Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1444 1445: Another world about to restart

When the other party said that he needed Zhuo Bufan's help, Zhuo Bufan was still a little bit unconvinced.

Although the other party claimed to be just a servant of God.

But in this world, the ancient gods no longer exist. The servants of God are the managers of this world.

The ancient gods left the servants of God in this world just to let them manage the world on their behalf.

So this hill-like creature in front of him has absolute and powerful power.

"You need my help? But I'm just a stupid human."

"You are so powerful, what can I do to help you?"

Zhuo Bufan said puzzled.

Although he said so, since the other party made a request, he should probably try it. What if the other party really needs his help?

If he can really help the other party, maybe the other party will help him find Meng Chanyi in order to repay him.

So Zhuo Bufan thought about it and felt that he could help this servant of God.

At this time, the voice of the servant of God continued to come in his mind.

"My name is the Lord of the Abyss, and I am one of the servants of the ancient earth god Tia."

"The ancient god Tia ordered me to guard the Xuanhuang land here, so I have been guarding here. For millions of years, I have never left. I have never been harassed."

"However, in recent years, I found that humans are like rats, starting to dig holes everywhere. They have violated my territory."

"What I want you to do is also very simple. Tell those stupid humans on the ground for me not to get close to the underground. Otherwise, I don't mind wiping them all out."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect the other party's request to be so simple.

"That's it?"

The Lord of the Abyss replied.

"Yes, that's it!"

"By the way, don't tell those stupid humans on the ground about my existence."

"My existence cannot be known by these fools."

"If you can help me, I can meet one of your requests."

After listening to what the other party said, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but feel a little happy!

If this servant in front of him can really help him, it will save Zhuo Bufan a lot of trouble!

"Deal, I will make sure that the people on the ground will not bother you again."

"As a condition, I want you to help me find two people."

Zhuo Bufan began his deal.

After hearing this, the other party answered without hesitation.

"Just tell me who you want to find!"

"I am the Lord of the Abyss. As long as the person you want to find is on this land, I will definitely find him."

Hearing the other party's confident answer, Zhuo Bufan was even more surprised.

"That's great. The person I'm looking for is from the world No. 1 you mentioned before."

"Have you found anyone from world No. 1?"

"They should be a man and a woman."

"By the way, I have their portraits."

Zhuo Bufan began to ask the Lord of the Abyss in front of him about the whereabouts of Meng Chanyi.

He took out the portrait of Meng Chanyi that he had drawn on Jiaozhu Island before, and also the portrait of the Saint Tianmeng.

After the Lord of the Abyss looked at the portrait held by Zhou Yi, he was silent for a while.

"Wait a minute, let me take a look."

The Lord of the Abyss obviously began to use his ability to search for the whereabouts of Meng Chanyi and the others.

However, after a long time, the Lord of the Abyss said to Zhuo Bufan.

"No, I searched every piece of land in this world and didn't find the two people you mentioned."

"Are you sure the people you are looking for are in this world?"

Facing the answer of the Lord of the Abyss, Zhuo Bufan was obviously not satisfied.

"No? How could this be?"

"Neither in the world in the sky, nor in this world?"

"Impossible, based on the clues I have now, at least I can be sure that Meng Chanyi and the others should have come to this world."

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought he was wrong, the Lord of the Abyss suddenly said.

"Of course there is another possibility, that is, the people you are looking for are not on land now, they may be on the sea."

"The sea is not under my control."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan regained confidence.

Indeed, there are fewer and fewer lands in this world now.

Many humans have moved to the sea to survive.

So although the Lord of the Abyss did not find Meng Chanyi and the others, it does not mean that they are not in this world.

"But I did feel a strange power coming from World No. 1 not long ago."

"One of the powers is very unusual."

"By the way, that power is somewhat similar to the power in you."

"You have a power that seems to be not from this world!"

"Are you from the same place?"

After hearing the words of the Lord of the Abyss, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Have you really felt a power similar to mine?"

