Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1445 1446: The Lost Continent

A catastrophe is coming, what kind of fate awaits the world

Facing this catastrophe caused by God, human beings are helpless.

They don't even know it yet, but they have been abandoned by their Creator.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the world and fell into deep thought.

Of course, it's all Zhuo Bufan's speculation right now, and it's not certain whether it's true or not.

So Zhuo Bufan decided to look for the servant of the Ancient God of Space first to see if he could help him.

"Then can you tell me how to find the servant of the ancient god of space?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Lord of the Abyss in front of him and said.

After hearing this, the Lord of the Abyss replied.

"Sorry, I really don't know this."

"We, the servants of the Ancient God, have no connection with each other."

"But I can provide you with a clue. The ancient god Yug has a temple located on Dilan Island in the Kalori continent."

"If you really want to find the servant of the ancient god Yug, then it is best to go to the Kalori continent to look for it."

"Karori Continent?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know much about the geography of this world.

So he has no idea where the Karoli continent is.

After hearing this, the Lord of the Abyss replied.

"Of course those humans will tell you."

"Okay human being, this is the deal between us, please leave! Don't disturb my sleep again."

"Remember to tell those stupid humans on the ground. If they dare to invade my territory again, I will make them pay a heavy price."

Before Zhuo Bufan could react, the Lord of the Abyss slowly disappeared in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan's vision also began to become darker and darker, at least the last bit of light completely disappeared, and Zhuo Bufan's world became dark again.

But after a while, Zhuo Bufan found that he was holding a mining lamp in his hand, standing quietly on the previous mine tunnel. The surrounding fog has completely disappeared.

"came back!"

Zhuo Bufan found that he was back to where he started. Everything was as if nothing had happened.

But the voice of the Lord of the Abyss was still echoing in his ears.

"Humans, remember our agreement."

"Whether you can use those people or not depends on your decision."

After Zhuo Bufan heard these words, his heart tightened silently.

Then, he saw a handful of golden sand in his hand.

Obviously, these are the black and yellow soil given to him by the Lord of the Abyss.

Zhuo Bufan swallowed the black and yellow soil into his mouth without hesitation.

After a while, he felt a warm power flowing through his body.

Under this kind of power, Zhuo Bufan felt as if his feet had a deeper connection with the earth.

The whole person seems to have merged with the earth.

Under this feeling, Zhuo Bufan found that his soul perception ability had been greatly improved.

Under this kind of perception, Zhuo Bufan can control everything within a radius of ten miles above the earth like the palm of his hand.

This is an ability bestowed upon Zhuo Bufan by the Lord of the Abyss.

With this ability, as long as Meng Chanyi appears in this spiritual realm, Zhuo Bufan will be able to discover her existence immediately.

Moreover, this ability can be continuously improved.

Reaching the final state, you can even cover all the land in the world like the Lord of the Abyss.

Of course, this ability can only be used after the opponent has set foot on the ground.

Once the opponent is at sea, this ability will be useless.

In short, Zhuo Bufan has gained something from this trip to the abyss.

Not only this Xuanhuang soil, Zhuo Bufan also has a lot of important information.

Servants of God, Ancient Gods, World Creation, World Destruction, Ancient God Yug, Karori Continent, etc.

Zhuo Bufan needed some time to sort out the information he had obtained.

This information will be very helpful for Zhuo Bufan's next actions in this world.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not forget the mission assigned to him by the Lord of the Abyss.

According to the request of the Lord of the Abyss, Zhuo Bufan must tell the people in Benge City on the ground to stop them from going near the underground.

It was indeed a dangerous place. Even Zhuo Bufan would not recommend these people to go underground.

At this time, the captain of the guard and the others finally came.

"Found it, over there!"

When they saw Zhuo Bufan, they quickly ran over.

"Sir, why did you break into the mine without listening to the instructions? Do you know that it is dangerous down there in the mine?"

After seeing Zhuo Bufan, the captain of the guard wanted to give this guy a good beating.

If it weren't for the fact that he was a distinguished guest of the city lord, he really wanted to teach Zhuo Bufan a lesson.

However, Zhuo Bufan showed a warm smile when he saw the captain of the guard.

"Thank you for your hard work, friends."

Zhuo Bufan said with a smile.

He stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling man. When the guard saw Zhuo Bufan smiling at him, he didn't want to get angry. He just snorted and said.

"Your Excellency, may I venture to ask, have you found anything?"

The captain of the guard looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said.

"sorry, we do not have that!"

"But I can feel that there are terrible things under this earth."

"When I got here, I no longer dared to move forward."

Zhuo Bufan did not tell the Lord of the Abyss.

Because Zhuo Bufan promised the Lord of the Abyss that he would not tell the world about his existence.

So Zhuo Bufan could only change his way, hoping to shock the people behind him.

"Let's go, you are right, this mine should be closed forever and must not be opened."

"After we get out, I will help you close this mine."

Zhuo Bufan changed his previous attitude and followed the chief guard and others out of the mine.

When they came to the outside of the mine, Zhuo Bufan clapped his hands and immediately used arcane magic on the earth.

Then, the soil and rocks under the earth began to gather at the entrance of the mine, and finally formed an indestructible stone wall, closing the entire mine and the mine tunnel inside.

Zhuo Bufan's abnormal behavior was a bit surprising.

However, the chief guard and others did not care too much, as long as Zhou Yi did not continue to enter the mine.

As for other people, they would not risk the death penalty to break into the mine tunnel.

"Then please follow me back to the City Lord's Mansion! The City Lord will be back in a few days."

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan returned to the City Lord's Mansion under the leadership of the Chief Guard.

As soon as he returned to the City Lord's Mansion, Zhuo Bufan asked the Chief Guard about the Calori Continent.

