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Chapter 1434 1434: The Demonic Abyss Clan

Under Zhuo Bufan's leadership, Famli and Jiaozhu Kingdom finally defeated the invaders.

However, this is not worth being happy about, because the Demon Bats are just the minions of the Sea Dragons.

Now that the Demon Bats have been eliminated, the Sea Dragons will definitely take action.

So next, there are more headaches for them.

Now that the Famli Empire has just been established, everything is in ruins.

Being involved in the battlefield of the sea, they can only do as much support as possible.

"I am willing to listen to the adults on this matter. We will do whatever the adults tell us to do."

Selena expressed her attitude.

Although she is the empress of the Famli Empire, in her heart, Zhuo Bufan is the king who founded the Famli Empire.

Zhuo Bufan has the right to speak on this matter.

On the other side, Hai Hongbo, the king of Jiaozhu Kingdom, also said at this time.

"I am also willing to listen to your arrangements, Prime Minister."

Hai Hongbo realized that Zhuo Bufan's right to speak in Famli is not weaker than that of the empress Selena.

In this war against the demon bats, we can see the powerful strength displayed by Zhuo Bufan.

This world worships the strong, and now Zhuo Bufan has become a figure that everyone in Jiaozhu country is talking about.

Ao Shen!

Even in this sea, there are only a handful of Ao Shen.

So Zhuo Bufan can't help but be respected and admired.

After listening to the words of the two leaders, Zhuo Bufan only felt an invisible pressure falling on him.

He had no intention of entering the disputes in this world, but now that things have come to this, he has no other choice.

After all, he saw the establishment of the Famli Empire with his own eyes.

It was also he who personally saved Jiaozhu country from the water and fire.

He naturally couldn't watch the Famli Empire and Jiaozhu country being destroyed.

So to help others to the end, Zhuo Bufan could only be forced to join this dispute.

What's more, Zhuo Bufan also got the revolutionary formula of the Tianmeng Saint, and he felt that he also had the responsibility to help the people of Jiaozhu country through the difficulties.

"Okay then!"

"Since things have developed to this point, we have to beware of the invasion of the Sea Dragon Clan."

"But according to your intelligence, the Sea Dragon Clan is now fighting the Demon Abyss Clan."

"I guess they won't launch a large-scale invasion against us for a while."

"I think we can take advantage of this time to strengthen our capabilities."

"Famuri's technology will undoubtedly turn the tide of the war, so I suggest that Famuri can vigorously develop marine technology during this period."

"Since everyone is now on the same boat, we will prosper together and suffer together."

"So if possible, I suggest that the people of Jiaozhu Kingdom stop hiding your core technology."

"The two countries have officially entered the third stage of cooperation and will exchange their core technologies for research."

Originally, Zhuo Bufan had discussed the three-stage cooperation policy between the two countries with Hai Hongbo, the king of Jiaozhu Kingdom, from the beginning.

Now Jiaozhu Kingdom and Famuri Empire have entered the second stage of cooperation.

According to the plan, they will need at least a few years before they can enter the third stage of cooperation.

But now, the war situation is urgent, so entering the third stage of cooperation in advance is undoubtedly the best choice.

In the face of Zhuo Bufan's proposal, Selena agreed without hesitation.

"I agree!"

"And my lord, I also propose that if the people of Jiaozhu Kingdom are willing to accept it, we in Famli can provide the power of the Book of Sacrifice."

Selena now completely trusts Zhuo Bufan unconditionally.

When she took the initiative to propose the power of the Book of Sacrifice, Zhuo Bufan was still a little shocked.

"The Book of Sacrifice is the national treasure of your Famli Empire, is it really okay?"

Selena replied.

"Of course, since we are now an alliance, we should help each other and never hide our own interests."

"As long as Jiaozhu Kingdom is willing to accept the price required for the Book of Sacrifice, then the Book of Sacrifice will naturally be able to give them powerful power."

Hai Hongbo, who was standing aside, was slightly surprised after hearing this.

He still has some understanding of the Book of Sacrifice.

After all, they had done some research on the Famli Empire before.

Know how terrible the Zhenguo Sacrifice Book of the Famli Empire is.

That book can give anyone powerful power, as long as you are willing to pay the corresponding price.

The people of Famli can survive in an environment with more than forty times the gravity because of the help of the Book of Sacrifice.

