Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1433 1433: Time Rewrite

To capture the thief, first capture the leader. Zhuo Bufan can only be a personal vanguard and carry out the decapitation operation.

His goal is very simple, that is the leader of the Demon Bat Clan.

As long as the leader of the Demon Bat Clan is killed, he will complete his mission.

The leader of the Demon Bat Clan is also an arcane master, so this battle is a battle between arcane masters.

Zhuo Bufan's combat capability at sea will be greatly weakened, but this does not mean that his combat capability will be completely lost.

As soon as he made a move, it was the Hand of the Earth, which slapped towards the leader of the Demon Bat Clan on the top of the city.

Zhuo Bufan's earth element power has long been transformed into barren land by the Book of Sacrifice.

Barren land has the ability to devour other arcane energies.

This is also the reason why Zhuo Bufan can not be completely suppressed in terms of attributes.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's Hand of the Earth slapping towards him, the leader of the Demon Bat Clan will not sit and wait for death.

What greeted Zhuo Bufan's Hand of the Earth was a storm.

A violent water tornado rolled up from the sponge behind the demon bat clan leader, and then rushed towards the hand of the earth.


The hand of the earth collided with the water tornado. The hand of the earth was instantly washed away into mud.

At the same time, the demon bat clan leader used arcane magic at the first time to summon a huge water element.

The deep blue water element began to wave its huge fist and began to bombard the ground.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this.

He knew what the other party was doing.

The other party wanted to bury the entire ground under the sea water, which would have a strong suppressive force on Zhuo Bufan, an earth-based arcane mage.

If Zhuo Bufan wanted to mobilize the earth element under the earth, he had to sense the existence of the earth element.

If there was a layer of water element, Zhuo Bufan's perception of the earth element would become difficult.

This was the method that the other party could think of to restrain Zhuo Bufan as much as possible.

It must be said that this method is very effective.

Because the ground was covered with a layer of water elements, Zhuo Bufan's perception of the earth element was greatly reduced.

So Zhuo Bufan's next arcane, for example, was also greatly weakened.

No matter what arcane Zhuo Bufan released, the power would be reduced a little.

Bang, bang, bang!

Several landslides flew out in succession, causing the entire ground to begin to disintegrate.

The earth began to roll like a wave and swept towards the enemy's camp.

For a moment, a major earthquake broke out in the enemy's camp, causing terrible damage.

Facing the nine-star arcane released by Zhuo Bufan, the chief of the demon bat tribe felt a strong pressure.

He began to shake the arcane ring on his body, and the nine arcane rings burst out powerful energy in the air.

It was also a nine-star arcane, which was the strongest level of arcane that the chief of the demon bat tribe could use so far.

When this arcane appeared, the whole sky began to be covered with dark clouds, and then heavy rain fell from the sky.

Soon, heavy rain covered the entire Jiaozhu Island.

The rain was so heavy that it was like water pouring down, and even formed rain pressure, which pressed heavily on people's heads, making it impossible for people to stand upright.

Even Zhuo Bufan was shocked by the huge rain.

Although the opponent only used a nine-star arcane, the chain reaction caused by it far exceeded the ordinary nine-star arcane.

The thunderclouds above the sky will only get bigger and bigger, and the rain caused will become more and more terrible.

In the end, the energy level has reached the eleven-star level and even approached the twelve-star level.

This has already turned the power of nature into one's own power, which is a way to break the law of conservation of arcane energy.

Use one's own smaller power to trigger a stronger power.

Zhuo Bufan obviously did not expect that the opponent would have such a method.

Under this heavy rain, all the tribes of the Demon Bat Clan will become more terrifying.

Humans do not have much combat power in such a strong rainstorm.

But the people of the Demon Bat Clan are not only unaffected, but have become more at ease.

At the command of the Demon Bat Clan leader, hundreds of Demon Bat Clan warriors rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

They were very fast, and their speed in the water was much faster than that on land.

They were like cannonballs, hitting Zhuo Bufan at high speed.

Zhuo Bufan began to release powerful earth arcane magic, creating earth walls and barriers to help him resist all the demon bats.

Although Zhuo Bufan blocked all the attacks, he was completely suppressed.

