Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1425 1425: Go to Jiaozhu Country

Zhuo Bufan gave up his leisurely life in the Yin-Yang world because of Meng Chanyi.

This time, he came out to find Meng Chanyi.

Now that he finally got the clue of Meng Chanyi, Zhuo Bufan would not give up.

Now Zhuo Bufan can be sure that Meng Chanyi must have had a relationship with the people of Jiaozhu Clan, and the biggest possibility is the Tianmeng Saint.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan’s top priority is to find the Tianmeng Saint.

After discussing with Selena, Zhuo Bufan made an important decision. He would go to Jiaozhu Country to find the whereabouts of Meng Chanyi.

This time, Selena naturally had no reason to keep Zhuo Bufan.

She agreed to Zhuo Bufan’s request.

“My Lord, go and do what you should do!”

“You have your mission and your life.”

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

He felt that Selena had matured a lot. Looking at Selena, he felt like he saw his sister grow up.

"Don't worry, I won't just give up."

"I'm going to Jiaozhu Country this time as the head of the Famli Empire's inspection delegation."

"Aren't you planning to form an alliance with Jiaozhu Country? This is also an opportunity for us."

"I'm going to Jiaozhu Country this time to understand the national conditions of Jiaozhu Country, to discuss the alliance with the leader of Jiaozhu Country, and to investigate the whereabouts of my old friend."

Selena deeply agrees with Zhuo Bufan's first point.

"Since you said so, my lord, I will naturally support you."

"This is indeed an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone."

"In this way, I will immediately convene a delegation to accompany you to Jiaozhu Country."

However, Zhuo Bufan waved his hand and refused after hearing this.

"No need! I can go alone to Jiaozhu Country this time."

"Don't you have a communication technology in Famli? What's it called?"

Selena quickly replied.

"The sound transmission stone is our Famri's arcane technology, which can transmit sound over thousands of miles."

"Well, then we will use the sound transmission stone to communicate."

"I will tell you the information I collected in Jiaozhu through the sound transmission stone."

"Are you going alone?"

Selena said worriedly.

Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Yes, I am enough. Too many people will reduce the action."

Zhuo Bufan is not going on vacation this time, but to investigate Meng Chanyi's affairs, so the fewer people, the better.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Selena expressed her understanding.

"Okay then! But if you need anything, please tell me in time."

"We can also send people to support you."

"Although we may not be able to help you in combat, we can provide you with some intelligence support."

"In terms of intelligence, we should be able to provide you with some help."

Selena has always wanted to repay Zhuo Bufan. After all, Zhuo Bufan has helped them so much, but so far, they have not given Zhuo Bufan much in return.

Not only that, they are still relying on Zhuo Bufan.

If it weren't for Zhuo Bufan, they would have been prisoners of other empires.

Therefore, Selena's gratitude to Zhuo Bufan is beyond words.

"Okay, if necessary, I will contact your intelligence team."

Selena suddenly said again.

"By the way, my lord, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

"According to the decision of the Congress, we have built a statue for you and erected it in the central square of Yundu."

"From now on, you will be the only lifetime achievement god in my Famli New Country!"

"From now on, you will be admired and worshipped by all the people of my Famli Empire."

"Your deeds will be recorded in history and become a legend that will be passed down forever."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned after listening to what Selena said.

"Statue? Lifetime achievement? When did you do these?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that these people actually did these things behind his back.

Selena laughed after hearing this.

"This is my own decision. We, the people of Famri, will never forget your kindness."

"Not only you, we also built a statue of Lord Gain."

"Your statue will stand in the central square of Yundu. In the future, under your witness, Famri will become more prosperous."

Selena didn't know that she helped Zhuo Bufan a lot by doing this.

Zhuo Bufan was originally thinking about what method to use to improve his faith.

After all, he was about to leave Famri, and after leaving, his faith would probably disappear.

But now, Selena made him such a statue, so that all the people of Famri can worship him anytime and anywhere.

And she also wrote a biography and a book for Zhuo Bufan, praising his merits, which is simply helping Zhuo Bufan to gather faith!

