Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1424 1424: Clues to Meng Chanyi

The iron-blooded Prime Minister Zhuo Bufan put down the invasion plans of other countries in the Red Earth Continent against the Famri Empire in less than ten days.

He sacrificed his own life and threatened the revolutionary formula covering the continent, so that people from other empires would not dare to have the slightest idea of ​​aggression against Famri.

Once any empire invades Famri, the price will be that the entire continent will be buried with it.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan played this card very beautifully.

In this way, if a country as powerful as the Aix Empire wants to invade Famri, it must weigh it carefully and consider the consequences of this matter.

Zhuo Bufan is like the anchor of the Famli Empire. With him here, no invader dares to have any thoughts about Famli.

After other empires calmed down, they also felt that the Famri Empire was just a small place.

It's just a black pearl, there's no need to fight to the death for it.

Moreover, the gravity within the entire Famri Empire has increased forty times, making it impossible for ordinary life to survive inside.

Even if this country is conquered, it will still be a useless land.

With this thought, many other empires gave up the idea of ​​invasion.

Not only that, but they also began to establish diplomatic relations with the Famri Empire.

After all, the prime minister in the Famri Empire has mastered the existence of the revolutionary formula.

Moreover, the Famri people have always mastered the first-class technology on this continent.

If we can establish diplomatic relations with the Famri Empire, then there will be huge gains for our respective countries in the future.

With this thought, more and more empires have plans to establish diplomatic relations with Famri.

Not only that, many empires have even begun to cooperate with the Famri people.

For example, in terms of food.

Due to the influence of gravity, the land in the Famri Empire's territory is obviously no longer suitable for the survival of most crops.

Not only that, meat food is basically extinct.

Therefore, Famri still needs to import from outside in many aspects.

In this regard, as early as the founding of the country, the Famuli people had secretly opened up several important trade routes.

In addition, the Famri people have also developed substances such as artificial meat.

In short, with everyone's concerted efforts, they now at least have a certain degree of security in their lives.

Next, the Famri people can start their revival in peace.

After more than a month of getting along with each other, Zhuo Bufan became more and more respected in front of the people in Famuli.

Now, Zhuo Bufan has been recognized by more and more people, and Zhuo Bufan has slowly begun to gain some power of faith.

Although these beliefs do not have much power, for Zhuo Bufan, this is a good start.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan began to use the Sky-Mending Stone to help those who became disabled because of the Book of Sacrifice to repair their disabilities.

Zhuo Bufan's good deeds naturally made the people of Famuli trust him more and more.

Over time, Zhuo Bufan not only gained prestige, but also gained many followers.

With faith in the Butian Stone, the light becomes brighter and brighter.

This made Zhuo Bufan no longer worry about his faith in the future.

If this continues, it won't take long before Zhuo Bufan believes that all people in Famuli will become his believers.

In the main hall of Yundu Palace, Emperor Serena found Zhuo Bufan.

"Sir, I heard that you are now using your magical stone to treat everyone's disabilities."

"On behalf of the general public, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Serena, who was becoming more and more like a queen, and couldn't help but smile.

"This is what I should do."

"Helping them also makes me happy."

On this point, Zhuo Bufan did not lie to Serena.

Helping others can indeed make him feel happy, after all, he also gains faith points from it.

"By the way, Serena, how about I help you attach your arm!"

In order to gain the ability to adapt to gravity, Serena sacrificed her left arm to the Book of Sacrifice.

Since then, Serena has become a one-armed queen.

Although it was one-armed, Serena never complained. Instead, she was proud of her one-armed arm.

In her opinion, it was her arm that bought them their new empire.

So she approved of the arm.

Moreover, even if Serena wants to cure this arm, she has to wait until there are no disabled people in the entire Famri Empire.

Therefore, Serena decisively refused Zhuo Bufan's request.

"No need, sir, keep the power of the divine stone to save more people!"

"My hands, this is good too."

"I made a special trip to call you sir today because I have something to ask for."

Serena said as she looked still doing extraordinary things.

Zhuo Bufan asked after hearing this.

"What's going on? Is there some empire that's not afraid of death that wants to invade us?"

When Serena heard this, she quickly waved her hand.

"No, sir. Since your speech at the Continental Empire Conference, no empire dares to invade our Famri."

"Not only that, many people in the empire now hope to cooperate with us, Famri."

"I came to see you today because I want to talk to you about this cooperation."

