Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1422 The Power of Faith

Three days passed as expected.

The holy war led by Famri was just beginning.

Zhuo Bufan, of course, was the first to activate the much-anticipated revolutionary formula - Elegy of the Earth!

Revolutionary formulas often cost one's life to activate arcane formulas that are powerful enough to change the rules of the world.

However, this cost of life is controllable.

As long as Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to really die, he can control the activation of this revolutionary formula within his tolerance range.

To release a large-scale revolutionary formula, one needs to use one's own blood as a medium, and then use mental power to guide the blood to condense the formula.

Under the traction of Zhuo Bufan's mental power, his blood began to outline the prototype of the formula in the air.

As the formula continued to improve, the entire earth began to make a wailing rumbling sound.

It was as if a door to hell had been opened, knocking on the countless resentful spirits behind the door.

The strange singing came to his ears, and the entire crust began to tremble.

Zhuo Bufan finally understood why this revolutionary formula was called Elegy of the Earth.

When this formula is activated, the whole earth will cry out in grief.

With the opening of the elegy prelude, the gravity of the space began to increase little by little.

The heavy feeling coming from under the feet made people feel that the earth was conquered by a powerful force.

Soon, this sense of gravity began to spread and diffuse.

With Zhuo Bufan as the center, a black sphere that continued to expand outward was formed.

The gravity in this black sphere began to increase continuously.

At this rate, in less than a day, Zhuo Bufan's revolutionary formula will be able to cover an area within 120,000 square kilometers.

At that time, Famri can go to war in full force, and this holy war will definitely win without a fight.

As the gravity field continues to expand, the life in the field begins to flee outward under this gravity catastrophe.

The beasts have a keen intuition.

When they saw the black energy shield spreading towards them, they flew and ran.

Seeing the beasts flee in panic.

Many humans also began to take their gifts and flee outside the circle.

Although many people did not know what had happened, they knew that a terrible disaster was about to come.

As the gravity field expanded, more and more lives joined the battle for survival.

The only ones who could survive this catastrophe were the Famri people who had just gained gravity adaptability from the Book of Sacrifice.

When the gravity field was opened, the Famri army had already launched an offensive against the six cities within the range.

The garrisons of several cities fled on the spot.

Another city even became an empty city.

After all, under this forty times gravity, ordinary people even had difficulty breathing, let alone fighting.

Those who fled slowly might die on the spot in this catastrophe.

Fortunately, this gravity field did not spread endlessly.

It eventually spread to the edge of a large river and stopped.

When it stopped, the gravity inside began to increase continuously.

In less than two days, the gravity in the entire field completely reached forty times gravity.

Suddenly, a huge black energy ball appeared on the entire continent.

It was like a black pearl, embedded in the earth.

The appearance of this black energy ball shocked the entire continent.

The Holy Court of the Ex Empire immediately sent dozens of arcane masters to investigate the "black pearl" on the earth.

After a field investigation, the arcane masters were shocked to find that this black pearl was actually the revolutionary formula.

This result was extremely shocking.

"What? Revolutionary formula? Could it be the revolutionary formula of that guy Gain?"

In the Ex Temple, when the head of the temple heard that the "black pearl" was the revolutionary formula they were looking for, he was so angry that he trembled all over.

"Impossible, impossible!"

"According to the news I received, Gain should have died."

"Is he not dead?"

"Not good, Gain is not dead, and he has started a war with his own revolutionary style."

"Revolution can change the rules of the world. Does this guy want to unify the world?"

"No, this matter must be notified to His Majesty as soon as possible."

The head of the temple realized that this matter might change the pattern of the continent.

So he went to the imperial capital in person as soon as possible to discuss this matter with the emperor.

However, when the head of the temple arrived at the imperial palace, he saw a group of Famuri people standing in the hall.

"Famuri people? Your Majesty, what's going on?"

The head of the temple saw a group of Famuri people standing in the hall, and they were either missing arms or legs.

A group of disabled Famuri people dared to stand in the hall and stand with the honorable emperor of the Ex Empire.

"Your Majesty, what's going on?"

"Why are the Famuri standing in this holy temple?"

In the eyes of the head of this temple, the palace hall is sacred.

The Famuri people are not worthy of being here.

The Famuri people are all dirty reptiles. Let alone the palace, they can't even appear in the imperial capital.

However, the emperor of Aix could not refuse the arrival of this group of Famri people.

Because they claim to be the envoys of the Famri Empire.

When the two armies are fighting, the envoy will not be killed.

In this world, envoys have absolute rights to meet the emperor.

Emperor Aix informed the temple master of the identity of this group of Famri people.

After hearing this, the headmaster of the temple suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, the Famuli Empire? Your Famuli people's empire was wiped out by us Aix twenty years ago. Where did you get your empire from?"

The head of the mission of Famri, wearing a blindfold, looked at the temple leader in front of him, and then said.

"Yes, our Famri Empire disappeared from this world twenty years ago."

"But starting today, our new empire will be re-established."

"We are here this time to warn you about the Famri Empire."

"The world inside the Black Pearl is our new empire, the new Farmri!"

"We are not afraid of fighting, but we also love peace."

"Ax insists on fighting, so let's do it!"

The head of the mission of Famri came here specifically to announce to the Aix Empire the founding of their country Famri.

Yes, today is Famri’s founding ceremony.

Two days, the jihad took only two days from start to finish.

This speed was so fast that the people in the Ax Empire did not even react.

Now, in the huge black pearl world, under forty times the gravity, no other life can survive here except the Famri people.

Famri officially liberated the world inside the Black Pearl within two days.

