Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1427 1427: Great Sage Tianmeng and the Lord of Time

After several days of inquiries, Zhuo Bufan had a certain understanding of the Tianmeng Saint.

The Tianmeng Saint was born smart and was a rare genius in Jiaozhu Country.

He had the opportunity to become the king of Jiaozhu Country, but he gave up this opportunity.

He was a person who liked to pursue adventures, and he wanted to wander around and become a wandering scholar.

However, as Zhuo Bufan investigated the Tianmeng Saint more deeply.

He found that the Tianmeng Saint had been autistic for a long time, to be precise, for three years.

During those three years, he locked himself in the back garden of the Sea God Temple and did not leave the Sea God Temple.

Interestingly, it was not the king who locked him up, but he locked himself in.

During this period of autism, the Tianmeng Saint only did one thing, that is, writing books.

However, what he wrote were all words that ordinary people did not recognize at all.

During that time, everyone thought that the Tianmeng Saint was crazy.

But after three years, the Tianmeng Saint suddenly laughed and walked out of the back garden of the Sea God Temple.

Then he loudly announced to the entire Jiaozhu clan that he succeeded.

But no one knew what he succeeded in, and he did not tell others what he had done.

Even King Hai Hongbo did not know about this.

... "If the Prime Minister wants to know about my brother, maybe he can go to the Sea God Temple."

"The Sea God Temple should have clues about my brother."

After listening to Hai Hongbo's words, Zhuo Bufan decided to go to the Sea God Temple.

After all, Zhuo Bufan now holds the Tianbo Pearl and is fully qualified to enter the Sea God Temple.

And he is also the Great Saint of the Sea God Temple, the Lord of Faith of the entire Sea God Temple.

After Zhuo Bufan enters the Sea God Temple, his status will be equal to that of the Great Saint Tianmeng.

Zhuo Bufan accepted Hai Hongbo's suggestion and came to the Sea God Temple.

In fact, he will come here sooner or later.

After all, he holds the Tianbo Pearl in his hand, and he can't help but come.

And Zhuo Bufan wants to study how the sky-making stone in his hand was made.

It is now known that the Bu Tian Stone is a fusion of the Jiaozhu and the power of faith.

But Zhuo Bufan also knew that there was an arcane formula in the Jiaozhu, which transformed the power of faith into a power similar to the Bu Tian Spell.

In other words, Meng Chanyi found an arcane formula that could replace her own Bu Tian Spell.

If she could master this arcane formula, she would be able to create more Bu Tian Stones.

Under the arrangement of King Hai Hongbo, Zhuo Bufan finally stepped into the gate of the Sea God Temple.

When Zhuo Bufan came to the Sea God Temple with the Bu Tian Stone, all the believers of the Sea God Temple bowed to Zhuo Bufan and prostrated themselves on the ground.

Then, Zhuo Bufan suddenly discovered that his Bu Tian Stone was actually absorbing the power of faith of these believers.

This shocked Zhuo Bufan.

"It seems that these believers are deeply rooted in their beliefs."

"They recognized the Tianbo Pearl in my hand."

Zhuo Bufan was not sure what kind of faith power the Bu Tian Stone absorbed.

It seems that as long as it is the power of faith, it will absorb it.

In other words, it is not necessary to have faith in Zhuo Bufan. As long as there is faith around, he can always absorb faith.

In this case, Zhuo Bufan does not need to develop his own believers. He only needs to go to places where there are more believers of religious beliefs, and he can naturally collect enough faith.

Zhuo Bufan, who knew this, decided to stay in the Sea God Temple for a while so that his Bu Tian Stone could absorb enough faith.

"Welcome the Great Sage back, please take charge of our Sea God Temple again."

These believers in front of them only recognize the beads and not the person.

They only saw the Tianbo Pearl in Zhuo Bufan's hand and determined that Zhuo Bufan was the Great Sage of their Sea God Temple.

So, whether Zhuo Bufan is a Jiaozhu person or not, it doesn't matter.

The leading elder was the representative of the delegation to Famli before, and he was also an old acquaintance of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan still remembered his name, and everyone called him Mu Ye!

Naturally, Zhuo Bufan would call him that too.

"Mah! We meet again."

During this period, Zhuo Bufan has been discussing the alliance with Hai Hongbo, so apart from dealing with Hai Hongbo, he has not met other Jiaozhu people.

Now that he has come to the Sea God Temple, he is met by this Mah again, so he is naturally a little relieved, after all, it is an input.

