Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1441 1441: Clues to the Mine

After reading the Bible of mankind in the underground world, Zhuo Bufan also had a preliminary understanding of this world.

In general, this world is similar to the world in the sky, both of which were created by the ancient gods.

This is a bit like the relationship between the Yin and Yang worlds in the Yin and Yang worlds.

The Yin and Yang worlds are also symbiotic.

Now the wall between the two worlds is broken, so it is a disaster for both worlds.

Now the only solution Zhuo Bufan can think of is to find the ancient god of space, Yug, who can only repair the space loopholes between the two worlds.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan also told the chief guard about this method, but after listening to what Zhuo Bufan said, the chief guard shook his head.

"It's impossible. We are just ordinary mortals. How can we see the legendary ancient gods?"

"The ancient gods only exist in our beliefs. It is impossible for mortals to find the ancient gods."

The chief guard seemed to have no extravagant hope for the ancient gods.

After all, in their eyes, the ancient gods are just legends. Mortals cannot get close to them.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't say much about this, after all, he had never seen the ancient god.

Moreover, the Lord of Time that Zhuo Bufan was looking for now was as illusory as the ancient god, wasn't it?

But Zhuo Bufan still insisted like a fool, he believed that he could find the Lord of Time.

"If you don't try, how do you know it won't work?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the chief guard.

In fact, he didn't want to care about the right and wrong of this world, after all, for him, it was none of his business.

However, he couldn't just watch these people die like this!

After all, Zhuo Bufan was also the Lord of the World, the God of the World.

He naturally felt pity for the fate of this world.

He just wanted to help instinctively.

As for whether he could save these people, it depended on fate.


In the next few days, Zhuo Bufan continued to stay in Benge City.

City Lord Klein went to the Federation and would not come back for a while.

Zhuo Bufan was always watched by the chief guard, who followed him almost 24 hours a day.

Wherever Zhuo Bufan went, he followed him.

At first, Zhuo Bufan thought this guy was annoying.

But after a long time, Zhuo Bufan learned a lot from the chief guard.

For example, in this world, the most popular arcane masters are earth arcane masters, because earth arcane masters can build mushroom houses where they live.

Almost all towns in the Federation were built by earth arcane masters.

So earth arcane masters are extremely respected in this world.

On the contrary, water arcane masters are the least popular in this world.

Because of this heavy rain that has lasted for a hundred years, everyone thinks that water is an ominous thing.

Therefore, including water arcane masters, they are all ominous people.

Speaking of which, water arcane masters are also speechless.

Just because of this heavy rain, they are all regarded as ominous people.

Now when walking on the street, some people say that they are water arcane masters and are ominous people.

Zhuo Bufan is very fortunate that he is an earth arcane master, so he is not hated by these people.

Not only that, when some people heard that he was an earth arcane mage, they showed him special respect.

No wonder these guards were so respectful to him. It turned out that there was such a relationship.

Of course, in addition to this, Zhuo Bufan also tried to ask the guards about Meng Chanyi and the Lord of Time.

But to his disappointment, they seemed to know nothing about other people who fell from the sky besides him.

Of course, the guards also told Zhuo Bufan that their Benge City was just one of the thousands of small cities in this world.

This world is very big, and perhaps the person Zhuo Bufan was looking for was in other parts of the world.

Zhuo Bufan did not ask too much about this.

Walking on the street, Zhuo Bufan felt the customs and folkways of this underground city.

He was not inspecting as the city lord, but just wanted to collect more information to see if there was any clue that flashed with inspiration.

When Zhuo Bufan came to the folk street of Benge City, he found that many people were disabled.

This surprised Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, the chief guard who was accompanying him seemed to know what Zhuo Bufan wanted to ask, so he spoke first.

"Some time ago, a group of magic fog suddenly appeared in our Benge City."

The magic fog came from the Tarot Abyss and swept across the entire Benge City.

