Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1431 1431: Revolutionary formula, time rewrite

The battle between the Demon Bats and the Jiaozhu Kingdom entered a white-hot stage.

The Demon Bats gave up the frontal battle and began to attack from the bottom of the water.

The Jiaozhu Kingdom was ruled by Famli, but the Famli Empire was not good at underwater combat.

They could only launch arcane cannons to bombard the sea surface.

But the arcane cannons did not have much effect on the situation on the seabed.

Soon, the underwater army of the Demon Bats had entered the Whale Fall Bay and began to attack underwater.

For a time, the sea water in the entire bay turned black.

From the black sea water, wisps of black smoke floated.

The smoke filled the air and polluted the air.

The life that inhaled the black fog began to grow black spots on its body.

"No, this is the bat poison of the Demon Bats. Cover your mouth and nose quickly and don't inhale this black fog."

Some people recognized this poisonous fog. The terrible bat poison of the Demon Bats will cause people to contract black skin disease.

Black skin disease is contagious, and people who are infected with black skin disease will die in a short time.

Therefore, black skin disease is also known as one of the three most terrible diseases on the sea.

The demon bats often use this method to destroy a race, and this is also their usual method.

Although you can prevent the virus from invading as long as you don't breathe.

But it is impossible to not breathe.

Moreover, the black skin disease infects very quickly, and it will be infected almost as soon as the breath enters the body.

So when the demon bats released the bat poison, half of the people in the entire harbor soon contracted black skin disease.

Even many Famuri people were infected with this terrible disease.

The Famuri people have never been infected with this strange disease.

Soon after they breathed in the bat poison, their skin began to grow patches of itchy black spots.

Scratching it with your hand, the skin will fester on the spot, and pus and blood will be all over the body.

Soon the black skin disease began to spread throughout the body until the whole body turned into black skin.

Once the whole body turned into black skin, the whole person would begin to fester until it turned into a pile of charcoal and died tragically on the spot.

The whole process did not even take ten minutes.

Of course, as long as you can bear the itch and don't scratch the black skin, you can live for a while longer.

In that case, the infected must have a strong willpower to control their hands.

Some people really can't control the itch, they even cut off their arms with a knife.

Although it is miserable, they can save their lives.

Soon, the whole harbor was in mourning. People infected with bat poison are living a life worse than death.

"Your Majesty, retreat quickly, the poisonous fog is about to spread."

The guards beside Selina began to pull Selina back.

Selina is the empress of Famli and the hope of Famli.

She must not get into trouble and die here.

Selina looked at the black fog floating up from the bottom of the harbor and gritted her teeth. "It's really hateful and despicable."

Selina didn't expect that the enemy would have such means.

This method is expressly prohibited in the war on the mainland because it is too inhumane.

But the rules of the sea are different from those on the mainland.

Marine creatures have not yet fully established their own civilization. To put it bluntly, they are a group of uncivilized savages.

They follow the law of the jungle, no matter what inhumanity, they will do anything to achieve their goals.

So facing the cruel scene in front of her, Selena could only curse helplessly.

Apart from that, she was powerless.

"Retreat! Keep your fighting power and let everyone retreat."

Selena knew that it was absolutely impossible to fight now.

The best way was to retreat.

Not only the Famri army represented by Selena, but also the army of Jiaozhu Kingdom began to retreat.

Although this bat poison is very powerful, it moves very slowly.

So as long as you escape from the battlefield as soon as possible, you can escape the harm of the bat poison.

But now that they have escaped from the battlefield, it means that they have lost Whale Fall Bay.

This is obviously helpless, because this is the enemy's strategy.

The people of the Demon Bat Clan used the bat poison to force everyone away from the port.

In this way, they can easily capture the port.

Sure enough, not long after Famli and the Jiaozhu army evacuated the bay, the people of the Demon Bat tribe successfully occupied the bay.

The people of Famli and the Jiaozhu country threw away their armor and fled in disgrace.

Many injured soldiers, enduring the pain brought by black skin disease, were carried away wailing on the hospital bed.

"Retreat, retreat quickly, retreat back to the city."

The Jiaozhu country had no other choice but to let everyone retreat back to the city and start defending the city.