After hearing this, the Mah bowed to Hao Zuo Bufan.

"The Great Sage can call me Atim, Mah is what other juniors call me."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan laughed.

"Then you can treat me as your junior! After all, I seem to be a little younger than you."

After hearing what Zhuo Bufan said, the Mah laughed.

"Hahahaha, the Great Sage is really good at joking."

"But we are really excited that you can return to the Sea Temple today."

"Your Majesty has already ordered that the Great Sage must be taken to the backyard to have a look."

"So after the Great Sage gets to know the elders in my temple, we will go to the back garden of the temple."

After Mu Ye finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan turned around and looked at the other people next to Mu Ye.

These people were wearing uniform uniforms and looked noble.

They were the elders of the Sea Temple of Jiaozhu Kingdom.

During the absence of the Great Sage, the entire Sea Temple was managed by them.

Under the introduction of Mu Ye, Zhuo Bufan made friends with the elders of the Sea God Temple one by one.

These elders were very friendly to Zhuo Bufan, and they did not feel any sense of crisis because of Zhuo Bufan, the Great Saint from the Heaven.

They were all believers of the Sea God, and all they had to do was to believe in the Sea God.

However, Zhuo Bufan was not really a believer of the Sea God. Was it really okay for him to be the Great Saint of the Sea God Temple?

In order to be able to enter the back garden of the Sea God Temple, Zhuo Bufan now had to admit that he was the Great Saint of the Sea God Temple.

If he did not admit it, these people would not let him enter the Sea God Temple.

After getting the unanimous approval of these elders, Zhuo Bufan finally got the qualification to enter the back garden of the Sea God Temple.

Finally, under the leadership of Mu Ye, Zhuo Bufan came to the back garden of the Sea God Temple.

The back garden of the Sea God Temple is also known as the Sea God's restricted area.

This is actually the most sacred place in the Sea God Temple, and only the Great Saint is qualified to enter.

Since the disappearance of Tianmeng Great Sage, no one has entered the back garden of the Sea God Temple.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan is the first person to enter the back garden in the past few years.

"Great Sage, the next road can only be traveled by you alone."

"The back garden of the Sea God Temple can only be entered by you as a Great Sage."

"So next, I can't accompany you."

Mu Ye stood outside the iron gate of the back garden and did not dare to move forward.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and nodded to Mu Ye and said.

"I know, thank you Mu Ye. It's enough for me to go alone next."

Zhuo Bufan said, and entered the back garden alone.

When Zhuo Bufan stepped into the back garden, he found that it was not a garden at all, but a deserted stone city.

Or, it looked more like a relic.

The stone city in front of him was piled with some broken walls everywhere.

And among the broken walls, there was an intact palace.

Zhuo Bufan slowly walked into the palace. There were twelve stone walls in the palace.

And on the stone walls, there were various characters carved.

Each stone wall had a kind of characters, twelve stone walls, twelve kinds of characters.

Zhuo Bufan didn't recognize most of the characters, but one of them made his eyes light up.

"Spiritual pattern?" |

Zhuo Bufan actually saw a spiritual pattern on one of the stone walls.

This spiritual pattern was a kind of character that Zhuo Bufan used to learn puppetry when he was in Daluotian.

"How could there be spiritual patterns in this world?"

"Could it be that Fairy Meng really came here?"

The only person Zhuo Bufan could think of was Meng Chanyi.

Only Meng Chanyi knew about spiritual patterns like him.

In other words, the characters on this stone wall were probably written by Meng Chanyi.

"But this note doesn't seem to be the notes of Fairy Meng."

Zhuo Bufan had seen Meng Chanyi's notes before, so he recognized at a glance that this was not written by Meng Chanyi.

But if this was not written by Meng Chanyi, who could it be?

Why did the other party master the spiritual pattern?

This question troubled Zhuo Bufan and made him puzzled.

So he began to read the words on the stone wall with the spiritual pattern carefully.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and they treat all things as flattering dogs!"

"All things are unjust, and they treat heaven and earth as fish!"

"The way of heaven is to reduce the surplus and the lack of strength. The way of all things is to reduce the surplus of heaven and earth to benefit oneself."

"Therefore, when heaven is prosperous, all things are born. When heaven is declining, all things are destroyed!"


When Zhuo Bufan looked at these words on the stone wall, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"How can these words be so familiar?"

Zhuo Bufan said in shock.