As a result, Benge City fell in less than half a day, and all the people who were swallowed by the fog became disabled after escaping the fog.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned and looked at the chief guard.

"Being shrouded in fog, and then becoming disabled?"

Zhuo Bufan just felt puzzled.

But the chief guard said seriously.

"Yes, although it sounds a bit absurd, it is true."

"Although I have not experienced it, people who have experienced it say that there are many monsters with sharp teeth and sharp mouths in the fog. It was those monsters that ate their hands and feet, leaving them disabled."

"The fog came and went quickly. In just one day, nearly one-third of the residents of our Benge City became disabled."

"Afterwards, we didn't even have a chance to investigate. The city lord took us and was busy comforting all the injured."

"Now everyone is still in grief and sorrow."

"With the situation outside now, medical drugs are extremely precious."

"Our Benge City's medicine reserves are insufficient, so this time the city lord went to the Federation. In addition to the Federal Assembly, he also wanted to get some medicine back."

"That damn fog. Several of my brothers were disabled because of that fog."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned tightly.

he couldn't help but ask.

"Where does that fog come from? Don't you have any clues?"

The captain of the guard replied after hearing this.

"That fog comes from the mine! Now we have sealed the mine."

"Mine?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Yes, many of the underground mines where coal is mined have been sealed. The output of our coal mines has been reduced. This winter, everyone will be frozen again."

"Can you take me to see it?"

Zhuo Bufan is very concerned about this mysterious fog.

Because it reminded him of the Book of Sacrifice of the Famri tribe he encountered in the world above.

When the Book of Sacrifice accepts a sacrifice, a black mist will also appear.

Then the mist will strip away the person's hands and feet, but those body organs that were stripped away are all sacrifices.

The Book of Sacrifice will give the sacrificer greater rewards.

Therefore, the use of the Book of Sacrifice requires giving and receiving.

However, this mist seems to simply swallow up the human body's organs and does not give any power to humans.

But this gave Zhuo Bufan a bold guess.

He was wondering if this black mist might be related to the black mist of the Book of Sacrifice.

If it's the same kind of fog, could it mean that there are clues to the ancient gods under the mine?

Zhuo Bufan could guess that the fog was a symbol of the ancient gods' presence.

If this is the case, maybe there will be some amazing clues under the mine.

Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to make a bolder guess, but he believed that if he followed this foggy clue, he might gain something.

However, after hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, the captain of the guard shook his head.

"We have sealed the entire mine where the accident occurred. And the city lord has issued an order not to allow anyone to open the mine again."

"Many people in the city are now panicked, and many people have already made plans to escape from the city."

"So it is impossible for the mine to be reopened no matter what."

The captain of the guard regretted that he told Zhuo Bufan so many things that he dared not say.

But now it's too late to regret it. He has completely aroused Zhuo Bufan's interest.

"If I told you that there might be clues to the ancient gods under the mine, would you still be willing to open the mine?"

After Zhuo Bufan said this, the captain of the guard fell silent.

After a while, the captain of the guard said to Zhuo Bufan.

"You can go if you want, but you have to wait until the city lord returns and I inform the city lord before I can take you there."

"If it is true as you say, there may be clues to the ancient gods underground. I think the city lord will definitely agree to let you go."

"Your Excellency, please wait patiently for a few days."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned.

"No, I can't wait any longer."

"If we wait any longer, what should we do if the underground fog disappears?"

"The longer we delay, the farther we are from the truth."

"I don't need you to go with me. You just need to open the mine and I will go alone."

Zhuo Bufan actually wanted to investigate the fog mainly because he thought he might be able to find Meng Chanyi and the Lord of Time through the ancient gods.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan had to go underground in the mine.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's determination, the head guard hesitated for a moment and then said.

"Let's do this. I will contact the city lord immediately. If the city lord agrees, I will take you there."

"It concerns the safety of the people in the city, so please wait patiently."

