Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 143 Invitation from the Star Palace [10-4, please subscribe]

When Zhuo Bufan returned to Peony Garden, he found a man standing outside his door, pacing around.

When he walked in, he saw that it was Duan Xinghe who came from nowhere.

"Lao Duan!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted, he had just been promoted to the Immortal Ascension Realm, his soul was relatively weak, so his breath seemed a little unstable, and his face looked very pale.

Upon being called out by Zhuo Bufan, Duan Xinghe quickly raised his head and looked at Zhuo Bufan.

"Lao Zhuo, I finally found you."

Duan Xinghe took the initiative to greet him. Seeing Zhuo Bufan's bad expression, he asked in surprise.

"What did you do? You're so weak. Did you just come out of some girl's boudoir?"

"Come on, go in and talk! Don't you have something to tell me in person?"

Zhuo Bufan led Duan Xinghe into the room, and then the door was closed tightly, and the two sat across from each other on the coffee table.

"Lao Zhuo, your soul seems to be stronger. Did you go to practice just now?"

Duan Xinghe has not yet revealed the purpose of his visit, but is only concerned about Zhuo Bufan's condition.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at Duan Xinghe, and then thought: "You can't hide it anyway. Sooner or later, you will be discovered if you go to Yunmeng Realm."

So Zhuo Bufan opened his mouth and replied: "Yes, I have just been promoted to the Immortal Ascension Realm."

As soon as these words came out, Duan Xinghe was shocked.

"No way, Lao Zhuo, have you been promoted to the Immortal Ascension Realm?"

Duan Xinghe seemed a little incredible, because he remembered that before leaving Yunmeng Realm, Zhuo Bufan had not reached the Immortal Movement Realm.

In other words, in the short two days since Duan Xinghe arrived at Tianxiang City, Zhuo Bufan had already advanced to the Immortal Ascension Realm.

"Replacement guaranteed."

Zhuo Bufan said politely.

Duan Xinghe shook his head in disbelief and said.

"Lao Zhuo, do you know how long it took me to enter the realm of divine movement? It took me a whole year, and it was only with the help of my old man that my soul could transcend the body and break free of the shackles."

"When I entered the realm of divine wandering, I was still practicing the divine wandering technique "Xinghai Shenyou Jue" of the Star Palace. This technique ranks among all the divine wandering techniques in the world of immortality, not to mention the best."

"What kind of technique are you practicing? Is it even stronger than the Xinghai Shenyou Jue?"

In response to Duan Xinghe's nagging questions, Zhuo Bufan did not answer them honestly, but said.

"Don't you have something to do with me? You have something to say."

Zhuo Bufan didn't need to tell everything about the skills he practiced. Some things deserve to be kept.

Moreover, even if he told Duan Xinghe that he was practicing the Great Sun Wall-Breaking Sutra, so what, it would be meaningless.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan didn't want to answer, Duan Xinghe stopped asking any more questions and shook his right hand. A five-pointed star-shaped black metal block appeared in his hand.


Duan Xinghe placed the black five-star card on the coffee table, and then said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Lao Zhuo, I won't hide it from you. I'm from Xingchen Mountain." Duan Xinghe said.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and said, "I know, your origin seems to be no longer a secret. I'm afraid twelve people already know it!"

"I'm not done yet, Lao Zhuo. My true identity is Duan Xinghe, the son of the master of Yaoguang Palace in Xingchen Mountain."

When Duan Xinghe said his second sentence, Zhuo Bufan didn't look shocked at all, just a little surprised.

In fact, he had already guessed that Duan Xinghe's status in Xingchen Mountain was definitely not low. Otherwise, there was no need for him to buy all the Xingchen Mountain techniques from the old profiteer.

His behavior at that time was entirely to safeguard the honor of Xingchen Mountain's martial arts. This is something ordinary disciples cannot do.

Thinking of the old profiteer, Zhuo Bufan looked at Duan Xinghe and said, "Do you still owe me several million spiritual stones?"