On that day, Famuli's flag was flying high over the imperial palace in Yundu.

"We made it!"

"We really succeeded."

"Great Famri, we are back."

Under the influence of gravity, Yundu has fallen from a suspended city to the earth.

However, Serena and all the Famuli people still decided to regard Yundu as their new imperial capital.

At present, all the Famuli people will live in Yundu. When the Famuli people become stronger and stronger, they will spread outside.

The Famuli people have experienced too many hardships, and now they have become more united.

In the central square of Yundu, all the Famuli people had excited smiles on their faces.

"We won, we finally won."

"Long live Famri, long live Famri!"

"Long live Famri, long live Famri!"

"Long live Famri, long live Famri!"

Everyone was shouting long live Famri, but Serena, who was standing on the podium, couldn't say anything for a long time.

After a long time, when people's excitement subsided slightly, Serena said.

"Everyone, this victory is hard-won."

"Everyone here has made a sacrifice."

"But today, our new Famri Empire has been re-established."

"Here, I want to say to everyone present, thank you."

"We wouldn't have made it without you."

Serena stood on the podium and bowed to everyone present.

Seeing this scene, everyone responded to Serena.

"Your Highness, you gave us all this."

"Yes, Your Highness, without you, we would never have succeeded."

"Long live Her Royal Highness the Princess, long live Her Royal Highness the Princess."

The excited Famuri people began to cheer for their princess.

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly when he saw this scene.

He knew that after this war was over, the princess of Famri in front of him would become the next king of Famri.

A brand new Famri Empire will be established from this moment on.

Zhuo Bufan was naturally happy about this.

It can be seen that Serena has won the hearts of the people and everyone loves her very much.

Zhuo Bufan believes that Serena will be able to become an outstanding emperor in the future.

After all, he founded the Famli Empire with his own hands, so Zhuo Bufan hoped more than anyone else that this empire could last for a long time.

"It's time to leave!"

For Zhuo Bufan, he has stayed here long enough.

Next, he should not linger any longer.

He must embark on the road to find Meng Chanyi and the Lord of Time.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was thinking about what kind of opportunity he should find to say goodbye to Serena and the others.

Suddenly, Serena, who was preaching at the podium, turned around and looked at Zhuo Bufan.

"Everyone, actually the person you should thank the most is not me."

"You all know that we were able to succeed this time because of one person."

"It was him who built a homeland where we can survive. It was he who allowed us to take back our country without bloodshed."

"It can be said that without him, we would never have been able to succeed."

"Everyone, I hope all of you will remember him, remember this man, who brought us all this."

“Without him, there would be no new Famori for us.”

After Serena finished speaking, she suddenly turned around and knelt down on one knee towards Zhuo Bufan.

At that moment, everyone present held their breath.

Afterwards, all the Famuli people in the entire Yundu City followed Serena and knelt down towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he saw this scene.

"Selena, what are you doing?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the woman in front of him and seemed a little caught off guard.

Selena said very calmly.

"When you decided to help us build a new country, we all decided that you would be the future emperor of the new country."

"You are the monarch of our new country, so everyone, follow me to pay homage to the monarch. Long live the monarch, long live the monarch!"

Selena led everyone to cheer.

Zhuo Bufan looked at this scene with a confused face.

"Monarch? When did I say I wanted to be your monarch?"

Selena's sudden attack on him was something he never expected.

Selena seemed to know that Zhuo Bufan would refuse, so he looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"King, this world was built by you, and only you can lead us to move forward."

"So please don't refuse, this is the honor you deserve."

"If you don't believe me, look at everyone. Everyone hopes that you can continue to lead us forward!"

Zhuo Bufan followed Selina's twilight and looked back at the square below.

On the square, everyone knelt down.

The Famri people are grateful people. Zhuo Bufan helped them build a new country, and they are willing to worship Zhuo Bufan as the emperor.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan suddenly found that the Bu Tian Stone in his arms had moved.

He took out the Bu Tian Stone and took a look, and found that the Bu Tian Stone was slowly condensing particles of white light.

"Is this the energy of the Bu Tian Stone?"

"What's going on? The Bu Tian Stone is actually absorbing this energy."

"What kind of energy is this?"

Zhuo Bufan was very surprised. He didn't expect that he would accidentally discover the energy source of the Bu Tian Stone at this time.

All along, Zhuo Bufan has been trying to find the energy essence of the Bu Tian Stone.

Where does the energy of the Bu Tian Stone come from?

Zhuo Bufan originally wanted to slowly search and think about this problem after leaving Famli.

But he didn't expect that he would find the energy source of the Bu Tian Stone so quickly.

"How is it possible? How could the Bu Tian Stone suddenly absorb this power?"

"Could it be?"

"Just when he was doubtful, his eyes suddenly lit up and he found something."

Then, Zhuo Bufan took out the Bu Tian Stone in front of everyone.

When he took out the Bu Tian Stone, he suddenly found that the energy absorbed by the Bu Tian Stone came from the souls of everyone present.

From the top of everyone's head, a bunch of pure white photons condensed.

These photons slowly gathered towards the Bu Tian Stone in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

The Bu Tian Stone, which had no energy, began to glow.

"That's right, absolutely right, the energy of the Bu Tian Stone comes from faith!"

"The Bu Tian Stone has the power to repair the sky by absorbing the faith of others. The most essential source of power of the Bu Tian Stone is faith!"

Zhuo Bufan finally understood what the essential power of the Bu Tian Stone is.

The power of faith can make up for everything.

The power of faith can make up for the shortcomings of the sky.

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