can use arcane, we can use scientific arcane to rebuild a new home."

After listening to some of Selina's words, Zhuo Bufan knew that he was worrying too much.

After that, he stopped asking questions and just waited for the day of the holy war.


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