Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1432 1432: The God of Ao appears

Zhuo Bufan witnessed the tragic situation of Jiao Zhu Kingdom as soon as he came out of seclusion.

Black skin disease ravages the entire Jiao Zhu Kingdom, and once infected, life will be short-lived.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan holds the Sky-Building Stone in his hand, which has the power of compensation and healing.

Black skin disease can be cured almost instantly.

Zhuo Bufan took the sky-repairing stone and began to treat people suffering from melasma.

Wherever the healing light reaches, everyone is healed of black skin disease.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan had absorbed enough power of faith with the Sky-Building Stone during this period.

Therefore, the energy of the entire Butian Stone is enough to cure all the people on the island suffering from black skin disease.

Soon, the light of the Sky-Mending Stone shone across the entire Jiaozhu Island.

All those who had black skin disease began to recover.

In the main hall, Serena and Hai Hongbo were anxious.

Suddenly I found that the call outside became weaker.

"General Sikka, what happened outside?"

Serena looked at General Sikka and asked.

After hearing this, Shika came outside the hall and asked the guards guarding the situation.

After hearing this, the guard quickly replied.

"General Sikka, everyone seems to be heading to the central square."

"I don't know what happened over there."

After hearing this, Sikka walked out of the hall, and then looked towards the city below.

I saw a lot of people really moving towards the central square.

"General Sikka, how's it going?"

Serena also ran out at this time and looked at the crowd gathering in the central square.

She saw the familiar white light in the central square.

"That light, could it be, sir?"

Serena has fought with Zhuo Bufan many times, so she is very familiar with the light of the Sky-Mending Stone.

Serena was certain that the light he saw just now was the light of the Sky-Mending Stone that she was most familiar with.

"It's the adults who came out. The adults came out to save us."

Today, Serena already has a kind of blind worship for Zhuo Bufan.

Because Zhuo Bufan is like a god descending to earth every time, always appearing at the most critical moment to save everyone from fire and water.

Zhuo Bufan saved the entire Famuli tribe before, but now he appears again, this time he will save the entire Jiao Zhu Kingdom.

"Let's go to the central square. Let's go quickly."

Serena couldn't wait to find Zhuo Bufan.

This time, even General Shikar couldn't hold him back.

"Your Majesty, let's go take a look too!"

Master Mu looked at Hai Hongbo, the king of Jiaozhu Kingdom, and said.

After hearing this, Hai Hongbo nodded, and then followed Serena and the others with his mother.

Then, they arrived at the central square in the center of the city.

When they arrived at the central square, they saw that there was already a sea of ​​people in the middle of the square.

In the crowd, there was a man in white, holding a dragon bead in his hand, treating all the people suffering from black skin disease.

The light released by that dragon bead shed all the black skin on all the sick patients, which was deeply shocking.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan was like a savior, holding the Sky Mending Stone to treat all people suffering from diseases and save everyone from suffering.

"It's really him. I know he won't abandon us."

After Zhuo Bufan cured everyone in the square of black skin disease, Serena ran towards Zhuo Bufan excitedly.

After Zhuo Bufan saw Serena and the others, he put the Sky Mending Stone away.

"You are here!"

"What happened? Why is everyone suffering from such a serious disease?"

"This disease is not simple. Once an infected person is infected throughout his body, he will definitely die."

"If I hadn't left the border in time, the consequences would have been disastrous."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Serena and Hai Hongbo and said.

He was not exaggerating at all, because that situation was exactly what he said.

If Zhuo Bufan hadn't come out of seclusion in time, the entire Jiaozhu City would have been littered with corpses.

Fortunately, he appeared and saved everyone.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Serena quickly replied.

"It's the Mephit Tribe, sir. We have been attacked by the Mephit Tribe."

"They released a huge amount of poisonous mist and spread this terrible disease to us."

"Fortunately, sir, you appeared in time and saved everyone."

Serena said to Zhuo Bufan gratefully.

Hai Hongbo on the side also nodded.

"Yes, if it weren't for you, our Jiao Zhu Kingdom might be in danger this time."

"Those guys from the Mephit Tribe are so abominable, they used such vicious methods."

"It is simply against humanity and a crime that cannot be pardoned."

Hai Hongbo and Serena told Zhuo Bufan the general situation.

