Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1443 1443: Servant of God

If there is anything in this world that can make Zhuo Bufan very interested, it must be the unknown mystery.

In order to investigate the mine fog, Zhuo Bufan risked entering the dangerous place.

In the underground mine, Zhuo Bufan soon found the fog that caused the chaos.

This fog is indeed very interesting, and it actually has its own consciousness.

Zhuo Bufan had one arm torn off by the fog.

However, Zhuo Bufan had the Bu Tian Stone, so he used the power of the Bu Tian Stone to make the broken arm grow back quickly.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan's move actually attracted the attention of the fog.

Obviously, the fog was also shocked by Zhuo Bufan's move.

It actually made a humming sound.

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand what the other party said, but he thought it should be admiration!

At this time, the two sides returned to the state of confrontation at the beginning.

The fog did not give way to Zhuo Bufan because of this.

On the contrary, Zhuo Bufan's move obviously surprised him a little, and he showed a stronger hostility.

In the mist, a strange energy began to spread towards Zhuo Bufan.


Zhuo Bufan began to take a few steps back because he remembered the terrible big mouth in the mist just now.

Although Zhuo Bufan didn't know what it was, the opponent seemed to be completely immune to his arcane.

This was an enemy that Zhuo Bufan had never seen before, and the arcane had no effect on him.

So Zhuo Bufan had to keep a distance from him before figuring out his ability.

However, the speed of the mist spreading was very fast, and it almost instantly enveloped Zhuo Bufan again.

"So fast!"

Before Zhuo Bufan had time to escape, he found that he had stepped on a black shadow.

Just as Zhuo Bufan was about to escape, the black shadow swallowed Zhuo Bufan in an instant.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan felt that the land under his feet instantly turned into an abyss, and then he began to fall rapidly.

Zhuo Bufan fell for a long time under a violent sense of weightlessness, and finally he fell heavily to the ground.


Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again and found himself surrounded by darkness, nothing.

"What's going on?"

"Where is this place?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't see anything because it was completely black all around him. He didn't even know what he was stepping on.

An unknown sense of fear attacked him from all directions.

What made Zhuo Bufan even more terrified was that he couldn't feel the earth-based arcane energy quanta at all.

In other words, in this dark space, Zhuo Bufan couldn't even use arcane.

As an arcane master, he was also the source of his own power.

When an arcane master couldn't use arcane, perhaps that was when he was most afraid.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan had an indescribable sense of fear in his heart.

However, Zhuo Bufan was very clear about one thing, that is, he should have been kidnapped by the mist.

He had said before that the mist had its own consciousness.

After discovering that Zhuo Bufan could actually cure his disability, the mist became interested in Zhuo Bufan.

So he kidnapped Zhuo Bufan, obviously wanting to see what was so special about this human being.

After Zhuo Bufan calmed down, he began to close his eyes silently, and then tried to communicate with the other party with his thoughts.

Although this world cannot use the power of spells, Fuan at the table cannot communicate with the other party with soul reading spells.

However, Zhuo Bufan believes that his thoughts should be perceived by the other party.

He can feel that the other party is a more advanced life.

So the other party's ability to understand is not what he can comprehend.

So Zhuo Bufan began to talk to himself.

"Sir, I have no intention of setting foot in your territory."

"There are just some things I want to ask you."

"If you can understand me, please show up."

Zhuo Bufan asked the soul, trying to communicate with the mist.

At this time, the mist seemed to understand Zhuo Bufan's words, and suddenly a bright light flashed in the dark sky.

Those lights, like starlight, flickered and sparkled, making people's eyes bright and magical.

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought that those dots of starlight were the light of gems, suddenly a huge eye came in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan widened his eyes on the spot and was startled.

Then, the light around him became brighter and brighter. As the light descended, Zhuo Bufan found that the space he was in was still a foggy space.

However, the original gray-black fog turned golden.

And in the golden mist, there was only a giant hill standing majestically in front of him.

Those flashing golden lights were released from the hill.

Of course, this was not surprising.

What really scared Zhuo Bufan was when he tried hard to see what was behind the golden fog.

I saw that the hill moved half a centimeter.

As the vision became clearer, Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that it was not a hill, but a huge creature.

That's right, it was a creature, and those flashing things were not gem lights, but huge eyeballs.

Those eyeballs floated in front of Zhuo Bufan, making him feel an inexplicable pressure.

It was a huge monster, or more precisely, a huge creature.

Zhuo Bufan was already shocked by the creature in front of him.

It was indescribable, and looked like some kind of alien in the deep sea.

But there was no doubt that it was the controller of the fog.

And Zhuo Bufan was surprised to find that the so-called fog was really just the breath of the creature that looked like a hill.

"It seems that the legend is true. It is said that there is really a terrible creature under this abyss."

"His breath turned into this terrible fog."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he could see such a creature.

This kind of creature was not introduced in many related ancient books he had read.

You know, when Zhuo Bufan was in the Famli Empire before, he had read many ancient books about this world and learned about some of the weirdness and mystery of this world.

But the only thing that Zhuo Bufan didn't gain was the records about the ancient gods.

The legend of the ancient gods spread all over the world, but no place or any book recorded the information of the ancient gods.

In other words, all the ancient gods only exist in legends.

However, it is impossible that all the legends in the world have the same ancient god.

Many of them even have the same name.

The only explanation is that these ancient gods really exist, but their names cannot be known by the world, let alone spread by the world.

So this world only has their legends, and no information about them.

However, the ancient gods do exist.

Perhaps, it is right in front of me, but I just don't know it.

