Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1442 1442: Strange Fog

Zhuo Bufan used the power of the Sky-Mending Stone to complete the disability of that person.

Everyone in the room was shocked for a moment.

Even the two soldiers following Zhuo Bufan were shocked by Zhuo Bufan's behavior.

"This, how is this done?"

"You actually brought his hand back, my God, it's unbelievable, it's unbelievable."

"Witch, this is witchcraft."

Many people were so frightened that they clicked their tongues after seeing Zhuo Bufan's methods.

Zhuo Bufan sneered.

"What? Seeing is believing, you still don't believe it?"

"I said, wouldn't you like it if I could cure your disability?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked at the other people present.

"Help me, I believe in you."

At this time, someone stood up and asked Zhuo Bufan to save him.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the other party.

I saw that the other party had a broken arm and looked a little painful.

He was smoking aphrodisiac in his hand, filling the room with smoke.

Zhuo Bufan looked at him and smiled.

"I can save you, but you must provide me with information that satisfies me."

"As I said just now, whoever can tell me information about the fog, I will help treat his disability."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the man quickly replied.

"I know, I can tell you."

"I was originally an employee underground in the mine. I know where the fog came from."

"That's a new mine tunnel I opened. Not long after we opened that mine tunnel, the fog spread."

"At first everyone thought it was just underground coal ash, but soon we saw monsters in the fog."

"To be precise, they are huge, ferocious mouths that bite our bodies."

"Bite us all to pieces."

The man kept talking, and Zhuo Bufan seriously began to record every word the other person said.

"Then do you know where that mine tunnel is? Or do you have a map?"

At this time, another person rushed out and said.

"I know, I'll draw it for you, I know how to get to that mine tunnel. I'm also a worker in that mine tunnel."

The man was very proactive and asked the owner of Furong Store to borrow pen and paper, and then quickly drew a map for Zhuo Bufan.

The location of the mine tunnel is marked on the map.

"This mine tunnel is in Mine No. 9. The roads in Mine No. 9 are complicated. Without a map, it would be difficult for you to find the location of this mine tunnel."

The other party picked up the map and showed it to Zhuo Bufan.

After Zhuo Bufan took the map, he nodded with satisfaction and said.

"Good, this map is useful to me."

The man who drew the map said excitedly after hearing this.

"Then can you save my leg?"

He desperately wanted that leg.

"And me, my legs too."

The first man also came to Zhuo Bufan, hoping that Zhuo Bufan would perform another miracle and heal their broken legs.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and replied.

"no problem."

Then, Zhuo Bufan walked up to the two of them, squatted down, and put his hands on their broken legs.

After a while, their legs began to recover rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This time, everyone put down what they were holding and watched with full attention, paying attention to this miraculous moment.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the legs of the two people fully grown.

"It's so amazing, this is really a miracle!"

"Save me, save my hand, I know it too, and I'll tell you everything I know."

"And I can tell you everything you want to know."

"Save me, save me, I don't want to be a cripple."

At this time, no one doubted Zhuo Bufan's ability.

They rushed to Zhuo Bufan, hoping that Zhuo Bufan would perform a miracle and save them.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan nodded with satisfaction and said.

"Very good, come one by one, I will sit here, and each of you will provide a valuable clue and information. As long as I am satisfied, I will treat you immediately."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, everyone present rushed to tell the information they had obtained.

"I'll say it first, I'll say it first."

"About that fog, I once read in an ancient book. That kind of fog is called the fog of loss. Legend has it that it is the breath of a mysterious and great thing."

"As for that mysterious and great thing, let it not be said, unspeakable. Otherwise we shall be damned."

The first message surprised Zhuo Bufan.

Mist is the breath of something ineffable and mysterious.

What kind of thing could it be that anyone who even speaks its name would be cursed?

"It's my turn, I think this information may be useful to you."

"I heard from my predecessors. The old people said that our city was actually a deserted land a long time ago. Under this land, there is an unknown and terrifying abyss."

"Legend has it that someone was standing next to the abyss and saw a pair of terrifying eyes under the abyss."

"They call it the Lord of the Abyss. I think that mist must have been released by the Lord of the Abyss."

"Yes, the Lord of the Abyss must still be alive. He is back and looking for us."

Zhuo Bufan found the second person's information very interesting.

Now Zhuo Bufan is almost certain that there must be something terrifying, or some kind of creature, under this abyss.

If they were to guess more boldly, perhaps the ancient god they wanted to find was hidden under the abyss.

No matter what, Zhuo Bufan must go and have a look under the abyss. He believes that there will be unexpected gains.

So he had to go down this abyss.

Soon, a third person also rushed out, saying that he wanted to tell Zhuo Bufan some very, very important information.

"I said, I know about that fog. That fog also appeared once ten years ago."

"Ten years ago, not long after the underground city was established, it was a night before all the above-ground residents moved down."

"The fog spread out from the darkness and enveloped the entire dungeon."

"Not many people know about this because the dungeon had just been established at that time."

"But I saw it with my own eyes. The fog stayed in the underground city for a full night before receding."

Three pieces of information in a row are very important to Zhuo Bufan.

Now Zhuo Bufan was almost certain that there must be something underneath the dungeon.

Next, Zhuo Bufan obtained several more important pieces of information.

At the end of the day, he gained a lot.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan abided by his decision and helped everyone cure their disabilities. "

It only took half a day for Zhuo Bufan to collect all the information he wanted.

Soon, the captain of the guard will come.

But he brought back bad news.

"I'm sorry, Sir Gaien, the city lord said about the mine, we will make a decision after he comes back."

"No one is allowed to enter the mine until he comes back."

Upon hearing the news, Zhuo Bufan was naturally extremely dissatisfied.

