Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1429 1429: The fight begins

Faced with the provocation from the Mephit clan, Serena stood up decisively and decided to personally direct the battle.

"Don't the enemies want us to surrender?"

"Then we will use our tactics to lead them into Whale Luo Bay, and then destroy their strength first."

Serena suggested.

But other people on the side frowned and seemed not to be very optimistic about this plan.

"Is this possible? Raising Bai Qi means surrender."

"Since everyone has surrendered, can we still fight?"

"If we really fight, will it violate the spirit of chivalry?"

Faced with the question, Serena replied.

"It's already this time, are you still thinking about the spirit of chivalry?"

"You should know that this is a matter of life and death, and the spirit of chivalry cannot save you."

"You have not lost your country, you have not become slaves of other races, you have not become like street rats and can only live in the sewers of the city."

"You should feel lucky that you still have a country of your own."

"You can still protect it with your own lives."

"So whether it's for yourselves or your country. Fuck chivalry, what you have to do is fight, do you understand?"

"Guard your land and don't let anyone invade it. This is not a means, this is a strategy."

Under Serena's appeal, everyone present dispelled their inner doubts.

Even Hai Hongbo, the king of Jiao Zhu Kingdom, decided to fight.

"Come, please follow the instructions of Her Majesty the Empress and hang the white flag."

"At the same time, let all fleets prepare to wait until the enemy's vanguard enters Jingluo Bay, then surround and strangle them."

"We must take them by surprise and attack them unprepared, and strive to end the battle in the shortest possible time."

After Hai Hongbo gave the order, all the soldiers were gone for a long time.

A white flag was raised above the lighthouse in the bay.

When the white flag was fluttering in the wind, there was indeed movement from the magic bats on the opposite side.

The Mephit tribe is an extremely powerful race in the ocean.

He is naturally warlike and has strong single-target combat capabilities.

Their fangs can tear apart any prey, and their claws can cut off rocks.

In the era of ocean hegemony, these ghosts in the ocean joined the forces of the sea dragon clan. It became the first-class combat force of the Sea Dragon Clan.

Now, the war between the three major forces has entered a fierce stage, and the alliance forces of the Sea Dragon Clan need to recruit more combat forces.

Therefore, the magic bat tribe followed the orders of Emperor Hailong and came to conquer the Jiao Zhu Kingdom.

The Jiao Zhu Kingdom is not powerful, but the Jiao Zhu Kingdom's Jiao Pearls possess very magical power.

Every dragon bead is a natural arcane magic weapon.

The magic bat tribe came here just for these dragon beads.

For this reason, the Mephit clan also came out in full force this time, including the most powerful 9th-level arcanist in the clan.

This time, they are bound to conquer the entire Jiaozhu clan.

"Chief, look, they are really raising the white flag."

The leader of the magic bat clan is the 9th-level arcanist.

He has two gills like elephant ears and a flat human face.

This is the common image of all the mephit clan, it looks like a big manta fish turned into a spirit.

Through the telescope, they saw the white flag on the lighthouse of Jiaozhu Kingdom and couldn't help laughing.

"This Jiao Zhu Kingdom is very sensible and knows that even if it fights us, it has no chance of winning."

"I heard that there is a great sage in Jiaozhu Kingdom named Tianmeng. This guy is very powerful."

"It's a pity that he suddenly disappeared a few years ago. Otherwise, it would not be easy for us to attack the Jiao Zhu Kingdom today."

The guard on the side listened and said.

"Yes, I have also heard about the Saint of Heavenly Dreams. I also heard that the Saint of Heavenly Dreams is also a 10th-level arcanist."

"Fortunately, he is missing, otherwise we would have to face the arcanist in today's battle."

After hearing this, the leader of the Magic Bat Clan snorted coldly.

"So what if it's 10th ring? After all, their Jiaozhu tribe can't compare to our magic bat tribe who are so brave and good at fighting."

"Now we can only raise our hands and surrender."

"Okay, you immediately send a fleet of warships to the bay, let their king take off the crown on his head, kneel at the port, and welcome my arrival."

Hearing this, the captain of the guard smiled proudly and said.

"Don't worry, Patriarch, I will definitely bring your words intact."

After saying that, the captain of the guard led three warships and sailed towards Jingluo Bay in Jiaozhu Kingdom.