If what the Lord of the Abyss said is true, then Zhuo Bufan can almost be sure that the person he is talking about who has similar power to himself is most likely the Meng Chanyi he is looking for.

Because Zhuo Bufan and Meng Chanyi are indeed people who do not belong to this world.

So Zhuo Bufan believes more and more that the Meng Chanyi he is looking for is somewhere in this world.

"It seems that Fairy Chanyi is indeed in this world."

Zhuo Bufan, who had originally given up hope, suddenly gained confidence after listening to the words of the Lord of the Abyss.

He believed that he could definitely find Meng Chanyi.

"So, as a deal, I will abide by the agreement between us."

"I can give you some Xuanhuang soil. After you eat Xuanhuang soil, you will gain a strong ability to perceive the earth."

"This power can help you find the person you want to find."

After the Lord of the Abyss finished speaking, a handful of golden sand slowly gathered in front of Zhuo Bufan.

That sand condensed a powerful earth element power.

Zhuo Bufan himself was shocked by this power.

Then, after a while, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"Such a familiar power."

As an earth-based arcane master, Zhuo Bufan's perception of the power of the earth element is obviously stronger than others.

He can sense how powerful the golden sand in front of him is.

At the same time, he also found that there is a power that he is very familiar with hidden in it.

"Although I have always believed that humans are stupid, you humans also have your own wisdom."

"You have discovered the essential power of this world, and you call it arcane."

"This Xuanhuang soil can enhance your arcane."

"I can feel that you are using the power of the earth element, right?"

Faced with the question of the Lord of the Abyss, Zhuo Bufan did not deny it at all.

"Yes, I felt a powerful force in this Xuanhuang soil. What exactly is this Xuanhuang soil?"

After hearing this, the Lord of the Abyss replied.

"Xuanhuang soil is the sacred soil left by the ancient earth god Tia."

"This kind of soil is specially used to repair the damaged earth."

"Only such a small handful can make a mountain range."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"Xuanhuang soil? Isn't this a Jiaozhu?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly took out his Tianbu Stone from his hand.

When he took out the Tianbu Stone, he found that the Xuanhuang soil in front of him was indeed made of the same material as the Tianbu Stone in his hand.

"Is this, Xuanhuang Pearl?"

The voice of the Lord of the Abyss sounded in Zhuo Bufan's mind.

Zhuo Bufan answered after hearing it.

"This is called Jiaozhu, which I brought from World No. 1."

The Lord of the Abyss answered after hearing it.

But its material is indeed Xuanhuang Pearl!"

After hearing the words of the Lord of the Abyss, Zhuo Bufan also nodded.

"Well, I don't deny this."

"It seems that this Jiaozhu is made of Xuanhuang soil."

The Lord of the Abyss patiently explained to Zhuo Bufan at this time.

"I remember that there is a kind of creature in World No. 1, who is born with a trace amount of Xuanhuang soil in their bodies."

"After their own practice, they can refine this Xuanhuang soil into a Xuanhuang Pearl like a sea clam grinding a pearl. "

"This Xuanhuang Pearl contains powerful power. "

After listening to the story told by the Lord of the Abyss, Zhuo Bufan reacted immediately.

The other party should be talking about the Jiaozhu Clan.

He didn't expect that the Jiaozhu Clan had such a skill that they could grind the Xuanhuang soil into Jiaozhu.

"Your Xuanhuang Pearl seems to contain an extremely powerful force?"

"What kind of power is so powerful?"

The Lord of the Abyss has obviously discovered the powerful power of the Heaven-Repairing Technique contained in the Heaven-Repairing Stone in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and immediately put away the Heaven-Repairing Stone.

Then Zhuo Bufan quickly changed the subject.

"You just said that this Xuanhuang soil can repair the earth?"

"Does this mean that the Xuanhuang soil can also repair the hole in the sky?

Hearing this, the Abyss laughed.

"Impossible. The Xuanhuang soil can only repair the earth, not the sky."