If the people of Jiaozhu Country can also obtain the power of the Book of Sacrifice, then at that time, their Jiaozhu Country will be a soldier.

Everyone is a warrior, and everyone has the power to protect the country.

"Thank you for your generosity, Her Majesty. In this case, my Jiaozhu Country has decided to send 100 Jiaozhu beads from our Jiaozhu Country to your country for research."

"Our Jiaozhu is a treasure that uses arcane fusion. It is somewhat similar to your arcane technology, and even non-arcanists can use the power."

"If your country can combine arcane technology with our Jiaozhu to create a more powerful technological product."

"By then, everyone can become a powerful arcane master, and everyone will be a powerful warrior equipped with arcane cannons."

Hai Hongbo did not hide anything.

The Jiaozhu is a unique product of their Jiaozhu clan, and there are only one or two hundred Jiaozhu in total.

Now that one hundred Jiaozhu are given to the Famri Empire for research, it must be said that Hai Hongbo is generous.

Selina is naturally very happy about this.

Because the researchers of their empire have mentioned to her more than once that they want to study Jiaozhu.

If the secrets in Jiaozhu can be studied out, maybe it will be as Hai Hongbo said.

At that time, everyone will have an artificial Jiaozhu, and everyone will gain power from the Book of Sacrifice.

In this way, everyone can become a powerful armed warrior.

Fighting one against a hundred is no longer a problem.

At that time, even if facing the invasion of the Sea Dragon Clan, their two countries will not be afraid at all.

Seeing the two countries working together, Zhuo Bufan is naturally very happy.

"Very good, since you have reached a consensus. Then act quickly!"

"I will buy you enough time."

Zhuo Bufan knows that the complete cooperation between the two countries will take some time.

The future envisioned by Hai Hongbo also needs time.

Zhuo Bufan was the one who helped them buy time.

"My Lord, do you need my help?"

Selena looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked. She knew that what Zhuo Bufan was going to do next would definitely be very dangerous.

Zhuo Bufan smiled after hearing this.

"No need!"

"Then what is your plan? How to buy time?"

Selena couldn't think of what Zhuo Bufan would do next.

Hai Hongbo on the side was also concerned about Zhuo Bufan's plan.

Zhuo Bufan replied after hearing this.

"It's very simple!"

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend! The Sea Dragon Clan is now fighting the Demon Abyss Clan. Then we will help the Demon Abyss Clan and put pressure on the Sea Dragon Clan so that the Sea Dragon Clan can't send troops to invade you."

Zhuo Bufan planned to go to the Demon Abyss Clan to support them.

However, Selena was worried after hearing this.

"Too dangerous! Sir, I heard that the Demon Abyss is the most terrifying race in the sea."

"They are all terrifying creatures living in the abyss of the sea, and they are very cruel. If you want to cooperate with them, it will be very dangerous."

Hai Hongbo on the side also said.

"Yes, the Demon Abyss is synonymous with terror in our sea. Wherever they go, countless lives will die."

"Originally, they only moved in the Demon God Sea in the central area of ​​the sea. But for some reason, in recent years, the lives of the Demon Abyss have left the Demon God Sea and started to move in the sea area on the edge of the sea."

"It was because they invaded the living sea area of ​​the Sea Dragon Clan that the war broke out between the two races."

"In fact, compared with the Sea Dragon Clan, the Demon Abyss is more terrifying."

As the king of Jiaozhu Kingdom, Hai Hongbo obviously knows more about the things on the sea.

His words undoubtedly make people a little worried.

But Zhuo Bufan will not change his decision easily.

"Don't worry, although my power cannot be fully exerted in this sea."

"But it is not difficult to get out of here unscathed."

"Besides, I also have a mission I want to do when I go to the deep sea this time."

Zhuo Bufan guessed that the Heavenly Dream Saint might be in the Demon Sea in the middle of the sea.

So this time he went to the deep sea to investigate the whereabouts of the Lord of Time and Meng Chanyi.

He needs to go on his own for the rest of the road.

"Just develop with peace of mind, after all, you don't have much time left."

"As for me, you don't have to worry too much."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to get involved in these disputes, but now things are beyond our control and time is running out.

Only Zhuo Bufan can do these things.

So, Zhuo Bufan can only take the lead and go to the Demon Abyss alone.

In the end, under Zhuo Bufan's insistence, Selina and the others had to agree that Zhuo Bufan would go to the Demon Abyss alone.