Duan Xinghe originally asked an old profiteer to buy those skills, but he borrowed 400,000 spiritual stones from Zhuo Bufan. Then according to the compound interest rate, more than six months have passed and it has almost risen to more than two million.

Zhuo Bufan's words made Duan Xinghe's face turn green.

"Lao Zhuo, where is it? Did you remember it wrong?" Duan Xinghe was speechless.

"Really? I remember that I borrowed 400,000 spirit stones from you at that time, and then agreed that the increase would be 10,000 spirit stones every day. Now more than six months, 180 days have passed, which is 1.8 million. In addition to the principal of 400,000, you should pay me back 2.2 million now."

"Since we know you so well, if you don't want any change, just give me back two million!"


Duan Xinghe felt like he wanted to vomit blood and die at that time. He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to remember it so clearly.

"Lao Zhuo, aren't we brothers?"

"Brother, let's settle the accounts. You probably have other things to do with me. Pay back the money first, and then discuss matters later."

Zhuo Bufan said coldly.

At this moment, Duan Xinghe was almost crying. He looked at Zhuo Bufan with an aggrieved expression and pouted.

"Lao Zhuo, I have no money! Sell me!"

"You won't be able to repay it even if I sell it. But I'm still more open-minded and wait until you have money to repay it!"

Zhuo Bufan replied.

When Duan Xinghe heard this, he was overjoyed, hugged Zhuo Bufan's thigh and said.

"Lao Zhuo, I knew you were the best."

"The interest will still be calculated."

The last sentence almost made Duan Xinghe angry to death.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan was just joking with Duan Xinghe. It didn't matter if he didn't pay back the 400,000 yuan.

Who made Duan Xinghe so cute? He built his camp in Yunmeng Realm in a very good way.

"Let's talk about it! What good thing do you want to see me for?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that Duan Xinghe really had something to do with him, and it was probably a good thing.

After teasing him for so long, it was almost enough.

Duan Xinghe sat up again and said seriously.

"Old Zhuo, I invite you in the name of Xingchen Mountain Yaoguang Palace to join my Xingchen Mountain!"

Duan Xinghe said, and pushed the five-star order from the tea table to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan drank tea leisurely and calmly, and did not respond immediately.

He did not expect Duan Xinghe to invite him.

"Do I have such a big face? Do I need you to invite me in person?"

Zhuo Bufan said while drinking tea.

"Of course! If my old man hadn't wanted to open up a territory in Yunmeng Realm, he would definitely come here in person."

"Now that Four Seasons Mountain and River has been disbanded, everyone is going their own way. Old Zhuo, don't you want to join a sect to seek advancement and protection?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head slightly and said, "It's not enough to impress me."

"You should know very well that I am not practicing the skills of your Xingchen Temple. If I enter your Xingchen Mountain, I may not be able to advance, but will only stay where I am."

"But my Xingchen Mountain can wish you a breakthrough in your soul." Duan Xinghe said.

"Breakthrough in the soul? How does your Xingchen Mountain compare to the Talisman Temple?"

Duan Xinghe frowned slightly and said, "No."

"That's it. You should know very well that I joined the Talisman Temple and am already an apprentice of the Talisman Castle."

Hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Duan Xinghe sighed slightly with a little disappointment.

"So, there is no hope?" Duan Xinghe actually wanted Zhuo Bufan to join Xingchen Mountain.

Seeing Duan Xinghe's helpless and disappointed expression, Zhuo Bufan smiled and said.

"Don't be so disappointed, why don't you take me to your Xingchen Mountain for a stroll! I've heard for a long time that Xingchen Mountain has seven peaks and there are billions of stars shining on the world. I want to go and see it."

Duan Xinghe was a little depressed at first, but after hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, he was overjoyed, smiled and said excitedly.

"That's great, Lao Zhuo, what are you waiting for, let's go now and go to Xingchen Mountain."


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