After listening to the descriptions of the two men, Zhuo Bufan basically understood what happened.

"I see, it seems we are in trouble again this time."

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that such a big event would happen in Jiao Zhu Kingdom during his seclusion.

The entire Jiao Zhu Kingdom was almost destroyed, but he didn't even know it.

After hearing this, Serena replied.

"Now that you are out, my lord, everything will be over."

"As long as you lead us, my lord, the magic bat tribe will be vulnerable."

Serena worshiped her too much, leaving Zhuo Bufan speechless.

"You think too easily."

"The demon bats are like the Jiaozhu tribe. They are creatures that can live on the seabed. So my Earth Elegy has little effect on the demon bats."

"It is basically impossible to kill the demon bats with the Revolution Formula."

"Besides, we are now on the sea, and I inherited Gain's earth arcane."

"The strength I can exert on the sea is very limited."

"Although I am a twelve-ring arcane master, my strength will probably drop to eleven rings or even ten rings on the sea."

Zhuo Bufan has a certain understanding of arcane.

He knows that there is a mutual restraint between arcane masters.

For example, he is now an earth arcane master, but now they are on the sea. The most powerful arcane master on the sea should be a water master.

Zhuo Bufan's current strength is probably less than that of a ten-ring water arcane master.

In addition, his most powerful gravity arcane is not very suppressive on the demon bats.

It can be said that the ocean is the field that Zhuo Bufan is least good at.

Selena replied after hearing this.

"Ten rings are enough. With your ability, the leader of the demon bat tribe is definitely not your opponent."

Selena was full of confidence in Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing it.

"Even if I can defeat the leader of the demon bat tribe, what about the remaining demon bats?"

"This war is not a war between individuals. Arcane, except for the revolutionary formula, not all arcane can change the situation."

Zhuo Bufan did not deliberately attack Serena, he just didn't want Serena to put all her hopes on him.

Although Zhuo Bufan is now capable of making them fight a comeback.

After all, Zhuo Bufan now has more than one revolutionary formula.

He also has the powerful revolutionary formula of time rewriting.

With the ability to rewrite time, he can easily change the current situation.

"What should we do now?"

Selena looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

She really relied too much on Zhuo Bufan. Before Zhuo Bufan came out, she could obviously command with confidence and stand alone.

But when Zhuo Bufan came out, she lost her own opinion.

Not only Selina, Hai Hongbo also has no idea of ​​his own now.

They looked at Zhuo Bufan and had placed all their hopes on him.

It seemed that Zhuo Bufan was their king and their backbone.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan sighed helplessly.

In the end, the responsibility of flesh and blood still fell on him.

"You two, you are the rulers of a country and need to have your own ideas."

"I know you have tried your best. Maybe it is the enemy's means that make you feel afraid."

"But I will not provide you with too much help in this battle. The only thing I can do to help you is to help you defeat the leader of the Demon Bat Clan. This is my final promise to you."

"As for whether you can defeat the army of the Demon Bat Clan, it depends on you."

Zhuo Bufan can't let Selina develop the habit of relying on herself.

Selina is the empress he is optimistic about, and he must let Selina learn to be independent.

Therefore, in this regard, Zhuo Bufan was determined to train Serena to be a powerful empress.

As Zhuo Bufan himself said, he could only help them defeat the leader of the Demon Bat Clan at most.

As for the task of fighting the Demon Bat Clan, they could only complete it by themselves.

Zhuo Bufan was not their bodyguard, and had no obligations or responsibilities, but he protected their empire.

"What to do next, you can discuss it yourself!"

"I will fulfill my promise and kill the leader of the Demon Bat Clan."

Zhuo Bufan is a man of his word.

After he finished speaking, he stood up and walked out of the city.

Selena and Hai Hongbo were left, looking at each other, and they had no idea for a while.

"My lord, I will go with you!"

Selena asked to accompany Zhuo Bufan, but before Selena caught up, Zhuo Bufan's figure suddenly disappeared in front of them.

"Don't follow my footsteps all the time, you have to learn to walk by yourself."

This was the last sentence Zhuo Bufan left for Selena.

After hearing this, Selena stood there blankly, hesitating for a while.

She was obviously shocked by Zhuo Bufan's words.

