Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 144 The world enters Yunmeng [10-5, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan's identity in Tianxiang City has been exposed, and he can't stay here any longer.

Who knows if the castle lord will reveal his location under the coercion and inducement of Lou Gai.

So Zhuo Bufan was ready to leave, but he didn't expect Duan Xinghe to come and invite him at this time.

Zhuo Bufan took this opportunity to go to Xingchen Mountain. He also wanted to understand what kind of existence the sect power in this world of cultivation is.

The two came to the airport of Tianxiang City!

Airport, as the name suggests, is the harbor of air spacecraft.

Ships have seaports, and spacecraft naturally have airports.

The airport of Tianxiang City is located on the edge of a cliff. There are twelve air docks here, where a number of talisman spacecraft with sails and wings spread are docked.

So, the art of talismans has almost changed the entire world of cultivation.

This spacecraft is nothing more than a fusion of multiple talismans such as anti-gravity talismans + wind talismans. It is a very common means of transportation in the world of cultivation.

"That's my ship, let's go."

Duan Xinghe came here in a spaceship, and now it is docked at Pier 3 of the airport.

It's better to say it's a small boat than a ship, which is only slightly larger than an ordinary fishing boat.

The two walked onto the deck, and then Duan Xinghe walked to the operating table and placed his hands on a gem as big as a human head.

Suddenly, a halo was released from the gem.

"Set sail."

As soon as Duan Xinghe finished speaking, the white sail in the center of the ship automatically floated up, and then a powerful thrust spurted out from the back of the spaceship.


The two carried the spaceship and quickly disappeared over the sky of Tianxiang City, flying towards the distant east.


At this moment, in Yunmeng Realm!

More and more forces began to enter Yunmeng Realm for development.

The Yunmeng Realm is known as the ancient soul world, and it is the paradise of all soul cultivators.

However, 180,000 years ago, the last great emperor of the ancient times, Emperor Xuan, destroyed the entire Yunmeng Realm with a sword, cutting off the evolutionary path of all soul cultivators.

Not only that, he also set up the "Jedi Tiantong" rule, cutting off the path to ascension for all future immortal cultivators.

Now that the Yunmeng Realm has been restarted, many big brothers from big sects have flocked to it, wanting to seek opportunities to ascend in the Yunmeng Realm.

However, when they came to the Yunmeng Realm, they found that this world was not as simple as they imagined.

In this world, you can't use magical powers or perform magical skills.

This is a game world with rules. Even these big brothers in the immortal cultivation world must abide by the rules of the game in this world.

Everything must start from scratch, find a way to earn soul power, and then improve the combat effectiveness of your own soul weapon, and move closer to the mysterious world in the center of the Yunmeng Realm.

Outside, they are the master of a sect and the king of a mountain.

When they get here, they have to compete with the younger generation for opportunities, and even snatch the soul altar.

In just less than two months, more and more cultivators began to enter the Yunmeng Realm to plunder resources and improve their soul power.

All major sects have entered it one after another, and the joining of each major sect can cause a sensation.

These big sects naturally want to occupy a place in Yunmeng World and get a share of the pie.

In the Western Xiuxian World, thirty-six sects headed by the first mountain sect of the righteous path, Xiaoyao Sect, have entered Yunmeng World one after another, and each of them has occupied a soul altar.

The purpose of occupying the soul altar is naturally to develop the power of the sect and let the disciples have a home in Yunmeng World.

Similarly, the 72 islands of the Demonic Path have also entered long ago, but they are not smooth, and less than half of the forces have occupied the soul altar.

And several big sects have also entered the Eastern Xiuxian World.

Among them, the two most eye-catching sects are the Ancient Temple and the Qinglian Sword Sect.

So far, they have only sent their elders to explore the way, and have not officially entered the Yunmeng world in a large scale.

In addition, the most concerned is the Tianwu League in the Northern Xiuxian World.

Tianwu League!

The first major force in the Northern Xiuxian World, the so-called alliance is naturally not a sect.

In fact, the Tianwu League is an alliance headed by the Tianwu Sect, which includes more than half of the sect forces in the Northern Xiuxian World.

The leader of the Tianwu League is the "king of tyranny" who is called the Northern Emperor.

There are four extremely famous top existences in the current world of immortal cultivation.

East Evil, West Demon, South Demon, and Northern Emperor!

In the Eastern Immortal Cultivation World, there is an evil king. No one knows how long he has lived, and no one knows his origins, and even his name is unknown.

It is said that he is immortal and has lived for an unknown number of years. In the Eastern Immortal Cultivation World, he is an existence that even the first force, the Ancient Temple, dares not provoke.

And in the Western Immortal Cultivation World, there is a demon king! This person is the king of the demons who dominates the Western Immortal Cultivation World and no one dares to provoke, the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Island, Yuwen Wuji!

There are too many legends about Yuwen Wuji, but very few people have actually seen this Heavenly Demon King.

All we know is that Yuwen Wuji cultivates the legendary Wuji Demon Body.

Wuji Demon Body is known as one of the ten great divine bodies in the world of immortal cultivation. It represents the strongest growth ability.

In the southern world of immortal cultivation, to be more precise, it should be the southern world of demons.

The map of the entire world of immortal cultivation is actually like a four-cornered petal, and the petal representing the southern region is the holy land of the entire demon race.

They were cut off from communication with the immortal cultivators in the north by an infinite mountain range, and have been living a peaceful life in the southern world of demons.

But everyone knows that there is a demon king in the southern world of demons, Donghuang Taiyi.

He often appeared on the highest peak of Wuliang Mountain, looking towards the far north.

He was ambitious and had long had the idea of ​​entering the world of cultivation.


Finally, there was the strongest man in the north, Wang Xingbadao.

Wang Xingbadao cultivated the Great Dao of the Emperor, an ancient divine cultivation technique.

The physique he cultivated, Bailian Badao, was also one of the ten divine physiques in the world of cultivation, and it was the physique with the strongest endurance.

Just like his name, he was extremely domineering.

This time when Yunmeng Realm was opened, the Northern Emperor Wang Xingbadao sent his eight heavenly kings to Yunmeng Realm to capture cities and occupy the soul altar.

These eight heavenly kings were not simple. Each of them could become a hegemon and rule a top sect.

They had no names, but Wang Xingbadao named them with the names of the Eight Diagrams.

Qiantian, Zhenlei, Kanshui, Gentu, Kundi, Xunfeng, Lihuo, Duize!

The eight of them entered the Yunmeng Realm together, which was no less than the Northern Emperor Xing Badao going there in person.

Their appearance even caused a shock to all the soul cultivators in the entire Yunmeng Realm.

No one would have thought that the Eight Heavenly Kings would come in person.

"The Tianwu League is the supreme Taoist League in the north. Now that the Yunmeng Realm has been restarted, they must also want to occupy some territory and become the king."

"Now that the Tianwu League has come, the people from Shura Sea should also come!"

"The people from Shura Sea have come a long time ago. Now that the world has entered Yunmeng, which sect has not entered the Yunmeng Realm?"

"That's right, the Yunmeng Realm will become a brand new battlefield for all sects in the cultivation world."


Typing is a bit slow, and the middle finger of my right hand is swollen, damn!

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