The people of the Demon Bat tribe did not pursue the victory, and they obviously needed to reorganize.

So, the people of the Demon Bat tribe used the harbor as their base and began to reorganize.

In this war, both sides tacitly pressed a pause button together.

"Chief, why don't we pursue the victory?"

"As long as we attack, then this victory will be ours."

"The Jiaozhu tribe wants to fight with our Demon Bat tribe."

A demon bat asked the chief of the Demon Bat tribe.

After hearing this, the Demon Bat Clan leader replied.

"No hurry, didn't you see those idiots carrying those who were infected with black skin disease back?"

"Next, we just have to wait for them to destroy themselves."

The reason why the leader of the Demon Bat Clan did not pursue them was because he had seen the demise of Jiaozhu Country.

Selina and Hai Hongbo, who fled back to the city, had to face a problem that was enough to make them anxious.

How to deal with people with black skin disease.

Many of their wounded were infected with bat poison and suffered from black skin disease.

But they have not died yet. They relied on their firm willpower to temporarily control the disease.

They survived, so they can't give up.

However, those who survived are not necessarily lucky.

Black skin disease is an infectious disease. Although they have survived temporarily, they will soon bring disaster to everyone.

"There is no way. If we don't do something, we will all die."

After thinking hard for a while, Hai Hongbo stood up and prepared to rush out of the hall.

But he was pulled back by Selina.

"What are you going to do?"

Selina seemed to guess Hai Hongbo's thoughts.

Hai Hongbo answered after hearing this.

"Black skin disease is contagious. We must get rid of those who have it."

Selena's heart trembled when she heard it.

"Deal with it? How are you going to deal with it? Kill them with your own hands?"

"They are all your people. They just fought for you."

"They didn't die at the hands of the enemy, but at our hands."

"Is it wrong for them to want to survive?"

Selena scolded.

But she also knew that Hai Hongbo definitely didn't want to do this, but if the people with black skin disease were not dealt with, then their entire Jiaozhu country might be exterminated.

Everyone here will die.

"What should we do? Once black skin disease starts to spread, all of us will die."

"Do you want to watch all of us die?"

Faced with Hai Hongbo's questioning, Selena was indeed in a dilemma.

What should I do? Do I really have to watch them die?

Just when Selena was a little overwhelmed, a guard rushed in from outside the hall.

"Your Majesty, it's bad! Black skin disease has begun to spread."

When everyone present heard this, they all got goosebumps.

The king of Jiaozhu Kingdom, Hai Hongbo, collapsed on his seat.

"It's over, it's all over."

"All of us are dead now."

Hai Hongbo now has no solution and can only watch the black skin disease ravage the city.

"I'll go out and take a look."

Selena was concerned about the situation of her subordinates and wanted to rush out of the hall to take a look.

But she was stopped by General Shika beside her.

"Your Majesty, no, you must not go out now."

"This disease spreads too quickly. If you are infected, then our Famli will really be finished."

Selena is of noble status and must not die here.

But she is concerned about her subordinates and is unwilling to hide in this hall.

"Then let everyone die outside?"

Selena asked.

After hearing this, Shika said helplessly.

"But your majesty, even if you go out, you can't change anything."

"You will only see everyone slowly die, which will only add more pain to yourself."

"So your majesty, I beg you to take care of your own body. Take care of the future of our Famri."

After saying this, Shika knelt in front of Selena and blocked Selena.

For a time, the palace hall became the safest place in the city.

And outside the palace, there was a scene of mourning, groaning and screaming in pain everywhere.

Just hearing these sounds, Selena and others in the palace were already restless.


And at this moment, in the Temple of Poseidon.

Zhuo Bufan, who had been in seclusion for several months, finally made a move.

"I understand, there is a revolutionary formula on this stone wall."

After several months of research, Zhuo Bufan finally understood that there was a complete revolutionary formula written on these twelve stone walls.

The power of this revolutionary formula is actually time rewriting.

"Is this Tianmeng Saint really the Lord of Time?"

"Otherwise, how could he write such a revolutionary formula that defies the heavens?"

Zhuo Bufan was greatly shocked.

