Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1446 1447: Paradise on Earth

"Sir, are you leaving now? Don't you wait until our city lord comes back?"

Zhuo Bufan wants to leave, but the head guard wants to stay.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is the most important guest of the city lord, and Zhuo Bufan also has a very important secret.

The order he received from the city lord was to find a way to keep Zhuo Bufan before he came back.

Obviously, after the city lord returns, he still has something to ask Zhuo Bufan.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan could not leave before the city lord returned under any circumstances.

But Zhuo Bufan no longer needs to stay here.

He has collected enough intelligence, and next he will go to Leula Island to find Caesar, the Prophet Island Turtle.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to waste any more time here.

Of course, it was impossible for the captain of the guard to let Zhuo Bufan go so easily.

"Your Excellency, not now. You can't leave until our city lord comes back."

"How can I explain to the city lord now that you are gone?"

The captain of the guard blocked Zhuo Bufan's way.

Zhuo Bufan was obviously dissatisfied with this.

"Chief Guard, your feet are on me. I can leave when I want and stay when I want. What, are you detaining me here by force?"

Zhuo Bufan showed a hint of fighting spirit.

If the other party forces him to stay here, then he doesn't mind using force.

Zhuo Bufan does not need any stumbling blocks on his way forward.

He would be rude to anyone or anything that tried to block his path.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's tendency to use force again, the chief guard quickly asked the guards around him to surround Zhuo Bufan.

However, the guards did not listen to the captain of the guard this time.

Because many of them were disabled before.

If Zhuo Bufan hadn't cured their disabilities, they would still be disabled now.

You can't repay kindness with hatred. They all know that Zhuo Bufan is a good person.

Zhuo Bufan has saved many disabled people during this period, and now Lord Gein's name has spread throughout Benge City.

The people of Benge City have regarded him as a kind of faith.

Zhuo Bufan is now deeply trusted by people, so when faced with the difficulties faced by the captain of the guard, the guards obviously did not listen.

"Captain of the guard, Lord Gain saved us and we cannot treat our benefactor like this."

"Yes, captain of the guard, Lord Gain must be doing more important things, so let's not make things difficult for him!"

"Captain of the guard, please let Lord Gain leave."

"Captain of the guard, we also ask you to let Master Gain go."

The guards began to plead with the captain of the guard to help Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this scene, the captain of the guard was obviously a little moved.

After all, he is just a small guard captain, and many things are beyond his control.

He could choose to let Zhuo Bufan go, but in that case, he would definitely be punished by the city lord.

But now, Zhuo Bufan is the only one who wins the people's support, and there is no way he can stop him.

Just when the captain of the guard was also in a dilemma, Zhuo Bufan stood up and said.

"Captain of the guard, there is no need for you to be embarrassed."

"In this case, you can tell the city lord that if he wants to find me, he can come to Lula Island."

"The prophet Caesar I am looking for now can help me find the servant of Yug."

"Only by finding the Lord God of Space can we repair the loopholes in the sky. Do you want to live in this dark world all your life?"

Zhuo Bufan's words woke up the captain of the guard.

The captain of the guard looked at Zhuo Bufan and fell into deep thought.

After a while, the captain of the guard spoke slowly.

"Get Mr. Guyon a set of rain gear and some dry food."

Hearing this, the other guards were stunned for a moment, and then they all ran out happily to get Zhuo Bufan rain gear.

Soon, the guards brought Zhuo Bufan a set of good rain gear.

Then the captain of the guard personally handed it to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan, who took over the rain gear, felt a little moved in his heart.

The captain of the guard also said to Zhuo Bufan at this time.

"Mr. Gein, although I don't know what you are doing now."

"But I believe that what you do must be important."

"Actually, I respect you very much. I see you treating so many people every day without taking any payment. You are simply a saint."

"So go ahead and fulfill your mission."

"I will pray for you here."

After the captain of the guard finished speaking, the guards behind him also said quickly.

"We are too, and we will definitely pray for you, Mr. Gain."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan just smiled.

In fact, for Zhuo Bufan, these people were not made because of his hot-headed decisions.

The reason he wanted these people was because he thought humans were cute.