In this way, Zhuo Bufan's faith will be endless.

Not only that, it will become more and more.

Under the arrangement of Selena and others, maybe some church will be developed in the future to help him earn more faith.

Zhuo Bufan needed the power of faith, so he didn't have much objection to Selena's arrangement.

Not only did he not object, he even hoped for it.

"You guys can arrange these things yourself!"

"It's just that from now on, I probably won't be back for a long time."

"You should discuss matters in the empire with some elders."

"Now other empires dare not invade Famri. Famri has plenty of time to develop itself."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Serena nodded and assured Zhuo Bufan.

"Don't worry, sir, I will definitely lead everyone to re-establish the Famri Empire."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but reached out and patted Serena on the shoulder, and then said to her.

"You didn't disappoint me, I believe in you."

"That's it. I will return to their Jiaozhu Kingdom now with the Jiaozhu Kingdom's envoy."

"Hopefully I can find the person I'm looking for."

Zhuo Bufan was obviously a little excited at the moment.

Even a little impatient.

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he formally bid farewell to Serena.

Later, he led the people of Jiao Zhu Kingdom to leave the Famuli Empire.

After Zhuo Bufan left, the streets of Yundu were filled with people from the Famuli Empire.

Although the time they got together was short, the Famli people had already regarded Zhuo Bufan as their most respected wise man.

In recent times, Zhuo Bufan has been helping those severely disabled Famuli heal their injuries free of charge, and has even been called the Great Sage.

Everyone was reluctant to leave Zhuo Bufan.

But Zhuo Bufan is really leaving this time.

The people of Famuli sent Zhuo Bufan to the outside of Yundu City.

"Everyone, let's stop here!"

"This time I am only going to Jiao Zhu Country for alliance talks. I will come back."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he followed the people from Jiao Zhu Kingdom, got on their boat, and then headed towards the South China Sea by sea.

On the boat, the elders of Jiao Zhu Kingdom invited Zhuo Bufan for tea.

"I can't believe that the Prime Minister has such an important position in the hearts of Famuli people."

"On the way here, I already inquired about it. The Famri people are very arrogant at heart. They look down on anyone of other races than their own."

"But over the years, after the Famuli people were enslaved by the world, the arrogance in their bones seemed to have disappeared." Zhuo Bufan, who heard these words, couldn't help but rolled his eyes and looked at the elder.

"What, are you making fun of me?"

After hearing this, the elder of Jiao Zhu Kingdom quickly shook his head.

"Don't dare, Prime Minister, you are now not only the Prime Minister of the Famuli Empire, but also the Great Sage of our Jiao Zhu Kingdom."

"With the Sky Wave Pearl in your hand, when you arrive in our Jiao Pearl Kingdom, you will still have a status that is not inferior to that of the Prime Minister."

"In front of you, we don't dare to be presumptuous."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan realized that as a great sage, he also had a transcendent status in Jiao Zhu Kingdom!

Looking at the elder of Jiao Zhu Kingdom in front of him, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"I have always been curious, can you people from Jiaozhu Kingdom adapt to Famri's gravity field?"

Zhuo Bufan thought that it would be impossible for creatures from the outside world to enter the Famli Empire.

After hearing this, the elder of Jiao Zhu Kingdom smiled.

"Our Jiao Zhu Kingdom is thousands of meters under the deep sea. The gravity on the surface is nothing to us."

"After all, where we live, the atmospheric pressure is hundreds of times equivalent to the surface."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized.

"I see, I'm telling you how can you possibly enter and leave the Famuli Empire freely!"

After hearing this, the elder of Jiaozhu Kingdom continued.

“We also knew about the ‘Black Pearl’ of the Famri Empire, so we decided to cooperate with the Famri Empire.”

"After all, there should be very few races on the surface today that can withstand such a strong gravity here in the Famri Empire."

"So the best partner for the Famri Empire can only be our Jiao Zhu Kingdom."

Zhuo Bufan nodded in response.