He felt as if he had not seen these words for the first time.

As if he had seen them somewhere before.

"Who is the person who wrote these words?"

"Why did he leave these words here?"

"Heavenly way, is there a heavenly way in this world?"

Zhuo Bufan definitely did not see these words for the first time.

To be precise, he saw these words more than once.

However, he couldn't remember where he had seen these words for a while.

In short, Zhuo Bufan was a little confused.

Was the spiritual pattern on the wall written by Meng Chanyi?

If it was written by Meng Chanyi, why did he write these words?

If it wasn't Meng Chanyi, how could people in this world master the language and writing of the Daluotian world?

Strange, very strange, Zhuo Bufan felt that he had encountered a problem that gave him a headache and troubled his brain.

He stood in the middle of the twelve stone walls, looking at the various words on the twelve stone walls.

For some reason, Zhuo Bufan suddenly had a strange feeling.

He felt that these words seemed to be familiar again.

Not only that spiritual pattern, but also other words, he seemed to have seen them somewhere.

"Could it be that it was really written by the Great Sage Tianmeng?"

"Hai Hongbo said that Tianmeng locked himself in the back garden of the Sea God Temple for three years, and he spent three years writing books."

"Three years later, he suddenly rushed out of the back garden of the Sea God Temple, and then he announced to everyone that he succeeded."

"Could it be that these are what he carved?"

"The success he mentioned is that he successfully carved these things?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the twelve stone walls around him in shock.

He felt that there must be something on these twelve stone walls that was worth his understanding and feeling.

"If this is really the result of the three years of work of the Great Sage Tianmeng, then maybe it will bring me some unexpected gains."

"If I can interpret the meaning of all the words on these twelve stone walls, maybe I can find Meng Chanyi."

Zhuo Bufan still did not forget that the purpose of coming here was to find Meng Chanyi.

He needed clues, more clues.

So this one in front of him was undoubtedly the source of his clues.

These twelve stone walls were the result of the three years of painstaking research of the Great Sage Tianmeng.

There were even spiritual patterns on them.

Zhuo Bufan believed that the Great Sage Tianmeng must know Meng Chanyi.

Perhaps these words were given to him by Meng Chanyi.

In short, Zhuo Bufan didn't want to go anywhere next.

He just wanted to stay here and understand the meaning of these twelve stone walls.


Zhuo Bufan told his idea to Mu Ye, and then asked Mu Ye to tell the King of Jiaozhu Kingdom.

The king agreed to Zhuo Bufan's request, so Zhuo Bufan could stay in the back garden of the Sea God Temple in the next period of time to understand the twelve stone walls.

On the other hand, before entering the retreat, Zhuo Bufan passed the last piece of information to Famli.

It indicated that Famli and Jiaozhu would cooperate in the first phase.

That is, the cooperation of the seaside factory. In this way, the cooperation between Jiaozhu and Famli Empire was just started.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan also asked King Hai Hongbo to move all the books and knowledge that Tianmeng Dasheng had read since childhood to the back garden.

He needed to fully understand the Tianmeng Saint before he could understand the words on the twelve stone walls.

Zhuo Bufan had a feeling that there must be a huge secret hidden in these twelve stone walls.

If he could really understand the mystery, he might be able to solve a result that even he himself could not expect.

So, Zhuo Bufan was completely immersed in the decryption of the stone wall.

After a period of concentrated research, Zhuo Bufan slowly had some ideas.

After reading the books that Tianmeng Dasheng had read since childhood, Zhuo Bufan slowly brought himself into the spirit and thoughts of the Tianmeng Saint.

He found that the Tianmeng Saint was not a simple smart man.

He loved thinking since he was a child.

He would name every star in the sky and talk to animals that could not communicate at all.

He would also secretly make some strange inventions or plan an adventure at any time.

Zhuo Bufan found that this Tianmeng Saint was simply a natural strange man and adventurer.

In some books he recorded, Zhuo Bufan found a very interesting story.

It is said that this Tianmeng Zhenren spent three years talking to a dolphin.

In the end, the dolphin actually understood his voice, took him across the sea, and went to the mainland for adventure.

After adventuring on the mainland for half a year, he returned to the beach and found that the dolphin was still waiting for him.

Seeing these records, Zhuo Bufan was sure that this Tianmeng Dasheng was not an ordinary person.

"Could he be the Lord of Time I'm looking for?"

For some reason, Zhuo Bufan had such a thought in his heart.


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