"Okay! When I come back, I will explain it to the city lord personally!"

"Goodbye, everyone."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took the rain gear and walked into the elevator under everyone's gaze.

At this moment, a large group of people ran over not far away.

"Lord Gain, Lord Gain."

In the distance, I saw everyone running towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan felt deeply when he saw this scene.

Zhuo Bufan paused for a moment for this reason.

The people who came were all disabled patients who had been cured by Zhuo Bufan.

After they learned that Zhuo Bufan was leaving, they all put down their work and ran over to say goodbye to Zhuo Bufan.

"Lord Gein, are you leaving now?"

"Haha, everyone, the mountains are high and the rivers are long. We will meet again."

Zhuo Bufan said.

Zhuo Bufan was particularly excited when he saw the people he had rescued running towards him.

At this time, an old man was seen walking out of the crowd.

I knew the old man Zhuo Bufan. His name was Miller, and he was a very powerful geographer.

He had treated his leg injury before, so the old man was very grateful to himself.

A very important piece of information about Zhuo Bufan came from the sword in the old man's hand.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan, the old man tremblingly took out a book from his arms, and then said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Lord Gaien, I know that the purpose of your visit is to help us repair the hole in the sky."

"We mortals are not as capable as you, so we can only survive under this natural disaster."

"So we can't help you."

"This book is the result of a lifetime of research and documents the location of Caesar the Island Turtle."

"Maybe it will be helpful in your search for Caesar."

The old man handed over his most important efforts to Zhuo Bufan.

After Zhuo Bufan took the book written by the old man, he briefly read the contents.

This book contains a lot of interesting geographical knowledge.

Although some of them seemed useless, Zhuo Bufan knew that they were the old man's hard work.

Maybe it’s all the old man’s property!

Now that all these properties belong to him, Zhuo Bufan is inevitably a little touched in his heart.

"Thank you, Mr. Miller. I believe that with your guidance, I will be able to find Yug's servant."

"Everyone, just send it here. It's almost time. I should be on my way."

Zhuo Bufan had not lived with these people for too long, but he felt extremely simple emotions from these people.

The world is warm, but Zhuo Bufan can't understand why God wants to rain this cold rain and plunge the warm world into an icy desperate situation?

Zhuo Bufan left. He took the geography book given by Uncle Miller, put on the rain gear given by the captain of the guard and others, and walked out of the ancient city that could only live underground.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know if this city would still be there the next time he came here.

This rain will sooner or later submerge this small city.

This continent may sink to the bottom of the sea sooner or later.

Time waits for no one, and his extraordinary heart drives him to embark on the road to find the Yog Temple.

It can be regarded as a kind of drama. Zhuo Bufan found that his whole life has been on the road of searching.

Either you are looking for someone, or you are on the way to find someone.

When in the world of cultivation, look for Emperor Xuan, look for Bai Su, look for legends, and look for miracles.

When I was in Da Luotian, I was looking for life, looking for the truth, looking for Luo Tian, ​​and looking for myself.

Later, after escaping into the void, he began to search for the Lord of Time, Meng Chanyi, and the road to reincarnation.

Now, in the Arcane God Realm, he has begun to search for the servants of gods, the ancient gods, and hope.

Zhuo Bufan has really never been idle in his life.

However, until now, he has not found Meng Chanyi, the Lord of Time, nor the ancient gods and their servants.

How long will Zhuo Bufan continue on this journey of pursuit?

After leaving Benge City, the heavy rain outside seemed to be a bit heavier.

The rain completely flooded the small town, even blocking Zhuo Bufan's sight.

Zhuo Bufan followed the marks on the map and started moving to the south of Benge City.

As a God of Olympus, Zhuo Bufan still has the ability to shrink thousands of miles away.

There is a mysterious skill called earth teleportation. As long as he is on this piece of land, Zhuo Bufan can teleport dozens of miles away in an instant.

Therefore, with the wonderful ability of teleportation, Zhuo Bufan quickly began to shuttle on the ground.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan arrived at the first target location of his plan-Ero City! "

The city of Erault is different from the city of Benge.