Sure enough, in the end, things still didn't develop as he expected.

I have worked hard to find out the information for so long, but the other party did not agree.

"In this case, I have nothing to say!"

"But I should have told you before, even if you don't agree, I will go. No one can stop me from exploring the truth."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly turned around and ran away.

After asking for information all afternoon, Zhuo Bufan had already found out exactly where the fog was in Mine No. 9.

So now, he doesn't need anyone else to guide him, he can find it by himself.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

"Your Excellency Gain."

When the head guard saw Zhuo Bufan escaping, he immediately chased after him.

However, Zhuo Bufan's speed was beyond his ability to catch up with! "

Zhuo Bufan was as fast as a bolt of lightning, disappearing in front of the captain of the guard in the blink of an eye.

By the time the captain of the guard reacted, Zhuo Bufan had disappeared.

"No, he's going to the mine."

The captain of the guard came to his senses immediately and quickly led everyone to the location of the mine.

However, when they rushed to the mine, they only saw that the entrance of the mine, which had been sealed with lime, turned out to be a huge hole.

When the captain of the guard saw the hole, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

"No, he went in."

Only then did the captain of the guard realize that Zhuo Bufan was an earth element arcanist!

Digging a hole in the ground was an easy task for him.

"Damn it, why is this guy disobedient?"

"Does he know that he is looking for death?"

The captain of the guard was furious and wanted to pull Zhuo Bufan out and beat him severely.

However, saying this now is no longer helpful. What he has to do is to quickly think of ways to save people.

"Chief Guard, what should we do now?"

At this time, a soldier on the side came over and asked.

He was Zhuo Bufan's guard before, so he knew very well where Zhuo Bufan had gone.

Because when Zhuo Bufan was drawing the map again, he was by his side.

After hearing this, the captain of the guard gritted his teeth in anger.

"What else can we do? This guy is a distinguished guest of the City Lord, and the City Lord asked me to personally protect his safety."

"I can't just turn a blind eye and watch this guy die!"

"Let brothers prepare, we will enter the mine immediately."

"We must bring that disobedient bastard back."

It was obvious that the captain of the guard's affection for Zhuo Bufan had dropped to freezing point.

Now he wanted to find a rope and drag Zhuo Bufan out of the mine.

"Captain of the guard, I know where that gentleman went. I was beside him when he drew the map just now."

The captain of the guard nodded with satisfaction after hearing this.

"Very good, then you will lead the way and set off immediately."

Then, the captain of the guard led a group of guards toward the depths of the mine.

Along the way, everyone was careful, for fear of disturbing and offending some of the gods below!

Although they have not experienced that fog, they have all heard of the horror of the fog.

Seeing so many people become disabled, they naturally don't want to become people with missing arms and legs.

What's interesting is that the fog didn't kill anyone, no one died, it just made everyone disabled.

On this side, the captain of the guard and the others began to pursue Zhuo Bufan deep underground.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan rushed into the depths of the mine without looking back.

When Zhuo Bufan came to this underground mine, he was confused by the intricate caves inside.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan had a map in his hand.

He followed the location marked on the map and came to a dark and deep mine tunnel.

At this moment, it was dark all around, with only some scattered luminous ores.

Mining lamps made of ores were scattered on the ground.

Zhuo Bufan picked up a crystal mining lamp from the ground.

Then, with the help of the weak light released by the crystal mining lamp, he began to go deep underground.

As Zhuo Bufan continued to go deep underground, he felt an extremely cold breath sweeping over.

That feeling was as if there were cold hands hugging him.

The cold touch swept through his body, making her feel a bone-chilling coldness drilling into his bones, making him unable to move.

Zhuo Bufan was relatively calm in the face of this cold air.

Not only that, he was actually a little excited in his heart.

Because Zhuo Bufan knew that he was getting closer and closer to the truth.

There must be something waiting for him deep underground.

Zhuo Bufan patiently continued to move forward.

At this time, a wisp of mist slowly seeped out from the wall of the mine tunnel.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the gray-black mist, he couldn't help but get nervous.

"Here it comes!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he would encounter the mist so soon.

This kind of mist is very unusual. It seems to have its own consciousness and knows to quietly approach Zhuo Bufan from all sides.

It's like a predator preparing to capture its prey.

Before he knew it, Zhuo Bufan had been surrounded by the gray-black mist.

Zhuo Bufan was relatively calm at this time.

Because these black mists were just floating around him and didn't move.

But just when Zhuo Bufan was about to move forward, the mist suddenly began to pounce on him.

This time, Zhuo Bufan clearly saw that the mist turned into black-faced fangs, like a hungry wolf in the dark night, biting towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate and used the earth arcane magic to cover the surface of his skin with a layer of petrified skin.

However, what made Zhuo Bufan incredible was that the fangs ignored his petrified skin and bit his arm directly, and then with a snap, they tore off Zhuo Bufan's entire right arm.


Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but take a breath, but he didn't scream heartbreakingly.

He was just a little surprised by the result.

"Good guy, you completely ignored the power of the arcane."

"You are really not an ordinary mist."

Zhuo Bufan didn't seem to care that he had broken an arm.

Because for him, this arm could be repaired at any time with the sky-repairing stone as long as he wanted.

Sure enough, Zhuo Bufan used a little bit of the power of the sky-repairing stone, and his arm grew out again.

This time, it was the turn of the creatures in the mist to be surprised.

"Woo woo woo woo!"

There were bursts of woo woo in the mist.

That kind of sound shook the soul, but Zhuo Bufan couldn't understand it at all.

But Zhuo Bufan could guess that it was probably a sound of surprise.

The other party was surprised that his broken arm had grown back instantly.

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