"There is a maritime empire called the Dragon Pearl Empire that wants to cooperate with us, Famri."

"Their envoy then presented us with a jewel."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"Present the orb? What orb."

After hearing this, Serena took out the white orb from her waist.

That orb is as warm as jade, fine and smooth, not transparent, but it makes people feel extremely noble and pure.

The moment Zhuo Bufan saw the orb, his eyes widened and he was shocked.

"Tian Mending Stone?"

Zhuo Bufan exclaimed because he saw that the orb in Serena's hand was exactly the same as the Sky-Mending Stone in his hand.

Serena also said at this time.

"Isn't it similar? I also found that this orb is very similar to the sacred stone in your hand."

"It's just that I tried it, but this orb doesn't have the magical power of the sacred stone in your hand.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"Of course, there is an arcane formula in the Sky Mending Stone that even I can't copy."

"This is precisely why the Sky-Budding Stone has such a powerful healing effect."

"The stone in your hand is just made of the same material as the Sky Mending Stone in my hand. It doesn't have great power."

"However, I can confirm that the stone in your hand is made of the same material as the patchwork stone in my hand."

Clues, for Zhuo Bufan, this was a huge clue.

Zhuo Bufan's inner excitement was palpable. After so many days, he finally had a clue about Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi must have been to the Jiao Zhu Kingdom. She is a Jiao Pearl from the Jiao Zhu Kingdom, and she made such a sky-repairing stone in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

This clue is very useful to Zhuo Bufan.

"Where are the people? Where are the envoys from the Jiao Zhu Kingdom? I want to see them."

After hearing this, Serena quickly said to Zhuo Bufan.

"I know you will definitely want to see them, so I sent someone to invite them a long time ago."

"Come here, please invite the envoys from the Jiao Zhu Kingdom mission to the main hall."

Under Serena's instructions, the guards invited all the envoys from the Jiaozhu Kingdom's mission who had been waiting outside the main hall to the main hall.

When these people walked into the hall, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

He discovered that these people from the Jiao Zhu Kingdom all had human heads and snake bodies, with green scales on their lower bodies.

There are two rows of gills under the neck. Not only that, they also have a pair of almond eyes.


Zhuo Bufan recognized at a glance that this kind of dragon bead people were very similar to the Naga tribe he knew.

The leader of the dragon bead man is an elder, holding an aqua blue gemstone staff. The gem on the staff turned out to be a dragon bead.

"I wonder what you have to tell us when Your Majesty suddenly called us here?"

The elder of the dragon bead man saluted Queen Serena.

After hearing this, Serena sat on the throne, then pointed at the elder of the dragon bead man and said.

"Dignified guests from Jiaozhu, I came to see you today. Actually, I want to ask you about something."

"Sir, come on!"

Serena signaled Zhuo Bufan to take action in person.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan stood up from his seat, and then took out his Sky Mending Stone.

"Elder, I would like to ask, is this your dragon bead?"

The elder was startled when he looked at the dragon bead in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

Then his old eyes flashed with a bright light.

"Can I come in and have a look?"

He said to Zhuo Bufan cautiously.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"Of course, I can give it to you."

Zhuo Bufan handed over the Sky-Mending Stone to the elder with confidence.

Only Zhuo Bufan knows how to use this Sky-Mending Stone, and now that they are in the Famuli Empire, it is impossible for these people to steal the Sky-Mending Stone in front of Zhuo Bufan.

After the Jiao Zhu elder took the Sky Mending Stone, he looked at it carefully for a while.

Then he knelt down towards Zhuo Bufan in shock, raised the Sky Mending Stone above his head with both hands, and placed it in front of Zhuo Bufan.

"This is the Tianbo Pearl. It's actually the Tianbo Pearl!"

As soon as the Jiaozhu people behind him heard this name, they all knelt down towards the Sky-Mending Stone.

"Tianbo Pearl?"

"Elder, can you make it clear?"

Zhuo Bufan realized that this bead was not simple. At least in the eyes of the Jiaozhu people, they are treated as sacred objects.

The elder did not explain anything to Zhuo Bufan immediately.

Instead, he muttered a spell towards the so-called Sky Wave Pearl, also known as the Sky-Mending Stone.

The Jiao Zhu man behind him was also chanting along.

After a while, Elder Jiao Zhu returned the Sky Mending Stone in his hand to Zhuo Bufan.