Zhuo Bufan knew a lot about time.

Whether in the Yin-Yang world, the Daluotian world, or the Chaos Void, Zhuo Bufan had come into contact with the power of time.

And after coming to the Arcane Divine Realm, this was the first time he encountered the power of time.

Unexpectedly, the Tianmeng Saint could create a revolutionary formula about time.

This revolutionary formula called Time Rewriting, as the name suggests, is the power that can rewrite the flow of time.

It can speed up or slow down time.

This discovery is of great significance to Zhuo Bufan.

Because in Zhuo Bufan's opinion, except for the Lord of Time, no one in this world can write such a revolutionary formula.

Although the Lord of Time seals his memory and power every time he enters reincarnation. "

But he is the Lord of Time after all, and his understanding of time is definitely stronger than anyone else.

So Zhuo Bufan has reason to believe that only the Lord of Time can write such a revolutionary formula to rewrite time.

If he reasoned like this, Zhuo Bufan would become even more convinced that Saint Tianmeng was the Lord of Time he was looking for.

After Zhuo Bufan's reasoning and connections, he probably understood why Meng Chanyi got the Tianbo Pearl from Saint Tianmeng.

Meng Chanyi must have discovered that Saint Tianmeng was the Lord of Time, so Mengchanyi came into contact with Saint Tianmeng.

In other words, Meng Chanyi is probably with Saint Tianmeng now.

In any case, this gain is of great significance to Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, the bigger gain is that Zhuo Bufan also obtained his second revolutionary formula at this time, time rewriting.

After Zhuo Bufan rearranged the twelve stone walls in a certain order.

I saw twelve stone walls projecting a ray of light one after another, falling on Zhuo Bufan in the center.

Then, a huge clock wheel appeared in the sky.

At the same time, formulas gathered in the air to form the prototype of the formula.

Then the formula began to be continuously improved, and finally settled deep in Zhuo Bufan's soul.

The revolutionary formula rewritten by time is like a brand, deeply imprinted in Zhuo Bufan's mind.

"Okay, now I have mastered two revolutionary formulas."

Zhuo Bufan breathed out slowly.

Now, he not only masters Gain's gravity revolution formula, but also possesses the time-rewriting revolution formula.

At this moment, he is not invincible, but at least he can run rampant in this world.

Zhuo Bufan needs enough strength to find the Lord of Time and Meng Chanyi.

After fully comprehending the meaning of the twelve stone walls, Zhuo Bufan finally stood up and left the Poseidon Temple.

However, just when Zhuo Bufan walked out of Poseidon Temple, he found some seriously ill Jiaozhu people lying everywhere on the street outside.

They had terrible black spots all over their bodies.

The dark spots on some people's bodies have begun to ooze and fester.

Some were lying on the ground, dying.

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he saw this scene.

"What's going on? What happened?"

Zhuo Bufan was about to step forward and ask.

However, when he got closer, a pungent smell hit him, and Zhuo Bufan immediately took two steps back.


Zhuo Bufan's intuition told him that this was an extremely powerful contagious virus.

These people have become like this due to infection.

"Help me, help me."

Someone grabbed Zhuo Bufan's leg, and Zhuo Bufan glanced at him.

The man was covered in darkness and his time was running out. Seeing death imminent.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan no longer hesitated.

He took out the Sky-Mending Stone that Meng Chanyi left for him, and then placed the Sky-Mending Stone on the man's forehead.

Soon, a white light was released from the Sky Mending Stone.

White light shone on that person.

The next second, the person who was already on the verge of death began to recover quickly.

The dark spots on the body also disappeared as quickly as possible.

Within a few moments, the man miraculously came back to life.

"I'm not dead, I'm not dead!"

"You saved me, thank you benefactor, thank you benefactor."

The man kowtowed to Zhuo Bufan to thank him.

Seeing this, other people on the side also gathered around Zhuo Bufan.

They begged Zhuo Bufan to save them.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he was not stingy.

He held up the Sky-Mending Stone in his hand, and then released a dazzling white light from the Sky-Mending Stone.

The people illuminated by that light began to recover as quickly as possible.

Zhuo Bufan is out of seclusion, no one will die now.

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