Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1428 1428: The Demonic Bats Attack

In order to study the twelve stone walls, Zhuo Bufan completely locked himself in the back garden of the Sea God Temple.

This stage lasted for several months.

During the period when Zhuo Bufan was in seclusion, the cooperation between Jiaozhu Kingdom and Famli Empire became more in-depth.

Relying on its excellent technology, Famli Empire has established a fish processing plant on the seashore.

Now the canned fish produced on the seashore will be sent to Yundu as soon as possible.

In this way, the meat market of Famli Empire has finally been opened up.

The people of Famli Empire do not have to eat some pasta and dry food every day.

Now the cooperation between Famli Empire and Jiaozhu Kingdom has entered the second stage.

According to the second stage of cooperation, Jiaozhu Kingdom will send more seabed resources to Famli.

And Famli Empire will transfer various continental science and technology to Jiaozhu Kingdom.

Famli Empire gave Jiaozhu Kingdom more than 20 sea battleships at one time.

It strengthened Jiaozhu Kingdom's naval warfare power at once.

It can be said that the cooperation between Famli and Jiaozhu Kingdom has completely entered the honeymoon period.

There is incomparable harmony and unity between the two countries.

As the Queen of Famli, Selena even came to Jiaozhu Kingdom in person.

Of course, Selena's main purpose is to find Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan is still in the palace in the back garden of the Temple of Return, comprehending the twelve stone walls.

So he was unaware of Selena's arrival.


In the palace of Jiaozhu Kingdom, Queen Selena of Famli and the King of Jiaozhu Kingdom were negotiating the next step of cooperation.

The conversation between the two sides was very smooth.

"Thank you for the twenty warships sent by my brother country. With these twenty warships, we don't have to fear the invasion of the demon bats."

This time Selena visited Jiaozhu Kingdom, and the twenty sea warships she brought were specially built according to the situation of Jiaozhu Kingdom, a maritime country.

Their Famli Empire's science and technology are first-class on the continent, and the scientific and technological equipment is relatively complete.

So it's nothing for them to want to build these twenty sea warships.

After listening, Selena replied.

"This is a gift for the second phase of cooperation between our two countries. If Jiaozhu Kingdom has any needs, we, as a friendly country, will naturally help with all our strength."

"I heard that Jiaozhu Kingdom has been invaded by the demon bats recently. I wonder if my Famuri Empire needs assistance?"

Selina attaches great importance to cooperation with Jiaozhu Kingdom.

Jiaozhu Kingdom has brought a lot of seabed resources to Famuri.

These seabed resources have greatly improved the arcane technology level of their Famuri Empire.

So, when she heard that Jiaozhu Kingdom had some troubles recently, she also sent all the fleets to support Jiaozhu Kingdom as soon as possible.

After hearing this, Hai Hongbo, the king of Jiaozhu Kingdom, was excited.

"Thank you so much for your help, brother. The twenty warships you sent are enough to deal with the guys from the Demon Bat Clan."

"The Demon Bat Clan is under the Sea Dragon Clan, one of the three ocean tyrants. To be honest, the Demon Bat Clan is very strong, much stronger than our Jiaozhu Clan."

"But the equipment of the Demon Bat Clan is very backward. We may not have had much confidence in fighting the Demon Bat Clan before, but now with your help, I believe it will be easy to repel them."

After hearing this, Selina nodded with satisfaction and said.

"That's good. I will have someone send a few more arcane cannons to help Jiaozhu Kingdom guard Whale Fall Bay! My military advisor has analyzed that the sea area around your Jiaozhu Kingdom is all reef beaches, but Whale Fall Bay is an offensive and defensible place, and it is also the easiest place for the enemy to capture."

"As long as you guard Whale Fall Bay, Jiaozhu Kingdom will naturally be forever peaceful."

Selina now needs the sea resources provided by Jiaozhu Kingdom, so she will try her best to help Jiaozhu Kingdom guard this territory.

After hearing this, Hai Hongbo, the king of Jiaozhu Kingdom, was grateful.

"That's great."

"You are right. Whale Fall Bay is the most important bay for my Jiaozhu Kingdom."

"As long as we defend Whale Fall Bay, even the people of the Sea Dragon Clan will not be able to break through the defense of my Jiaozhu Kingdom."

"In fact, the reason why my Jiaozhu Kingdom can have such natural defenses is thanks to my brother Tianmeng."

"If Tianmeng is still here, it would be great!"

Hearing this name, Selena's eyebrows changed.

"Great Sage Tianmeng? I heard the prime minister talk about this person, saying that this person is extremely important to your Jiaozhu Kingdom."