"You are the owner of Tianbo Pearl, the great sage of our Jiaozhu tribe! The great sage is above me. Jiaozhu is from Beihai, and I have met the great sage!"

Several Jiaozhu people behind him also knelt down towards Zhuo Bufan and said.

"I've seen the Great Sage!"

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"Great Sage? How come I suddenly became a Great Sage again?"

Zhuo Bufan obviously couldn't react.

Elder Jiao Zhu on the opposite side quickly explained.

"The dragon bead in your hand is called Tianbo Pearl. It belongs to our former emperor Hai Tianbo. This dragon bead was passed to a great sage named Tianmeng twenty years ago!" "But later, The great sage Tianmeng suddenly disappeared, and the Tianbo Pearl was lost."

"I didn't expect that I would be able to see Tianbo Pearl here today. What a blessing for our clan!"

After hearing what Elder Jiao Zhu said, Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled.

"Great Sage Tianmeng? Tell me, who is that Great Sage Tianmeng? Is she a woman?"

Zhuo Bufan seriously suspected that the Great Sage Tianmeng was the Meng Chanyi he was looking for.

But Elder Jiaozhu shook his head.

"No, Elder Tianmeng is not a woman, but a handsome man that my Jiaozhu clan rarely sees in a hundred years."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled.

"A man? Jiaozhu clan?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly became a little disappointed.

He thought that Tianmeng was Meng Chanyi.

But when he heard that the other party was a man and from the Jiaozhu clan, he was disappointed.

"Can you tell me about this Tianbo Pearl? The more the better."

"Is this Jiaozhu very important to your Jiaozhu clan?"

After hearing this, Elder Jiaozhu nodded and replied.

"The Jiaozhu is the inner elixir in the body of my Jiaozhu people. This inner elixir will continue to grow with the practice of our Jiaozhu clan."

"Only those who become my Jiaozhu saints and comprehend the true meaning of the sea arcana can form a Jiaozhu with holy attributes."

"The Jiaozhu in your hand is the Jiaozhu of our Emperor Tianbo, a holy Jiaozhu."

"Its ability is beyond your imagination."

"It can form a world of its own and absorb endless energy quanta."

"In the history of my Jiaozhu clan, it is a Jiaozhu that can be ranked in the top ten."

"It's a pity that after the death of Emperor Tianbo, the Jiaozhu was passed on to the Saint Tianmeng."

"I thought that the Saint Tianmeng could carry forward the power of the Tianbozhu. But in the end, the Saint Tianmeng suddenly disappeared."

"Since then, the Tianbozhu also disappeared."

"I didn't expect to see the Tianbozhu here today."

"Tell me, was the Tianbozhu passed to you by the Saint Tianmeng?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head slowly.

"Sorry, I don't know any Tianmeng Saint."

"But I know that this Tianbo Pearl you are talking about was left to me by a very important old friend of mine."

"Now, I am looking for that old friend of mine, and I think you should be able to give me some clues."

Zhuo Bufan finally got the clue about Meng Chanyi.

He believed that if he continued to follow this clue, he would definitely find Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi must have been to the Jiaozhu Clan in the past. After all, such a precious Tianbo Pearl could not be obtained casually.

So Zhuo Bufan continued to ask the Jiaozhu Clan elder about Meng Chanyi.

He even gave the Jiaozhu Clan elder a portrait of Meng Chanyi.

After reading it, the elder shook his head and said that he had never seen Meng Chanyi.

"Impossible, I can be sure that this Tianbo Pearl you are talking about has fallen into the hands of my old friend."

The Tianbo Pearl has the power of the Heaven Repairing Technique.

In this world, besides Meng Chanyi mastering the Heaven Repairing Technique, Zhuo Bufan finds it hard to believe that there are other people who master this technique.

After hearing this, the elder shook his head.

"So far, no one has come into contact with the Tianbo Pearl except Emperor Tianbo, Saint Tianmeng and you."

"The only thing I can think of is that Saint Tianmeng may have given this Tianbo Pearl to your old friend."

The elder's words made Zhuo Bufan suddenly realize.

"It is possible!"

"Then as long as we find the Saint Tianmeng you mentioned, we should be able to find Meng Chanyi."

"Where is your Saint Tianmeng?"

Zhuo Bufan said excitedly.

However, the Jiaozhu elder sighed and replied.

"I just said that Saint Tianmeng disappeared twenty years ago."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan sighed helplessly.

Is the clue that was finally obtained going to be cut off like this?


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