"I know what you want to say. Do you want to borrow my Xuanhuang soil to repair the hole in the sky?"

The Lord of the Abyss replied.

Zhuo Bufan immediately continued to ask.

"Since you know, why don't you take action?"

"Do you want to watch the collapse of this world?"

"If this continues, this world will be completely submerged in water. Do you think this is what the ancient gods want to see?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

However, after hearing this, the Lord of the Abyss answered bluntly.

"Stupid human, you don't understand how the hole in the sky came about."

"And the Xuanhuang soil can't repair that hole."

"The only one who can repair that hole is the servant of the space god Yuge."

The Lord of the Abyss hesitated, as if he knew something, but he didn't want to say it.

Zhuo Bufan certainly didn't ask too much, but he did get a very important piece of information.

That is, the ancient god of space Yuge also has his own servant in this world.

As long as Yuge's servant is found, perhaps the holes in the sky can be repaired.

But soon, Zhuo Bufan himself realized that this problem might not be so simple.

If the servants really have the ability to repair the holes in the sky, why don't they repair the holes in the sky?

Judging from the conversation between the Lord of the Abyss and him just now, I am afraid that things are not as simple as he thought.

Did the hole in the sky really appear out of thin air?

Or is it just because the world created failed and a loophole appeared?

Zhuo Bufan obviously found out that some problems are not superficial.

At this time, the Lord of the Abyss also said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Human, don't be smart."

"Everything that is happening in this world now is the elimination of nature."

"I'll show you a clear way. If you really want to survive this catastrophe, build a boat of your own."

"The Great Flood Era is coming soon!"

"The Great Flood Era?"

Just hearing this name, Zhuo Bufan has realized that things may have developed more terrible than he imagined.

This Lord of the Abyss, what is the elimination of nature, what catastrophe, what is the Great Flood Era.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly had a terrible guess in his heart!

Could it be that this catastrophe is not a world BUG. But a conspiracy?

Is it a punishment and elimination of the life of this world by the Creator?

Zhuo Bufan just thought about it, and immediately recalled a word in his mind, Daluotian!

That's right, although this world is completely different from the Daluotian world.

But Zhuo Bufan still thought of the Daluotian world.

Because the Heavenly Dao of the Daluotian world is brewing a terrifying world restart plan.

He wants to destroy all life in this world.

It's just that Daluotian's plan was curbed by the Three Emperors.

But no one in this world stopped it. The god of this world can punish all life in this world at will.

This is the biggest sorrow now!

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he escaped the world tragedy of Daluotian, but did not escape the world tragedy of the Arcane God Realm.

What's going on?

Why do the creator gods of these worlds want to destroy the world they created with their own hands?

Zhuo Bufan is also a creator god. He created the current Yin and Yang world.

Although the Yin and Yang world is only a very small world in the infinite world, Zhuo Bufan loves his own small world very much.

He also loves all life in this small world.

Zhuo Bufan will not ignore life, let alone think about one day, all life will be wiped out.

This is simply abnormal in Zhuo Bufan's view.

However, now, Zhuo Bufan is a little confused.

Whether it is the Daluotian world or the Arcane God Realm. The creator gods of the two worlds actually want to destroy the world they created.

What's wrong with these creator gods? Are they crazy?

If the Heavenly Dao of the Daluotian world cannot restart the world because it is restricted by the Three Emperors.

Then the Arcane God Realm in front of Zhuo Bufan has begun to destroy the world.

The arrival of the Great Flood Era marks the simultaneous destruction of the heavenly world and the underground world.

Without the ocean in the heavenly world, the atmospheric system will collapse immediately, and all life will die without water sources in a short time.

And the underground world will have no continents, and without continents, there will be no plants.

Maybe there will be life in the future, but it will only be marine life.

Will humans go back to live under the sea again?

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan felt sorry for the lives of this world.

They are alive, but they are just toys of the creator god.

If the creator god doesn't want them one day, they will be garbage that can be thrown away at any time.

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