You know, Zhuo Bufan is the Arcane God of the Twelve God Rings, and he is the peak of the arcane master.

Unexpectedly, he was completely suppressed by the opponent now, which was incredible.

The people of the Demon Bat Clan were really cruel and almost didn't give Zhuo Bufan any chance.

They launched a charge towards Zhuo Bufan one after another.

Until the end, Zhuo Bufan's fortifications had become weaker and weaker.

Facing the heavy rain, Zhuo Bufan's arcane was obviously seriously affected.

"No, if this continues, the master will not be able to hold on."

Selina, who was far away in Jiaozhu City, was deeply worried after seeing what happened to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan could not even exert one-third of his strength in the heavy rain.

Facing the enemy's comprehensive suppression, Zhuo Bufan felt a strong pressure.

All his arcane spells were weakened. If he continued like this, he would be defeated by the opponent sooner or later.

Sure enough, in this world, arcane masters are not omnipotent.

Even an arcane master with twelve rings could not defeat an army or a kingdom.

Facing the crazy attack of the demon bats, Zhuo Bufan seemed helpless.

Serin was ready to support Zhuo Bufan at any time.

But at this moment, the divine ring on Zhuo Bufan's head suddenly began to change.

All the twelve divine rings on Zhuo Bufan's head were suddenly released, and the humming sound of the divine rings was in the air.

Then, the twelve divine rings began to rotate in the air, and then formed a huge ring.

Each ring represented an hour, and fell around Zhuo Bufan, surrounding Zhuo Bufan.

Then, a miracle happened.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly released a mysterious arcane that he had never seen before, and then the whole space underwent a wonderful change.

All the raindrops slowly stopped.

Then, the raindrops actually began to fly up from the ground to the sky.

It was as if time was flowing backwards, not only the raindrops began to flow backwards, but everything in the entire space began to go backwards.

This was the new revolutionary formula that Zhuo Bufan had just obtained, time rewriting.

After releasing this revolutionary formula, Zhuo Bufan could arbitrarily rewrite all time within the range.

It can stop time, reverse time, and accelerate time.

Of course, this revolutionary formula consumes a lot of mental energy.

Although it is against the sky, it consumes too much mental energy.

So even Zhuo Bufan can only use it once a day at most.

Zhuo Bufan used the ability to rewrite time to reset the time to ten minutes ago.

That was when the chief of the demon bat tribe launched the domain-type arcane.

Zhuo Bufan knew that his only chance to defeat the opponent was before that.

So he rewrote time and returned himself to before the heavy rain fell.

When time returned to before the heavy rain fell, everyone was stunned.

No one thought that time would come back again.

Especially the chief of the demon bat tribe, who looked at this scene in disbelief.

The advantage he had finally built up was completely destroyed in an instant.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and quickly used a twelve-star earth arcane spell before the opponent could react.


This time, Zhuo Bufan did not give the opponent any chance.

As a water arcane master, the opponent was too annoying.

So this time, Zhuo Bufan decided to use thunder and lightning as soon as he made a move. He wanted to kill the opponent in seconds.

When he used the earth burial, the ground under his feet began to collapse.

The entire Jiaozhu Island began to fall apart.

All the people of the Demon Bat Clan suffered a devastating blow in this earthquake.

And Zhuo Bufan's real target was the leader of the Demon Bat Clan.

"Hell's Lament!"

Zhuo Bufan used the second twelve-star earth arcane spell in succession.

This time, the entire earth turned into quicksand.

So the people of the Demon Bat Clan were swallowed by the quicksand.

The quicksand pulled their legs, making them unable to move at all.

The more you struggle, the deeper the trap will be.

Of course, this is not the end. Zhuo Bufan once again used the last arcane on the demon bat tribe leader.

"Earth Bury!"

This time, one hand after another stretched out from the earth and slapped the demon bat tribe leader.

The opponent wanted to use water arcane to destroy those earth hands.

But Zhuo Bufan's earth hands were obviously better this time.

Endless earth hands slapped the demon bat tribe leader.

Before the opponent came to his senses, he was already slapped into a fool by Zhuo Bufan.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Finally, Zhuo Bufan's earth hands, overlapping, stuffed the demon bat tribe leader into a huge sand ball.