"How long we have to wait?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, the captain of the guard replied.

"I'll contact the city lord right away and I'll give you a reply in half a day."

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"Then let me explain first, whether the city lord agrees or not, I will go to the underground mine."

"Believe me, if I want to go, each of you can stop me."

"Now I give you time to contact your city lord, that's because I respect you."

Zhuo Bufan actually wanted to rush straight into the underground mine without talking nonsense to the chief guard.

But Zhuo Bufan is also a principled person.

Since this is someone else's territory, you should at least respect them.

He didn't want to conflict with these people either.

So if the other party is willing to cooperate, that would be great.

After hearing this, the captain of the guard immediately nodded.

"I understand, please rest assured, I will try my best to convince the city lord."

After the captain of the guard finished speaking, he filmed two soldiers following Zhuo Bufan, while he ran back to inform their city lord.

Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to continue investigating the mist in the city.

Zhuo Bufan believed that someone must have seen things in the fog and might be able to provide him with some clues.

“Where in the city have the most disabled people?”

Zhuo Bufan asked the two soldiers beside him.

After hearing this, the two soldiers said to Zhuo Bufan.

"It should be Furong shop!"

"Hibiscus shop? Where is that place?"

Zhuo Bufan said doubtfully.

one of the soldiers replied.

“That’s where people smoke opium!”

"Many disabled people go back to smoke opium. That stuff can numb pain and bring happiness to people."


Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"Is it a tobacco shop?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed that opium might be something like opium.

"Take me to see."

Led by two soldiers, Zhuo Bufan came to the Furong store.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the house, a smell of smoke hit his nose.

When the boss saw Zhuo Bufan and his friends come in, he hurried forward to greet them.

"Three officers, would you like some opium?"

"We have a new batch of high-quality opium in our store, which is produced in Aquino Island, the holy land of opium."

When the two soldiers heard this, their eyes lit up and they wanted to have a bite.

But they had military duties today and were responsible for keeping an eye on the man in front of them, so they had to refuse in the end.

"Not today, boss, go and do your own work, no need to entertain us."

"We have military duties today."

After the two soldiers rejected the boss, the boss left unwillingly.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and did not say much, but continued to walk into the house.

After entering the inner room, Zhuo Bufan was shocked by the scene in front of him.

In the small room of less than ten square meters, there were many people squatting and smoking everywhere.

Most of them were disabled.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help frowning when he saw this scene.

These people were just as the soldier said, when they smoked opium, they would temporarily forget the pain in their bodies.

Zhuo Bufan actually understood why there was a place like Furong Store.

After all, in this desperate world, the spiritual world of many people is on the verge of collapse at any time.

When they are about to collapse, they come to this Furong Store and smoke opium.

The nerves that are so tight that they are about to break will suddenly relax a lot.

It can be said that Furong Store is an indispensable existence in this world.

It is also a legal existence recognized by the government.

However, Zhuo Bufan is not here to sympathize with these people today, he is here to investigate the matter of Misty Mist.

So, when Zhuo Bufan came to Furong Store, he spoke directly to the disabled people.

"Who of you can provide me with clues about Misty Mist now, I will cure his disability."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, those who were smoking opium turned their heads and looked at him.

Of course, they just slashed him and then ignored him.

Zhuo Bufan realized that his words just now obviously had no weight.

So he looked at a man who was smoking opium.

The man's left arm completely disappeared from the shoulder.

Zhuo Bufan grabbed his broken shoulder.

The man screamed!


"Hey, what are you doing?"

Others looked at Huan Zuo Bufan.

Just as he made a heart-wrenching sound, the man's arm began to grow rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the man's broken right hand instantly grew out.

The man had never expected it.

"My hand, my hand has grown out. Oh my god, my hand has recovered."

For a moment, everyone present was dumbfounded, and they all showed incredible expressions.

"Now, do you believe it?"

Zhuo Bufan looked around and said calmly.


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