Benge Castle hid the entire city underground, so Yukimura was able to come down during this heavy rain.

But Hérault City is different. This Hérault City is completely made of metal.

The lord of Erro City summoned thousands of gold arcane masters, and then gathered all the iron elements within a hundred miles to build such a steel city.

The entire steel city stood erect and terrifying in the heavy rain.

When Zhuo Bufan arrived outside the city of Erro, he saw a huge black thing on the ground in the distance.

Within that huge object, there was a lot of light.

From a distance, it looks like a giant mountain fortress.

"It's really amazing. He was able to use arcane magic to create a city of steel."

Even Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Arriving at the gate of Elo City, there is a steel sentry tower on top of the huge steel city gate.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan approached the city of Erlo, dozens of machine guns were pointed at Zhuo Bufan from the sentry tower.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan quickly paid a small tip to enter the city, and the gatekeeper opened the city gate for Zhuo Bufan.

When the city gate opened, Zhuo Bufan only saw that inside the city gate was a completely different world.

A prosperous world that is splendid and radiant.

When Zhuo Bufan walked in, he realized that there was really something special inside.

"It is indeed the most luxurious city."

"When I was in Benge City, I heard that the city of Elo was very wealthy and was called the paradise on earth."

"Before the heavy rain came, this city of Erault was a famous gambling city, controlling almost one-third of the wealth of this continent."

Zhuo Bufan came to Aero City this time, naturally not to gamble.

He came to Hérault to find someone like Federer.

Federer is a gambler and a guide.

Only Federer knows where Caesar is.

After all, Caesar the Island Turtle has been swimming in the East China Sea, and no one knows its exact location.

But this Federer is very clever. He seems to know where the island turtle will appear every time.

Many people who want to go to Island Turtle need Federer's guidance. Zhuo Bufan is no exception.

After entering the city of Hérault, Zhuo Bufan began to inquire about Federer's whereabouts.

Federer is really a celebrity in the casino. Zhuo Bufan randomly asked someone on the roadside to ask. Unexpectedly, the other person gave Zhuo Bufan directions.

"Oh? Are you looking for Mr. Federer?"

"I think Mr. Federer should be at the big casino now! After all, Mr. Federer made a lot of money yesterday, so he will definitely go there.

Have a good gamble at the big casino. "

After getting this information, Zhuo Bufan hurried to the casino.

The Grand Casino is located in the center of the city of Hérault and is a huge cylindrical building.

This large casino, also known as the Errot Tower, has six floors.

As soon as he arrived at the door of Erota, Zhuo Bufan was captured by two bunny girls.

The bunny girls were so enthusiastic, and Zhuo Bufan couldn't waste their emotions.

After following the bunny girl into Erota, a heroic casino appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

As far as the eye can see, there is gold powder everywhere. Glittering golden light balls hung on the dome like stars.

There are various types of gambling tables in the casino, and many gamblers are gambling on the gambling tables.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan thought of the Furong Pavilion in Benge City.

If the Hibiscus Pavilion in Benguet City is like smoke, then the Erota Tower in Erault City is like gambling.

Opium dens, casinos, chicken houses.

Three places where human nature falls.

When people are desperate, they often become more crazy and more depraved.

Faced with this irreversible heavy rain, human beings chose to face it with a negative attitude.

Zhuo Bufan sighed, not too disappointed.

In Zhuo Bufan's view, perhaps this is the real place for human beings.

People have seven emotions and six desires, and people have joys and sorrows.

After all, no one is a saint. It is precisely because of all kinds of people that this beautiful world is made up.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was filled with emotion, a waiter came over.

The waiter came to Zhuo Bufan and bowed respectfully.

"This guest, welcome to our Erota."

"Do you want to play blackjack? Or play Monopoly? We have seventy-two different ways to play here, so you will be satisfied."

However, after hearing this, Zhuo Bufan chuckled and said.

"I'm here to find someone. Is Mr. Federer at your casino?"

When the waiter heard that Zhuo Bufan was looking for Federer, he immediately frowned.

Then he ran away quickly, seemingly losing his message.

Zhuo Bufan knew that things had become troublesome again.

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