"I have been entrusted by the prime minister to try my best to find the Great Sage Tianmeng on the mainland. Once I have any results, I will tell you as soon as possible."

Before Zhuo Bufan went into seclusion, he asked Selena to help find the Great Sage Tianmeng on the mainland.

According to what Hai Hongbo said in the past, the Great Sage Tianmeng should be on the mainland.

As a member of the Jiaozhu tribe, it should not be difficult for Tianmeng to find him on the mainland.

With the intelligence of the Famuri Empire spread all over the continent, it should not be difficult to find the Great Sage Tianmeng.

Selina would naturally agree to Zhuo Bufan's request without hesitation.

Therefore, Selina sent her most powerful intelligence department without hesitation to find the Sage Tianmeng and Meng Chanyi.

"In this case, it's time for us to go back."

"Our country has just been established not long ago, and there is a lot of work to be done. I still need to go back to take charge."

Although Selina is a woman, she is also the emperor of the Famuri Empire.

Now, Famli can no longer do without the presence of this empress.

The main purpose of coming to Jiaozhu Kingdom this time was to meet Zhuo Bufan.

However, she could only leave with regret without meeting Zhuo Bufan.

After listening to Selena's words, Hai Hongbo nodded quickly.

"The empress is busy with state affairs, and I can't stay for long."

"I'll take you!"

Just when Hai Hongbo was about to send Selena back to the country.

Suddenly a guard rushed into the hall.

"It's bad, King! The demon bats are attacking, the demon bats are attacking."

The guard who suddenly rushed in brought very bad news.

After hearing this, Hai Hongbo was stunned.

"The demon bats? Why are these guys here? Where are they?"

The guard quickly replied.

"In Whale Fall Bay, these guys have surrounded the entire Whale Fall Bay."

"The Demon Bat Clan that came this time has three fleets, 18 warships, and nearly 10,000 Demon Bat Clan masters."

"Among them, there are more than 20 Demon Bat Clan arcanists. The highest-level arcanist has reached the 9th ring!"

Hearing the guard's report, Hai Hongbo's eyebrows were twisted together.

Especially when he heard that there were more than 20 arcanists.

"9th ring arcanists?"

"Are these guys from the Demon Bat Clan planning to destroy us?"

Hai Hongbo, the king of Jiaozhu Kingdom, realized that this would be a tough battle.

The most powerful arcanist in their Jiaozhu Kingdom is only 8th ring, and they don't have much chance of winning against a 9th ring arcanist.

But now, they have no time to deploy troops, let alone seek rescue.

In addition, the empress of the Famli Empire is still on the island.

"Your Majesty, please take your people away from Jiaohe Bay behind our island. This time the Demon Bats are coming with great force, and I'm afraid our Jiaozhu Kingdom will not be able to escape."

It's not that Hai Hongbo is so pessimistic, but facing the powerful force of the Demon Bats, he is indeed scared.

The Demon Bats obviously came out in full force this time, bringing all their combat power, ready to conquer the entire Jiaozhu Kingdom.

The Jiaozhu Kingdom is not big, just an island.

And their Demon Bats are the most powerful army of the Sea Dragon Corps.

Sweeping across thousands of miles of sea, I don't know how many island countries in the sea have been destroyed.

The Jiaozhu Kingdom is really not worth mentioning in the eyes of these fighting demons.

So now Hai Bodong is very afraid of these guys from the Demon Bats.

So he is now very pessimistic about the current situation and wants to send Selina out of Jiaozhu Kingdom immediately.

However, seeing this situation, how could Selina withdraw?

After all, this Jiaozhu Kingdom is also her ally.

Moreover, she really needs the cooperation of Jiaozhu Country now.

So, Selena finally stayed decisively.

"Your Majesty Hongbo, your country and our country are already allies. Now that your country has encountered a war, our country will naturally not turn a blind eye."

"Let's go, let's go meet this demon bat tribe!"

"General Xika, immediately contact our army stationed on the coastline and rush to Jiaozhu Country for support."

"Then dispatch half of the 20 warships we brought to guard Whale Fall Bay, and the other half to go behind the demon bat tribe, ready to fight at any time."

Since becoming the empress, Selena has learned a lot of military tactics.

In fact, Selena had already studied military tactics and war before planning to restore the country.

Originally, she wanted to show her skills in the war of restoring the country.

It's just that the process of restoring the country was very smooth, and basically no large-scale wars were encountered.

So until now, Selena has not personally commanded a battle.