"Indeed, the Famri Empire has just been established, and everything is still in the stage of being in ruins."

"We really need some alliance countries to speed up the establishment of Famri."

"I heard from Serena that your Jiao Zhu Kingdom first plans to use your fish meat and seabed resources in exchange for some technology from our Famri Empire?"

After hearing this, the elder of Jiaozhu Kingdom replied.

"Indeed. We consider that the Famri Empire has just been established, and due to the influence of gravity, there will definitely be a shortage of meat in the country."

"The Famri Empire happens to have a river leading to our South China Sea. We, the Jiao Zhu Kingdom, can use this waterway to provide fish and meat as support for Famri."

"In addition, our Jiao Zhu Kingdom will also mine a lot of seabed resources on the seabed. These are very rare resources on land and play a very important role in the arcane technology of the Famri Empire."

"In this regard, our researchers have already communicated with scholars in Famri and have written some records."

"When we go back this time, we also go back with the expectations of the Famli scholars."

"Of course, as a cooperative relationship, we hope to get Famri's arcane technology."

"After all, we have already investigated before coming here. On this continent, Famri's arcane technology is the most attractive academic technology."

"They are indeed the most intelligent race, and their arcane technology can bring revolutionary changes to our Jiao Zhu Kingdom."

"If the two countries can really reach an alliance in the future, then our two countries will have more exchanges in the future."

"This is a win-win situation for both parties."

Zhuo Bufan patiently listened to every word said by the elder of Jiao Zhu Kingdom.

From his mouth, Zhuo Bufan also learned that Jiao Zhu Country sincerely wanted to form an alliance with Famri.

I don't know why, now Zhuo Bufan would consider Famli's interests.

He originally thought that he was just a passerby in this small country.

Now it seems that this small empire has taken root in his heart.

"It is indeed a win-win situation. Our empress also knows that cooperating with the Jiao Zhu Kingdom is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us, Famri."

"That's why she sent me, the Prime Minister, to personally go to your Jiao Zhu Kingdom for alliance cooperation."

"This is also the sincerity of our Famri Empire."

Zhuo Bufan did not tell these people that he was going to Jiao Zhu Country to look for people.

He just told them that he came to discuss the alliance with Jiao Zhu Kingdom on the order of the empress.

The fact that he is the dignified prime minister of a country and can personally go to Jiao Zhu Kingdom for negotiations shows how seriously Famuli attaches importance to this matter.

After hearing this, Elder Jiao Zhu nodded gratefully.

"That's great. It's our honor to have you come to our Jiaozhu Kingdom in person."

"After all, you are the great sage of our Jiao Zhu Kingdom!"

"Now you are both the Prime Minister of the Famuli Kingdom and the Great Sage of our Jiao Zhu Kingdom. It is perfect for you to be the envoy of our alliance."

"I believe that with your promotion, our two countries will definitely form the most friendly federal empire."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and said.

"hope so!"

"By the way, can you tell me, what exactly is this great sage?"

"Also, the previous owner of this Tianbo Pearl, who you call the Great Sage Tianmeng, what kind of person is he?"

Zhuo Bufan did not forget his mission to Jiao Zhu Kingdom.

He was going to find Meng Chanyi.

After hearing this, Elder Jiaozhu took a sip of hot tea, and then slowly spoke.

"The Great Sage's status in our Jiao Zhu Kingdom is equivalent to your status in the Famuli Prime Minister Kingdom."

"However, our Great Sage does not manage domestic political affairs, but manages an organization called the Poseidon Temple!"

"The Poseidon Temple is the place of faith for our Jiao Zhu Kingdom."

"All people must pray for faith every morning. Pray for the protection of the sea god."

"Poseidon Temple is a place dedicated to managing people's beliefs."

"And the Great Sage is the supreme executor of Poseidon Temple."

Hearing what Elder Jiao Zhu said, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but his eyes lit up.


He didn't expect that his great sage was actually a religious leader.

Does this mean that he has more faith to earn?

Zhuo Bufan was suddenly full of expectations for this trip to Jiao Zhu Kingdom.

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