Zhuo Bufan said so, and then immediately looked at the mountain god in front of him, and finally he asked his soul.

"Could it be that you are the ancient god in the legend?"

After hearing this, not long after, Zhuo Bufan suddenly remembered a laugh in his mind.

That laugh was mocking, as if it was mocking Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help frowning after hearing it!

Just when Zhuo Bufan was a little puzzled, he only heard the mocking laughter.

But this time, Zhuo Bufan heard the other party's voice.

"Stupid and self-righteous human, why do you think I am the ancient god?"

"Although you are stupid, you are very interesting."

"You want me to answer your question, but you need to answer me a question first. How did you make your broken arm regenerate?"

Faced with the other party's inquiry, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

He didn't expect the other party to be so interested in this inquiry.

"Do you want to know?"

Zhuo Bufan asked back.

He likes to take the initiative.

"Sorry, this is my biggest secret. If I use this secret to exchange for the information whether you are an ancient god, I think it is meaningless."

Zhuo Bufan actually negotiated with the other party.

Of course, this is also Zhuo Bufan's fault. If it were someone else, I'm afraid he would have been scared to death.

Zhuo Bufan is also a world god after all, and he has seen all kinds of scenes.

Even if the other party is an ancient god, Zhuo Bufan would not be afraid at all.

The other party obviously didn't expect that the human in front of him would be so individual. Faced with his own inquiry, he actually had reservations.

"It seems that I was wrong. You are still a stupid human being."

"Do you know what will happen if you refuse my question?"

Faced with the threat, Zhuo Bufan smiled calmly.

"Threaten me?"

"I forgot to tell you that I am never afraid of any threats."

"If you can kill me, you would have done it long ago."

"If I still had doubts just now, now I am basically sure."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the other party was stunned for a moment.

"What are you sure of?"

"I am sure you are not an ancient god!"

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said to the shadow in the dark.

When Zhuo Bufan said this, the other party was obviously stunned and did not reply for a long time.

Zhuo Bufan Jiandu remained silent and smiled again.

"It seems that I guessed right!"

"Let me guess again!"

"You are not an ancient god, but you retain a powerful mystery."

"You will release a powerful mist to resist all creatures that try to approach the mine."

"Before, you used the mist to massacre the residents of Benger City on the ground. Of course, I think the massacre is just a superficial phenomenon. What you really want to do is to warn."

"Because your mist did not kill anyone, it just made them disabled."

"So I have reason to believe that the purpose of your doing this is to warn people on the ground not to foolishly want to get close to the underground, right?"

"So after this series of analysis, I have reason to believe that you are guarding something underneath."

"Although I don't know what you are guarding, I am sure that your thing is very important."

"I think that if you are really an ancient god, then your warning to these stupid humans is not as simple as warning."

"Besides, I really can't think of something that needs to be guarded by the ancient god."

"So I boldly guessed that you are not an ancient god, or you are guarding the ancient god. I wonder if I guessed wrong?"

When Zhuo Bufan spoke out his reasoning step by step, the creature in the mist was obviously shocked and speechless.

"You, how do you know this?"

The other party was very shocked. He didn't expect that what Zhuo Bufan said was all right.

"Who are you?"

Faced with the other party's question, Zhuo Bufan answered very calmly.

"I am just the stupid human in your mouth."

"As for how I know, it's all based on my intuition and experience."

"If I'm not wrong, then you should be a servant of God!"

"Servant of the ancient god?"

When Zhuo Bufan said servant of God, the other party was silent.

After the silence, the creature in the mist suddenly answered.

"It seems that you are not an ordinary human. Maybe you can help me."

"You are right. I am the servant of God, the servant of the ancient god of the earth, Tia!"

The other party finally told Zhuo Bufan the truth.

Zhuo Bufan was not wrong. The other party really had a relationship with the ancient god.

And he just guessed casually, and he actually guessed his identity.

I have to say that Zhuo Bufan's intuition is quite sharp.

"It seems that I really guessed it right."

"Servant of the Ancient God of the Earth? What are you doing hiding here?"

"Also, I want to meet the Ancient God. Can you help introduce me?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect to get clues about the Ancient God so soon.

If he could meet the Ancient God through this servant, then Zhuo Bufan might be able to find Meng Chanyi and the others easily.

Not only that, Zhuo Bufan could also ask the God of Space to help repair the space loopholes between the two worlds.

However, after hearing Zhuo Bufan's inquiry, the servant sighed.

"It's impossible to meet the Ancient God."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"What do you mean? Am I not qualified to meet him?"

"First of all, you are indeed not qualified to meet the Ancient God. Secondly, the Ancient God is no longer in this world."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned again.

"Not in this world? Then where is it, in the world in the sky?"

Zhuo Bufan pointed to the world in the sky and said.

He had just come from the world in the sky.

But the servant of God told him.

"The world in heaven? Oh, you mean World No. 1?"

"The ancient gods are certainly not in World No. 1. Now they are probably creating World No. 100."

Hearing this answer, Zhuo Bufan took a deep breath.

"You mean, the ancient gods are constantly creating new worlds?"

Zhuo Bufan analyzed from the servant's answer.

The servant also answered.

"You are indeed very smart, just as you said, Gu is constantly creating new worlds."

"They left after creating this world. Then each ancient god left some servants in each world to help them manage the world and maintain world order."

"And I am just one of the countless servants of the ancient god of the earth, Tia."

"And now, I have encountered a problem."

"I need help."

When the servant in front of him said that he needed help, Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Do you need my help?"

"Yes, I need your help."


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