Seeing the arrival of enemy warships, Hai Hongbo and others standing at the port became a little nervous.

They are about to face the legendary Mephit clan.

These guys are all devils who have experienced countless wars.

They are Rakshasa on the sea, murderous and even more terrifying than pirates.

The people of Jiaozhu Kingdom have not experienced a war of blood and gain for a long time.

Therefore, Hai Hongbo was very worried, worried that his people would no longer have the courage to fight.

Facing these murderous devils, you will be unable to kill.

And at this moment, Serena suddenly stood up.

Serena seemed to see what Hai Hongbo was worried about, so Serena said to Hai Hongbo.

"Leave it to us next!"

"Our army from Famuli will take action first, so that you people from the Jiao Zhu Kingdom can see what a warrior made of flesh and blood is like."

The Famri Empire had just experienced a founding war.

So the warriors of Famri had the fighting power and courage that were not inferior to the demon bats.

Facing the upcoming war, Selena decided to personally command the battle.

Seeing this, Hai Hongbo frowned.

"Your Majesty, is it okay to do this?"

Selena replied.

"Don't worry, someone has to fire the first shot in this battle."

"I guess the other side won't send the main force into the bay."

"But no matter what force comes."

"As long as they dare to come, we must do our best to annihilate them, and we can destroy one by one."

After Selena finished speaking, Hai Hongbo finally agreed to her proposal.

"I understand, then act according to the instructions of Her Majesty the Empress."

"Next, it will be fully handed over to Her Majesty the Empress."

King Hai Hongbo is actually only suitable to be a politician, not a general.

In the face of war, he was very cowardly.

If Selena hadn't been here, he might really choose to raise the flag and surrender.

Of course, Selina knew that Hai Hongbo was not a bad person, but he had no other choice to protect his people.

After handing over the right to fight to Selina, Hai Hongbo stepped aside.

At this time, the three warships of the Demon Bat Clan also slowly sailed into the port.

The chief guard next to the chief of the Demon Bat Clan stood on the bow, and then looked at the king Hai Hongbo at the port and said arrogantly.

"Are you the king of Jiaozhu Kingdom, Hai Hongbo?"

After all, Hai Hongbo wore a crown on his head, so he could be recognized at a glance in the crowd.

After hearing this, Hai Hongbo had to stand up and said to the chief guard of the Demon Bat Clan who had penetrated.

"Yes, I am the king of Jiaozhu Kingdom, Hai Hongbo."

After hearing this, the chief guard snorted and said.

"Very good, our clan leader has seen the white flag you have hung."

"That means, you, Jiaozhu Kingdom, are planning to surrender, right?"

"In that case, our clan leader asks you to take off the crown on your head, and then kneel at the port to prepare for our clan leader's arrival. Do you understand?"

The other party said to Hai Hongbo in an almost commanding tone.

After hearing this, Hai Hongbo did not even dare to breathe, but just nodded.

The other party was very happy.

"Then what are you waiting for? Take off the crown on your head quickly."

"That crown is too heavy, you can't bear it."

Hearing this, all the people of Jiaozhu Kingdom showed extremely fierce looks.

Their king was insulted, so they naturally couldn't turn a blind eye.

Under this situation, if they didn't do something, they would really be treated like garbage.

So the warriors of Jiaozhu Kingdom stepped forward and glared at the chief guard of the Demon Bat Clan.

The head of the guards frowned when he saw the group of people in front of him suddenly become ferocious.

"What's going on? What do you mean?"

"From Jiaozhu Country, I remember your name is Hai Hongbo, right? Why don't you take off your crown and kneel at the port to welcome the arrival of my king?"

The other party saw these people from Jiaozhu Country, and they were not afraid at all.

They thought that these people would not resist since they had raised the white flag.

After all, once they resisted, they would only be destroyed.

However, at this moment, suddenly the Queen Selina of Famli stood up.

"Shika, go ahead and kill them."

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly powerful arcane energy particles began to move in the air.

Then, arcane formulas emerged above the sea.

Bang, bang, bang!

The next second, fierce water columns rushed out from the bottom of the sea.

These water columns directly blew up the bottom of the three ships of the Demon Bat Clan.