That was not an ordinary sand ball, it was a sand ball condensed by the desolate breath.

At the beginning, Zhuo Bufan used the desolate earth to bury Jin Kane, who had turned into a behemoth.

This time, Zhuo Bufan successfully used the earth to bury the leader of the demon bat tribe again.

The whole process was as fast as lightning.

Zhuo Bufan did not give the other party any chance to breathe.

Because Zhuo Bufan had seen the other party's means, once the other party used the magic to change the weather, it would be a passive situation that was difficult to recover for Zhuo Bufan.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan used time rewriting to reverse the situation.

Zhuo Bufan seized this opportunity and gave the other party a set of combos, completely strangling the other party in the cradle.

In the end, under Zhuo Bufan's more powerful arcane power, the demon bat tribe leader was completely buried in the sand ball.

When Zhuo Bufan completed his task, it was Selena's turn to appear.

Selena and Hai Hongbo led all the fighting forces in the city to fight out of the city and began to attack the demon bat warriors in front of them.

The demon bats were in a state of panic when they saw their leader being killed.

As the saying goes, to catch a thief, you must first catch the leader. Once the leader was killed, they naturally became like ants on a hot pot, and they were at a loss for a moment.

Everyone began to run back.

However, when they fled to the port of Whale Fall Bay, they only saw a group of warships heading towards them not far away.

Selina shouted excitedly when she saw the group of warships.

"It's our fleet, our Famri army is here."

Selina was very excited because their Famri fleet finally arrived.

Although they came only to do the finishing work, at least the morale was very encouraging.

With the arrival of the Famri army, their full counterattack officially began.

Soon, the Demon Bats were defeated and began to flee in embarrassment.

Under the joint counterattack of the Famri army and the Jiaozhu Kingdom warriors, the Demon Bats began to collapse because of the death of their leader.

In the end, under the leadership of Zhuo Bufan, the Jiaozhu Kingdom regained their land.

This war also had a big reversal because of Zhuo Bufan's action.

Zhuo Bufan once again saved a country.

Everyone began to cheer for him and crowned him with countless honors.

"We won, we won."

When everyone was cheering for the victory, Zhuo Bufan quietly left the stage.

After this battle, Zhuo Bufan felt that arcane was not omnipotent.

Even Zhuo Bufan, as the god of arcane, could not take advantage of opponents weaker than himself.

If Zhuo Bufan had not used time rewriting at the last moment.

Then Zhuo Bufan might have really turned over in this battle.

Of course, there is no if, only results.

The result is that Zhuo Bufan won the battle and he has obtained his second revolutionary formula.

Next, Zhuo Bufan will continue to embark on the road of finding the Lord of Time and Meng Chanyi.

Now Zhuo Bufan can basically confirm that the Tianmeng Zhenren is 80% likely to be the Lord of Time.

And Meng Chanyi is very likely to be by his side.

So as long as he finds one of them, Zhuo Bufan can naturally find the other one.

However, Zhuo Bufan can't just leave now.

Because although they have defeated the people of the Demon Bat Clan now, the next opponent will only be more terrible.

Behind the Demon Bat Clan is the Sea Dragon Clan.

As the three most powerful sea clans on the sea, the Jiaozhu Clan is not worth mentioning at all.

If their opponent is the Sea Dragon Clan next, then even if they join forces with Famli and Jiaozhu Kingdom, they will not be able to fight.

So Zhuo Bufan, the most powerful fighting force, obviously cannot leave at this time.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan has a hunch that the Meng Chanyi and the Lord of Time he is looking for are still on this sea.

After all, he has been searching for such a long time on the mainland, but still has nothing.

According to Zhuo Bufan's understanding of time rewriting, he knows that the Tianmeng Saint has actually been inspired by the Sea God.

If he can find the Sea God, maybe he can find the person he wants to find faster.

Since he can't leave this sea for the time being, Zhuo Bufan decided to stay and continue to protect these two countries.

Perhaps in the near future, everything will be calm, and Zhuo Bufan will leave this world with Meng Chanyi and the Lord of Time.

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