And they would speed up the research of arcane technology and try to fully arm the sea dragons before they invaded.

Early the next morning, Zhuo Bufan quietly left Jiaozhu Country.

No one except Selina and Hai Hongbo knew about Zhuo Bufan's departure.

Because the Demon Abyss tribe he was about to go to was a dangerous place.

And Zhuo Bufan needed to go to the Demon Abyss with a brand new identity.

Zhuo Bufan sat in a small boat with a map and began to travel on the sea.

The ocean was really a headache for Zhuo Bufan.

Here, he, the earth-based Ao Shen, had no ability to play at all.

The nearest land was hundreds of meters under the sea.

Zhuo Bufan's strength here was greatly reduced.

Fortunately, after more than ten days of sailing, he followed the instructions of the navigator and came to the sea where the Demon Abyss tribe was currently located.

When he entered this sea area, he saw the bodies of marine creatures floating everywhere on the sea surface.

The bright red blood dyed the entire sea red.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, which was pungent and unbearable and gave people a headache.

Zhuo Bufan knew that he had come to the enemy's territory, which was a dangerous place.

He released his arcane ring at the first moment and activated all his mental power.

The powerful mental power covered a radius of ten miles.

Zhuo Bufan needed to show his powerful side to prevent some ignorant people from causing trouble for him.

Sure enough, when Zhuo Bufan opened his spiritual realm, the life forms deep under his feet began to retract their fangs and give them to the tentacles.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is also a human Olympus. Beings like Ao Shen who are at the pinnacle of arcane arts are not something ordinary beings dare to provoke.

The spiritual power of Oshen can completely tear ordinary life into pieces.

However, when Zhuo Bufan released his powerful spiritual realm, he also attracted the attention of the overlords in the ocean.

"Human, this is not the place you should come!"

At this moment, a terrifying voice suddenly came from Zhuo Bufan's mind.

That sound seemed to come from the depths of the sea, deep and loud, deafening and trembling in the soul.


Without thinking too much, Zhuo Bufan knew that the person he was talking to must be an Olympus of the same level as him.

Moreover, the other party is also a water-based Olympian, and his mental strength is much stronger than Zhuo Bufan's.

So Zhuo Bufan responded after listening to the other party's words.

"May I ask if you are the leader of the Moyuan Clan, Emperor Moyuan??"

"I am Zhuo Bufan, from the distant Red Earth Continent!"

"I came here today to make a deal with you!"

Zhuo Bufan began to use his mental power to communicate with the other party.

After a while, the other party's voice came again.

"Business? Human, what kind of business do you want to do?"

After hearing the other party's response, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"I came to this sea to look for traces of two humans."

"The clue points to the legendary Poseidon Continent!"

"It is rumored that the Moyuan clan knows about the existence of Poseidon Continent, so I came here specifically to seek help from you, Emperor Moyuan."

Zhuo Bufan told the truth.

He learned about the existence of Poseidon Continent from Master Yunmeng's notes.

It was a continent that had been lost for thousands of years, the legendary former residence of Poseidon.

Zhuo Bufan suspected that Master Yunmeng was looking for Poseidon Continent, so he wanted to go to Poseidon Continent.

The Moyuan tribe is the only race that knows about the existence of Poseidon Continent.

After hearing this, Emperor Moyuan replied.

"I do know where Poseidon Continent is! But what conditions do you want to use in exchange for this information?"

Emperor Moyuan asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and replied.

"On my way back, I heard that the Moyuan clan was fighting against the Hailong clan!"

"Perhaps, I can help you Moyuan Clan."

After hearing what Zhuo Bufan said, the Moyuan Emperor was stunned for a moment.

After a moment of silence, Emperor Mo Yuan suddenly spoke again and answered.

"Human, are you really willing to help us?"

"If you can really help us defeat the Sea Dragon Clan, I am willing to personally take you to the Poseidon Continent."

Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"Of course, as long as there is any need for me, I will do my best to help you."

"Then, I'll take it as our deal was successful!"

Zhuo Bufan killed two birds with one stone with this move.

It not only helped Jiao Zhu Kingdom and Famuli Empire, but also helped itself.

This should also be the last thing he can do for the Famri Empire.

After this incident is over, Zhuo Bufan will embark on a journey to find the Lord of Time and Meng Chanyi alone.

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