So now, when Selena recalled, she realized that she had been following Zhuo Bufan until now, like his shadow.

Before Zhuo Bufan appeared, she could have become the revolutionary pioneer who secretly summoned all the Famri warriors and then fought for the restoration of the country.

"I understand!"

"The next road can only be taken by ourselves."

"General Xika, reorganize the troops and contact the harbor army to see how long it will take them to reach Jiaozhu Kingdom."

"According to the original plan, we will cooperate inside and outside. When the adults kill the enemy leader, we will go all out and eliminate all the demon bats."

Selena cheered up and prepared to act together with Zhuo Bufan.

On the other side, Hai Hongbo, the king of Jiaozhu Kingdom, also decided to cooperate with Selena.

"If the demon bats want to fight underwater, leave it to us!"

"We will fully cooperate with you."

Selena nodded after hearing this.

"Okay, then prepare for battle."

After Serena finished speaking, she regained her composure, led her Famri warriors, and rushed into the battlefield again.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan walked out of Jiaozhu City alone.

Not far outside Jiaozhu City, the army of the magic bat tribe had already been stationed here and was reorganizing.

The people of the Mephit Tribe are now waiting for the people of the Dragon Pearl Kingdom and the Famri Empire to all be infected with black skin disease and die.

This is also their usual style.

After releasing the virus, all we have to do is wait for death and massacre the city.

"Clan leader, it's almost over. According to the past speed, everyone in the city must have been infected with black skin disease by now."

"We can go in and collect their bodies."

Hearing this, the leader of the magic bat clan laughed and said.

"Wait a little longer. The people of the Jiaozhu tribe are more stubborn. It won't be too late until they are all turned into charcoal."

"For us, their dragon beads are enough."

"As for the others, let them die."

After the leader of the Mephit Clan finished speaking, he sat quietly on the balcony without taking any action.

However, at this moment, they suddenly saw the gate of the suspension bridge of Jiaozhu City slowly falling.

Then, a man in white clothes walked out from the city gate.

"Clan leader, a man came out." |

The guard beside him said to the leader of the magic bat clan.

Upon seeing this, the leader of the Mephit Clan stood up from his throne.

"Bullshit, I'm not blind, I saw it."

The leader of the Mephit Tribe looked at the man walking out of the gate and frowned.

Because he could feel the powerful soul aura of the other party.

"Are you here to surrender?"

The guard next to him guessed.

Most of the people who came out of Jiaozhu City at this time left the city and surrendered because they could not bear the ravages of the disease.

After all, they have seen this situation many times.

There are many people who face the bat poison of their mephit clan and choose to surrender in the end.

However, just when everyone thought that the man was leaving the city to surrender.

Suddenly, golden haloes of light burst out from the man's body.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Every time a light wheel appears, bursts of buzzing will erupt throughout the air.

When the twelve haloes appeared in the sky, the leader of the magic bat clan could no longer sit still and stood up from his seat.

"Twelve Divine Ring Arcanist, this guy is an arcanist."

The leader of the Mephit Tribe was shocked.

He didn't expect that the other party turned out to be an Ao Shen with twelve divine rings.

For a moment, strong mental pressure fell on the leader of the magic bat clan.

The leader of the magic bat clan was forced by Zhuo Bufan's strong mental pressure to finally activate his arcane aura.

Buzz buzz buzz!

A series of nine sky-blue arcane divine rings emerged. The leader of the magic bat tribe was a nine-ring arcanist.

Although the nine-ring arcanist is enough to run rampant in this sea.

But compared to the twelve-ring arcanist, it is still too weak.

"What's going on? When did the Ao Shen exist in Jiao Zhu Kingdom?" "Why don't I know such important information at all?"

The leader of the magic bat tribe said in fear.

Although the opponent is an earth-type Olympus, he cannot display his true strength on this sea.

But he is also an Olympus after all, and his mental power alone is enough to suppress all the magic bats in the room.

Just when the leader of the magic bat clan was panicking.

Zhuo Bufan had already arrived in front of their camp.

Then, without saying a word, Zhuo Bufan suddenly activated a ten-ring arcane spell, Hand of the Earth.


From under the ground, a huge earth hand rushed out, and then slapped the leader of the magic bat clan.

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