"Captain Guard, do you know where the Calori Continent is?"

The Chief Guard was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

He looked at Zhuo Bufan with a strange look.

"Sir, how do you know the Calori Continent?"

Obviously, the Chief Guard did not expect to hear the name of the Calori Continent from Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan obviously could not tell the matter of the Lord of the Abyss, so he hurriedly explained.

"I have read in a book before that the temple of the ancient god of space, Yug, is on the Calori Continent, right?"

Zhuo Bufan's next destination is the Calori Continent.

This is the only clue given to Zhuo Bufan by the Lord of the Abyss. Zhuo Bufan must continue to investigate along this clue to gain more.

However, the chief guard shook his head after hearing this.

"Sir, the Calori continent you are talking about has long ceased to exist in this world."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard this.

"What do you mean? Has this continent been swallowed up by this heavy rain?"

"It's impossible. This heavy rain has only lasted for more than ten years. It won't submerge a continent, right?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the chief guard in front of him with great surprise.

After hearing this, the chief guard explained to Zhuo Bufan.

"No, Calori continent was already submerged during the great flood era."

"That was the last century's heavy rain."

"In this world, no one knows the existence of Calori continent. That place only exists in legends and the Bible."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard this.

This Calori continent turned out to be a legendary place.

It had sunk to the bottom of the sea in the heavy rain tens of thousands of years ago.

In this world now, no one knows where Calori continent is.

"The Bible records this Calori continent. It was originally the richest place in the world. It had the highest creatures and the most perfect civilization."

"The Calori civilization is also known as the most brilliant and dazzling civilization in history."

"However, this civilization was destroyed by the great flood before it lasted for a hundred years."

"Now, the Calori continent only exists in the seabed, and no one knows where the continent is in the sea."

"Perhaps, in the near future, the Moya continent where we are will sink to the bottom of the sea like the Calori continent!"

"The development of the times is so similar. Now the civilization of our Moya continent is also the most brilliant and dazzling moment, but what greets us is a never-ending heavy rain."

From the mouth of the chief guard, Zhuo Bufan got a very shocking information.

Comparing the Calori continent and the Moya continent, history is always surprisingly similar.

Zhuo Bufan now has reason to suspect that the Calori continent was probably wiped out by the gods of creation.

Now, the God of Creation used the same method to wipe out the Moya continent.

"Damn, these guys are too childish."

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and said.

The people he scolded were the guys who created this world.

They created this world, but did not cherish it.

They destroyed the most brilliant flowers in this world. What on earth were they thinking?

Zhuo Bufan did not understand the thoughts of these Gods of Creation, although he himself was now a God of Creation.

"Why did you suddenly ask about the Karoli continent?"

"You should know that this continent only exists in legends."

"For tens of millions of years, I don't know how many adventurers have wanted to find the lost continent, but no one has found it."

"It's almost impossible for you to find it."

The chief guard hit Zhuo Bufan unceremoniously.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan could only sigh helplessly.

He did not expect that the clues would be broken again so quickly.

Where is the Karoli continent?

How can I find it?

Ask the Lord of the Abyss again? But the Lord of the Abyss had already rejected him once, so it was obviously impossible for him to tell Zhuo Bufan the destination.

After all, Zhuo Bufan now highly suspected that the reason why the world is so chaotic now may be related to these servants of God.

Helplessly, Zhuo Bufan had to find a way to continue collecting information about the Calori Continent.

Zhuo Bufan didn't believe that in such a big world, no one knew about the Calori Continent.

In the next few days, Zhuo Bufan wandered in the alleys of Benge City all day long.

Help those who were disabled by the mist released by the Lord of the Abyss to recover their health.

Of course, revenge means that you must provide Zhuo Bufan with a certain amount of faith and information.

The faith provided can replenish the energy of the Sky-Repairing Stone.

As for the importance of information, there is no need to say more.

After a few days, it was surprising that Zhuo Bufan really gained something.

Zhuo Bufan got a piece of information from an old man who suddenly turned gray and had a vicissitudes of life.

The legendary Calori Continent is located in the center of the East China Sea.

The old man is a geography professor, and he himself is fascinated by the legendary Calori Continent.

He has been obsessed with research for decades and has made considerable gains.

He deduced a rough location based on the movement of continental plates and ancient legends.

Of course, this is just an inference, so no one knows what the result will be.

He can only infer a rough range, but this range is very large, as large as a continent.

It is really not easy for Zhuo Bufan to find this continent.

In addition to this old professor, Zhuo Bufan also got an important piece of information from another old man.

The old man claimed to be an ancient researcher. He did not tell Zhuo Bufan where the Calori continent was, because he did not know.

But he told Zhuo Bufan that someone should know the specific location of the Calori continent.

To be precise, it was not a person, but a marine creature.

Many people call that marine creature Caesar the island turtle!

Caesar the island turtle, an ancient creature known as a prophet on the sea.

It knows everything in the sea, whether it is trivial matters or earth-shaking secrets, it knows.

So if Zhuo Bufan wants to know the existence of the Calori continent, finding Caesar is obviously the wisest choice.

Moreover, this Caesar is obviously much easier to find than the Calori Continent.

Caesar is also in the East China Sea. It usually carries a small island called Lula on its back and drifts in the sea.

That Lula Island is now a very famous island on the sea.

After all, in this era of heavy rain, this Lula Island is simply a moving land.

Many people know the existence of Lula Island, but if you want to land on Lula Island, you need some landing fees.

After preparing the landing fees, you can find an introducer to land on the island.

"Although it is a bit tortuous, it seems that this is the only way out."

"Then go find Lula Island first, then find the prophet Caesar, and then ask him about the location of the Calori Continent."

Zhuo Bufan made this decision after sorting out the information.


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