Now the opportunity has come. Jiaozhu Country has been invaded by the demon bat tribe. Now is the time for her, the female general, to show her skills.

After hearing Selina's instructions, General Shika beside him immediately turned around and left to prepare for the task assigned by Selina.

On this side, Selina asked Hai Hongbo to go to Whale Fall Bay in person to command the battle.

Hai Hongbo seemed a little shocked. He didn't expect that this empress from the mainland would be such a strong rose.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to take risks with us."

"Although our Jiaozhu Kingdom cannot defeat the Demon Bat Clan, it should be no problem to defend Whale Fall Bay."

After listening to Hai Hongbo's words, Selina replied.

"No, defending Whale Fall Bay is not a solution."

"What we need to do is to eliminate the Demon Bats once and for all."

"If we only defend and do not attack, the Demon Bats will trap us on this island forever. Sooner or later, when the resources on the island are exhausted, the Jiaozhu tribe will only be destroyed."

"I, Famri, need your Jiaozhu Kingdom now, so I will not watch your Jiaozhu Kingdom disappear like this."

"So, fight!"

"Sometimes, in order to protect peace, we must fight."

"I have asked people to dispatch our Jiaozhu Kingdom's naval forces stationed in the harbor. As long as we hold on for one day, we can blow the horn of counterattack."

"This time, Famri will fight together with Jiaozhu Kingdom. We share the same hatred and enemies."

When Selina said these words movingly, all the Jiaozhu Kingdom warriors present at the scene ignited the flames of battle from the bottom of their hearts.

"Your Majesty is right. We must fight. We must fight the demon bats."

"How do you know you can't win if you haven't fought? We will definitely be able to defeat the demon bats if we work together."

"Your Majesty, fight, for the Jiaozhu Kingdom, for our island, and fight the Demon Bat Clan."

The blood of the warriors was burning, and as the king, Hai Hongbo would naturally not pour cold water on everyone at this time.

So, Hai Hongbo stood up and said.

"In this case, we can only let the people of the Demon Bat Clan see how powerful our Jiaozhu Kingdom is!"

"Everyone, prepare for battle."

So, under the leadership of Hai Hongbo, everyone came to Whale Fall Bay.

Whale Fall Bay is a huge island and the only seaport in Jiaozhu Kingdom.

When they arrived at Whale Fall Bay, they found that the people of the Demon Bat Clan had not started a war.

Instead, they kept blowing the whistle in the sea three kilometers away.

Their whistle blowing is regular, which is a kind of communication code among the sea people.

Through translation, it was learned that the content of the whistle was-"At three o'clock in the afternoon, surrender will not be killed!"

The general guarding the seaport had already dispatched all the soldiers in the country to prepare for battle.

At this time, their king Hai Hongbo arrived.

When Hai Hongbo arrived, the general in charge of the garrison hurried over to report.

"Report to your majesty, the people of the Demon Bat Clan have been shouting outside for an hour."

"They asked us to plant the white flag on the top of the harbor city at 3 pm, so that they can let us Jiaozhu people go."

"Just now, the Demon Bat Clan shot a flying arrow with a letter tied to it. Your majesty, please read it."

The garrison general handed the letter to Hai Hongbo and his men.

Hai Hongbo took a look at the letter and the general meaning of the letter was.

Let them surrender the whole country of Jiaozhu and join the Sea Dragon Emperor.

In this way, Jiaozhu will not be destroyed, but will become the subordinate of the Sea Dragon Emperor.

To put it bluntly, the other party just wants to conquer Jiaozhu without moving a single soldier.

Now the whole ocean is fighting, and there are battlefields everywhere.

Basically, the whole ocean is now divided into three major forces, namely the Sea Dragon Emperor, the Ten Thousand Claws Emperor and the Demon Abyss Emperor.

The three major forces have turned the whole ocean upside down.

Now the war has reached the later stage, and the three major forces are trying their best to attract more subordinates as combat power.

Obviously, Jiaozhu Country has been favored by the forces of Emperor Hailong, so they came to win over Jiaozhu Country.

Of course, it is better to say that it is conquering than winning over.

They have no intention of letting the people of Jiaozhu Country help them willingly, they just want to conquer the people of Jiaozhu Country by force.

Let Jiaozhu Country be forced to join this war.

Not to mention Hai Hongbo, even Queen Selina on land can see this.

"Your Majesty, what do you think of this?"

Hai Hongbo handed the letter to Selina.

After Selina took a look at what was said in the letter, her eyebrows turned, and then she said directly.

"In this case, then we will use the same trick and hang the white flag."


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