At the same time, several Famri warships anchored near the port suddenly turned their bows, and then dozens of arcane cannons began to aim at the three warships of the Demon Bat Clan.

Boom boom boom boom!

Another series of bombings came, and the people on the Demon Bat Clan warships were directly drowned in the flames of war before they even reacted.

"No, this is a trap."

"Damn it, you dare to plot against us."

The chief guard finally reacted and they fell into the trap.

"Quick, turn the bow and run."

Facing the trap prepared by the Jiaozhu Kingdom, they only had three warships and naturally had no spare power to resist.

So the chief guard immediately asked to turn the bow and escape.

However, it was obviously too late to escape now.

"Want to run? Can you run away?"

"Shika, annihilate them."

Selina issued instructions to her general Shika again.

For a while, two warships rushed in from outside the port.

They directly surrounded the warships of the Demon Bat Clan from behind.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Several arcane cannons almost directly hit the back of the demon bat warship.

Then, the demon bat warship began to collapse and disintegrate, and then slowly sank.

"Assholes, you assholes actually set a trap to plot against us under the pretext of surrendering with a white flag."

"You are finished, my king will avenge us, he will definitely avenge us."

"Just wait for death, wait for death!"

Finally, in a barrage of artillery fire, the captain of the guards was blasted into a pulp by an arcane cannon.

This battle, which was fought from beginning to end, ended quickly in less than ten minutes.

This even made the demon bats far outside the harbor unable to react.

"Successful, we wiped out the demon bats."

The king of Jiaozhu Kingdom, Hai Hongbo, seemed a little excited.

Seeing this, Selina shook her head.

"It's too early! We just plucked a hair from the other side."

"Now the other side will not be fooled easily, and they will not give us a chance to surrender."

"Next, we will face more brutal artillery fire. Your Majesty, let your warriors prepare for the battle! At all costs, guard the port and hold on until the reinforcements from my Famli arrive."

Selina seemed very confident about this war.

She believed that with their strength, they would be able to hold on until their reinforcements arrived.

As long as the reinforcements arrived, the battle would naturally win.

After hearing this, Hai Hongbo nodded.

"Don't worry, Empress. We have no way out now."

"Even if we surrender now, the people of the Demon Bat Clan will not accept our surrender."

"So it's better to fight."

"Pass the order and prepare for battle."

Hai Hongbo said to the generals behind him.

After receiving the order, the generals returned to their posts and cheered for the soldiers under their command.

A great war is about to start. This is a battle to protect their homeland, and they will defend it with their lives.


At this moment, the Demon Bat Clan camp was dozens of miles away.

The chief of the Demon Bat Clan saw the war in Whale Fall Bay through a telescope.

He immediately understood that his chief guard and others had fallen into a trap.

"Asshole, you dare to play tricks on me."

"You dare to set such a despicable trap for my people, people of the Jiaozhu Clan, you are finished."

"I will exterminate your clan, exterminate your clan, exterminate your clan!"

The chief of the Demon Bat Clan was furious and vowed to exterminate the Jiaozhu Clan.

"Pass the order, get all the arcane cannons ready,"

"The war is about to start, prepare for battle, and attack with all your forces."

Seeing the war was about to break out, the leader of the Demon Bat Clan did not hesitate at all.

He ordered all the warships to form a sword-shaped formation and rush towards the Whale Fall Bay of Jiaozhu Kingdom.

At this rate, the entire Jiaozhu Kingdom was going to be split in two.

"Here they come!"

At the port, Selena saw the Demon Bat Clan launching the attack.

The King of Jiaozhu Kingdom, Hai Hongbo, was nervous and on pins and needles.

"What should we do? The enemy looks fierce and even more terrifying."

"At this rate, once they rush into Whale Fall Bay, we're done."

Hai Hongbo seemed a little scared.

After hearing this, Selena said calmly.

"Don't worry, they can't rush in."

"The space in Whale Fall Bay is limited, and at most 20 warships can rush in at a time."

"If we only face 20 warships, we can resist it."

"Shika, let the first unit's arcane cannons cover the harbor entrance, and the second unit is ready to outflank at any time. We must continue to delay time and wait for the arrival of the rescue team."

Faced with Selina's calm and composed command, the generals were well organized and prepared for battle step by step.

This war has begun.


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